Truly Marooned

Von MirlyMe

1.3K 38 61

Ella is a fearless girl who's future disappears when she and her shy friend, Celia, get trapped on a mysterio... Mehr

1. Arguing, Dozing & Rowing
2. The King of Turninsula
3. Prison & Plans
4. Rule Breaking & Riddles
5. Six On A Quest
6. A Visiter
7. Replacements & Romances
8. The Threat
10. Counting Down
11. Inside Revealed
12. The Bomb Arrives
13. The End

9. Reaching Liquid

57 3 5
Von MirlyMe

  Why hello there! Just so you know. I did some counting of the days the girls have been on the island. This chapter is Day 6 at the moment :) Cool, I wrote 6 days in 9 chapters! So I have to say, the romance blossoming so quickly is quite unrealistic but that's what I like about writing stuff. It can be as stupid as you like! OK, no more about me. Onto the story!


  "You have only been here a couple of hours, do you really have to go again?" Adrian asks as Celia packs her bags.

  "In case you haven't noticed, we have less than a week until a bomb is gonna be dropped on us. I need to help to avoid that," Celia explains.

  "My arm is better now, can I come with you?"

  "We are climbing up a cliff, you need both arms for that. I'm sorry, it's for your own good if you stay here," Celia places her hand on his shoulder.

  "Hey, are you coming or not?" Ella calls out to Celia.

  Celia smiles at Adrian and rushes towards Ella. Who is standing by a pile of large back packs. Jack, Martyn, Tina and Ethan stand near by heaving them onto their backs.

  "OK guys, we know where we are going and what to expect so we would hopefully be quicker," Jack explains as he lifts his backpack. "If I got it right, we could return to the campsite by tonight with some nice blue liquid!"

  Ella grins at the thought of being so close to finally reaching what she had been so desperate to find. Quickly, the back packs are on everyone and they leave.

  Instantly, Ethan pulls out the map that Adrian drew from the wall and the group follow the set out path. After a while, Ethan gets distracted from talking to Tina so the job of being in charge of the map is passed onto Martyn.

  Martyn treads far in front, holding the map with Ethan and Tina behind. Next in the line are Jack and Ella who talk casually, rather than arguing the way they used to. Celia silently shuffles at the back.

  "Hey, look at that," Jack points out, tilting his head towards Ethan and Tina who are holding hands as they walk. "Are they actually a couple?"

  Ella is at first quiet because she wonders why Jack is talking about this subject when they are on quite an important mission.

  "I don't know. I'm just surprised they're thinking about that sort of stuff anyway..." Ella says in response.

  "I guess there's nothing better to do," Jack points out. "I mean, Adrian and Celia, they're a couple too."

  "Not really," Ella says. "Celia is always in denial and I don't think she is joking."

  "So there really is nothing going on?" Ella nods. "I guess you know best, she is your friend after all."

  There is quiet for a bit, then Jack brings up something else after thinking for a bit. "Speaking of friends, do you think Martyn is alright?"

  "You keep asking this," Ella announces. "Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine. He might just be stressed from all this searching and stuff."

  "But Martyn doesn't do that. He just carries on with life like nothing happened," Jack explains. "I don't know, I just hope he's alright."

  Ella sighs and the journey continues. They gradually approach a cliff which towers over the group.

  "Why are we going straight to the cliff?" Ella asks with her eyes wide.

  "We're going to climb up it," Jack answers simply.


  "Didn't you know?"

  "I had no idea."

  "It won't be an issue will it?"

  Ella gulps. "Not at all."

  The group reach the bottom of the cliff. On the way, Martyn pulls out a rope, nail and hammer and slips it into a mini back pack inside his quite large one.

  "OK, I got the equipment ready," he announces. "Should I start climbing?"

  "Hang on... He's climbing up there without a rope or harness or anything?" Ella asks worryingly.

  "Someone has to. They just need to climb and put a nail in the ground, then loop the rope round it. Most athletic person here; Martyn. He's the best man for the job," Jack explains.

  Ella nods gently and Martyn starts to climb up the cliff. It is not too hard to climb with rocks sticking out for Martyn to grasp or balance on. The others still watch intensely in fear of him falling.

