Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE...

By loveisweakness7

244K 8.7K 1.1K

"If you don't fit into a certain type, there's a lot of strength in just being who you are." Valerio Montesi... More

Rebel just for kicks
Freya y Valerio
i. Troubled Mind
ii. Friend or Enemy ?
iii. An Angel
iv. Failure is not allowed
v. Feel more Human
vi. Losing Control
vii. Darkest Desires
viii. Breaking the rules
ix. Slowly Losing Her Mind
x. Panic Attack
xi. Crazy, not Creepy
xiii. Small society of adults
xiv. Thinking about You
xv. Fight for my Survival
xvi. Trust, my love
xvii. Talking about stupid Rules
xviii. Misunderstanding
xix. You don't like me
xx. Because I love you too, Stupid
xxi. Not so innocent
xxii. Making a deal with the devil
xxiii. An great ballerina
xxiv. Revenge
xxv. 44 Lies
xxvi. Moving on
ACT TWO/i. What A Train Wreck
ACT TWO/ii. Teens Dramas
ACT TWO/iii. University Day
ACT TWO/iv. Generous donator
ACT TWO/v. Hope
ACT TWO/vi. Assassin
ACT TWO/vii.
ACT TWO/viii. Forgive me
ACT TWO/ix. Freaking Riverdale
ACT TWO/x. Cheers, cheers
ACT TWO/xi. Only Friends, right ?
ACT TWO/xii. Bruised Heart
ACT TWO/xiii. Not the time to be dramatic
ACT TWO/xiv. Trauma
ACT TWO/xv.Break my heart
ACT TWO/xvi.The family
ACT TWO/xvii. Polo
ACT TWO/xviii. I have feelings, bitch.
ACT TWO/xix. Time to say goodbye
The End!

xii. Not ready for this world

4.8K 174 15
By loveisweakness7

Not ready-why fit in when you were born to standout?

"What do you think of this one?"

Freya lifted her head from her feet at Lucrecia's request before straightening up completely in a sitting position under Lu's still dazed eyes."How are you doing that? It looks like you are made without articulation."

"Years and years of practice." Replied brunette Bjørkaas before glancing at the red dress she was holding."And the color doesn't really go with my skin texture."

Lucrecia rolled her eyes as she threw the dress on the already imposing pile before choosing a new one in impatience."So what about this one."

Freya was about to decline only Lu stopped her.

"If you tell me that this dress doesn't suit you, I swear I'm going to lose my patience, Freya."

Freya gave her a flat look at her vain threat before standing up with flexibility and agility before glancing into Lu's wardrobe. The latter sighed before throwing the dress she had in the hands on the growing pile before dropping heavily on her bed in exhaustion.

Freya slid the hangers content with Lu's dresses in search of an outfit that would suit her.

To be honest, if it had only been held in Freya, she would have returned to the dance studio to work on her performance. Only Carmen had forbidden her. She even took advantage of her father's absence to encourage her to go to this party. After Lucrecia obviously told her about it, of course.

This growing complicity between her stepmother and her friend was genuinely beginning to worry her.

"I really don't understand Guzmàn anymore." Lu sighed, resuming her endless monologue on the blonde Nunier.

Freya genuinely complained about her friend. She couldn't really tell her but it was pretty obvious that, if there had ever been love between them, it was over.

However Lucrecia had been content to ignore her each time Freya had tried to make her understand. Admittedly she was not an expert in love but she was not blind.

So she was content to stay with Lucrecia while waiting for the inevitable moment to come.

"Maybe you should stop trying to figure him out." Freya suggested shyly as she gave her a hesitant look over her shoulder."Maybe you should try to contradict him instead."

Lucrecia frowned before turning her head to Freya in distrust."Am I wrong or don't you like him very much?"

"It's not a question of enjoying him or not." Freya replied immediately as she turned back to Lu's wardrobe to avoid meeting her gaze."It's just that I think he acts selfish and capricious. There is not a right or wrong way to deal with grief. Only there is the way to do it. Anger does nothing. It only serves to gnaw at us from the inside. And that's how we end up taking drugs ... or worse."

A heavy silence followed in which only the sound of the hangers sliding on the grab bar could be heard. Freya was fully aware of Lu's thoughtful gaze behind her. However, she tried to keep her eyes on the wide selection of designer dresses in front of her.

