By shxnwu

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[SEHUN] ▶A single parent who raises his own son all by himself. Nothing is important more than his son and he... More



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By shxnwu

Author's POV

Kai was chuckling by himself while looking at his own cellphone. He didn't even realise that he was currently in the corridor.

He didn't even notice that the students around were watching him in confusion.

The cell phone was still in his hand and the screen was showing the message he got from Sehun. It was unexpected.

Honestly he had been thinking about the same thing before Sehun sent this but looked like he was the one who got invited.

"He's so adorable," he was squealing in excitement while holding tight on his phone.

Not bothering about his image or looks anymore. Sehun was much more important right now.

"What's wrong with Mr Kim?," they were whispering among themselves. It was a rare thing to be seeing him like that.

Usually he would be pulling out his serious face but this time he was smiling all alone over his cell phone and he was the only one who knew it.

"He looks cheerful today," Mark sounded as he and Taeyong were walking along the corridor.

They were as confused as the other students on the sudden action from Kai but it was not something unusual for Taeyong actually.

But he was curious as well. "I wonder what happened to him," he uttered while still looking at the teacher.

Mark let out a chuckle. "Well who knows if it is something about your mom?," he shrugged off while saying those to Taeyong.

The latter nodded. It was not impossible actually and he always caught up how Kai was smiling for anything regarding Sehun.

"Not impossible," he answered. "But he will ruin his image by smiling like that," he grinned afterwards.

Mark agreed with that. "Have you ever heard something like love can change people," he stated those and looked at the person.

"Looks like that happened to Mr Kim, you know?," he said and Taeyong could not help but to agree with it.

He honestly started to believe Kai even more right now. It was not easy to pretend out your feelings and he could see how sincere he was.

But he never expected that Kai was actually this shy despite how he usually acted.

"Have you decided to accept him?," Mark's sudden question made Taeyong startled. He began to wonder about it.

Looked like it.

He turned to look at his friend. "Maybe?," he stated those before started to walk away.

Mark furrowed his eyebrows and caught up the latter's steps. "What do you mean by that?," he questioned as it was not satisfying to hear that answer.

Taeyong shrugged off his shoulder to response. "It depends," he stated shortly.

A heavy sigh escaped Mark's lips as he heard that answer. It was really frustrating to be dealing with Taeyong actually.

He was just too mysterious.

"Mark, we are going to be late," Taeyong's voice startled him before he scuttled towards the latter and they began to get to class.

Meanwhile, Kai seemed like enjoying himself by looking at the text he got from Sehun.

"Oi!," he could feel his shoulder was slapped from behind and he turned to the back right away.

His lips let out a sigh to be seeing Baekhyun was standing there. "You startled me, Hyung," he snapped.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes in annoyance as a response. "You will hit the wall if you keep on looking at the phone."

Kai rubbed his nape sheepishly. He just realised that he was in the middle of the corridor.

"What happened to you?," Baekhyun straightly questioned. "You were smiling all along the way since just now," he furrowed his eyebrows.

The younger replied with a shy smile which looked annoying to Baekhyun.

"Why are you smiling like that?," the elder frowned in annoyance. He started to think that Kai had gone crazy?

Kai grinned. "Sehun invited me to dinner tonight," he announced that with his wide smile.

Baekhyun was quite surprised of that actually. It was unusual for Sehun to bravely asked someone.

"Really?," he questioned to make sure. "Maybe he was going to send it to someone else but accidentally sent it to you?," he uttered.

Kai snorted in annoyance. "You should have give me support, Hyung!," he exclaimed.

Baekhyun responsed with a loud laugh. "Yeah, good luck for you," he said. "Make sure you don't waste any chance this time," he stated.

"Don't worry, I won't."


Kai was waiting in the car for Sehun to show up. He promised to pick up the latter from his work place and headed straightly together.

It was filled with nervousness as he was waiting. This was actually the first time they went out together like this?

He went out of the car after his eyes caught the sight of Sehun walking out of the building.

"Sehun," he called out his name and their eyes met at the moment. Sehun was looking at him with his usual bright smile.

Sehun quietly took a deep breath to calm himself down. Hoping everything would be fine.

"Hi Kai," he greeted the latter as he was standing in front of him. Did he ever say that Kai looked really good in his working suit?

It reminded him of their first meet before.

Things was a little awkward between them afterwards. "So should we go now?," Kai broke it by asking that at last.


Sehun was still maintaining his wild heartbeats at the moment as well as remembered the thing Kai told him the other day.

