Jumping on the Train (Thomas...

By SunnyCoolKid

780K 23.9K 20.6K

"I don't know, Thomas. It just seems like it could be the start of something bad." Thomas leans over and... More

The Call
Hello, My Name is Southern Hospitality
Kick Back and Chill
There's More to you than Meets the Eye
It's All Good
On Television
Do Gooder
More Monkeys Than a Barrel of Fun
Let's Make Things Better
I Did It!
Talk and Text
Let's Party
As Playful As A Kitten
More Handsome
Big Trouble
On The Stage of Life
The Really Great Outdoors
You're About To Burn
You Can Choose Us!
Weather Changes, We don't
Big Red Sun
Hakuna Matata
Discovering the Unexpected
Colorful Compromise
Play Like a Pro
Too Comfortable
Age Can't Slow Me Down
Italian Style
Love Your Color
Ask Smart Questions
Yes, Really
Easy Does It
Has to Be
Time for Dinner
The Time of my Life
Point of View
Pick and Choose
Roof of the World
We Hear You
Modern Bride
Going Public
Fall in Love
Sassy Style
Under the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Pony- Lovin'
Talk it Up
Please, Tommy. Please.
Come Home
It's an Alien
Two Human Beings
Bradley Walker and Shadow China
All the Little Babies
Oh, What a Life
Driving Lessons
Thanks Willa
Labor Day
The First Day


5.7K 178 121
By SunnyCoolKid

You slam your car door shut, stepping on the gravel road. The warm summer humidity attacks you from all sides.

Ah, yes.

What a INCREDIBLE idea it was to go camping in the middle of the summer.

Dylan whoops from the other side of the car and runs over to the spot you've reserved for your tent. It's right by the lake. The lake sparkles green right by your area. A lot of people fish over here. About three hundred yards away, there is a long bridge that you can walk on to get to the other side of the lake, where there is a play ground, docks for boating and a huge field where you have plans to play Frisbee and soccer.

Thomas walks over, looping an arm around you and kissing your temple. "This'll be fun, eh?" He mutters into your hair.

You smile and try to have an upbeat attitude, "Yeah."

Will pulls one out the tents out of the back of the car. The five of you would be using two tents. You would have one to yourself, because when Ki and Dylan found out that neither Will or Thomas had been rough-camping with a bunch of guys, they demanded that they all sleep in one tent together, to give Thomas and Will a good taste of the Boy Scouts of America.

Apparently, both Dylan and Ki had been a boy scout, which you found REALLY weird. You could not see them as little squishy faced kids, learning how to make a fire and whatever.

Dylan looks excited as Will walks over with the tent, "Okay, where are the instructions?"

You blink and raise your eyebrows, "A man that actually uses instructions? Color me surpried."

Dylan shakes his head and talks with a feminine tone, "Surprised isn't your color, honey. We'd better color you impressed, with a little stripe of sexy right down the middle."

You roll your eyes as Dylan continues talking, "Anyway, yes. I use instructions. Because I want to do this crap RIGHT. So, bleh. I mean, I could go off memory, but I haven't been camping in like, five or six years, so I wouldn't reccomend me doing that. "

You nod, "Fair point, my honorable scout."

Next to you, Thomas asks, "What's the point of being a scout? It seems kind of lame."

Kis' mouth drops open, horrified, "YOU seem kind of lame!"

"Yeah!" Dylan nods, with dignity, "Being a scout is about....um, honor....and truth....and, er, some other stuff that I can't remember - but it was really MEANINGFUL."

Will folds his arms and frowns, jokingly, "Oh, yeah. We can see just how 'meaningful' it is to you."

Dylan scowls at Will, "Just get over here and help me set the tent up."

Will chuckles as all of you hover over the tent and try to figure it out. There are a lot of, "No! That stick- pole thingy connects to that stick-pole thingy!" There are several, "No, you freaking idiot! That green tarp loops through that and THEN you fold it over!"

"You mean the roof?"


And there is a lot off cussing, that you do your very best to ignore.

Finally, about an hour later, both tents are set up. They even look semi acceptable to sleep in....

"Not bad." Will mutters, as the five of you look at the out come of your painstakingly hard work.

"Not at all." Dylan agrees.

"Okay, so what do we do now?" Thomas asks, lacing his fingers through yours. Sweat beads your forehead. There's not much you can do about it. It's buggin' hot out here. Besides, the guys are about five times more sweaty, so you don't feel too bad.

Dylan looks at the watch he brought, "Well, we still have a couplbe of hours before it gets dark, so I say we go for a walk around the lake, try to avoid as many of our fellow campers as possible and see what happens."

"Why are we avoiding our fellow campers?" You ask.

"Because people who camp are stupid." He replys with a curt nod.

Thomas frowns, , "But we're camping."

Dylan gives him another curt nod before he starts wandering towards one of the trails, "But we already knew that we were stupid!"

Ki starts to follow, "Does that mean we are even more stupid for camping?"

"No," Will says, "That just means we stupidly came to watch the stupids be stupid. In reality, we were just stupid in general so we decided to come watch stupid people who are even more stupid than us. You understand, stupid?"

Ki blinks as you start walking on the trail, surrounded by tall trees, "Okay, now I'm really confused."

Will grins, "You always are."

"True." Ki nods.

The five of you laugh as you walk through the forest.

- - - -

"Ew! What is that!?" Ki yells as he points at the water.

You bend over and squint at it. It's nasty. It looks like it should be some kind of water creatures eggs. Small and round, but the insides are clear. It's like a mixture of cauliflower and fish eggs.

You scruch up your nose, "I don't know."

"Looks like some kind of egg." Thomas mutters.