She stopped on a straight dress fitted with a gathered red leather before taking the hanger to submit it to Lucrecia's expert opinion."What do you think of this one?"

"Mhm." Lucrecia immediately looked up from the floor before nodding."There isn't really a neckline but I guess the Peter Pan collar is fine for you. Not bad."

"Well if the queen approves." Teased Freya as she joined Lu's side before putting the dress on the brunette's bed.

However, she was quick to rest her eyes on Lu at the feel of her fingers suddenly grabbing her wrist. She watched the silent brunette before meeting her eyes as she looked up, seriously."I know I can be a lot to take in but I'm really glad we are friends. I had missed sharing with someone."

Freya slipped her hand into hers to help her up before giving a sign towards her door."So you wouldn't mind deviating from your diet a bit to get something to eat?"

"Absolutely not! You still have to pass your audition." Lu objected immediately, standing up before showing a broad sly smile."However you are right. I have no imperatives preventing me from eating."

Freya gasped in exasperation before rushing to rush over the brunette running down the halls.

"Lu! Lu, how can you do this to me? Lu!"

Freya quickened her pace across the stairs under Lu's laughter. However, she soon frowned as her laughter stopped short.

They were soon replaced by her bored and haughty voice."This must be a joke... This is your tutor?"

"What are you talking abou--" Freya asked as she finished climbing the steps just to catch a glimpse of Valerio and Nadia set up around one of the coffee tables at the Montesinos mansion."Okay, now I understand."

Valerio straightened up, leaning on his hands to sit nonchalantly while Nadia gave a face in the direction of Freya. The latter immediately crossed her arms over her chest before taking a breath while looking at Lu in anticipation.

"In three, two, one ..."

"You do know you're wasting your time with him, right?"

Valerio smiled broadly at Freya before shrugging his shoulders confidently."It was difficult to convince her, but you know me. When I set my mind on something, I get it."

"Even if you get creepy doing it."

Lu immediately frowned on the muttering brunette."What? What are you talking about ?"

"Nothing. Just... nonsense." Freya said, straightening up in innocence.

"Whatever. Come with me, Freya. I already feel myself losing neurons just by staying here. Good luck, Nadia."

Freya rolled her eyes on her back moving away from Lu before muttering sarcasm."At your orders, madam! Immediately, madam!"


The problem with being used to having your whole life plan from start was that you had no idea what to do when you no longer had these instructions.

It was exactly what Freya was feeling right now.

After Guzmàn's arrival at the Montesinos, Freya had preferred to slip away in all discretion before the Lucrecia volcano exploded. So she had returned home.

However Carmen was at her office in the center of the city and Luís was at his basketball practice.

Freya could study, play the piano or even dance, but Carmen made sure to keep everything at bay to force her to live a little. She didn't even have to break the rules anymore.

However Freya knew full well that it was only the calm before the storm. As soon as their father comes home everything will go back to how it was bfore. And Freya wasn't sure she wanted to complain.

She had just realized that without her insurmountable schedule, she was nothing. And it was probably the saddest part about her.

She had friends now and yet she did not feel the need to see them.

No, the only thing she wanted right now was to exercise her body so she could forget everything.

She suddenly straightened up with a long sigh before standing on her hands as she glanced annoyed across her bedroom. She wrinkled her lips in thought before placing her eyes on her running sneakers.

She hesitated for a moment before suddenly leaping out of bed. She went straight to her dresser to get clothes to run. At least Carmen could say nothing this time.

After all, she didn't fail, neither piano, nor dance.



Freya party's outfit)

Freya gave a critical look to her outfit so contrary to her usual style. She loved designer clothes and quality but she far preferred her casual style to her current outfit. She had gone to far too many of her parents' business dinners and social gatherings to also display this sophisticated style in her personal life.

Nevertheless, she had promised Carmen to make an effort.

So she took a deep breath in a dash of determination before advancing towards the VIP area of ​​the club. She entered through the door leading to the stairs before quickly scanning the place.

"Freya! Over here."

Freya smiled broadly at the sight of Lu before hurrying down the stairs to join her friend."Hey."

She shared a brief hug with Lu before turning to the sudden whistle impressed.

