Teach Me How To Live -~Zen...

By Author_J_

128K 3K 507

-~Snow White With Red Hair~- After the murder of her family and now being hunted by her home kingdom, what is... More

-~Special Thanks!~-
Changed. -~Part 1~-
Changed. -~part 2~-
This Was Fun. -~2~-
leap of faith -~3~-
Talk To Me -~4~-
The Truth -p1
The Truth -p2
I Will Protect You
First Day On The Job
New Outfit, New Name
You Broke Her
Teach Me How To Live!
Fort Lockstown p1
Fort Lockstown p2
Together For A While
The First Day
My Week Of Training.
The Castle
A Bigger Storm
So New
Back Home..
The Festival
Bad News
Dress Shopping
Together For The Night
Without them.
My Birthday..
The Mountains
Day Out
Home Late Consequences
clothing?.. not a chapter
Long Day
Return The Stolen
Horrible Wedding
The Fight.
Finally, Our Meeting
Two Months At Home.
i got tagged, friends. -not a chapter-
A New Queen?
I Surrender
Broken Chains
His End
A Break
Brothers Wedding
We're Fools
Too Good To Be True
almost time
Not to worry!-notes

Funeral and Ball

1.8K 47 12
By Author_J_

Yall.. the shit is bout to shit the fan. Hold onto your hats.. (I'm jk it's not that exciting)

Your POV

As expected, prince Raji is here along with.. the king of Tanbarun? He's gonna kill me if he finds out why my family died.. Or maybe he'll be thankful, I'm not sure.
Soon enough things got started. Prince Dominic said all these things about my parents and what my grandpas used to do before they retired. The whole time no one cried. Not even me.. Well, actually, Obi cried a little. I was trying to stay strong because theres no way I'd show my vulnerability towards Dominic after what hes done. I thought about ending this quickly and knocking Dominic out or maybe giving him a new scar but I figured since there was royalty and important people here.. I probably shouldnt.. But that's not really it, I just dont want to be someone Zen will look down upon. I dont want to disappoint him, I want him to be proud of me.. So i kept it together. I held my head up high, sat up straight in my chair.. And prayed to god I didnt have to go talk in front of all these people..... but I did..  and it went a little like this.

"Hello.. Their death was pretty untimely.." I smiled and looked towards the opened graves. "Although it's just me now, that doesnt mean my family will stop growing. We may not be blood related but I have a friend who would help carry out our legacy, if you could call it that" I laughed a little and began to pull out my mother and father's swords. Obi was now almost balling while kiki and Mitsuhide are really trying their hardest to make him feel better. "I'll be honest, I didn't know my family was quite so popular until I visited some soilders in Clarines recently. They all recognized who I was by these swords and were astonished that I was alive dispite what the news paper said" I quietly laughed to myself and showed everyone my swords. They all laughed at my remarks too.
"Miss, these swords are remarkable! Did your family really make them?" A little noble boy asked me. He looked probably 10 years old.
"Yes, we did. We all learned how to use a sword then make them. I'm afraid I cant teach you though, I'm not a good teacher" I told him with a smile and put my swords back away.
Princess Ari walked up to me with a smile and told me we'd drop the caskets in there now. I nodded and went back to where I was sitting next to Obi in the front row then Zen and the others in the row behind. Prince Dominic soon came up and announced that we could gather and watch so everyone stood up and did so. Obi was trying to hold it together still but wasnt doing a good job.
"I think you've cried more over my family than yours.." I whispered to Obi with a quiet giggle.
"Y-You said I was part of the family and can carry on with you.." he whispered in tears.
"I thought you already knew that.." I whispered back and kept my giggles quiet as I wrapped one arm around him while we watched all four of my family members being lowered deep under ground.
You four sure got a lot of fam, didnt you? I wish you were alive to see Obi crying, you probably would have laughed at him..
"I think Obi is more sad than you are" Zen whispered and stood beside me.
"I dont have time to be sad" I told him with a little smile and watched the last one being lowered.. mothers.. Suddenly a gust of wind blew over everyone and knocked many peoples hats off. It blew all my hair behind me with great force and almost felt like a hug as it pushed me back. This reminds me of the same wind that whispered to me when I was on the run.. It must be mother. She's always liked nature and the sound of the wind. I wouldnt be surprised if it was truly her. My smile got a little bigger andI felt so relaxed as the wind surrounded our large group of nobles, royalty, then me and Obi.. Then it faded as dirt was placed over each of the graves. And now they rest..
"Now whose crying?" Obi whispered to me while I was stuck in a daze smiling away.
"Hm? Oh-" I whispered as Zen put his hand on my cheek and wiped the cold tears that ran down. "I'm sorry, I didnt realize-.." I muttered and kept up my smile as I began to wipe my eyes dry.
"Dont apologize" Zen told me with a smile. I nodded and felt my chest flutter a bit. I wish mother was here so I could tell her I had finally kissed someone. She always wanted me to have some sort of fairytale ending but we never got to that.. Until now. Even if its not the end I'll still live like it could be... Which means I'll probably raise some hell tonight at the ball but oh well.
After all of that was done we were free to go. I had a possy of little ones following me around for a minute which was interesting. I havent spent time with kids much but they were all cool. Their parents pulled them away soon though so everyone could go get ready in the castle. Everyone got a room or something and maids, I guess. It's weird how Prince Dominic set up this day and ball and stuff.