"It's not an egg." Ki says, "Probably some kind of growth. Alge of some kind. It doesn't look poisonous or anything either."

Dylan, who has stared at it quietly the whole time, finally speaks up, "I want to touch it."

"Don't touch it." You say sternly, starting to walk away, but only making it a couple yards.

He looks at you like a little five year old, "But I want to." He looks back at the blob in the water, "I'm going to touch it."

"Don't. Touch. It." You say, clinching you teeth.

Next to you Thomas chuckles, "I can tell all hell's about to break loose."

"Dude, just poke it with a stick." Will suggests.

You blink, "Will, you aren't helping!"

"Good idea!" Dylan says, as he starts searching for a stick.

"What of it IS some kind of animal egg? You're going to hurt it!" You say.

"Hey!" Dylan holds his hands up in surrender, as he picks up a stick, "Any animal stupid enough to have that interesting of an egg, is asking for it."

"Agreed." Ki nods.

He leans over the water, poking at the clear glob in the water. The other guys egg him on (no pun intended).

"It's, like, almost solid." Thomas amazes.

"That's so cool!" Ki laughs.

"It's so gross!" Will says, disgustedly.

You sit down on a rock and click your tounge, "You guys could be killing some poor living creature."

"Eh, whatever." Dylan shrugs.

You huff out a breath, "Well, I'm going back to our tents, because my feet hurt, it's getting dark and I don't enjoy killing innocent things."

"Okay, bye." Dylan waves distractedly.

"Bye, hon." Thomas says.

Will and Ki wave too.

You frown.

They're going to let you walk back to the tent ALONE?

You lock your jaw, "Fine. You guys are so stupid."

You hear Dylan's disbeliving voice behind you, as you slowly walk the path, "Did she just call us stupid!?"

"She did!" Ki says, offened.

"We were only being curious...." Thomas mutters.

You roll your eyes and continue walking.

"We should get her back." Dylan plots, sounding excited.

"She'd kill you." Thomas warns.

"We'd have to do it when she least expected it." Will schemes.

"She'll kill you." Thomas repeats.

"Oh, I have an idea!"

"I'll kill you!" You hollar over your shoulder, hearing a chuckle from Tom.

The guys lower their voices, whispering.

"Oh, man! That's so mean!" Ki exclaims.

"She really will kill you." Thomas laughs.


You'd like to see them TRY to get you.

You've got the reflexes of a panther.

You know their every movement.

You've got eyes in the back of your head.


You hear a couple of heavy footbeats and before you can even turn around, you hear a - SPLAT! And something cold and wet hits the back of your neck, dribbling down your shirt and on to your back.

You don't even have to ask what it was.

You know - it was that gunk in the water.

Your mouth drops open and you suck in, right before you squeal. Behind you, you guys errupt in laugher. You slowly turn around, a murderous look on your face. Dylans hand drips from the water. The stuff was like slimey jam. Disgusting!

Thomas laughs at Dylan, "You'd better run and hide, dude."

You scowl at Dylan, "I....Will....KILL YOU! WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU DO THAT?"

You charge forward. Dylan runs, laughing. You know it's a hopeless cause- he's five times faster than you. But still, you run yelling, "I WILL KILL YOU DYLAN O'BRIEN! I WILL GIVE THE PAPERAZZI YOUR CELL PHONE NUMBER AND THEN I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL....I'LL SEND AN ASSASIN TO KILL YOU! I WILL GET FREAKING DOCTOR WHO IN THIS JUNT AND WE WILL BRING YOU DOWN, CHILD!"

Eventually, you run out of steam and you stop running, sitting on the forest floor. A few yards away, Dylan bends over, breathlessly laughing his heart away. You blissfully imagine the day when he has children and all if this will bite him in the butt. The other guys watch from the path laughing. Thomas makes his way over to you, still chuckling. His face is wet from amused laughing tears.

He stands over you, smirking, "You alright, flower?"

You scowl over at Dylan, "I WILL kill him one of these days."

He chuckles, "I know you will."

"I hate you!" You call over to Dylan. It's not true, but it makes you feel batter saying it. Dylan reminds you of a younger Percy in so many ways- it's scary.

You hold your hand out to Thomas, "Help me up. I need to change. And shower. And plot his death."

Thomas smirks as he holds his hand out to you. You take it and he pulls you up, catching hold of your waist and pulling you towards him. Your eyes are locked in his gaze. He looks at you....hungrily. He looks up and down your face, "Hey, Senorita Sexy."

You smirk, "I guess that makes you Senor Sexy?"

He chuckles and leans forward, your heart flutters as he presses his lips against yours. His lips slide across yours, and you slide your hands up, tangling your fingers in his hair.

"Oh, ew." Dylan groans.

Thomas pulls away and rolls his eyes, "Grow up."

Dylan rolls his eyes and heads back to the path, calling back to the guys, "Just a minute, they're having a married couple moment."

You look at Thomas, "I'm all nasty. I have that lake sludge all over me, what'd you kiss me for?"

Thomas kisses your collar bone and rests his forehead on your shoulder, "You're not nasty, you're beautiful."

You chuckle, "Okay, Mr. Romantic. We should get back to the guys before we start making out and get desperate."

He sighs, "I guess."

He quickly sneaks you another quick kiss and takes your hand, leading you back to the path. You lean into his shoulder as Will, Ki and Dylan walk in front of you laughing and joking. But you and Thomas linger back, holding onto your moment.




So today I went to the cheap theater and saw TMR for the second time. For two reasons mainly.

Number one - It's a freaking good movie.



Okay, fangirl moment over.


I'm splitting the camping section in half because I can. So next chapter is camping part two.

Anyhow, I love ya'll!



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