Freya immediately gave a warning look with an amused smile at the sight of Valerio gauging her from head to toe with wide, adoring eyes. She could feel her cheeks turn almost as bright red as Lu's short dress.

Nevertheless, she tried to hold back her flattered look as she turned to Lu."You're beautiful. I really chose well."

"Of course you do." Lu exclaimed with a strange forced enthusiasm.

Freya immediately frowned, straightening slightly to support Lu's gaze."What's wrong "

"Uh ..." Lu stuttered in her response visibly surprised by the ease with which Freya had managed to see through her facade before squinting her lips in a new forced smile."Nothing. Forget it. I'm fine."

"Lu ..."

"I swear." Insisted the brunette as she took her hand to pull her with her onto the seat.

Freya did not take long to pause at the sight of Cayetana already present."Freya, hey!"

"Hey." Freya replied, uncertain before sitting somewhat uncomfortable.

Worse, Cayetana hastened to grab Lu's attention.

Freya leaned over the coffee tables to look for something non-alcoholic before pausing at the sight of a hand holding an already prepared glass. She went up along the venous and muscular arm simply to meet the broad smile of Valerio."Such a pretty girl shouldn't have to make her glasses."

"A real charmer." Freya commented as she straightened up trying to ignore the feeling of her heart speeding up in her chest at his compliment. She took the glass before leaning it towards his to toast."Salute!"

"Salute!" Valerio snapped before catching Freya's gaze as he took a sip from his glass.

The duo seemed totally ignorant of Nadia by their side or of the world around them as they kept eye contact while drinking their drink.

Becoming somewhat embarrassed by eye contact, Freya left a slight nervous chuckle before lowering her glass, embarrassed. "What? Why this look?"

"What look ?" Valerio repeated with a smile matching her own."You're the ones who stare at me."

"Me ? Fine." Hailed Freya in disbelief before shaking her head and looking away.

She tried to look at the bar even if she could still feel the brown look on her profile. She displayed a silly broad smile as she gave him a side look clearly unable to look elsewhere any longer.

"Ha! See? You see it?" Valerio immediately accused her, still as energetic.

Freya rolled her eyes, turning her head briefly.

Unfortunately she wasted no time in losing her smile at the sight of Luìs alongside Rebecca and Samuel."What the hell?"

She leaps abruptly on her high heels before going around the low tables in her path to rush on the trio.

However Rebecca hastened to get in her way as Samuel and Luís headed for the bar.

"The hell you think you're doing, Rebecca? Fy faen, Rebecca! He's only fifteen!" Exploded Freya as she turned to the tall brunette.

It was only when she was really upset that she returned to her native language. She just couldn't believe that Rebecca and Samuel had dared to take Luís into the dirty murder story.

"Oh, hey, you're going to calm your tits ? Breathe, okay?" Rebe replied immediately with boredom."Your brother is here to help us. Besides, it was you who said he was smarter than all of us, right? He knows what he's doing."

Freya left an incredulous gasp."Like hell he knows what he's doing! Have you thought about the consequences?"

"About your father you mean?"

"Hi. I didn't know you guys were coming." Freya took a deep breath in looking away with her jaw clenched at Nadia's intervention."What's wrong?"

Freya ignored Nadia's question as she turned to Rebecca again in indignation."If anything happens to him I swear I will never forgive you!"

With that, she turned on her heels again, ignoring the looks of the two girls concentrating on her back. She immediately went to the trio just to see Luís playing absently with his phone. She already knew what he was trying to do.

And as if he had felt her presence, he suddenly looked up from his phone. He widened his eyes at the sight of her expression before quickly shaking his head discreetly.

However Freya ignored his warning sign as she suddenly stopped near Carla and Samuel."Hey, Carla. Samuel."

Freya greeted the beautiful blonde with a benevolent smile before quickly losing it as she gave an irritated look on the little brown. The latter swallowed with a nervous grimace at the sight of her expression.

"Freya." Carla simply recognized, giving a little puzzled look between her and Samuel.

However Luís hastened to intervene as he grabbed his sister by the arm to pull her towards him before throwing himself on Samuel to pretend to hug him. Freya saw her idiotic brother whisper something in Samuel's ear.

Freya had to admit that he was strong.

Nevertheless, she was far too angry with him to have put himself in such a situation to appreciate his qualities as a super spy.

