Abhigya Reincarnated Love (C...

By magthaline

19.7K 2.2K 624

Abhi & Pragya was not able to be together for the past 6 births... How they gonna unite in their last birth... More

My Soul Got Peace
Flashes of Previous Birth 1(a)
Flashes of previous birth 1(b)
Meeting with you Again...
Flashes of previous birth -2
What's happening?
Flashes of previous birth -3(a)
Flashes of previous birth -3(b)
Proposal to My Love
Flashes of Previous Birth - 4
Got Married....
With My In laws
Being With Her..
Flashes of previous birth-5
Arriving Troubles
Oh My Gosh..
Adding to the trouble
Unexpected Happenings..
A New Beginning
For My Love..
Sixth Birth Secret Revealed..
The Reunion
Finally together

Our Minds are poles apart..

1.2K 101 25
By magthaline

Hi friends!! Thank you so much friends for your valuable votes & comments. Please do vote if you like this part.

After reaching 60 votes, I'll update the next part friends.


Here the story starts from

A beautiful girl is shown sleeping cutely, its none but ... Pragya...

Her mom comes there shouting for Pragya...

Mom: hey Pragya.. Get up.. Don't act like you're in sleep.. You're going to US that's final... Get up.... (Shakes her)

Get up... Pragya... You have completed your UG, still you're behaving like a small kid...

Pragya: mom.. I don't want to go.. How could I leave you, mom.... How many times would i tell you...

Please cancel this flight mom..

Mom: I'm telling for your betterment.. You know right... (Sits beside her, patting her head)

Mom always gives you what's the best.. You trust your mom.. Right...

Pragya: yes.. But...

Mom: look.. You have to take over our business after me.. If you study there, you'll get better knowledge in this field.. And mom will come there to meet you at least once a month.. I promise...

Pragya: mom.. I don't wanna go.. Please.. My sweet mom.. Right.. I'll do PG here itself... (Holding her hands & smiles cutely)

Mom: its enough.. Pragya (roars) get up,.. Get up I said... (Shouts)

I think I pampered you a lot... & made you worse... Get ready, I'll come back in 10 minutes.. You should be ready at that time... Could you got that...

Pragya: ok mom.. I will be.. (Got tears)

After sometime,..
Maid comes there to Pragya's room..

Raji: Pragya madam.. Have you got ready? Have this coffee...

Pragya: Raji ma.. I don't want to go..
(With tears)

Raji: Mam.. Don't cry.. Please.. Everything will get fine soon..

Pragya: Take care of mom.. Raji ma.. She may be rough and tough.. But she's not like that in real...

I will get new friends there ,..
But here, who will be here for mom after I went.. (Cries)

Dadi ma: did you forget about me.. Pragya...

Pragya saw her dadi coming in wheel chair, she runs to her, cries and hugs her..

Pragya: Dadi ma.. I'm gonna miss you..

Dadi ma: me too.. But don't worry.. Ok.. Meri beti..

I cried like you when I'm going for town to study... But what happened there is... The best thing happened in my life... (Smiles)

Pragya: I know you met dadu there and loved him & got beatings from your parents...

Dadima: (twisted Pragya's ears) Pragya... Your mom had made you so worse....

Pragya: sorry dadi.. Leave me... Naa...

Dadima: see.. you are going abroad.. You can eat what and all you want to.. You can wear whatever you want to.. Then.. You can go out with your friends and can cut classes..

There will be none to control you. Think positive ..

Who knows.. You may meet your love there... (Smiles shyly)

Pragya: that won't happen... I won't trust in love & all.. I will marry the person whom mom chooses for me...

Ragini: that's like my daughter... (Suddenly she entered in like a wind) Ma.. Do you want my Pragya to do the same mistake what I did...(dadi kept silent)

Pragya.. (Touching her cheeks) look here.. Idiots will be there too.. They will come around you, will try to impress you, will create sympathy...

Just 2 more years.. I will give you in safe hands.. You trust me.. Right... i will give the best for you...

