I'll Never Let Them Hurt You...

By fa11en_star

100K 3.9K 7.6K

(Completed) Men are born with keys on chains around their necks and women are born with locks. Your soulmate... More

35. (10K Smut Special)


1.5K 70 49
By fa11en_star

Hey y'all, I just posted a new Kellic oneshot book for anyone who likes Kellic. I'm gonna upload it whenever I have an idea, and yes, there will be smut chapters. So if you wanna check that out it would be greatly appreciated 🥺 there's 3 chapters posted right now.

Also thank you guys for 30K! That's insane!

Frank's POV

"Okay" he says simply, and I can see him visibly relax.

I lean down and kiss him slowly, putting way more passion into the kiss rather than lust. I don't really wanna have sex with him right now, I just wanna kiss.

We kiss for quite some time before I finally pull away, laying down on his stomach and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Not in the mood?" He questions, snaking his hand down into my hair.

"No, so don't you dare try and pull." I mumble.

"I won't, I promise." He says, running his fingers through my hair slowly, making me feel relaxed.

"Frank, I know you probably don't want to talk about this, but we have to." He says after a little while.

"Do we have too...?" I groan.

"Yes, we do. I need you to promise me a couple things okay?" He says sincerely.

"Hm." I say in response, not really wanting to talk about this.

"I need you to block Bert, and I need you to promise me that you won't walk around school without me, Pete, or someone else who can protect you. I don't want you to be alone."

"Sure." I agree, just wanting to drop the subject.

"Okay, I'll stop talking now, I know it's annoying you."

We sit in silence for a little  before I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in." Gerard says. I turn my head, seeing Mikey slowly open the door, Pete close behind him.

"Hey, how's Frank?" Mikey asks.

"Frank's fine." I mumble, setting my head back down on Gee's stomach.

"Glad to see he's back to his normal cheerful self." Pete jokes as they both walk in, Pete closing the door behind them.

"What's up Mikes?" Gerard asks.

"We just stopped by to make sure that Frank was okay." Mikey says.

"Why is everybody acting like I'm a fucking china doll that's going to break at the slightest touch? I can fucking handle myself." I say angrily. 

"Sorry dude, didn't realize you were on your period or something." Pete jokes.

"Not the time, Pete." Gerard says sternly.

"We don't think that of you, Frank. We just want to make sure you're safe, I don't want anything to happen to you." Mikey explains.

"Yeah?" I say, sitting up. "Well in case you fucking forgot, I saved Ryan's fucking life. I beat Dallon, who you were all terrified of for the longest time. I think I can handle Bob, and Gerard's shitty ex." I say angrily, getting off of Gerard and walking past all of them and locking myself in their bathroom.

"Frank, please open the door." Gerard says softly from the outside.

"I don't have to listen to you." I say angrily.

"You're right, you don't. But if you really care about me you would open the door, please." He pleads.

I sigh. "You guys are treating me like I'm a child, you know that right?"

"Frank, please. I love you so much, and I don't want anything to happen to you. You've changed my life for the better, and I really don't know what I'd do if you suddenly disappeared. It's not that I I don't think you can handle yourself, because believe me, I do. It's just that there's this thought in the back of my head that doesn't know what I'd do if you weren't here. I don't want to take the risk, so please, just listen to me and open the door so we can talk about this, and maybe make a compromise, please."

I sigh as I slump down against the door, putting my face in my hands. I could hear his voice wavering, and I know he's on the edge of tears. I can't just leave him like that. I reach up and unlock the door handle, scooting back so Gerard can have room to open the door.

He immediately does so, closing it behind him.

"I'm sorry if what I said offended you. I know that you can handle yourself, it's myself that I'm worried about. I don't know if I can handle you being alone. So please, for me, just walk with someone? It doesn't even have to be to protect you, I know that you can handle yourself. Just-" he pauses. "Please?"

I look in his eyes and honestly, in that moment , I can't say no to him. There's tears running down his face, and he's looking at me with these puppy dog eyes that I just can't ignore.

"Okay, I'll walk with someone." I agree as i sigh.

He smiles and he hugs me. "Thank you. I know you really don't want to, but, thank you for doing this for me. I know that you're strong, and I know that you can handle yourself."

"Yeah, but I'll do it for you." I tell him.

"Thank you, I love you so much." He says sincerely.

"Yeah, can you go out there and tell Mikey and Pete to drop it, though? I'll hang out with them and we can do something together, but I really don't want to talk about this anymore." I say.

"Okay, yeah, I get it. I'll go out there and tell them, I'll come get you in a second." he says, wiping away the stray tears on his face and getting up.

He comes back a couple minutes later and holds out his hand. I take it and pull myself up from the ground, hugging him. "I'm sorry for freaking out. I just hate people acting like I cant handle myself."

"You're fine, anybody would hate being talked down to like that. I guess we just didn't think about how you might feel. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, now let's stop talking about it. Lets just pretend this never happened and move on." I say.


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