Beware the Frozen Heart

By Leslie1509

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{Written prior to Frozen Fever and the Frozen Sequel} Elsa has set off yet another Winter, but this time, she... More

The Death and the Apology
Condemning Them
Discovering More
The Argument
Trust and Promise
Could This Be... Love?
The Book
The Letter
The Three Gifts
Three Keys
This Has Gone on Long Enough
The Curse
Another Wrong Doing
Something Weird
Snow Globes

The Surprises

214 11 4
By Leslie1509

Anna looks at me quickly before clearing her throat.

"Elsa, can, I, um, speak with you?" She asks me tautly.

I nod curiously.

"One moment." I explain, taking Emma's hand.

I walk out of the room, leading Emma out.

"Do you like books?" I ask her.

I watch her eyes widen with excitement.

"Books were everything to me before my parents left." She replies happily.

"Good, I'm going to take you to the castle's library." I smile kindly towards the young girl.

She follows me to the library and is awe struck by all the books. I leave her alone and go back into the room with Anna and Kristoff.

"Anna, is everything all right?" I inquire anxiously.

She stands up from the couch. Kristoff has his arm around Anna's waist, and Anna's hands are clasped.

"Yes, everything's great actually." Anna replies, letting a weight leave my shoulder. "I, well we, wanted to tell you something." Anna includes.

"What is it?" I urge her to go on.

"Elsa..." Anna whispers, taking a deep breath. "'re going to be an Aunt." Anna murmurs, an ample grin placed on her freckled face.

My heart beats races as a broad smile spreads across my face too. I walk to her and take her in my arms. I wrap her in a hug and let a tear of joy fall.

"Congratulations Anna." I tell my little sister.

"Thank you Elsa." She replies, pulling out of the hug.

"I'm happy for you two." I tell Anna and Kristoff.

I think about Anna's daughter or son. I have a secret hope that she'll have a girl. I just hope Anna's fire powers don't get passed on... I think back to Emma, I left her in the library. She is probably intrigued with the books. My mind flashes to the Thirteen Kingdoms.

"If you'll excuse me... I need to, um, I need to go speak with Hans." I excuse myself.

I begin to open the door.

"Even when she becomes an aunt, all she cares about is Hans..." I hear Anna mutter sadly, although I don't think I am meant to hear.

I walk out of the room, pretending I hadn't heard it. My heart is split two separate ways right now, one way with Anna and the other way with Hans. I wish they would just get along. I go into the sitting room, go to the table, and I pick up the book in my fingertips. I stare at the cover for a long time.

"Elsa? Are you okay?" I jump at the sound of the intruder's voice.

I turn and find its Emma. I walk towards her, the book in hand.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." I reply sweetly.

"What's the book about?" Emma interrogates me.

I look down at the book, then at Emma. I kneel down so I'm eye level to her.

"It's about a greedy king." I explain.

"That's it?" Emma questions.

"Well, there's more, but, it's not pleasant." I reply quietly with a small smirk on my lips.

"Can I see it?" She asks innocently.

"Well, it's very, special to someone very important to me. I was going to give it to him." I illuminate.

"Is it the Prince?" She asks with a small childish smirk, not the immature kind, but the, that's-so-cute, kind.

I look down at the floor, a half smile planted on my face.

"Yes." I say.

"Can I come?" She wonders cutely.

"I suppose you can." I reply. "Do you want to hold the book?" I wonder.

She nods happily.

She follows me as I go towards Hans' room-not that he ever sleeps there anymore. With my nightmares, he always ends up falling asleep with me to help me feel safe. I knock on his door.

"Hans?" I ask, knocking on his door.

I stand there for half a minute before knocking again.

"Hans?" I call.

I give it a few more seconds before twisting the door knob and going inside. He wasn't in there. I sigh and walk out, closing the door behind me. I think of the next place he would be, besides the sitting room and library. I make my way to the dungeons, weaving through the halls of the castle. I go down the steps quietly and find Hans speaking to Henrik.

"...she is practically already dead Hans." Henrik is saying.

I stay hidden and listen to their conversation.

"Henrik, where was your hideout?" Hans hisses.

"I don't have to tell you anything." Henrik retorts.

"I'll break every bone in your body, Henrik." Hans warns.

