My Hero Academia: Rise of the...

By Gojirem16

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Set in the world of my hero academia, Izuku Midoriya and the rest of his class embark on a journey to discove... More

Episode 1: Big Trouble in Musutafu, Japan
Episode 2: Battle with Krystalak
Episode 3: Another Kaiju?
Episode 4: Aftermath
Episode 5: The King
Episode 7: Uraraka and the Beast
Episode 8: Earth Defenders
Episode 9: Kong, meet Class 1-A
Episode 10: Regroup
Episode 11: Kaiju Rumble
Episode 12: Team Up
Episode 13: New Allies

Episode 6: Kaiju Encounter

515 6 0
By Gojirem16

Dawn begins to rise as the Thunderbird continues to travel through the clouds. All those aboard are sound asleep including the captains as the autopilot is turned on. The entire class, All Might and Aizawa rest while Gran Torino is the only one to be awake. He watches outside as clouds pass by every second. Gran Torino soaks in the silence as this will probably be the only time it will be this quiet. He shuts his eyes only to quickly open them again as the sun begins to rise over the horizon. Gran Torino smiles at the beautiful sight. The sun's light covers the whole sky including Gran Torino's view. While most would shut their eyes from it being so bright, he keeps his wide open so as to not miss this extraordinary view.
Gran Torino: Absolutely beautiful.
He says while sitting back in his seat and placing his arms on the two armrests. He takes a deep breath and exhales as he finally falls asleep.

An hour passes by and the sun has fully risen. While the sky is extremely bright, the heroes continue to sleep. All Might finally opens his eyes and gets up from his seat. He stretches for a few short seconds and transforms into his empowered form. He then yawns as he prepares to wake up everyone else on the aircraft.
All Might: Good Morning!!!
The entire class jumps up from their seats. All of them are shocked by All Might's voice and are now wide awake.
All Might: Hmmm, that was easier than I thought it was going to be.
Izuku: Morning All MIght.
All Might: Good morning young Midoriya! I hope you rested well!
Izuku: Actually I did. Those seats are super comfortable.
All Might: Well of course they are. They're made out of the softest material we could find.
Izuku: Wow what kind of material?
All Might: I actually don't know. The people who built this just told me that the seats are extremely soft.
Izuku: Oh
Gran Torino walks up to them.
Izuku: Oh good morning Gran Torino.
Gran Torino: Morning kid. Toshinori, did you really have to yell that loud?
All Might: Well of course! It was the only way to wake up all the students!
Gran Torino: But you couldn't have just waited a little longer to wake us all up.
All Might: But why would anyone want to miss this gorgeous view! It's quite incredible isn't it?
Gran Torino: Sure. Just find some way to make breakfast or else you'll have to deal with me on an empty stomach.
All Might gulps: Yes sir!
Aizawa: All Might, I need to talk to you for a second.
All Might: Be right there!
Izuku walks back to the students while All Might goes over to Aizawa.
All Might: What is it Aizawa?
Aizawa: We're gonna have to land pretty soon. The Thunderbird's energy is starting to deplete.
All Might: I thought it was supposed to have a powerful engine.
Aizawa: It does but we've been using it for so long that it needs to charge back up.
All Might: I see. How long will that take?
Aizawa: Couple hours probably. Maybe more.
All Might: Alright, we better find somewhere to land. At least it will give the students the chance to move around and get some fresh air.
Mr. Aizawa: Yeah whatever.
All Might: Alright students! Take your seats and buckle up! We'll be landing pretty soon!
The students of Class 1-A take their seats and buckle up.
All Might: Alright! Let's go!
All Might pulls the throttle and the Thunderbird flies off into the distance.