It was still stucked in his mind.

"So why do you invite me for dinner today?," Kai talked out of curiosity. He was hoping for a good answer as well.

Sehun stuttered to be hearing that. "Well–uh," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he felt he could not think of a word.

Kai was still waiting for the answer with his grinning smile.

"I want to meet you," those were muttered audibly and luckily Kai could hear those.

He turned to the side where Sehun was and the latter was lowering down his head.

Kai nearly exclaimed in excitement as he heard that response. He was on cloud nine upon hearing that from Sehun.

He awkwardly cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment. "Actually I was planning to ask you out as well," he confessed.

He had been planning it but looked like Sehun took the move first before him.

Sehun automatically looked up at him with his droopy eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—

"Hey it's fine, I don't mean it that way," Kai cut off before the latter could finish up. Looks like he was misunderstanding something.

"I mean I was really glad when I received the text from you," he announced. "I'm happy because it is from you."

Sehun was stunned by those words. He felt flush crept up his cheeks afterwards.

He mouthed a soft thank you.

They finally reached the place after few minutes and walked into the restaurant.

"What do you want, Sehun?," Kai questioned as they were going through the menu before ordering.

Sehun eyed the menu for a while before saying out the order to the waiter there and was followed by Kai afterwards.

The waiter left after taking their order and leaving these two.

"Do you always come here?," Sehun asked to start the conversation between them. He really wanted to make it less awkward for both of them.

Kai nodded as a response. "Whenever I feel lazy to cook I will end up buying the food here," he said.

He lived alone so he had no choice but to learn how to cook for himself. It was not that good but not that bad as well.

"Yeah, reminded me of the first time we met here," Sehun let out a chuckle. He could not forget about the moment.

Kai agreed. "It was unexpected and the next day I found out that Taeyong is your son," he smiled at the thought of that.

Sehun was meddling his own fingers, he did not know whether to say out about it or not.

"Kai," he finally called out.


Sehun was hesitated for a few moments before he gathered the courage to ask.

"About the other day," he started to talk but his eyes averted the gaze from the elder. "What do you mean by wanting to take care of me and Taeyong?," he finally asked.

Kai was staring deeply at him after he uttered the question. He expected that Sehun would be asking about this.

"I have been thinking about it for a while but I really need to ask you clearly about it," Sehun bravely lifted his head to look up at him.

The latter was still looking at him with his deep gaze. His lips looked like he was going to utter something.

"I like you, Sehun."

Sehun widened his eyes as he could not believe his ears. He was surprised to hear that sudden confession.

He was waiting for the guy to say anything more or saying that it was a joke but all he could see was his firm look.

"Are you serious, Kai?"

Kai curled up a smile. "Ever since we met here for the first time I had already fallen for you," he told out everything.

"So let me take care of you and Taeyong," he reached the younger's hand and held it. "I promise to make you two happy with me."

Sehun was still stunned for a while even when Kai confessed everything to him.

He lowered his gaze to their intertwined hands and deep inside he felt how compatible they were.

"I thought I was the only one who felt this way," he started uttering as his eyes were getting teary.

It was the first time someone ever did this kind of thing to him.

Kai cracked into a wider smile than before. So it meant that Sehun was feeling the same way as him?

"But can you accept me?," Sehun questioned.

The elder chuckled. "I wouldn't say these to you if I can't accept you," he said.

"You and Taeyong, both of you are part of my life and I will here if you need to rely on."

Sehun felt happy, really happy for the things that happened to him now.

Kai placed his hand on the latter's cheek and caressed it gently. "Do you want to be with me and get through everything together?"

He smiled widely as Sehun was nodding as a reply to him. Nothing could explain how happy he was right now.

"But about Taeyong I will try to gain his trust and I will do anything for him to accept me," he stated those firmly.

Sehun smiled. "I know you can and thank you so much," he mouthed those sincerely.

Kai responded with his smile as well. "Now let's eat, Taeyong is waiting for you right?," he ruffled the younger's hair softly.

"Thank you for today," Sehun uttered as they reached at the front of his house.

He was still embarassed to even look Kai in his eyes. Those words still linger inside of his mind.

"I'm the one who should thank you," Kai responded and grinned as the younger was still shy.

He was wondering for a while before his hand pulled the latter's chin and crashed their lips together.

Sehun was shocked and his grip on Kai's shirt tightened. He blinked in surprise.

"Make yourself feel comfortable around me and let me pamper you from now on."


Hiii! Hope you like the chapter 💗

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