"I'm not afraid of my baby brother." Henrik tells him. "You don't seriously want to risk everything for her do you?" Henrik mutters.

"I'd risk my life for her Henrik. Unlike you." Hans says.

"What are you talking about?" Henrik queries.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not going to make the same mistake that you made with Karla." Hans shouts.

"Don't ever bring Karla up!" Henrik roars.

"I'll bring who I want up in this conversation." Hans retorts. "I'm not going to lose her Henrik. I will find out one way or another, so I suggest you tell me where your hideout was." Hans alerts.

"I don't have to tell you anything." Henrik mutters.

I hear a keys rattle on the key ring. I walk out from behind the wall and go towards Hans.

"Hans... please don't do anything rash." I caution him, putting a gentle hand on his.

"Elsa... they're just going to keep coming after you. They aren't going to stop." He sighs.

"We'll figure something out." I whisper.

He exhales and takes my hands in his. I look down at the floor, and remember the book, and Emma. I look at the stairwell, sure enough, Emma's standing there. I wave my hand, motioning her to come over here. She is clutching the book to her chest, as if it's her favorite. She slowly walks towards us and looks up at Hans.

"Here's your book." She whispers to him.

"Thank you Emma." He thanks her, taking the book in his hand.

"Hans, where did that come from?" Henrik erupts.

"None of your business, Henrik. I expect an answer by this evening, or there will be consequences." Hans advises.

"Hans." I whisper so only he can hear, directing to Emma, who doesn't need to hear anything about violence.

"Come on, Elsa." He whispers.

The three of us walk upstairs. Hans walks closely to me. I look at his expression, it's an uncomfortable, worried look.

"Hans, are you okay?" I ask him.

"I'm fine Elsa." He reassures me.

I smile, then hear a noise that sounds like grumbling.

"Emma, are you hungry?" I wonder to the young girl.

"Yes." She says oddly, not wanting to be rude.

"Come on, we'll get you something to eat." I giggle.

We go into the kitchen, I look for one of the servants.

"Is there anything we can get her?" I question them.

"Of course, your highness." Helga, one of the servants says.

Helga has always had a bubbly attitude, it adds a giddy atmosphere whenever you're around her.

"Here you are dearie." Helga smiles, giving Emma a bowl full of warm soup.

"Thank you!" Emma says graciously.

"Do you want to eat it in your room?" I ask her.

"If you don't mind." Emma replies.

I watch Emma leave the kitchen and head up the steps towards her room. I smile, she is going to be great to have around in the castle.

"So... when did she arrive?" Helga asks me, drying a dish.

"Today actually. I found her in the woods. Her brother died, and as far as she knows, her parents left her when she was little." I explain, crossing my arms over my chest, recalling the trauma she's gone through today.

"Poor dear. I wish there was something we could do." Helga says sadly.

"Me too..." I reply. "Me too..."

Later in the evening, Emma wonders if it is okay for her to go to sleep early.

"Of course it is Emma." I reply.

I walk up to her room with her. She climbs up in the bed and plops down on her back. She pushes the covers down with her feet and then slides her legs under the sheets. I pull the covers up over her, up to her shoulders. She snuggles under them.

"Emma, remember, as long as you're here, this is your home. You can do as you please." I remind her, wanting her to feel as at home here as she can.

"Thank you. You've been very kind to me." Emma merits.

"It's the least we could do." I smile. "Good night." I add.

"Good night, Elsa. Sleep well." She replies.

"You too Emma, than you." I say in appreciation.

I walk out of her room and close her door. I walk down the hall and search for Anna. I want to apologize. I want to try to apologize at least. I knock on her door.

"Come in." She sighs.

I walk into her chambers and close the door.

"Anna, please, you can't keep being mad at me." I whisper.

She rolls her eyes, letting an annoyed exhale out.

"Elsa, you are in love with a man who attempted to kill me, and you. What is there to like about that?" She asks.

"That I'm happy." I explain.

Anna sits up straighter, pondering what I said. I can see her eyes turn red and turn glassy.

"Elsa, I'm sorry." She whimpers. "The only reason, I'm against it is because I don't want him to hurt you." She whispers, letting a tear slide down her cheek.

