The Unknown Son Of Chaos

By kyrodagreat

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This is kyro the best Son Chaos has ever had or so he says but kyro doesn't believe him at all he thinks he i... More

The Unknown Son Of Choas
Chapter 2 The Start of My Life on Earth
Chapter 3 My Rebirth Has Come
Chapter 5 Camp Demigods?
Chapter 7 That is Funny
Chapter 8 the beginning of my journey
Chapter 9 Why am i here again

Chapter 4 Why Choas Why

31 1 6
By kyrodagreat

  Guys today is my sixteenth birthday and guess what it’s the first day of summer yay but also boo my mom says that I have to go to some stupid summer camp. BOO. she says that I’ll find out who my father is  maybe I don’t want to know he wasn’t here for me when I was growing up and why when I’m sixteen he wants to come around now. so me and my mom struck a deal I said I’ll go to camp if I can get my driver’s licenses first and then she can take me to camp so. as soon as I awoke this morning I picked some random clothes out of my closet and went and took a shower because me and my friends had a big party last night and I don’t know what happened but I got massively wasted and buzzed and also my crush was there she was like the most beautiful girl ever. She has long blonde hair and sea blue eyes if gods and goddesses were real her godly parents would be both Aphrodite and Poseidon that’s just how beautiful she was and she had a way with water. She was on the swimming team at school and man when I say she can hold her breath for a while under she can go for a while. I wouldn’t have a chance with that girl she was way out of the league of a somebody like me. She has goddess beauty I am more along the lines of a cute looking little brother or an ogre troll that gave you a love potion and made you fall in love with him. But besides I have girls that would want to date me I’m athletic and stuff. I have girls that would be pleased to be with me but I don’t want them there all self-centered and u tight and stuff. I should've talked to here on the last day of school right. I know that but if I wasn’t so shy I would have but it’s just whenever I try to talk to her one of her friends or somebody comes up and takes her away either it’s just were not meant to be or it’s just that it’s not time yet. Either way I’m going to keep trying until I at least get her name. I am not going to pussy out like I did with my ex and having my friends hook me up with her only to despise that we were ever together. Her name was Kianna Kashaya and she was very beautiful on the outside she had long flowing black hair and she was like a caramel color I don’t understand it but she was like four different races I think she was black, white, Puerto Rican, and Asian but she looked mostly black and Puerto Rican because of her hair and body type and we went through so much together in those three years we dated it was like wow. we met on the beach in Florida on June 23, 2010 and I actually went up to her and got her number disregarding my shyness and something happened with her so she moved to north Dakota were I was staying at that time and she moved down the street form me and we went to the same school it was a good thing she knew somebody there before she moved there because the guys at my school are complete jerks all they think about is the S word and if you don’t know what the S word is its sex and that is all they talked about and when she moved down there she was the perfect victim for the biggest jerk at our school Jamal he has basically slept with every girl and the school and broke their hearts and I didn’t want the something to happen to her so I protected her and got my ass beat because of it. One day Jamal and his crew basically approach her and tried to take advantage of her will with this let me describe her a little more she is basically 5'3 and 120 pounds and me I’m not much bigger I’m 5'8 with 175 pounds to my body but I look pretty big because of the sports I play and yes I play more than 4. One day we were sitting outside during break just sitting around the table me and her (at this time she wasn’t my girlfriend) and here comes Jamal and his group of followers walking over to my table and yes my name is engraved in it in BIG BOLD BUBBLE LETTERS KYRO. He just walks up to her and starts to feel her up. Knowing how I am and how quickly my anger gets boiled up I push him and he stumbles but somebody like me can never beat a giant like Jamal that fat slope. As soon as I push him I’m ambushed by his two side followers and I’m grabbed and held up right ready to get the stuffing beat out of me. I couldn’t defend myself all I could do was take and I didn’t want her to get her so I did what I had to do to protect her and after I got the stuffing beat out of me she was there by my side until I healed and one day while I was out of school I told my friend to ask her out for me because I was too shy after almost a year and a half as friends I was afraid of being friend zoned ya know because that is how everything starts out your friends the guy starts to like the girl and then all of sudden you tell her your feelings and bam your friend zoned why because she doesn't feel the same way and your all down in the dumps and you wont get over her as easy as you should. one day i told my friend to rely the message for me and tell her that i liked her and wanted to be with her and stuff like that and yes she didn't friend zone me she actually liked me and the day after that we got together and did alot of things if you know what i mean. i got my licenses so ya that is all i care about so after i get home all happy and stuff its time to pack and as i pack i find this note and new suitcase from my dad and the note says "see you at camp demigods son" i look at the note like what the fuck.

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