"Miss moon! Please say you'll get ready with me! We have much to talk about!" Princess Ari shouted for me and ran over happily.
"Hello princess. Do you mean right now? I didnt know we had to get dressed so early" I told her with a little laugh.
"Havent you been to one if our balls before?" She asked me in confusion.
"Well yes but-.." I stopped myself before I said something I'd regret. "I was just passing by" I told her with a smile.
"Princess, I'm afraid Y/n isnt quite used to being pampered" Zen told princess Ari with a smile and stood next to me with Obi, kiki, and Mitsuhide as well.
"Pampered? Are you referring to the makeup and dresses?" She asked with a laugh. My face felt a little red after she asked that. I feel so embarrassed..
"Yes, princess. Y/n isnt one to get dressed up much. In fact, if she wasnt forced to, she'd be wearing pants right now!" Obi exclaimed happily and just tried to embarrass me more.
"Shut up, Obi-" I whispered and pinched his arm secretly.
"It's not bad at all, I promise! Miss, would you like to join us?" The princess asked kiki happily.
"Me?" Kiki pointed to herself with a smile and shook her head, "I'll be working tonight but I'd love to join you two and watch" she replied.
"Good, now us men and have some alone time" obi grinned... then realized that sounded more than inappropriate. "Wait-" he began and tried to fix it.
"Obi, stop talking please" Zen sighed and rubbed his face. I giggled looking at Zen and Mitsuhide look so disgusted while Obi was frantically trying to make himself look good again.
"Why dont we leave the men to their alone time" kiki laughed and lightly pushed the princess and I away. I looked over my shoulder back at the three wondering if Obi was able to fix himself yet but all I saw was Obi shouting at Mitsuhide while Zen.. Stared back at me. My face flushed red immediately and I had to look away as quickly as I could before it got worse.
"Do you mind me calling you Y/n?" The princess asked me and snapped me out of my daze.
"Hm? Oh, of course not, princess" I smiled and tried to push the thought of Zen out of my mind before my face turns completely red.
"Then in return just call me Ari" she told me happily.
"Alright" I smiled and followed along with her and kiki. Ari took us to a large room, actually this looks like her bedroom. It's big and pretty and its filled with little things around the room... then theres the maids.
"I left my dress back in my room, I hope you dont mind if I run to get it" I told Ari with a little smile.
"That's alright, you stay here and I'll find it for you" kiki told me with a grin and soon left. She just wants me to be bothered by maids...
"Y/n Moon! Oh, i heard you at the funeral a minute ago, I'm so sorry" a nice woman, one of the maids, came up to me and pulled me in for an amazingly tight hug.
"O-Oh, it's alright" I told her as we broke apart.
"Will you be wearing that belt over your dress as well? I've been told you never take it off" another woman asked as Ari had a couple women sit her down and begin on her hair.
"Yes, I dont like having it off much" I answered and was sat down in a surprisingly comfortable chair.
"Does it by chance match with your dress?" The first woman asked me and pulled out curlers.. Thisll be a long afternoon..