Pragya: of course mom.. I know.. My mom is the best.. (Hugs & kisses her cheek)

Dadi looks at them & smiles.. Ragini looked at dadi with anger..

Dadima:😅 ok.. Come down.. I feel hungry.. I'll go down now...

There in US,

A handsome man is shown flirting with one house surgeon... That's none but our Abhi..

Abhi: Are you free tonight.. Why can't we go for dinner... And then disco..

Ishani : shall i come,.. Abhi..

Abhi: Ishani bhabhi...

Abhi shocked to see Ishani....

Abhi: (smiles) I just tried to make her cheer.. She may feel tired right... And..

Ishani: let me tell the same to your dad..

Abhi: bhabhi.. Please bhabhi..

Ishani: mom, dad, your bhai.. Everyone is searching for you a bride.. And we asked you, whether are you in love with someone.. You told no..

But you're flirting with every girls.. What are you thinking in your mind..

Come home, I'll talk with mom today..

Abhi: bhabhi.. Please...

Abhi in mind: Oh no.. I'm dead...

There in India,
Ragini comes down & saw dadi watching serial and eating.. She switched off the TV.. And looked at dadi in anger..

Dadi in mind: I don't know what fault i did.. She's just in 80's.. She won't change...

Pragya comes down and starts eating. Guruji came at that time..

Dadi: Guruji came.. Namaste guruji... Ragini, Pragya come there..

Ragini: Sit down Pragya.. We will come after we have finished..

You only called him, right.. You go...

Guruji smiles.. Dadi goes from there angrily & welcomes Guruji...

Guruji: Bless you... You told me that Pragya is leaving India.. So i came to bless her...

After sometime,

Ragini: Pragya.. I don't believe in God. He didn't save my dad.. He didn't gave me a good husband.. I won't tell you not to believe in God but don't trust in these things so much.. Your life is in your hands... Don't believe in fate.. Ok..

you alone have the power to change your life.. Not even God..

Pragya comes to Guruji & gets blessings from him.. Ragini welcomes him and

Ragini: Pragya.. Your bags are in the car.. I'll meet you at the airport.. I have to go to office now.. Don't make late... Could you got that?

Pragya: yes mom.. I will be...

Guruji: Pragya.. You are going to abroad.. Right.. Your dadi told....

Pragya: yes.. Guruji.. I tried to convince mom but she's stubborn..

Guruji: she has taken a right decision. You gonna meet the person soon for whom you're born..

Pragya just smiled at him.

Guruji: your soul is craving to meet him... To live with him for the past 6 births..

People who made you two to separate for the past 6 births, will help you to unite with him in this birth.. But still you'll face trouble but your love will succeed at last... Beti...

Have this scared thread (gives it to her) Tie this.. It will protect you and will make you unite with your love....

Pragya: Thanks Guruji... Sorry to say this.. I won't love anyone.. My mom won't like such things..

Dadi: Pragya...

Guruji: (smiles) Wait ...You're over confident Pragya.. Its your destiny.... You'll surely fall in love, your mind may control you for sometime...

But your soul, you can't control that which is crying to unite with its mate for the past 6 births... You'll.. Even it may lead you to stand against this whole world for him, even your mom...

Pragya: it won't happen even in my dreams.. I won't fall in love...

If such a thing is there in the World, why did dad left my mom just for another woman... Tell me.. (with tears)

Guruji: Listen beti.. Marriage is decided in heaven.. None can tie knot to a girl except the person whom she has born for...

God gives us the relations.. It's in our hands, whether we protect it or throwing away...

Pragya: whatever happened.. You'll tell it as a fate... Sorry Guruji..

I won't fall in love.. I can even challenge you and your God.. My mom is the God to me... Her words are the words of my holy book ,according to which I'll live... I won't listen others, even God..

Pragya left from there in anger.. Dadi apologises to Guruji..

Dadi: Sorry Guruji... She is...

Guruji: I can understand.. She's not rage at me... but at God.. (Smiles)

Time changes everything...

