All In (GirlxGirl)

By novelistic_mind

63.5K 3.4K 543

This is part 2 to my story (Temporary love) please read Temporary love first in order to understand the whole... More

Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 34

1.6K 100 19
By novelistic_mind


I woke up confused. I knew that i was in a different room but when was i moved? I suddenly thought about Nancy and looked to my side. I seen an extra bed but couldn't see who was in it. I tried to sit up.

"Take an easy." It was Allison on the other side of me. I let out a little groan as i touch my wound. Man did this bitch hurt. I didn't remember feeling it last time I was woke. "I'll get the nurse to get you some pain meds." She said as she stands. I grab her hand and when she looks at me i point to the bed beside me. "Yes thats Nancy." I nod as I lay back. Once she leaves I force myself up and swing my legs over the bed. I knew that they were weak but I needed to see her. See for myself that it was really her.

"Here you go. Already trying to get up." I smile as Recheal enters the room. She comes over kissing me on the cheek. "Your ass is out." She said laughing. I didn't care. I motioned fornher to come near me and help me up. "Brandy you know you shouldn't be moving. Your body is too weak. I wasnt hearing that. She wrapped and arm around me and i force myself to stand. I gave myself a second to cope then took one then two steps. I thanked God that the other bed was close. I grab the rail and look down at Nancy. She looked as if she was sleep. "Shes okay Brandy. The doctor is going to wake her tomorrow." I nod my head then go back to the bed.

"Now you know you're not supposed to be up." Allison said as she came back with the nurse. I winced as they helped me lay in bed.

"Why can't she talk?" Recheal asked.

"The damage to her lungs cause temporary mute. As they heel her voice will come back. But with all the moving you're doing already they will take longer to heel. Give yourself time." She said to me. She gave me some pain meds and I sighed. I wanted to know where was Bear and why wasnt he head yet. I think it qas time to face my fear of him. He did help save nlmy life this time instead of trying to take it. There was a picture of a bear on the wal and i pointed to it. They looked but sidnt know what i was pointing to. Going in that direction Recheal pointed to it.

"Bear?" She asked confused and I nodded. "You mean Eddy?" I nodded again.

"He came yesterday but you were sleep once he got here. He should be here some time today. Seconds later in walked Yolanda.

"Guess what i got you." She said beeming. She had a dallor store bag and i smiled. Girl was learning. You didnt have to spend mad money to get what you wanted. She passed me a pad and pen. Yes now I can communicate better. "Thank you girl." Was the first thing i wrote.

"You're welcome."

"Dollar store ain't so bad right?"

"No its not." She said as they laughed.

"I wanna thank you both for getting me and Nancy a room together."

"No problem."

"Is he in jail?" I asked referring to Russell. They nodded there heads.

"That man is going to be in there for the rest of his life. Not one of us will allow him to get free." I nodded.

"I don't understand why im not dead." I wrote then hung my head.

"God was with you girl. Sometimes things aren't ment to be understood. Just accept it."

"He said that it was my fault. That he tried to kill us because of me."

"Why when you two didnt even know each other?" Recheal asked.

"The papers I told Nancy not to sigh that day. If it wasn't for me everything would have been fine. He said. I've been nothing but bad luck for everyone."

"You have not." Recheal said as i cried.  If it wasnt for you I would have been losing customers for my business. You came and worked for me with no experience and you are the best secretary I've ever had. Because of you i found the love of my life" Yolanda beemed from that. "My sister is the happiest shes ever been since meeting you. Shes told me more than once. You've started your own buisness for christ sake while still working for me. None of that is bad luck. You just have people that have hate in there heart and they take it out on others instead of dealing with it. Its not your fault for what he did. Its not Nancys fault. Its his own fault. You came into our lives and you've changed it for the better. All of us. You've changed all of our lives for the better. Even my mothers." I looked at her suprised.

"How?" I wrote.

"You baught that lot. Because of that buisness is blooming for her and my father. Way faster then anyone intensapated. You're a miracle. Don't ever think different." More tears slid down my face.

