Heir to the Empire

By RobClark5

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Frustrated by simple village life, Huntress Loldirr longs for something more. Her desire to leave her home to... More

1. Greenhaven
2. Small Regrets
3. Darkness Falls
4. Grave Lineage
5. Escape the Shadow
6. The Rose of White Road
7. The Shadow
8. White Harbour
9. The Sea Horse
10. Judge, Jury, Executioner
11. Gryffinfall
12. The Tower of Mages
13. The Trial of the Sphere
14. The Elemental Sorceress
15. Ravenscourt
16. Darke Reunion
17. Conscience - Loldirr
18. Old Acquaintances - Ethelston
20. Apricot & Honey - Ethelston
21. Lionmane - Erdudvyl
22. The Black Knife Syndicate - Ethelston
23. To Eat With A Lion - Loldirr
24. The Pommel, Quillion & Blade - Ethelston
25. The Lions Den - Erdudvyl
26. A Privilege to Serve - Loldirr
27. The Lion Roars - Erdudvyl
28. Captivity - Loldirr
29. Light the Pyre - Erdudvyl
30. Embrace Death - Loldirr
31. Assassin - Ethelston
32. Pigeon - Erdudvyl
33. The Act of Betrayal - Ethelston
34. The Fool - Loldirr
35. Hagrefjord - Ethelston
36. The Great Escape - Erdudvyl
37. The Saviour - Loldirr
38. Civil Unrest - Ethelston
39. The Blade - Ethelston
40. Know your enemy - Loldirr
41. The Widow Maker - Erdudvyl
42. A brush with death - Loldirr
43. Knight Inquisitor - Ethelston
44. The Fæordic - Loldirr
45. The Elf and the Hunter
46. Wraithslayer - Loldirr
47. For the Realm - Ethelston
48. Jorguldheim - Loldirr
49. Siege Preparations - Erdudvyl
50. The Winter Witch - Loldirr
51. Parlay - Ethelston
52. The Secret Passage - Erdudvyl
53. Besieged - Ethelston
54. The Battle of Ravenscourt - Ethelston
55. Rising Phoenix - Loldirr
56. Death's Bain
57. The Sixth Sphere
58. First Knight Inquisitor
59. The beginning of the end
** What to read next **

19. Fire & Ice - Erdudvyl

108 18 2
By RobClark5

The flames that had burst around the forest had started to become unbearable as the heat tingled the nerve endings of Erdudvyls's face and hands. The stench of burning timber filled her nostrils and briefly dulled some of her other senses forcing her focus on the surroundings and things of importance.

She knew this was but a dream, but everything felt and looked so vivid that she was questioning whether the dream world and reality was starting to meld together.

She tried to take a step forward but the flames pushed her back forcing her to cover her face as embers licked her skin. Instead, she took a step back, giving her an opportunity to focus on what was in the centre of it all.

A darkened silhouette appeared to shriek in agony as the flames lept up around them and despite Erdudvyl's attempts, there was no way she could step forward to assist.

"Who are you?" she called hoping to gain some understanding of this vision or dream.

The silhouette screamed once more that it pierced Erdudvyl's eardrums. She was desperate to help but there was no way of reaching the person in agony.

Raising her hand, she attempted to send some of her life force to the person or creature in the centre, but her powers were useless.

Erdudvyl tried again, but nothing. Helplessness washed over her, she had always been able to perform some of her powers in these dreams, but here she felt incapable, she felt mortal, she felt naked.

"Who are you? How can I help you?" she cried.

The silhouette just cried and groaned once more as the smell of burning flesh made Erdudvyl want to wretch the contents of her stomach.

Falling to her knees, Erdudvyl sickness forced her into a coughing fit which took her an age to recover from. The overbearing smell and the pure helplessness she felt was too much for her to bear.

It was then that the sky, in all its painted red and blacks, shone a glowing white light like nothing she had seen before.

There was a loud roar causing her to cover her ears and before she could look up to see what was happened, there was a thick blanket of snow surrounding her.