Well, the afternoon wasnt quite as long as I thought. Instead of talking while I had my hair done I completely fell asleep before Ari got the chance to ask me any questions. When I woke up, Ari was shaking my arms and yelling at me. So naturally I woke up but I almost smacked her in the face out of fear and surprise.. Thank goodness Kiki was next to her and saved her poor face from my fist.
"I-Im so sorry, Ari!" I shouted and sat up straight after realizing I almost hit her.
"Remind me to never wake her up again" Ari giggled to kiki. "It's almost time to put on your dress" she told me.. that's when I realized the sun was going down. The sky is now a bright orange and I just had the greatest nap of my life.
"Whoa, bout time sleeping beauty got up" Obi laughed from behind me.
"What?" I asked with a little laugh. "Where did your alone time with the men go?" I asked him as I almost got to rub my sleepy eyes before one of the maids stopped me and said she had already done my makeup while I was sleeping.
"Out the window," he sighed, "master had to meet with other royalty and what not" he told me with a short eye roll.
"Sounds exhausting to me" I told him with a little laugh as the curlers were being taken out of my hair. Now the maids are styling mine and Ari's hair.
"Y/n, can I ask you something?" Ari asked me with a smile.
"Yeah, what is it?" I asked and looked over at her the best i could but i was facing Obi and kiki now.
"Are you and prince Zen dating or engaged?" She asked quickly and seemed so happy. I choked on air and started coughing while trying my best to answer.
"N-No, who told you to ask me that? Was it obi?" I coughed out.
"No, but I saw the way you look at him and during the funeral he-" she began to list different things she noticed since us meeting her. I was dead silent with my face much brighter than any red apple and felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest.
"Yeah, I noticed that too. And when he held your hand while you were asleep two weeks ago" kiki giggled a bit.
"And that same night when he was walking with you" Obi continued.
"I-I cant date a prince!" I exclaimed quickly but not so deep down I wondered if we might be. He kissed me and then we did it again.. This is like dating, right? I guess I never told him how I felt about him yet so..
"Yes you can!" Ari shouted while the maids giggled and listened.
"Well what if you dated a guard? I work for him, Ari!" I exclaimed in a slight panic with the brightest of faces.
"You're Y/n Moon, the fiercest woman live. All the little girls and even grown women I know look up to you. Everyone at the castle knows what's happened since you were born and the fact that you're still going strong gives us all strength!" The woman doing my hair exclaimed proudly.
"All of it?.. How much is all?" I asked and dropped the other stuff.
"Well.. Since the mission, dear.." she told me softly. The room became painfully quiet and suddenly I felt like I couldnt move or talk anymore and the feeling of her hands lightly pulling on my hair began to hurt.. They've all known since the fake mission..
"Which is why everyone will pitch in tonight to take my brother off the throne." Ari told me strongly. I looked over to her feeling.. More ashamed and embarrassed than anything.. But I wonder what her plan could be.
"She's already talked with Prince Izona. We arent allowed to know the plan, we just have to wait.." Obi told me with a sigh.
"I know" kiki spoke with a smirk while Obi rolled his eyes. I nodded and put my hand over the watch under my dress. I wish that painful feeling would go away again. It seems to stop when Zen's with me.. I wonder where he's at or if hes okay..
"Time for dresses!" One of the women exclaimed before pushing Obi out of the room.
"Can I go change in the bathroom?" I asked and felt more than nervous about showing them the scars covering my body.
"Dont be shy. And besides, it takes a three person team for this sort of gown" one of the women told me with a laugh as she held onto my dress. I tried not to complained any longer because I didnt want to annoy anyone so I took of my belt and set it on the bed. Next i slid my arms out of my sleeves and then came the dress but they stopped to stare.
"That on your chest.. I remember hearing about that.. and the one on your neck from when you were a baby.." she sighed and stuck the dress over my head while someone pulled get my arms through the holes.
"Were those all from my horrible brother? That one on your arm.." Ari gasped at seeing the ones just on my chest, arms and up. Theres really not a lot it just.. looks like a lot to those who dont have any.
"Not all of them" I told her and pretended to be alright by making my voice sound normal again but when I finally got this dress on I could see it in everyones eyes. They all knew I was putting on an act..
"Mitsuhide told us that one on your arm is from something when you were 16" kiki spoke up as I slid my old dress off from under me before the ladies got back to work on tying my dress tight.
"It sounds worst than it is" I told them with a little shrug.
"Well.." kiki began and sat on the bed behind her, "Zen got pretty scared when he heard. Obi as well" she told me with a little smile.
"It seems that's all I really do.. Make people worry.." I muttered and looked down at my dress. It's easy enough to walk in and it's kind of comfortable too.
"I dont think there will be a thing that you do that wont make them worry" Ari told me with a smile. "Tonight especially, it's clear Dominic wants you gone as well and when things start happening I'm sure everyone will be looking for you" she told me and seemed sad.
"She'll be alright and now she has permission to kick butt too" kiki told me with a smile
"If I kick a certain prince's butt will i be banished from the kingdom?" I asked Ari with a little grin.
"Only if you get to him before i do" she laughed along with me and the other maids.
By now the sun has gone down and it's time to go. My hair and makeup is done and under this long dress I'm wearing comfortable boots and pants! Yeah, I snuck a pair on. I figured I might have to cut off part of the dress if I need to fight so I might want to have some pants on under.
At the door there was a light knock and the sound of Obi and Mitsuhide asking to coming in.
"Wow, look at you two" Mitsuhide smiled looking at Ari and I.
"One day you'll get your own, Mitsuhide" I smiled evily and walked past him out the door.
"Wait, what?" He turned around quickly in confusion and slight fear.
"Did you forget how much she hated behing pampered already?" Kiki laughed a little to him as Ari and I walked in front of the other 3.
I still have my belt around my waist and pocket watch hanging around my neck, tucked into the fabric of my dress and hiden away from everyones eyes. This dress holds on tightly around my neck and has nice, thin, sleeve around my arms. The dress itself is stunning and detailed.
"Sorry if you dont like it, imagine something else lol)