He immediately turned back to her before pulling her with him to a slightly more secluded corner of the duo.

"The hell you think you're doing? Luís exclaimed in frustration.

"Excuse me ? What I'm doing? For god sake's, Luís. You shouldn't even be here."

"But you yes?" Replied her brother.

Freya left an incredulous scoff before shaking her head in a matter of fact tone."Well for starters, I'm old enough. And not you. Then, Carmen knows where I am. Finally, I'm not here to hack into someone's phone. I'm here to have fun. And you ? Can you say the same?"

"Have fun? You? You don't even know what it means!" Argued dryly Luís."Look at yourself, you could be there dancing with your friends but instead, you are there. To cheer me up. Admit it Freya, you are incapable of living outside of papa's rules. You are his perfect little girl. His doll."

Freya swallowed under the words of her brother. She clenched her jaw as she supported his gaze before remaining completely still as he gave her one last sharp look defying her to contradict him before returning to the trio.

She was speechless for a moment as she could feel her brother's words having more of an impact on her than necessary.

However, it was not long before she suddenly turned on her heels in surprise at the sudden appearance of Valerio behind her."Freya! Come on, dance with me."

"What? No!" Exclaimed the brunette with wide eyes of disbelief before trying to fight the brown.She glanced anxiously again towards the bar before turning to Valerio with a grimace."Valerio, no, no, no ..."

However, the brown seemed very determined. He continued to drag her towards the center of the track with a broad smile while imitating small dance moves more than amusing than remarkable. At the sight, Freya couldn't help but feel her will diminish as she let out a breath of laughter.

"Ha, she smiles!" Said Valerio, euphoric above the music before suddenly drawing her to him."Come on, show me what you can do."

Freya let out a little yelp of surprise as she barely caught up with the brown before giggling as he started to make her dance to salsa steps. He crossed his hands with her before turning her around and dancing in spite of her.

At this precise moment, Freya forgot all the last weeks. It was like she could breathe again. And Valerio was the only reason for the smile on her lips.

He spun her around again before taking her hand in his. He moved closer to her so that they could both feel the slightest movement of the other.

Freya slightly lowered her broad smile into a simple happy smile as she met Valerio's whiskey brown gaze. She felt her heart racing again in her chest.

She immediately wrinkled her lips in a nervous smile as she tried to look away from the sensation of a blush going up to her cheeks. Chances were, they were in a club, not in the light of day.

She let Valerio guide the dance as he suddenly slows down their rhythm in a simple slow choreography. He readjusted his grip by letting go of one of her hands to grab her hip instead.

Freya immediately turned her eyes to Valerio as she placed her free hand on his shoulder. The tips of her fingers absently tickled the nape of the brown.

Valerio swallowed in turn as he took in the conflicting sensations invading him. For the first time in years, he didn't feel upset or even disgusted by what he was doing. He didn't even feel the need for drugs to forget. No, Freya was good enough for that.

All he had to do was look into her deep browns eyes holding secrets and unwanted desires to forget everything. And for the space of a moment, he felt like he was coming out of the water again. For the space of a very small moment he almost believed that there was hope for him.

Unfortunately, it was enough for Guzman to sign him above Freya's shoulder so he could catch up with his demons again.

Suddenly, Valerio stopped their little dance letting Freya raise her eyebrows in question as he straightened."As long as this dance is delicious mi cielo, business calls me."


In answer, Valerio leaned in a leaping leap toward her to drop a sloppy kiss on her forehead before sharply bypassing her. Freya immediately pivoted on her heels in utter confusion simply to frown at Valerio's sight, leading Guzman to the men's restroom. Even worse, it didn't take long for Nadia to rush to follow them.

Freya wrinkled her lip, swallowing in hesitation before giving an uncertain new look toward the bar. She frowned at the sight of her absent brother.

However, her anxious gaze soon returned to where Valerio, Guzman and Nadia had just eclipsed.

She didn't know why but she had a bad feeling.

Quickly making a choice, Freya hurried to make her way through the young adults dancing all around her before finally slowing down the view of the bathroom door. She slowly approached, intending to enter only Nadia's voice."I want to do one. How much is it?"

"I want to do one?"

Did she really want to do what though?