"Damn girl you've been busy." Allison said making us laugh. "Started your own business and you're buying lots and shit. Can I be your friend?" Eveyone was laughing as Bear came in along with Allic. I frown when I seen a slight bruse on his cheek.

"What happened to you?" I wrote.

"I caught you." He said with a slight chuckle. "When Russell threw you over the banister.

"Thank you. Good catch." Everyone laughed. I then looked at Bear who was doing a good job at being invisible on the count that he was a huge guy.

"Thank you also for doing the blood transfusion." I wrote and he nodded he's head. "You can talk Bear. Your voice no longer scare me." He chuckled.

"I'm just glad you're okay." He said and I smile.

"We're connected you and I. Because now your blood is running threw my vains." And the room erupts in laughter.

"Such the comedian." Allison said.

"You are beautiful..." Allic said.

"She is taken Allic. Don't even start." I wrote and he sighed.

"I wasn't going to hit on her."

"Yeah okay." Recheal said and we all laughed again. The room grew quiet when moaning from the other bed began. Everyone rushed to Nancys bedside but it looked as if she was having a bad dream instead. The doctor came in to check her.

"Its best to see if she'll wake up today instead of waiting until tomorrow." We waites for the doctor to do his thing and it become a waiting game to see if she'll wake today but as the hours went on no such luck. The meds the doctor gave me put me straight to sleep. He was afraid I would just stay up with Nancy and he was right. Although he said she was fine i still worried. I wanted her to wake up to put me at easy. I woke from moaning coming from the other bed. My body felt so weak. I could barely sit up. Damn drugs. I forced myself up.

"Nancy." I slurred. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and took a deep breath before standing. I could walk but they felt numbed and weak. I took it slow thanking God that it was only two steps away. "Nancy." Damn my lungs. I could barely say her name out. I grab her arm and she looks me. Tears slid down my face. She was finally awake. I climb into the bed with her. No words were spoken. I dont think they could be. I just held her hand as we both fall back to sleep.

"Damn you sprung girl." I open my eyes to see Allison standing there. I give a faint smile.

"She woke..." I tried.

"She woke up?" I nod my head. "So you climb in bed with her?" She chuckled.

"I love her." I said as I take her hand.

"You are so mushy now." She sighed. "I thought you were dead when I got here girl. Scared the living hell out of me. Don't do that shit again."

"I'll try not to." I said smiling.

"I see you're talking now?"

"Not great but I don't have to write anymore." I sit up but feel as Nancy grabs my hand. Looking down at her i smile. She was woke. "Babe." I lean over kissing her forehead. Tears slid down her cheek.

"Don't cry. If you cry then i cry and i make ugly faces when I cry." She chuckles. "Your family will be here soon. They come everyday."

"How long..." she tried to speak.

"We've been here for three days." She nods. "Im going to use the bathroom. Ill be back." I say using that as an excuse. I didnt want to be in the way once her family came. Especially her mother. Allison helps me to the bathroom. Before i was finished I hear the room filling. Taking a deep calming breath i open the door and make my way to the bed. No one hardly noticed me. For the best I guess.

"How you feeling girl?" I look to see Yolanda watching me. She stayed over here while everyone else was surrounding Nancy.

"Im good Cancer." She chuckles. "This stab wound is such a killer though."

"You don't know how to relax thats why."

"I wanna go home."

"I doubt the doctor will allow that just yet."

"I have some of Bears magical blood. Of course i can go home." Everyone looked over here when I mentioned Bear. I smiled at everyone even there mother. "Hi you guys." I said as i gave a small wave. Everyone smiled at me.

"How are you feeling?" Recheal asked.

"I would be imaculant if Evelyn came over here and gave me a kiss." I said twinkling my eyebrows at her. Eveyone laugh.

"You ain't got no chance."

"Just my luck."

"Nancy said don't be flirting with her sister." Everyone erupts in laughter.

"She know she the only one I truly love."

"She said then why aren't you over here with her then." I grew quite then and laid back in the bed.

"Is the doctor around? The stab wound is really hurting." I said. It wasnt a lie but i wanted to change the subject also. Everyone was forced to leave while the nurse changed my pads. Maybe asking to have Nancy put into the same room as me was a bad idea.