In US,

Abhi comes down to hall, after getting freshen up. He saw his whole family discussing something important.. He stepped back.. That time..

Ranveer: come down.. Abhi...

Abhi in mind: I'm dead today.

Abhi: yeah.. I'm coming..

Angel: chaachu... They're not showing me chaachi's photo.. Ask them to give..

Priya: we didn't even decided your chaachi & you're asking for her photo... What should i give you...

Angel: then give me the photos.. I'll choose chaachi...

Ram: (laughs) Angel.. Come here.. (Making her sit on the lap)

Let your chaachu chooses your chaachi.. Deal?

Angel: haan.. Chaachu will choose..

Ishani: your chaachu will choose every photo.. What will you do then? (Glaring at Abhi)

Angel: wow...then I'll have so much chaachis..

Ram & Priya laughs...

Ranveer: Today.. You can't escape.. You have to choose..

See these girls are all doctors (giving photographs), these girls are all from good family and are from our status... they're ready to be a housewife too.. (Giving another bunch)

You have to choose one from this.. No other go..

Abhi sits giving a sigh...

Abhi: Ok.. Shall i ask you one thing.. If you answered, I'll choose..

Ranveer: ok.. Ask me..

Abhi: Are you sure one among these photographs have my soulmate's pic for whom i was born for..

Are you sure that she's a doctor or belongs to our status... Tell me the answer...

All kept silent...

Abhi: Mom, dad.. You did love marriage.. You felt mom is your life when you fall in love with her...

And you Ranveer, you felt you should live your rest of the life with bhabhi & you loved her & married her...

You both will do love marriage.. What fault i did..

I won't do arrange marriage.. I'm neglecting all your choices not because I'm not interested in getting married..

I'm waiting for the right person.. One day or other, she will surely come to me.. I'll love her..
I'll love her madly..
I'll feel like she's my life..
I'll feel like she's the meaning of my life..
I'll feel like i should live rest of my life with her..
I'll feel like i wasted this much years without her, why didn't i meet her before itself..
I'll feel like i can't live without her..
I'll feel like, i will stand against this whole world just for her..
I'll feel like, I'll even ready to give up my life to make her live happy..(got tears)

Ishani: Abhi..

Abhi: Bhabhi.. I'm always smiling ,chirpy that doesn't mean I'm not responsible, I'm not serious about my future... yes.. I'm feeling bad..

I don't know why.. My heart is crying and craving to meet my lady... Something hurts me, whenever you show me these kind of photographs...

Without having feelings for a girl, how could i choose.. How could i accept her as my wife in the altar happily...

Its not that single  nuptial chain that makes the marriage happen.. Its the words and promises that we give for each other.. That words should be come from our heart, from our soul.. Not for parents or someone else's sake. But for ourselves..

You may ask me.. You didn't love anyone still now.. How would you tell that you'll meet her hereafter... When will you meet her? .. You're already 27..

My answer is I don't know.. Even if I got 40 or even 60.. I will wait for her,I'll definitely do a love marriage or I'll live as a bachelor & will die waiting for her...

Priya: Abhi.. (With tears) I'm getting worried of you.. Who will take care of you after us...

Angel: I'll take care of chaachu... (smiles)

Ishani: Angel.. You go inside...

Angel: no.. You're all bad.. You made my chaachu cry.. (Cries)

Angel runs to chaachu, crying.. Abhi lifts her...

Angel: I don't want chaachi. You don't cry.. Please.. Chaachu (sobs)

Abhi: oh.. Angel.. Come on.. chaachu is not crying.. See.. Here..

Let's go out.. Let's play with our papu.. I'm going.. (Looking down)

Ram: One minute Abhi.. If you're alone, you can take your life's decision on your own.. But your mom and dad still alive.. People are living in this world too who did arrange marriage and lives happily...

Abhi: may be people are there... But i can't be one of them.. If i did for you, that relationship won't last for long.. Please don't compel me... I won't... And it won't work out for me... If it works for others...


Thanks for reading friends.. Please do vote if you like this part... Eagerly waiting for your votes and comments..

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