Worse, was Valerio really taking that shit ?

However, Valerio's enthusiastic response was all that Freya needed."Nothing. This moment is priceless."

She immediately brought her hands to her lips in utter disbelief and disappointment.

Unfortunately the voices were suddenly interrupted as the door was suddenly closed. Freya remained literally frozen under the weight of what she had just discovered. She was not ignorant. She had known that Valerio was doing drugs only she thought it was in the momentum.

If he was on his own, maybe she could have accepted it, but he also encouraged others.

Freya could see the damage that shit could do to a human being. It was probably one of the worst things that could have been invented. And the simple idea of ​​knowing her friends in danger because of Valerio ...

But the worst was Valerio himself.

What could have hurt him so much to get to this point? Was he really the one he claimed to be or was he the one he was talking about. The one who risked disappointing her.

Honestly she didn't know how long she had been in front of this stupid toilet door. However, when it was reopened, she soon returned to the world of living as Guzman saw her.

The duo exchanged a brief, silent look before Guzman shook his head dryly.

However, it was nothing when she suddenly met Nadia's eyes. Her friend immediately paused with wide eyes in the embarrassment. She swallowed as Freya remained prostrate without saying anything before giving a look over her shoulder towards the toilet. Freya immediately followed her gaze simply to see Valerio kneeling on the floor.

The sight was enough to alert Freya further as she suddenly passed Nadia before rushing over to the brown sniffing drug on the floor."The fuck you're doing, Valerio?"

Valerio froze at the sound of Freya's familiar voice before feeling panic and fear assaulting him as he saw her feet suddenly stop in front of him. He swallowed as he closed his eyes in defeat before finally raising his head as the brunette knelt at his height.

Suddenly she put her index finger under his chin to lift his head to meet his eyes before shaking her head at the sight of Valerio sniffing. The trace of powder still evident under his nostrils.

At the sight of that familiar look of disgust, Valerio suddenly grabbed her wrist before removing her hand from his face. He looked away before swallowing as he met his reflection in the mirror.

Freya licked her lips visibly unable to say anything at this point before suddenly standing up. She couldn't stay here. Not when she barely recognized him.

She turned sharply on her heels still in shock from what she had just seen.

At the music enveloping her again, Freya could once again feel a headache point the tip of its nose. She wedged some locks of hair behind her ears in frustration before squinting her lips as she immediately began to look for Luís among the crowd.

This story of unrestricted freedom was just a teenage whim. And now that she had seen the back of the scene she felt completely silly. It was their father who was right.

"Freya! Where did you g--"

"Lu, not now." Warns Freya as she tries to get around the brunette Montesinos.

However, Lu hastened to block her way again."Can I know what's going on with you?"

"I don't know. Why don't you go ask your new best friend since she's so freaking perfect." Freya replied with slight bitterness before passing Lu. The latter left a shocked gasp before looking at Freya's back walking away with an annoyed look.

Freya was quick to spot Luís alongside Rebecca and Samuel. She chewed on the inside of her cheek impatiently at the sight before rushing to join the trio.

"Why are you still here?" She exclaimed once at the height of her little brother.

"Freya, don't be mad at hi--"

"Stay out of this, Samuel!" Ordered Freya pointing at him before giving a look at Luís."Don't force me to report you to Dad."

Rebecca immediately left an outraged hiss."Whoa, a fine example of maturity. Very nice."

"Shut up, Rebe."

Luís narrowed his eyes at his sister before suddenly advancing towards her."You won't do it."

"Sorry? Come again ?"

"I said you won't do anything." Luís repeated dryly before stepping towards her to stand up to her."Unless you want me to tell about your boyfriend to daddy. If he ever learns what Valerio likes to do in his spare time you will never be able to see him again. I even bet he'll send him to jail."

Rebecca swallowed the heated exchange between the duo before placing her hand on Luís' shoulder."Hey, this is a little bit extreme Steve Jobs. Come, leave your sister alone. She won't say anything. Right, Freya?"

Freya supported Rebe's almost pleading look before shaking her head in abandonment."Screw you. Screw all of you!"

Freya turned on her heels with the intention of going to retrieve her purse in order to leave the club. She had seen enough to finally understand that she was not made for this world.

It was time to return to the real world for her.

It was their father who was right. Friends complicated everything.