"You're quiet but you're thinking so damn loud." Nancy said and I smile.

"Just tired."

"And sad."

"How you figure that?"

"I just know. Come over here."

"I'm in really bad pain."

"So you flirt with my sister to piss me off?"

"It was a joke."

"A bad one." I sigh.

"I'm sorry." The nurse leaves and everyone returns in the room.

"Whats wrong?" Allison asked me once she takes the seat beside me.


"Talk to me girl."

"I just want to get out of here. Its making me depressed."

"I think you have a few more days in here sweetie."

"Where will I stay once I get out of here?" I whisper to her. "I think now that I know Nancy is fine. Maybe I should come back with you."

"I thought you loved her."

"I do. I don't know whats going on with my brain. I think that fall done shook it a bit." Allison smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"You should do counseling when you get out of here."

"Everyone thinks I should do counseling." Stubborn tears slid down my face. "I just feel like giving up sometimes."

"Where is this talk coming from? Just minutes ago you were joking with everyone."

"That was joking threw my pain. Maybe I wasn't really meant to be here."

"Stop talking like that. You see what you survived? You got lives like a cat."

"Eventually cat lives run out and I think im at that point."

"So you're just going to leave Nancy."

"Not forever."

"But for how long?"

"I don't know. Im feeling..." I paused trying to find the right word. "Smothered. That's crazy right? On the count of I have no one to smother me."

"Maybe we should take a trip back to Canada and go see your mother grave site." More tears came.

"My mother was allergic to flowers. She use to say don't you bring no flowers to my grave when I die. Gone have me sneezing in heaven. I can't be annoying the lord with my sniffles and runny eyes. I gotta look good for the lord girl. That was her way of telling me not to spend my life crying over no grave. Her body is there but her soul is gone and thats the real life. If i go there id just be wasting my time talking to dirt." I look when i hear laughter.

"Sounds as if you have your mothers since of humor." Evelyn said and I smile.

"I have her gorgeous looks to. She use to say we're twins all the time. And I  ate it up."

"You two where close huh?"

"Very. Especially when my dad died. We acted more as sisters then mother and daughter but I always had that respect for her. Her favorite song was Just the two of us by Grover Washington jr."

"Thats a good song." There mother said.

"We use to argue witch virgin was better. His or Will Smiths. We ended up playing both on repeat at the end. God I miss that woman." I bite my bottom lip to keep from crying in front of everyone. "She was my world and I just want her back. And she left me here to suffer like this. What kind of mother does that." Allison pulled me onto her arms careful not to hurt me as I cried. "She left me. Its not fair. She promised she would never leave me. And now shes not here. She broke that promise."

"She's with you in spirit sweetie."

"I don't want no damn spirit. I want her here physically. I want to see her. I want to touch her. I wantta hug her."

"Shh its okay sweetie."

"It's not okay. You have your mom. Everyone has there mom. Why did God take mine away? What did I do to deserve this? Maybe Russell should have killed me."

"Don't you say that. You hear me. No one deserves what you and Nancy been threw. And don't you be getting depressed on me."

"I tried to be of God you know. I tried to be what everyone wanted me to be. And then i stop fighting to be this good person and i come out as gay and i start dating a woman then all this shit happenes. Maybe Louise was right. I'm an abomination and God is punishing me because I'm gay. What if all the things thats happened to me in the past year is because im sinning and not being who everyone saids i need to be. Maybe me and Nancy doesn't belong together after all. What if her mother was right and all of this is my punishment."

"And you believe that?" Nancy asked. I refused to look at her.

"When we first begin dating that man begin stalking you in the mall he would have raped you. Then Sean tried to rape me and beat me until I was unrecognizable. We move here and you feared you're mother so much because of how she saw gay people that we hid it from her for six months. Not to mention before we moved here you guys trucking business was doing great then we start talking and it's suddenly falls apart in just four months?  We're in the hospital because that man tried to kill us. This is no coincidence for me."

"Well they all were coincidences Brandy. Nothing would make me stop loving you."