The sleeves and part of my chest is see through but it's not too bad so I'll be fine.. I think?
"I think being pampered while napping for hours sounds good to me" Mitsuhide chuckled in return.
"Did Obi tell you I was sleeping?" I asked and narrowed my eyes at Obi.
"Zen, Obi and I all came to check on you girls before Zen went off to greet people but you were fast alseep and someone didnt want to wake you up" Mitsuhide rolled his eyes.
"Oh I wish you were awake to see him" Ari giggled next to me.
"Master was already dressed in a nice uniform and everything but it's ashame you were asleep" Obi sighed to me very dramatically.
"You act like it's the end of the world, Obi" I said as I rolled my eyes. I know they're trying to tease me but I wont let them.
"Well after tonight it could be" kiki spoke up and had a clear smirk on.
"Please dont say that" I sighed before a warm hand rubbed my back and comforted me.
"Dont worry, if our plan doesnt work than we still have a few back up ones" Ari told me happily.
"Alright.." I nodded and grazed my fingers over the handles of my swords just to check if they were there before walking into this and of course I still have the ankle dagger.
As we all walked down the hall quietly i couldnt help but think something will go down hill a lot quicker than it's supposed to.. My mind often wondered and thoughts about all the bad possibilities surfaced. Nothing involving Dominic ever turns out good so I just dont know.. But now I have Ari and Clarines by my side.. and Zen..
As we all walked into the ballroom I quickly grew more nervous. There's more people than there were at the funeral earlier and everyone looks so.. fancy.. I gripped onto the skirt of my dress not knowing what else to do and stared with strangely wide eyes as Ari walked me around with my other friends behind us.
"Y/n!" Suddenly I hear Zen calling for me so I looked over and when I did it was a small circle of Zen, prince Izona, and.. Prince Raji?
"Hello.." I muttered nervously and wasnt sure how I should greet them. Should I bow? I have no I dea...
"Raji has some interesting news for you, miss Moon" Prince Izona looked down at me and didnt seem the happiest.
"Y-Yes?" I stuttered for some reason.
"Well, I dont have the information, my father does but he'll be leaving in minutes. We have to hurry and catch him!" Raji told me.
"The king?.." I whispered in shock and didnt know what to do. How was I supposed to stop the king from leaving to his own kingdom?
"Yes, we must leave now" Raji told me again and seemed in quite the hurry.
"O-Okay, where exactly is that?" I asked as he set down his drink and almost started walking away.
"I'm coming as well" Zen told us but Prince izona said it would be suspicious if Zen went with me as well so he would have to stay behind but Obi would follow..
We left quickly running down the empty hallways. I showed the way outside while Raji was barely hanging on.
"Prince Raji, is this so important we have to run?" Obi asked and was now carrying Raji on his shoulders.
"Yes! My father said only Y/n would be allowed to hear which is why we must hurry!" He shouted and pointed ahead.
"Where am I supposed to be going?" I asked with a sigh.
"The burned up house!" He shouted.
"That's in the other direction!" Obi and I complained and turned around.
Well, after a long time and a good bit of hatred fueling Obi and i, we finally made it to my house.
"He said he would be in the basement.." Raji whispered and stayed outside.
"Alright.." I muttered and skipped the first step because i broke it the other day. "Obi, stay out here with Prince Raji. I'll be back" I told him and looked serious. He nodded and stayed by Raji while I went in. From the door I already knew something was up.. Because there were 2 men talking and standing around in black while the king was tied up.
"Hey, shouldnt you two be dancing?" I asked and stood at the top of the stairs fixing my dress. I pulled it up then tied it in a knot while showing off my pants.
"Are you as tough as they say, girl?" The first bigger guy asked with a grin.