I watch the tear create a tear streak, it almost engraves her cheek. It leaves a burn mark.

"Anna?" I ask.

She sniffles and wipes the tear away. She gives me a look that tells me to leave it alone.

"He isn't going to hurt me." I reassure her. "Can you do me one favor?" I plead.

"What?" She inquires.

"Please, try to accept that I'm in love with him." I request, nearly begging.

Anna looks down, another tear burning her face.

"I'll try." She agrees.

I hug her in appreciation.

"Thank you." I say. "Also, one more thing. I am really happy about becoming an aunt." I include at the end.

"You are?" She questions.

"Extremely." I assure her.

She hugs me tighter before we let go and I retreat back to my room. I change into a night gown and lay in my bed. That doesn't mean I fall asleep. I look outside, it's snowing. That's what I can't get over. I have Anna back, I have Hans, I'm perfectly happy. Yet it's still winter.

I want nothing more than to melt the winter, but there's one thing holding me back from melting it. Hans' brothers. No matter what we do, they always come back. I'm not worried for myself, but I'm terrified for Anna, Kristoff, their baby, Hans, and now Emma. They're going to do whatever it takes to get to me, and I don't even know why. They want me dead, that's all I know.

If Henrik would stop being difficult, we'd be safe. He knows we aren't going to kill him if he gives us the information. In fact, if he doesn't, that's when we might kill him. I can't stand it, knowing he knows what we need to know, and not telling us. I want to keep everyone I love safe, but I can't. No matter what I do, I can't.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I call, not moving from my position on the bed.

I expect it to be Hans, coming to say good night, but it isn't.

"Emma? Are you alright?" I ask her, sitting up in the bed.

She nervously walks towards me, her bare feet against the floor.

"I, um, I had a bad dream..." She whimpers.

I give a sad smile, then swing my legs over the side of the bed and motion for her to come over. She sits on the bed next to me. I watch her right hand clutching the locket.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her kindly.

She shakes her head no at first, then I watch a tear slide down her cheek.

"It's about my parents." She whispers.

"What about them?" I wonder, taking her hands in mine.

"I've always had this horrible dream, since my mother and father left me. I'm stuck in a black room with continuous paintings of my mother and father. Then they begin to speak. They start yelling at me, telling me to be a better daughter. They always tell me it's my fault they left my brother and me." She sobs.

"Oh... Emma, you need to know that sort of thing is never your fault. Believe me, I used to think it was my fault my parents died. Over time, I realized the only thing it was doing, was making me a bad person. I was blaming myself for something I had nothing to do with." I whisper, trying to reassure her.

I watch her fingers run over an engraving on her locket.

"Can I see it?" I wonder.

She looks down at her necklace and unclasps the chain. She gently drops it in my hand. I take the locket in my fingertips and run my thumb over the engraving.

Never forget...

I open the locket carefully, I am shocked at what the picture is inside.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"In the picture?" Emma asks, wiping away a tear.

"Yes." I reply.

"It's my mother." She explains, pointing at the picture.

I am awe-struck.

"Do you know her, or something?" Emma wonders curiously.

"Yes... I do." I say. "Emma, I have some great news." I say excitedly.

"What is it?" Emma exclaims, knowing it's about her mother.

"We are going to see you parents. I know exactly where they are." I smile.

I feel Emma wrap her arms around me tightly, not wanting to let go. I didn't make her either. I sat there on my bed, hugging this young girl in which just today, I had found in the woods.

Once Emma falls asleep, I take her back into her room. She is sleeping with a smile on her face. It makes me happy that I can help her find her parents. I leave the room and close her door.

I seek out Hans, who is in the study. I nearly dance into the room.

"Elsa?" He asks me oddly.

"Guess what." I exclaim.

"What?" He questions.

"I know who Emma's parents are." I smile. "I'm going to send them a letter tomorrow." I add.

"Who are they?" Hans asks, standing up and walking towards me.

I begin to speak, but I am interrupted by the study doors swinging open. I watch Henrik come in, a glare on his face and a sword in his hands.

"What the- how did you get out?" Hans shouts.

"Once a criminal, always a criminal Hans. You forget I wasn't exactly a favorite in Corona." Henrik hisses.

Hans stares with anger in his eyes for a few seconds before Henrik attacks us.

