What I've been looking for (a...

By AnaCarolina722134

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You're the young Queen of a kingdom, whose location is an island isolated from the rest of the world, founded... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Capítulo X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVIII

Chapter XVII

517 13 16
By AnaCarolina722134

-Don't worry Barley, you will get out of this! You comforted him while he was trapped in the cell.

-That's the least of it, I don't want Ixion to think I'm a thief! He replied, facing everything with great courage.

-You can believe, my brother would never think that of you! You said.

Not long after that, a guard went down to his cell, chose one of the keys from many of his key chains and opened the iron gate.

-Oh my God, thank goodness! Ian exclaimed, when he and you gave him the biggest hug in the world.

-Is he free? You asked, very hopefully.

-No, I came at the behest of the King, to send the prisoner back to his home on the continent! He answered seriously.

-Ixion said that? He asked, becoming crestfallen.

-Yes, if you can follow me!

-OK! He reluctantly agreed.

-Wait, brother, I'm going with you! Ian said.

-But what about the wedding ...?

-Forget this wedding, we'll be together until the end! He replied, before hugging his brother.

-I'm going too, could you wait a while for me to get our things to go? You asked.

-Okay! He agreed.

Time skip:

Before you left, you met your brother, who was sadder than ever.

-What happened Ixion? You asked.

-The wedding was rescheduled for tomorrow, I missed Y / N! He replied, then burst into tears again.

-Calm down!

-There is no way for me to calm down, I lost!

-I know something will happen, the force of love is very powerful! You said, trying to be optimistic, which was not his case.

-Can you deliver this letter to Barley? Tell him that I'll love him forever! He asked, extending his hand with a paper folded in half.

-Of course, until another day, bro! You gave him a hug before you left.

You felt so bad for both of them, you didn't even want to imagine if the obstacles to your relationship with Ian were that complicated.

-My daughter, where are you going? Your father asked when he saw you with his hands full of suitcases.

-Go away with Ian and Barley! You answered coldly.

-But tomorrow is your brother's wedding, we're your family and they ...

-My husband's family is my family too! You spoke before he finished speaking.-Besides, I didn't like having my best friend put in prison at all, since they set him up. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go. I'll send a letter when I arrive!

While walking towards the gate, you tried to hold back the tears, but ended up crying, for the horrible way it was all over. Deep down, you didn't want to choose a side, but you ended up being forced.

When you 5 boarded the ship to go back to the mainland, it was total silence. That was when you remembered the letter that Ixion had sent to Barley.

-Friend, Ixion asked me to send this to you!

Upon hearing his brother's name, he immediately perked up and hurried to read the letter.

-"My love, I'm sorry for doing this, but it hurts like a knife in the heart to see you imprisoned as a criminal, I had to make a deal for you to go home. I'll always love you, Ixion"!

After reading the letter, Barley slowly walked to the back of the ship and observed the island, remembering the moments that the two spent together, causing 2 tears of pain to fall into the sea.

Until he rebelled.

-I'll not give up! He shouted, startling everyone on the ship.

-What happened? Ian asked worriedly.

-I promised Ixion that sooner or later we'd be together and that will only happen if we prove my innocence! He explained.

-And how do we do that? You asked.

-With magic? Ian replied ironically.

The notion fell over your head like a super heavy pile of bricks.

-With all these things happening, I'd even forgotten about it! You laughed.-But what will we do to return?

-Maddie and I can be a distraction! Laurel suggested. -Reaching the continent, I'll take care of her!

It cost you to accept as the protective mother you were. But in the end she accepted, since it was in the name of love and Laurel would take good care of her.

Ian chose a small box and threw it into the sea.

-I knew my staff would be useful for something on this trip! He removed his staff from his waist and pointed it at the box.-Magnora Gantuan!

The box increased in size with the magic.

-This is my boyfriend! You shouted with pride.

-My sweetie, I'm your husband! He laughed.

-Husband, even better! You screamed.

-Okay, there's no time to waste. Let's go back, the war will start ... It's just a force of expression! Barley said, which made the three of you laugh together.

You three went up in the box.

-Hold on, boys! You asked before doing anything.

You raised the movement of the waves to take the giant box to the coast of the island.

Y'all hid in a friend's house until the wedding started.

-Oh your wedding dress is the most wonderful thing! Desiree exclaimed.

-But mom, Ixion is not in love with me ... Joanne tried to explain, but was soon threatened.

-That's enough Joanne. You will get married and end of this discussion!

She lowered her head sadly, because she couldn't do anything, because the wedding was rescheduled for earlier.

At the altar, both felt the deepest unhappiness, while Desiree felt happy because with her daughter taking the throne of the queen, she could control the Kingdom after murdering Ixion.

Halfway through, Ian and you used your magic to get the guards out of Barley's way.

Ixion reluctantly said yes, but before Joanne gave her answer, the doors were opened.

-I protest! He shouted boldly.

Ixion broke into the widest smile in the world when he saw his lover again.

-No, what is this thief doing here? Are these guards useless? Desiree shouted, feigning outrage.

-I'm not a thief and I'm here to prove it, if your Majesty allows me, of course!

-Oh no this is such an...

-It's an order from the King! Ixion screamed full of fury, making Desiree shut up.-Proceed, Lord Lightfoot!

-I can prove that someone set me up! He replied.

-Can you say who it was, or who were the people who did it?

-It was Countess Desiree, she wanted to get me out of the way, because she knew that I'm an obstacle to her plans! He replied, which made all the guests gasped.

-This ridiculous, besides being a thief, he's a liar too?

-I'm not, that's why my brother, who is a magician, did a spell of truth!

Ian took the staff to his brother.

-Ask him anything, you'll know it's true if it glows yellow and red if it's a lie! Ian explained.

-Very well, Barley, did you steal Countess Desiree's necklace? Ixion asked calmly, confident that it would be all right.

-... No! Barley replied, which made the staff light glow yellow, making everyone present gasping again and Desiree started to get desperate.

-This can only be a lie, it's his brother, something wrong must have happened ...

-It's not a lie, Mom! Joanne replied.

Desiree walked over to her daughter and grabbed her by the arm.

-What do you think you're doing, you worthless? She screamed.

-One thing I should have done a long time ago: Standing up by you! She replied, pulling her arm, because the grip was hurting. -It's true, my mother set him up and still wanted to murder Ixion so that she could take care of the whole Kingdom through me! She said, which made Ixion smile with pride.

Ian, who had come close to her, found out the truth when the light on his staff shone yellow.

-Guards, take this traitor out of here! Ixion ordered and she was apprehended.

-You can't do this to me, you all will pay for that! She threatened everyone while being taken to the dungeon.

-It looks like this wedding is over, you were amazing! You hugged Ian.-I love you so much!

-I love you more! He said, before kissing you on the lips.

Ixion and Joanne smiled at each other, because she was finally free from her mother's clutches, now all he needed was to be able to stay with Barley.

-Go to him! She said.

Ixio ran to Barley and they hugged each other like never before.

-You were so brave! Ixion said, stroking his cheeks and looking at him lovingly.-I never doubted you!

-I had to go back, because I love you! Barley said sweetly.

Both kissed each other lovingly in front of everyone, no longer afraid to show their love to the world.

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