Levi x Reader One-Shots [DISC...

Von kuroyukihimee

347K 8K 4.1K

Important Mehr

Levi x Pregnant!Reader
Levi x Avain!Reader
OverProtective!Levi x Reckless!Reader
Vampire!Levi x Reader
Author's Note
Levi x Possesed!Reader
Levi x Dying!Reader
Author's Note
Author's Note
Dead!Levi x Reader
I'm needing Ideas!
Levi x Equal!Reader
Levi x Pregnant!Reader
Yandere!Levi x Reader
Author's Note
Christmas Special
Christmas Special #2
Merry Christmas!!!
New Year Update
New Year Special
10 facts about me
Comedy One-shot!
Author's Note: I'm sorry
Levi x Singer!Reader
Gamer!Levi x Gamer!Reader
Teacher!Levi x Student!Reader
Sick!Levi x Reader
Levi x Popular!Reader (AU)
Valentine's Special
Levi x ShySinger!Reader
Author's Note: WAIT!
Author's Note: Let's take a break
Author's Note: This will end here
Father!Levi x Mother!Reader
Author's Note: Yes or No? Also, HELP!!!
Author's Note: I'm Inlove... Ohgosh..
Author's Note: Surprise!
Author's Note: Forgive Me
Author's Note: It's My birthday
An Alarming Event
OlderBrother!Levi x LittleSister!Reader: Lemon
Author's Note: Thank you ♥
Author's Note: Read this
It's Over isn't it?
Yo! It's My Birthday!

Levi x Possesed!Reader Pt.2

7.5K 235 92
Von kuroyukihimee

(Yeah, this is the Sequel of the Levi x Possesed!Reader and as i've said, this is gonna be a short one)

It has been 3 days since Levi's death, You had left him there, lying on the root of the tree, Everyone was also sad... You were now sitting at a meadow under the shade of the tree not that far from the HQ. You regretted every single thing you did to Levi

"Why am i not the one who died?"

You muttered as you hugged your knees and cried...

"Damn it... Heichou... I'm sorry..."

You continued to cry harder as the scene where you attacked Levi played through your mind. Suddenly from not that far away, you suddenly heard a ruckus coming from the HQ and you bitterly smiled

"Levi just died and they're making a fucking scene already?"

You didn't bother to look at what it was as you continued to stay quiet and cry...

~Time Skip~

It's been 30 minutes now and you had fallen asleep under the cool shade of the tree... You suddenly woke up when you heard light footsteps coming towards you. You, panickly began to wipe your dried tears and fixed you slightly disheveled state. You stood up and turn around, only to found yourself staring at the one and only...

Levi Ackerman

Looking perfectly fine except for some bandages here and there

"Hei...chou..?" Your voice cracked as tears welled up again in your eyes

"Your alive... thank goodness..."

Your knees grew weak as you trembled and you sat on the flowery ground and cried. Your hands covered your face as you cried.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry"


Oh how you missed that signature 'tch' of his... You missed his everything!

"Sorry is all you ever say Cadet"

You felt Levi kneel down to your level

"Now C'mere as i give you your punishment"

You removed your hands as yoaAu closed your eyes shut, waiting for something painful. But instead, you felt 2 warm palms cupping your cheeks and pulling you into a sweet passionate kiss, your eyes widened but soon returned it... You 2 broke apart, in need of oxygen. Levi rested his forehead against yours

"I love you..." He whispered

"I love you too"

There was many encouraging wolf whitles being made from behind you, you both looked back and you blushed while Levi 'tch'ed

"You go shorty!!! I knew you weren't dead!!" Hanji yelled

Mikasa smirked and looked at you and you immidietly knew what she was gonna do

"Ohhh no..."

"The Heichou has got a girlfriend!!!" Mikasa yelled and they all shouted.

"A sweet ass girlfriend!!!" Jean added but a rock was suddenly sent flying to him, knocking him out cold.

Both you and Levi stood up and walked towards them. Holding hands and close to each other

~Extended Ending~

"Why did you leave me?"

"Cause... I thought you were dead"

"Idiot, I only lost consciousness"

You suddenly looked at him

"But the bullet... I shot you..."

"You sliced me right? And you hit me in the stomach the same freakin spot so as gross as it sounds, it went through me and hit the tree..."

"Oh... Sorry.."

"It's ok... I still love you anyways"

I said it was gonna be short but... I made it... this... I don't know... Hope you enjoyed! I'm always open up for request my bestie babes! Ja~ne!


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