An hour later and the crew manage to spot a small desolate island. With no other option, the Thunderbird lands on the island. The class and pro heroes both make their way out of the aircraft and step foot on the island's surface. Aizawa is the last one to step off the Thunderbird as he grabs a small device that can describe how much of the Thunderbird's battery has been charged. As he makes his way down the stairs, he sees the entire class running around the proximity of the Thunderbird. Laughing and enjoying the outside breeze. Aizawa just shakes his head at their tomfoolery.
Aizawa: Well, this could be the last time they actually have some fun on this trip.
Aizawa goes over to the shade and sits down.
Izuku finds Iida and the two talk to one another while walking across the grass.
Iida: I must say, it feels great to be outside and not cooped up in that plane.
Izuku: Yeah, I agree. I thought we were going to be inside that thing forever.
Iida: Oh please. I don't think Aizawa or All Might could've handled us for that long. They probably would've gone insane.
Izuku and Iida both share a laugh as All Might watches from a distance. Gran Torino makes his way towards his apprentice.
Gran Torino: You know I can tell when something's bothering you Toshinori. Your smile starts to fade away.
All Might: I'm just worried about them.
Gran Torino: Which ones?
All Might: All of them. None of these students have ever faced a situation on this scale. Of course they've faced villains before but nothing like these creatures. I fear for their safety and I know that I must be willing to give it my all if it comes down to that.
Gran Torino: Although you may be right, I feel that you don't have enough trust in them. If some of these students were able to take on that one creature that attacked Musutafu, I think they have a chance to defend themselves against the others.
All Might: You always had a way with speeches.
Gran Torino: I know I did because they always worked on you.
All Might chuckles and the two heroes watch as the students continue to enjoy their little rest stop. Gran Torino then notices something.
Gran Torino: Wait, why does it seem that there's less kids here than before.
All Might sits back up.
All Might: What do you mean?
Gran Torino begins to count the number of students present.
Gran Torino: I could be wrong but I think we're missing two students.
All Might: What? I thought everyone was present?
Gran Torino: Doesn't seem like it. You stay here and watch the other students. I'll go look around and see if I can find the other two. The island isn't very large so let's hope I find them soon.
Gran Torino jumps off as he searches for the two missing students.

Near the center of the island, Kaminari and Mineta explore as they wander off from the rest of the group.
Kaminari: Are you sure we should be out this far from the others?
Mineta: We'll be fine. As long as the teachers don't notice that we're gone and we go back before they realize it, we should be ok.
Kaminari: Yeah, I mean this island isn't that big anyways. Not even one of those monsters could fit in this place.
Mineta: Yeah! They're too big and fat to actually make it onto this island.
Kaminari laughs at Mineta's joke.
Kaminari: Besides if they did, they wouldn't stand a chance against all of us.
Mineta: Especially when we have All Might, the number one hero, by our side! Those dumb monsters wouldn't stand a chance!
Kaminari: Exactly! My bolts would fry those things easily.
Mineta: And my quirk would...
Kaminari: Do absolutely nothing. I'm sorry Mineta but how are you gonna stop one of these things by using Grape Rush? Sure they could stick those monsters to something but in order for that to work, you'd have to like to use a million of those things.
Mineta: Well I could do it! It's just that my head would start to bleed if I used too much of the balls on my head.
Kaminari: Well one of these days you're gonna have to do that.
Mineta: Oh sure.
The two students then feel a large gust of wind hit them from behind. The hair on their necks stands on end as they both freeze with fear.
Kaminari: Mineta...what was that?
Mineta: I don't know but I'm not willing to look behind us.
Suddenly, two large orange eyes appear from behind them. Another gust of wind hits their backs as it's then followed by a deep growl. Kaminari and Mineta turn around. They both shiver and become frightened as they see two large eyes staring right at them. They slowly back away as the eyes are located inside a massive cave. As the two young heroes slowly back away, the eyes start to become even larger as the creature makes it way out of the cave. The kaiju comes out of its hiding place and the students get a good look at the beast. It's skin is the color of red, it has four legs with long-yellow claws on each appendage. It's head possesses two large ears that keep folding back onto its head. It's mouth is equipped with razor sharp teeth and at the front of its face, a yellow horn protrudes just in front of its eyes. Kaminari and Mineta both stand still as the creature stairs down at them. While not as massive as the other creatures they saw, it's size is still much larger than that of a human's. The kaiju lets out a low bellow and the two students then run out of there. Both of them scream as they leave the kaiju behind. Mineta begins to cry as he's frightened and startled by this encounter.
Kaminari: Mineta stop crying and just run!
Mineta: What do you think I'm doing!
Mineta starts to pass Kaminari as they both run as far as their feet can carry them. They then run behind a fall hill and crouch down, trying to hide themselves from the kaiju. Both are out of the breath and are covered in sweat.
Mineta: Is it following us?
Kaminari peeks his head from around the corner and does see the creature.
Kaminari: I don't think so. I think it's still back there.
Mineta: Good! Maybe it's not hungry.
The two then see a figure appear in front of them.
They both scream but stop when they see that it's just Gran Torino.
Gran Torino: What are you two doing out this far?!
Mineta and Kaminari both try to explain to Gran Torino what they just saw but their voices are in unison which makes it difficult for Gran Torino to understand them.
Gran Torino: One at a time!
Mineta: We saw one of the monsters. It was in a cave and it...
Kaminari: It saw us and ran as fast as we could away from it!
Gran Torino: Did it follow you two at all?
Mineta and Kaminari: No
Gran Torino: Good. Now come on, we gotta go warn the others.
Gran Torino leads the two students back to the others as the kaiju watches them from a distance. As they try to find their way back, Baragon follows closely behind them while still keeping his distance. For some reason, Baragon is intrigued by these humans as he's never seen ones like those before. The hair on the two children fascinated him as they just seemed so odd.