I go to bring up my arm, to let the ice protect us, but I feel a strong hand grab my arm. I feel a pinch in my wrist and let a small shriek out. I yank my arm away and watch Henrik back up. I bring my hands down, expecting the ice to fall, but nothing happens.

"What did you do to me?" I yell, looking at my wrist were a small red dot is.

"A pin. It will keep you from using your powers." Henrik hisses.

I go to attack him, blind with anger. Hans reaches for my arm, trying to keep me from attacking Henrik. I feel a fist go down on my head. Then a broad arm wrap around my neck, and another around my waist.

"Henrik, stop." Hans exclaims.

"What are you going to do to stop me?" Henrik wonders. "You can't beat me Hans."

I know it's true, Hans doesn't have a weapon, and Henrik does. I look at Hans with sadness in my eyes. I look at him. Don't do it. I mouth to him. He gives me a look that tells me there's no way he's listening.

"Here's your chance to prove what you said." Henrik tell him.

I feel him drag me out the study and down the halls. He pulls me out of the castle and onto a sleigh. He clicks the reins and the horse gallops. Hans stares at the sleigh from the front doors. He mounts a horse and goes after us. We near the end of the dome.

"Henrik stop! You're going to kill us!" I shout.

"Nice try Elsa." He mutters.

"I'm being serious!" I exclaim.

I watch an arrow shoot past us, it wasn't anywhere close to Henrik though. Henrik watches it hit the dome ahead and bounce off. He pulls the reins back. The horse stops, right where the arrow landed in the snow.

"I told you." I hiss.

"Shut up." He tells me, taking me out of the sleigh and dragging me through the snow into the forest.

He finds a sturdy tree and puts me over his shoulder. It takes a lot of effort, but he climbs up to a large branch with both of us.

"Henrik, this isn't going to solve anything." I glare at him.

"You're right." He agrees.

I watch him take out a sword. I stand up, ready to jump if I need to.

"You're really going to jump with that wound of yours?" Henrik asks, with a smirk.

I remember my wound. It is healed for the most part, but if I jump, I'm sure it would hurt for a long time. I feel him push me up against the tree trunk, the sword against my neck.

"Make a sound, you will die." He warns.

"I'll take my chances." I retort.

He presses the sword into my throat a little, creating a cut. I feel the blood trickle down my neck. I hear the horse galloping, I am willing to risk it again, to get Hans attention.

"Hans!" I shout once I hear him dismount from the horse.

I know he heard me. He had to. Henrik groans, annoyed with me.

"Henrik, get down!" Hans warns.

"You don't have the strength to hurt me." Henrik calls.

"I'll kill you!" Hans retorts.

"And I'll kill her!" Henrik threatens.

I feel the cut go deeper, making the pain excruciating. I take a deep breath, which is painful to do, and I bring my elbow into his ribs. He puckers back for a moment, but it's all I need. I escape from his grasp. It takes all I have, but I jump. I don't land on my feet either. I land on my side, as the snow reddens with blood.

I can feel my side throbbing from my previous wound. My neck is burning. My hands reach my throat and wrap around what I can. I can't see anything clearly. It's like looking through fog. I see a figure running towards me, I think it's Henrik, but I realize I'm wrong when I feel gentle, yet strong hands wrap around me. Hans helps me to stand.

"How badly does it hurt?" He asks, although it's hard to hear.

I wince, I can't even speak. He inhales, I hear the shakiness in it. He looks around for his brother, but can't seem to find him.

"He's gone..." Hans whispers, picking me.

I lean my head on his shoulder as he helps me onto his horse. It's excruciating to move at all, but I do it anyway. I want to be as big a help as I can to Hans. He still holds onto me as we ride back to the castle. My vision is getting blurrier each second, and my head is throbbing with a headache from the unbearable pain from my neck and side wounds. My vision eventually blacks out, and the last thing I see, is the blurry image of Hans.


3447 words guys! Woo! Anyway, the song I chose for this chapter was Lights by Ellie Goulding. I'm not entirely sure why bc the ending is kind of, eh, but I had a hard time thinking of a song for this one. Emma's parents revealing in the next chapter! Comment who you think they are. So thanks so much guys, next chapter coming really soon.

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