The bitterness of the air hit hard and Erdudvyl attempted to cover her now freezing arms. With a large blizzard now descending upon her, the tingling feeling on her skin was now turning to a numbness that was becoming insufferable.

The silhouette had moved, and there was no anguish anymore, just the crunch as they took steps through the settling snow.

Was this the same person who was just moments before, dying, or was this someone else different entirely?

Getting to her feet, Erdudvyl started to push forward towards the silhouette, she called out to the person, but their steps were quicker and their distance was becoming greater.

'This dream makes little sense' Erdudvyl thought to herself, as the silhouette started to disappear through the horrendous downpour of hail and snow.

She stopped and rubbed her arms, her breath clearly visible as she exhaled. She couldn't endure this nightmare much more, the feeling in her arms was almost gone.

Suddenly, Erdudvyl heard a crunch behind her, followed by another, followed by another. Each one gradually getting closer causing her to turn to investigate.

Another crunch and then a clang, the sound of heavy metal, and then a sliding sound of metal rubbing against metal. As she turned towards the sound, she was greeted with nothing.

Taking a deep breath, attempting to regain her composure, Erdudvyl spotted him in the corner of her eye. The dark towering figure of Wendon Pykeston, 'the Shadow', his broadsword already swinging wildly towards Erdudvyl's neck.

Instantly she awoke, her chest heaved as she looked around panic-stricken, only to realise that she was lying helplessly in her bed at Ravenscourt.

"Shit." she said to herself as she unclenched her hands, allowing the blood to flow back to her fingers. "That was all too real."

Running her fingers through her jet black hair she could feel her heart bursting through her chest. Looking around at the room she confirmed that she was back in reality.

The dream, itself, was strange and did not provide definitive explanations. What did the fire represent? Who was the silhouette? Were they the same person as in the ice?

Two things were certain though, Sir Wendon Pykeston had returned from the void and was likely on the move again to find Loldirr.

The other truth, more disturbing than the first, the Necromancer's power was obviously growing. For him to be able to summon the Shadow so quickly, meant his powers were becoming far greater than they could comprehend. There was no chance that they would be able to deal with him should an encounter with him become likely.


Walking through the red-tiled corridors of Ravenscourt, Erdudvyl made her way towards the main hall where Ethelston had summoned key members for his plan to appease Lionmane and the Emperor.

Erdudvyl studied some of the rooms she walked past, spotting how they appear to have been neglected over the past few years and the lack of servants meant the corridors she walked through were eerie and quiet. It came as a shock when she could hear a voice quietly echoing a short distance away.

Being drawn towards it she spotted a boy, possibly in his thirteenth winter, looking towards another person just hidden behind a pillar. Desperate to remain out of sight, Erdudvyl remained closely behind the wall.

"Make your way there immediately and deliver this to the Captain of the guard. Get two horses and a weeks worth of food. Do not stop for anything am I clear? I shall give you payment when I arrive in a few days."

The boy turned and headed to the door causing Erdudvyl to turn her slim frame away to avoid being discovered. Before the second character could emerge she continued down the corridor in an attempt to pretend that nothing had happened.

Entering another corridor she could hear steps gradually catching up with her, keeping her composure she ensured that her focus appeared only on her destination.

"My lady?" a voice squeaked out from behind.

Erdudvyl stopped and slowly turned to the eccentrically dressed head steward, Kirken Merrithorpe. Smiling, she recalled the first time they met, standing by the side of Millendahl Darke.

"And you are?" she asked, keeping things civil.

The grey-haired man smiled, crows feet plastered to the side of his eyes, "My lady, may I introduce myself. I am Kirken Merrithorpe, head steward and loyal subject to house Darke." taking hold of Erdudvyl's hand, he bowed to her, keeping his eyes on her at all times.

"Mr Merrithorpe." Erdudvyle acknowledged, analysing how he accentuated loyal and how his voice appeared similar to the one speaking to the boy.

"I assume you are heading to the main hall, may I accompany you?" he asked, carefully pushing a strand of his shoulder-length hair from his eyes.

Erdudvyl smiled and turned towards the hall again. "Absolutely, " she replied "These corridors at devoid of life, I will enjoy the company."