All Might walks back and forth, questioning if Gran Torino and the other students are safe.
All Might: Where are they? Should I have gone with Gran Torino and asked Aizawa to watch the students?
Izuku notices All Might's frustration from afar and goes to check on him.
Izuku: All Might, are you alright? You seem scared.
All Might: Young Midoriya, I fear two of the students are missing.
Izuku: What?
All Might: Gran Torino noticed this and went to go find them but he has returned yet.
Izuku: Well which students are missing?
All Might: I counted off everyone here and it seems Kaminari and Mineta are the ones missing.
Just then Gran Torino and the students come running back. Kaminari and Mineta are still in shock.
Izuku: They're back!
Both All Might and Izuku run up to them.
Izuku: What happened?!
Mineta: We saw...we saw...
Before Mineta finishes his sentence, a roar is then heard. All the students stop their conversations and look around.
Kirishima: Don't tell me that's what I think is!
Iida: Another monster.
Asui: Ribbit...
Footsteps get closer and closer as Baragon reveals him from walking behind a mountain. He stares at the heroes and continues to walk closer to them. The students begin to grow frightened as the kaiju makes it way towards them. Aizawa joins the group as he and the other pro heroes put themselves between the students and the kaiju. While some students grow frightened, others such as Izuku, Iida, Kirishima, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Tokoyami begin to charge up their quirks. Baragon gets closer and closer with each step he takes. Just as it seems he's close enough to the heroes, he suddenly stops where he is and just stares at them. The heroes still stand their guard but begin to grow less aggressive. Baragon folds his ears up and back as he tilts his head like that of a curious animal. He takes another step and a few seconds later, another step. Baragon sniffs and snorts at the heroes. Never has he seen such an odd group of humans before. These humans all are wearing odd clothing and don't resemble the type of people he's used to seeing. Baragon takes another step and starts to turn around. He then walks away from the heroes and returns to the cave that he was hiding in the first place. The heroes become confused by this action.
Iida: Strange, I thought it would've attacked us.
Kirishima: So did I. It looked more curious than aggressive.
Uraraka: Maybe it just wanted to see what we were. I mean I'm sure we look odd to these things like they do to us.
Izuku: You could be right.
Todoroki: Maybe as long as we don't attack, it won't bother us.
Tokoyami: Very wise observation.
The pro heroes look at one another.
Gran Torino: How long until that rust bucket is fully charged up?
Aizawa grabs the small device in his pocket and checks to see how much the Thunderbird has recharged.
Aizawa: It won't be ready until tomorrow morning.
All Might: We'll just have to keep a close eye out for that creature if it shows up again.
Aizawa: Right.
The sun begins to set as the students grab some wood to build a few camp fires.
Kirishima: Bakugo, you think that you can light this fire for us?
Bakugo: Ugh, whatever.
He fires off a small burst and lights the wood pile on fire.
Kaminari: Anybody got any marshmallows?
Momo: I might.
She reaches into her bag and grabs a huge bag filled with marshmallows.