"Not so fast. I still need you." Rebe snapped suddenly as she tied her arm with hers before leaning towards her."Relax, I also like Valerio. Your brother won't do anything to him."

"I don't care about Valerio. Let go of me now!"

However Freya hadn't foreseen her strength as Rebe suddenly let her go. She suddenly tripped over her feet before awkwardly catching herself on one of the coffee tables. Her eyes widened as she spilled several glasses on the girls. The trio leaped in shocked gasps at the sensation of alcohol going through their robes.

"What are you doing?"

"What's wrong with you?"

Freya straightened up, shaking her hands with spray of alcohol while Rebe hastened to intervene."I'm so sorry! It's my fault."

"Is it Jägermeister? It doesn't wash out!" Exclaimed Cayetana looking panicked."This a Ralph Lauren!"

Conversely Freya gave an indignant look at Rebe as she realized that she had done it on purpose.

"Relax, girl." Chuckles Rebe."Aren't you loaded? Just buy yourself a new one."

"It's calimocho." Intervened Lu just as exasperated before advancing towards Rebe, condescending."I wouldn't be surprised if she had some cheap wine stashed down her cleavage."

Freya rolled her eyes clearly unable to handle Lu at this point in the evening. All she wanted to do was go home and take the normal course of her life.

"Hey, I said I was sorry."

Lu, in turn left a mocking chuckle."You should be sorry for existing."

"Lu, it's enough, don't you think?" Freya finally exclaimed impatiently.

However, she hadn't planned to find herself in the crossfire again as Rebe grabbed a drink before tossing it at Lu. The latter left a gasp just like Freya at the splash feeling reaching her.

Not surprisingly, a brawl worthy of a schoolgirl broke out, leaving Freya to try to keep the girls away from Rebecca despite her own annoyance at the brunette.

Soon enough, Guzmàn hurried to separate them, leaving Freya to step back from the trio of raging girls to try to wipe the alcohol out of Lu's dress. She was going to have to take it to the dyer.

However, her attention soon became focused elsewhere as she heard Guzmàn's warning voice."Hey! What are you doing with Carla's phone? Don't tell me that you're a fucking thief as well?"

Freya hastened to go towards the duo only Carla hastened to intervene in her place. She watched as Carla excused Samuel's behavior with a weak apology before frowning at the blonde walking away.

However, it was not long before she became tense at the feeling of her brother joining her side.

"You still think I shouldn't have intervened. "

"You want to do what you want, Luís? Well, go ahead. I don't fuking care from now on. Do whatever the hell you want." Freya replied dryly between her teeth without bothering to look at him before rushing to the stairs


"Luís had a match today."

Freya paused as she readjusted the blanket around her shoulders before swallowing at the sight of her father sitting in one of the lounge chairs. She watched as he moved a piece of the chessboard before pressing the timer on his side to record his move.

"Did he won?" Sandvik asked without looking up from the board.

Freya hummed in response before hesitantly advancing toward her father."May I ?"

"Do what you want. I especially don't want you to have another panic attack because of the rules I impose."

Freya gulped at her father's tone before wincing as she settled into the chair in heavy silence. She set her eyes on the board in an attempt to distract herself before frowning at the sight of the game.

"You are losing."

"I'm not at my best." Sandvik replied simply before moving a new piece diagonally."I learned that you haven't been to your dance, piano or fencing lessons in the past few days. I guess you can try again for Odile's part."

Freya looked down at the obviously disappointed tone of her father before trying to distract herself by counteracting her father's movement. She could already see a strategy taking shape in her mind as she knocked down a rider from her father before placing it on the side of the chessboard. She, in turn pressed the timer before looking up at her father leaving a hint of a smile as he moved.

"I'm going to audition for Odette's part." Freya assured, raising her eyes to support his almost black brown look in the darkness of the living room."I'm going to get there. From now on I'm going to listen to you. I promise."

Sandvik left a weak scoff as he turned his eyes to the game."What made you change your mind?"

"Nothing." Freya lied in spite of herself.


Author note :

Okay, so that was another long chapter!

I sincerely hope you enjoy this book.

What do you think will happen to Freya? Will she risk losing everything or will she discover a whole new universe alongside Valerio?

Also what do you think of their relationship?

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