Walking to her side, Kirken was only slightly taller than the short elf, something that Erdudvyl felt refreshing, but she still felt a little uneasy around the man.

"May I ask how you have found Ravenscourt so far my lady?" he asked making small talk.

"Each city I've been to in the realms of humans seem rather primitive to me." Erdudvyl commented, she then scolded herself internally for being so obtuse about the situation. "I'm sorry Mr Merrithorpe, I have found adjusting from Gryffinfall to here, " she thought before completing the sentence "taxing."

Kirken laughed a high pitched squeal. The noise he made grated Erdudvyl so much that she promised not to make him laugh again.

"I could imagine, " he replied, "I've only heard of the greatness of Elven cities to know that human cities are simple in comparison."

Erdudvyl smiled briefly at him before turning her head forward once more.

"I hear the structures there are of a beauty that only people with a vivid imagination could comprehend." Kirken admitted.

A sadness hit Erdudvyl as she remembered the various cities she had visited, Enyhohona, Inathemar, Isynadell and of cause Gryffinfall to name a few. She remembered their beauty, their sophistication, their magnificence. She also remembered that she would likely never see any of them again.

"The cities are magnificent." she responded trying hard to hide her grief.

Kirken took a few more steps in silence before speaking once more "So what made you come here and assist Lord Ethelston?"

'There it is' she thought to herself, 'the reason why you started this conversation'. "Mr Merrithorpe, I'm sure that you understand that arrangements between myself and your Lord are strictly between us?"

Kirken seemed frustrated by the comment but no less determined to find the answer. "My apologies my lady, I just feel it somewhat bizarre that your trip with my Lord has got you performing diplomatic duties on his behalf."

Perhaps it was his shrill voice, his stringy hair or his short stature that made Erdudvyl uneasy about him, but there was something that screamed for her not to trust him, despite Ethelston's suggestions for otherwise. She needed to shut down this line of enquiry promptly.

"Mr Merrithorpe, I know we are to work together during our trip to Lionmane, but please understand that I am by no means obligated to reveal any of my motives or justifications to you. Understand that what I do is in the best interest of both humans and elves and your lord is throwing his full support behind me." Erdudvyl replied abruptly.

Placing his hand on his chest, Kirken looked to the ground. "I apologise if I have caused offense my lady, I only question in order to perform my duties to the best of my abilities."

"I'm sure you do Mr Merrithorpe, I'm also sure you can do an excellent job without the need to know more." she smiled.

"That I can my lady."

Erdudvyl was relieved as they stepped into the main hall prompting Kirken to make his way to Jarendrud and Arminell who were deep in discussion.

She turned and smiled towards Loldirr who was laughing with Chrys and two other maids which Erdudvyl did not recognise. Walking towards Ethelston who was kneeling in front of two large Irish Wolfhounds, she examined him as he was desperately trying to calm the overly aggressive dogs down.

As she stood next to him, the two dogs, property of Millendahl, started growing and showing their teeth in an aggressive manner. Considering the size of the dogs and how much damage they could likely cause if they attacked she was surprised that Ethelston continued to try and calm them.

"Good dogs, good dogs." he spoke soothingly to no avail. Looking up to Erdudvyl he commented. "No one has been able to calm these dogs since Millendahl's arrest. They almost attacked one of the kitchen boys earlier, poor boy shat his pants."

"They are rather large dogs." Erdudvyl commented, "some animals tend to be fiercely loyal."

"I must calm them, otherwise I will have no choice but to deal with them" Ethelston replied with a hint of regret in his voice.

"You can't just kill them because they are upset about the loss of their master." frowned Erdudvyl.

Ethelston stood which sparked one of the dogs to bark and growl aggressively. "These are beautiful creatures, but if I'm unable to deal with them, everyone who enters this room is at risk, plus when I eventually bring other nobles here, it will look considerably harmful if I'm unable to control my own household animals."

Erdudvyl looked at the two animals, she regretted Ethelston's expected decision but understood the necessity to do so, but looking at the two beasts that almost stood as tall as her, her heart melted towards them, there was no way she could allow it to happen. "I'll relax them."