"Wanna find out?" I asked as I pulled out fathers sword. This will be serious and I can imagine more will be sent to kill me which is why I had Obi stay with Raji. "Hey Obi! I've got two monkeys in here, do ya mind taking Raji somewhere better?!" I shouted out to him.
"Yeah! I'll keep a look out though!" He shouted back and ran off, I saw him through the shattered window.
"Good" I sighed happily and began to walk down the stairs.
"We're not after any royalty, we only have orders for you" one of them told me and didnt seem too happy about this.
"Wasnt I the one to train you guys for this?" I asked casually and walked down the stairs with a smile. I'm trying to act super cocky so that the king will have faith that I'll be able to get him loose and safe but I'm terrified more men with bust through.
"That was last spring-" one said before coming at me with one of the swords he took off the wall.
"Fighting with our swords is a big-" i said as i flipped the sword out of his hand and on the floor then kicked the guy down and held my foot on his chest, "No!" I shouted just to mess with him.
"Miss moon! I-I didnt want to do this!" The other shouted and put his hands up while I ripped off the under skirt of my dress and tied his friend up. Okay, admittedly that was a lot easier than I had originally thought.
"But if we dont than we'll all get killed too" the dude on the floor told me as some more of his friends showed up but were.. Slowly being kicked down? Gosh, that was like a domino affect.
"I have your back!" Obi shouted from upstairs.
"Thanks!" I shouted and and went to the king. "If you dont want to be punished for letting me go than I suggest you join us" I told the men as I helped the king to his feet.
"Thank you" the king breathed a sigh of relief after i pulled the cloth from his mouth.
"Your welcome, your highness" I smiled and helped him up the stairs. "Come on you two, join Obi or run" I told the bad assassins who were trying to decide what to do. They quickly decided that joining Obi was the best decision... I think I may have just started a small party of assassins who would like to do away with the prince... I hope this was in the plan.
"Obi, was this in the plan?" I whisper shouted to him as we helped the king get out of my house and was being guarded by the men who came to kill me.
"Not sure but I think master will like their help" he told me with a smile.
"Highness, prince raji told me you had some information. I'm not sure of a safe place in this kingdom to talk though.." I told the king as Obi and I sat him down on a bench close by.
"Y/n, listen to me closely" he told me and took my hands. "Your father is alive with the Lions of the mountains in Tanbarun. I can confirm he was the only one to make it out alive. Once you find him he has other news to tell you but we cant speak of it here.." he whispered and pulled me close.
"What?.." I whispered in shock. I always had that suspicion but I thought it was just.. In my imagination..
"Go to Tanbarun in the mountains tonight or you may never get to see him again" he told me very seriously.
"I-I will" I stuttered but felt so determined. "Am I aloud to tell anyone? Does this have to be a secret?" I asked quietly. Obi was listening to the whole thing too.
"I know you have a close circle with the second prince of Wisteria. If you trust Zen than let Obi tell him and you take a horse and leave now." He told me sternly and held my hands tight.
"Obi-" I looked over to him.
"Got it!" He shouted before running off as fast as he could.
"Can I help you to your carriage?" I asked him and felt like my mind was racing faster than my heart beat.
"I'll be fine. Go now" he told me with a little smile and let my hands go. I nodded and slowly started running backwards making sure he would still be okay before running the fastest I could to where all the carriages and horses were kept out front.
"Sir! Give me your horse!" I shouted at one of the guards.
"Miss moon, I have strick orders to keep you here" he answered but didn't seem too confident.
"Get off the horse or I'll kick you off." I threatened.