"Your mother disowned you because of me. She was right what we're doing isn't of God and we are being punished because of it. I refuse to believe all of this was a coincidence. Its impossible."


"Watch. When i leave it will all be better."

"For who? You? Not for me. Brandy you're going to be my wife..."

"That's a sin..."

"Wow you really did hit your head." Recheal said. You know how ridiculous you sound right now? You were the main one out of us pushing us to be who we truly are. To stop hiding from anyone. Waving the LGBTQ flag in the air. Thats you. Now you're here talking about being gay is a sin. You're stupid thats what you are. You can't turn who you are on and off like that."

"Watch me."

"Nancy you don't need anyone like that in your life."


"She's right... im nothing but a toxic person. Bad luck. Can you all please just leave?" I asked and everyone left.
"You need to stop worrying about everyone else and work on you." Recheal said.

"Im doing that."

"What you are doing is running like the coward you are."

"Call it what you what." I said with a sigh.

"Im changing my sister's room."

"Good." She left as she shook her head.

"You're really going to leave me?" Nancy asked. I pushed the botton to call in a nurse and thank God when one came immediately.

"I'm having pain. Is it possible to get painkillers and something to help me sleep?" The nurse nodded then walked off.

"I love you Brandy."

"I don't deserve you Nancy."

"Isn't that my decision to make?"

"No." When i heard movements i look over my shoulder i see her trying to get off the bed. "Don't get off that bed."

"We go threw this all the time Brandy and im tired of it. I need you with me."

"Having your mother in your life is more important than being with me."

"So this it what is really wrong with you. You're afraid of my mother now?"

"No. But us being together isnt working out."

"What happened to fighting for us?"

"I'm tired of fighting."

"I need you Brandy."

"Not me or no one should come before your family. Especially your mother and there would be times that I would be upset that i felt you put your family before me and now i know i had no right to be upset because family comes first. Don't let your mother disown you because of me."

"She didnt say those things because of you. She said them because im gay. Thats not going to change if we were together or not." I dont respond. "Don't leave me Brandy please. I can't live without you."

"Its better this way."

"I know you're scared but please we can get threw this together."

"You're right im terrified."

"We can get threw this together. Dont let my mother scare you away from me. Dont let anything scare you away baby. Please." The doctor came back with my meds and i took them. "Brandy." She begin sliding off rhe bed when i didn't respond.

"Stay on the bed Nancy."

"Then come over here."

"No." She begin sliding off again. "Fine im coming." She smiles as i sit up. She  slides back making room for me. I slid under the blanket and she turns on her side facing me.

"Will you marry me?"


"You said that you would marry me. And you also said that you would take my last name."

"That was before all this happened."

"Babe you are my other half. I can't survive without you." A tear slid down her cheek. "Why is it so easy for you to say that you will leave me."

"I just don't want you to get hurt anymore. Its because of me that all of this happened."

"Its not your fault baby. Non of this is. You didnt cause any of these people to do what they did. It was all them."

"I thought he killed you when he threw you against thats dresser." I cried. "I rather be away and you be safe then to be together risking your life all the time. I wouldn't be able to live if something happened to you."

"And i can't live without you at all. I rather risk it with you then be unhappy and safe without you. You're my Bonnie to my Clyde." I chuckle. "Ill die without you Brandy." She leand in kissing me on the forehead. "Please baby don't leave me. Whatever obstacles we have we'll get through them together. Like now." She kissed my forehead again. "Stay. Please." I begin growing tired.

"I did promise to take your last name huh?"

"Yes you did." She say with a chuckle.


"Yes what?"

"Yes ill marry you."

"Good." We hugged each other as best we could.


"Yes babe?" I yarn. Those pills work fast. 

"You're sister is mean." She laughed.

"She can be when she wants to be."

"Shes not allowed to be my sister when we get married." She laughes again.

"Thats something you two will have to talk about then." I nod unble to speak.

"I love you Nancy."

"I love you to my future wife."

Might do a little editing to this chapter. Not sure. Let me know what you guys think. Please vote comment share if you like. Much love.

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