Edging forward towards them they hissed at her advance but before she could progress forward, Ethelston placed his hand on her arm. "What are you doing? They'll rip you apart." he said, his voice full of empathy.

Erdudvyl looked down at his arm and instantly wanted to scold him for touching her without her consent, but as she looked towards his blue eyes, she saw the genuine care for her safety. Instantly her guard was let down and she relaxed into his touch allowing the warmth of his hand to caress her bare skin.

"I thank you for your concern, but I will be fine." she smiled, prompting Ethelston to release his grip.

Stepping towards the dogs she raised her hand, instantly being greeted with the two dogs snapping towards it.

"Brêad forðý unrêðe" she calmly spoke. Instantly the growling and barking stopped and the tall dogs sat with their tales up. Her hand rested on one of their heads and as she stroked it the other attempted to manoeuvre its way in between her and its sibling. Before long she was fully hugging both of them as they both licked her hand and face with fervour.

"How did you?" Ethelston smiled with a confused expression on his face.

Rubbing the fur of the beasts, Erdudvyl smiled and looked up, positioning herself between the two dogs. "I'm a sorceress of the sphere of life, controlling animals is child's play. Stroke them, they will be fine now."

Ethelston did as she commanded and knelt down in front of them. As he brushed the first dog's fur he couldn't help but chuckle about how moments before this same dog almost bit his arm off. He felt relief that he would not need to take drastic measures to deal with the animals.

With Ethelston in close proximity, she looked towards the other men in the room. "Who is that man with Arminell?" she asked.

Looking over his shoulder he quickly took a glance towards Arminell, Jarendrud and Kirken who were deep in debate. "Jarendrud Sagard. I've assigned him as my chamberlain, though his official title is spymaster."

"And you trust this man?" she asked with a tinge of disbelief in her voice.

"With my life." Ethelston responded without hesitation. "I've also promoted Arminell to Captain of the Guard."

Erdudvyk shook her head while continuing to stroke the dogs. "You show to much faith in these people. I suppose you trust Mr Merrithorpe too?"

"Absolutely, " Ethelston replied, "he's been faithful to House Darke since before I was born. Why do you show so little faith in people?"

"In humans, " Erdudvyl sighed, "With elves, you know exactly where you stand. If an elf doesn't like you, they tell you as such. Humans, scheme and plot and backstab, they are unpredictable."

Ethelston nodded. "I understand that it certainly appears that way. Though I will say that elves tend to keep to themselves and rarely involve those on the outside. You have to trust some humans, otherwise, it's going to be a difficult road ahead."

Erdudvyl looked away, her cheeks flushed red "I may not always trust your judgement, but I am starting to trust that you have a good heart."

A large smile appeared on Ethelston's face "My, my, was that some sort of backhanded compliment?" he asked sarcastically.

Turning towards him again they both laughed. As the laughter died down, Erdudvyl realised that it had been some time since she last heard herself do so. With all that had gone on before and all that was to come, laughing was an experience she had to embrace, for it may be some time before the opportunity would come again.

Erdudvyl's expression had changed to one of thoughtfulness and it was only as Ethelston's changed to a concerned look that she realised.

"Erdudvyl, I know that Loldirr is our priority, and I don't really understand all that you do with regards to the Necromancer, but when you go to Lionmane and beyond please stay safe." Ethelston said with genuine concern.

"I can take care of myself" Erdudvyl replied.

Placing his hand on top of hers, Ethelston looked directly at Erdudvyl instantly gaining her full attention. "I know you can, but I can not stress how dangerous Lionmane will be right now. If anything were to happen to you or Loldirr I would not be able to forgive myself."

She nodded and then looked toward Ethelston's hand as it had rested on hers. Almost immediately, Ethelston removed his hand and then went back to stroking the dogs. Erdudvyl smiled before returning her gaze towards him once more.

"I promise, if anything happens, I will make my way back here in haste. I'll return to you with news of peace, " she hesitated, her voice turned to one of dismay "or news of war."

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