Everyone: You're the best Momo!
Momo: You ask and you shall receive.
Another fireplace is nearby as the pro heroes sit there and discuss the options for the night.
Aizawa: So who wants to take their first watch tonight?
Gran Torino: I'll do it. I barely sleep well at all.
Aizawa: I'll take second and All Might you'll take third.
All Might: Understood.
Back at the student's fireplace, they discuss Kaminari's and Mineta's encounter.
Asui: So you guys were the first ones to see that thing?
Mineta: We did! It was huge! You should have seen how big it was when we first saw it! It practically blocked out the sun!
Hagakure: Wow that must have been terrifying!
Mineta: It was but I practically saved us.
Kaminari: No you didn't! You just ran away and started crying!
Mineta: Kaminari shut up!
Iida: I'm surprised you two haven't gotten in trouble with Mr. Aizawa.
Kaminari: Well he'll probably talk to us tomorrow.
Mineta: Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that.
All of a sudden, another roar is heard from Baragon.
Tokoyami: That's the fifth time that creature has roared tonight.
Izuku: I wonder what's it doing?
Bakugo: Probably getting ready to come finish us off. We should have attacked it when it showed up earlier.
Uraraka: But why? It didn't seem like it wanted to hurt us.
Bakugo: You say that now, but just wait. While we're all sleeping, it'll come back and kill us while we're asleep.
Kirishima: Are you trying to give us nightmares?
Bakugo: I'm just stating facts.
Aizawa: Alright students, put out the fire. Time to get some rest. As soon as the Thunderbird finishes charging, we're leaving.
Ashido: Wait, you don't expect us to sleep while that thing's out there do you?
Aizawa: Don't worry, me and the other teachers are taking watch tonight. If anything happens, we'll be ready. Now put out that fire and head off to bed.
Todoroki then puts out the fire with his ice power and the rest of the students grab their items, such as their sleeping bags.
Ashido: I don't feel comfortable sleeping while there's a giant monster not too far away.
Hagakure: Neither do I. What if Bakugo's right? What if that thing does come out and try to eat us while we're sleeping.
Ashido: Stop saying that or you'll jinx it.
Izuku grabs his sleeping bag as he spreads it out on the green grass. Uraraka places hers not too far away from his sleeping bag.
Izuku: Do you have enough room? I could move mine a bit farther away.
Uraraka: No it's fine. I think I have plenty of space.
Izuku smiles and sits down on his sleeping bag.
Uraraka: Deku? Do you really think that monster was dangerous?
Izuku: I don't think so. I'd say that you're right about it being curious. In fact the way it stared us reminded of the night that giant, grey dinosaur arrived to save us. Both of them gave off this sense that maybe they're not evil. Maybe they're on our side and just we don't know it yet.
Uraraka: That could be true. Plus that monster did look kind of cute.
Izuku: Really? You thought it looked cute?
Iida: Midoriya! Uraraka! Go to sleep already!
Izuku and Uraraka both chuckle as they lay down on their sleeping bags. Izuku immediately falls asleep while Uraraka starts thinking about Izuku's words. She looks down at a pile of grass as she starts to think up an insane idea.

...To Be Continued

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