So yeah, I got the horse. I have no idea where I'm going. I'm alone and I dont know where the Lions of The Mountain are. How does the king know my father is alive? Did someone see? How did he see? Did he know about the last mission that almost got his son killed? Is he taking pity on me because of that?
"Zen.." I whispered with my hand over the watch under my clothes. "It would have been nice if we got to dance, wouldnt it?" I asked myself as if he was next to me. I want to tell him how I feel but I dont know what to say. I just like spending all my time with him and messing around and acting like someone we arent. I like pretending that we're normal and when I'm with him that's what I feel like. I feel like one of those stuck princesses in a tall tower who just barely escaped with the Prince but now we're pulling apart again. "I dont think this was Prince Izona's plan.." I whispered as my stomach turned painfully.
For what felt like hours I road into the night. My dress stayed clean and tied close to my waist while my horse kicked dirt and mud. Its wet on these mountains thanks to the rain last ni-
"Miss Moon! Is that you?!" Someone screamed at me. It sounded like an older man.
"Y-Yes, sir?" I stuttered and slowed down. Maybe he needs help or maybe hes with Prince Dominic trying to kill me!
"I'm mukaze, the chief of the Lions of the mountain. I assume the king of Tanbarun sent you on this wild chase?" He asked and seemed so friendly and happy.
"Thank god.." I whispered and pressed my forehead against the back of the horses neck with a long sigh.
"Someone is waiting for you back at the village" he told me with a smile and took the reins of my horse.
"Please tell me you're kidding now because if this is a giant trick to kill me then-" I began on a short quiet rant but mukaze only started laughing.
"Trust me princess, you're in no danger" he told me happily.
"I'm no princess either" I sighed a little as he walked my horse and I a long ways up the mountain.
"We'll see about that" he chuckled leaving me a bit confused. What does that mean? Am I treated like a princess? Is this because he knows about Zen..? "I gotta tell ya," he sighed, "I have a daughter as well. I had to give her up to her grandparents a long time ago but she's dissapeared from the kingdom recently" he told me and tried to start friendly conversations.
"From Tanbarun? I have a friend who was almost made Prince Raji's concubine because of the color of her hair" I giggled to myself and thought about Shirayuki, "I met her the day after I ran away from the castle" I told him and felt more than happy talking about it. I'm glad I ran away and met my friends. It's not in my blood to run but sometimes you cant help it.
"Really?.. That's strange.. What was so different about her hair?" He asked as we continued our walk.
"Well I could easily spot her from anywhere. Its brighter than a red apple" I giggled and went on, "I remember the day we first met. It was the same day I met Zen, kiki, and Mitsuhide. We were all at this empty house and Raji found her so he sent a basket full of poison apples intended to knock her out but I was the one to eat the apple instead" i told him and couldnt help but laugh.
"Really?" He asked in surprise with a smile and laugh, "that sounds hard to believe. Her hair must have been really remarkable if it caught the princes attention" he told me as this amazing village came into view.
"It certainly is. Her name is Shirayuki and shes close to becoming an official court herbalist in Clarines while I work for Zen" I told him and stared at the village. It's so dark out but theres lights everywhere.
"Shirayuki.. Is she still in Clarines or did she come on the trip with you?" He asked me as lights in the distance started waving.
"She wasnt able to come with us.. she might have gotten seriously hurt if she came.. I'm worried about everyone back at the castle but the king told me.. He just said to run.." I muttered and lowered my head.
"I understand you're worried for your friends but the situation in Alfin is being taken care of and soon enough that bastard Prince will be gone" he told me and cussed like he had something against him as well.
"I don't suppose you like him much either than.." I sighed and looked back to the village.. "Father?.." I whispered to myself and stared at a big group of people in front of me and in the center was a man that looked like my father..
"He's been with the king of Tanbarun for a few days before he was sent to us. I think it's safe to say he'll be sticking around for a while" he told me before slapping the back of my horse and making it run. I road all the way to the group with wide eyes and a fast beating heart. That is him.. He's alive!
