Torn {N.H} [Complete]

By tommogirl214

1.4K 11 0

I'm 17, I lost my parents. I lost my friends. I lost everything. What's next. How much more of this can I tak... More

Torn | 1D
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

35 0 0
By tommogirl214

*Listen to the song Highway don't care by Tim McGraw and Taylor Swift to get the feel of this chapter*


Niall's been acting weird lately. Every time I go out to town he's always persistent to go with me. He's been doing this for weeks now. Ever since he came back from the bar that night he hasn't been himself. I trust Niall, but I don't trust the girls that are around.

Today's Friday, The boys have rehearsal today and their concert is tomorrow. Niall had left at around noon to meet up with the boys and head to the studio. He had asked me to go with him but I didn't feel like going this time, I was to lazy to get out of bed and actually get dressed. I didn't get out of bed until half past noon. Hey! Being 5 months pregnant gives me an excuse!

But after I have had my late lunch, I got bored easily. I watched most of brides maids but didn't finish it. I finally decided that after two hours of Boredom I'd do something. I was already dressed so I slipped on my converse and decided to head to Starbucks. I grabbed Niall's keys off the table and locked the door behind me. I walked out to Niall's black Subaru. I don't Have a car yet. Seeing as I have to save up my money for the baby. Our baby.

Just the sound of it makes me get butterfly's. I love the way it sounds coming from my lips. Our child. Something we created. As I made my way to Starbucks that's all I could think about. Our baby. I have a living human growing inside of me. My baby girl or baby boy. I couldn't get over it.

I parked my car and locked it as I entered the best place on earth. The smell of coffee and coco entered my nostrils. I ordered my favorite drink, a mocha cookie crumble. Yum! As I waited for my drink I walked over to the window and sat down by the magazine rack. I picked up a issue of seventeen and flipped through it. Nothing was really interesting. Except when I landed on a picture of the boys. My boys. It was the night when they had went to the club. It was highlighted. I got engrossed into it.

"The British-Irish boy band known as One Direction was spotted at the outer part of London's bar on November 26th. Officials say that members Zayn Malik and Liam Payne was seen leaving around 11 o'clock. Buy other members Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles and Niall Horan were still at the bar until after midnight. These photos were taken of Niall Horan getting a little to close to a girl at the club" I gasped as the pictures showed Niall grinding against another girl. A Slut. Then another picture was shown of them kissing. "Reporters say that this girl was not Megan Rose, Horan's alleged present girlfriend" I had stopped reading the rest.

I can't believe this. Niall. My Niall had went and cheated on me with a slut. I didn't know wether or break down and cry or be angry. I had trusted him. I told him to not drink to much and he went, got wasted and did this. Damn him.

"Megan" I walked up to the stand and got my drink and also purchased the magazine. As I had walked out to my car sipping my drink I just couldn't think right. My head was fuzzy with confusion. Why would he do something like it all clicked. He didn't want me to see this. He was hiding it from me. He lied to me. He lied.

I got into his car and let my head hit the steering wheel. The tears started flowing. And it didn't help that my hormones are skyrocketing. I put the car in reverse and backed out of Starbucks parking lot. I had wiped my tears on the sleeve or my hoodie but the tears kept coming. Like endless waterfalls. I had just hit the highway, (it was easier to go home this way) when my phone started vibrating.

I had reached into my pocket but it wasn't there. I felt around on the passenger seat but still didn't feel it. I took my eyes off the road or a sec to look for it. Found it. It's on the floor on the passenger side. I reached my hand down to get it but barley could reach it. I moved my body, so I had one hand on the wheel an reached for it. Big mistake.

You know how they say your life can flash before your eyes. It's true. Mine did. All it took was a mer second for my eyes to move to the floor of the car back to the road before it happen. Lights where everywhere. My vision was blur as I felt my self being thrown back and forth inside my car. The blood rushed to my head and I felt severe pain in my abdominal area. My baby.

All I could here was sirens in the distance before I passed out from the pain being to much.

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