"I knew it!" I shouted as I stopped my horse and jumped off. "I knew you weren't dead! I-I-" I stuttered as unexpected tears rose in my eyes as I march up to my father standing proudly with a big goofy grin.
"Come here soldier" he chuckled and held out his arms.
"Dad.." I whispered in tears and hugged him as tight as I could. "Did mom not tell you to meet me in Clarines?" I asked with tears streaming and messing with the small amount of makeup put on my face.
"Well she did but everyone else heard it too so I couldnt just go there" he chuckled and held me tight. "Besides, I have a friend in Tanbarun who helped me out" he told me happily as he broke away from our hug and wiped away my tears.
"How in the world are you friends with the king?" I asked in astonishment as someone took care of my horse.
"Well, I think you should probably give her the horrible news now" mukaze chuckled from behind me and met up with us. Dad gave him a little glare in return.
"The king told me you had more to tell me but he couldnt say it in Alfin.." I muttered and untied my dress to finally let hang.
"Yes well.." father sighed and looked away. What is he hiding from me?
"Come on, everyone go take a seat while we wait for others to follow" mukaze shouted to the group of men standing with swords and smiles.
"Hey, is that my sword?" Father asked with a smile and looked at my waist. "Brave choice wearing two at once over a gown like that" he chuckled and looked down at me. "My beautiful girl. Just like your mother" he smiled and rubbed my final tears off my cheek.
"Its not brave if I can wield both of them at once" I laughed a little and tried to clean myself up. "But this isnt mine." I told him and pulled the sheathed sword off my belt and handed it back to him.
"Man, I missed this thing" he sighed looked down at it. "Do anything good with it?" He asked and held onto it while leading the two of us to a spot against the tall wooden fence made of long, skinny trees.
"Oh yeah, the day after I left I met the Second Prince of Clarines and threatened if he came closer I'd bring the pain" I laughed.
"What?! Another prince? Ugh, how'd you get so popular.." he muttered and leaned back uncomfortably.
"I didnt know he was the Prince, at first he was just a boy who fell and hurt his wrist in front of me. At the the time I was walking around with my black cloak and mask with my hood up so I scared him pretty badly" I giggled to myself thinking back to it as I pulled Zen's watch form under my clothes and held it in my hands. "Then after I got poisoned by another Prince I went to stay in Clarines working as Zen's royal sentinel" I told him while I smiled at the watch and finally relaxed.
"Really? He let a girl in a cloak work for him?" Father asked in surprise.
"Well I sort of lost my voice for a few days too and it was mostly moms fault" I laughed a little, "she told me to stay quiet and hide and well, subconsciously I took that a little too far and became mute for a while" I sighed and lowered my head.
"...And prince Zen still trusted you? How long did you wear a cloak and write on paper for before he trusted you?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, as soon as everyone figured out i was a girl with good humor they began to trust me but I also had to beat one of his attendants in a match before becoming his sentinel" I told him and shut my eyes with a smile on my face as I rested against the wood.
"So you're close to the second Prince of Wisteria, huh?.." dad asked with a groan.
"Sort of.." I muttered and tried hard to not let dad know anything about Zen and i.. Would dad be mad I kissed someone? Would he be even more mad if it was Zen? "Did you know I found Obi again? I assume he'll be here soon. Before I left he went to tell Prince Zen and the others where I went so I imagine-" I began but just as I started talking about him, Obi came running faster than light could travel.
"Y/n!" He shouted as I stood up with a smile.
"Hey Obi, where's-" I almost got to ask but he came in too hot with a big hug and we fell over. "Obi!" I laughed and pushed off him.
"Obi, why are you hugging my daughter?" Father asked with a strick tone of voice and was clearly messing atound.
"M-Mr. Moon" he suttered with wide eyes and immediately got up.
"Its good to see you again, kid" father smiled and rubbed the top of Obi's head as I got back on my feet and dusted myself off.
"You should have seen him crying at your funeral" I giggled.
"NO I WASNT!" Obi shouted and seemed more than embarrassed. He always tries to look strong in front of my father especially because he looks up to him so much.
"I'm honored, Obi" father chuckled. "Now tell me what you know about this Prince Zen.." father whispered and pulled Obi aside.
"No! Father please stop!" I shouted and jumped on his back while he interrogated Obi.
"You should have seen them-" Obi chuckled evily and leaned over to father to whispered.
"No!" I shouted and pulled father back by the collar of his shirt, "that information is classified, father.." I glared.
"Stop calling him father like hes someone special" mukaze laughed and slapped fathers shoulder.
"Hey!" He shouted in defense.
I giggled and crossed my arms looking him dead in the eyes, "dad." I smirked.
"Young lady, I will-" dad threatened and took a step forward. I giggled and ran off before he could catch me.
"Bye dad!" Obi shouted as well and started running with me back towards that forest.
"So, where do you think the others were at?" I asked Obi as the two of us sat perched up against a tall tree as i held onto Zen's pocket watch with a smile.
"I'm not sure. I guess you ruined their plan so everyone is trying to take care of the situation back there. I left right as the king claimed Dominic a murdered and ordered guards to take him. Of course they didnt listen but they did listen to Ari. She shouted that he murdered their parents and well.. No one was going to let Dominic go after that" Obi told me as we watched the sun rise.
"Sounds good to me. No more evil ruler.." I smiled and looked down at the road.
"Hey, is that.. kiki?" Obi asked and squinted down.
"It is!" I shouted and stood up then tied my dress around my waist again in a knot before jumping down. She was going in the wrong direction so I had to stop her. "Kiki!" I shouted and ran across the trees to her.
"Y/n! I'm glad you're here because I had no idea where this place was at" she sighed to me as I guided her and her horse in the right direction.
"Hello miss kiki" obi dropped down with a smile.
"We heard from the king that your father was here, did you get to see him afterall?" She asked with a smile as we went back to the gate.
"Yes hes here" I laughed a little.
"And hes already caught onto master and Y/n's relationship" Obi whispered with a big smirk.
"We arnt in a relationship Obi.." I muttered with a blush across my cheeks and we reached the gate.
"Really? Is that why you two had a secret embrace the night your house burned down?" Obi asked with a smirk.
"Wh-What?" I stuttered as my face flushed bright red.
"Apparently at the alone time those boys shared, they shared some secrets and I was lucky enough to hear as well" kiki told me with a smile.
"N-No, we- he didnt-" I dont even know what to say! How should I explain how I kissed a prince?!
"Theres no need to hide it anymore" Obi smirked as kiki got off her horse and we tied it by the gate.
"W-We-.. I-I wasnt hiding anything.." I muttered and looked away.
"Do you still call that just a friendship?" Kiki asked me as I stood by the gate.
"How could.. How could I stand with a prince?.." I asked with my eyes looking at the watch in my hands. "I not allowed to be this close to him yet we are.. He's already gotten in trouble with Prince Izona and I havent even apologized.." I told them with half a broken heart.
"Hey, are you guys talking about that Prince again?" Mukaze came out of the little building hidden by the gate. "Hey, I'm mukaze the chief here" he chuckled and nodded to kiki.
"I'm kiki" she smiled.
"Do you think if a man and woman fell in love they could be together no matter the social status?" Obi asked him randomly.
"I-In love?" I stuttered and shock and felt my heart begin to beat out of my chest.
"Oh, I see how it is.." mukaze chuckled and crossed his arms. "I think ya might want to talk to your father about that thing last night. He never did get around to telling you, guess he's just scared" he rolled his eyes with a grin.
"Of what?.." I asked in wonder.
"Are you really gonna make me tell her now?" Dad grumbled from a little ways away after being pushed out here by a few people.
"What is it?" I asked and looked over in confusion. How could what he have to say relate back to Zen and i?..
"We have to do this, this early?" Dad muttered and glared at mukaze.
"It seems like you need to now" mukaze whispered to him.
"Need to tell me what?" I asked and was starting to get frustrated.
"Alright.." dad sighed. "Come with me and we can talk while we wait for your friends to get here" he told me and started to walk off.
"Is this a big secret or something?.." I asked him as we walked.
"Bigger than you know" he told me and smiled a little as we walked far from that gate to this roof with two benches. We sat on ones opposite of each other. Then finally we talked..

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