  There are sighs of relief when Martyn reaches the top. They see a hammer being raised into the air followed by bangs. He was putting a nail into the ground. Afterwards, a rope is thrown down with a large loop at the end. He repeats the process and another rope is thrown down beside the first one.

  "Ladies first," Ethan says as he guides a trembling Celia to one of the ropes. She slips her body into the rope and starts climbing. Martyn is at the top tugging on the rope helping Celia reach the top.

  Celia sweats in fear and at the heat of the atmosphere. She finally reaches the top and gives Martyn a gentle smile to show her thanks, but he doesn't look at her and focuses on the rope. 

  Ethan and Tina slip into the loops of the ropes. Celia glances down to find that she has control over Tina's rope, she has control over Tina's safety. As she gently pulls the rope, she feels strange. Celia had always felt hurt by Tina, yet when she could get the revenge, she doesn't take the opportunity. 

  Ethan and Tina reach the top safely leaving Jack and Ella down below to climb. Martyn and Ethan take control of the ropes this time with Martyn having Ella's rope and Ethan having Jack's.

  "It will be fine," Jack quietly says to Ella as they slip into the loops of the ropes. "Martyn is the strongest person here and he will look after you. Trust me."

  Ella smiles gently but is still scared. They start to climb with the boys tugging the rope to the top. Ella slowly climbs up with her legs shaking in fear. Jack watches her the whole time. 

  Suddenly, Ella falls for a couple of seconds. She screams at the drop and shakes. Jack stares down at Ella who had dropped about 4 ft down. Her eyes gradually go red but she doesn't want to cry. 

  "Hang on a second!" Jack calls to Ethan. Jack stays still as he waits for Ella to shuffle up the cliff and reach his level. 

  When Ella does, Jack goes nearer Ella and puts his arm round her. "I know this is your fear. I can tell, but you're Ella. You can make it through anything," Jack whispers in her ear. Ella nods and starts slowly climbing up. Jack climbs up slowly along with Ella, keep at her level for support.

  Finally, they both reach the top. When Ella is released from the loop, Celia rushes to her and they sit at the side. Celia comforts Ella at what happened. 

  Jack sees Martyn holding onto Ella's rope and stomps towards him. "What is your problem?" he asks angrily. 

  "What do you mean?" Martyn asks. 

  "You had control over Ella's rope and caused her to drop a few ft. You could have killed her!" Jack points at the rope.

  "Why is that my fault? She should have been holding onto the rocks!" Martyn protests. 

  "I don't know what's up with you, but you better snap out of it before you hurt someone," Jack turns and helps Ella up from the ground. 

  Martyn collects the ropes in case someone steals them and they continue their journey with Ethan following the map.

  As they walk, Ella recovers from the experience but feels humiliated. But she wonders why Tina didn't say anything mean to her. Jack was angry and Tina could have felt scared of him, but Tina didn't care about what people thought of her.

  Everyone follows Ethan who has the map. Suddenly, in the distance, they can see a tree standing on it's own with a rope with a loop hanging from it. That was a place where many had died. They all run to it in excitement. 

  They are all beaming as Jack gets out the compass. "OK, that's south so we have to go 10 paces in that direction!" Jack points south. They all take the steps and stop at 10 paces. 

  "OK, we have to go 50 paces west which is in that direction. So let's go!" Ethan yells. 

  Quickly, they tread the 50 paces. A well emerges from the horizon and Jack and Ethan can't contain their excitement so rush straight to it. The others continue counting to be precise and find they reach the well at exactly 50 paces. 

  They lean over the well and beam. The beautiful glow of silvery blue liquid is in the well. They get the bucket on the rope on the well and lower it down into the liquid before pulling it up. They all pull out bottles in their back packs and scoop up the water in the bottles. The blue glows through the bottles. 

  They are chucked into the backpacks. They don't leave until every bottle they have is full. 

  The journey back feels quicker, even abseiling down the cliff is quite fast. Jack insists on Ethan having control over Ella's rope rather than Martyn. 

  When they reach the bottom of the cliff they walk towards a beach. "We should test it first before getting the hopes up of other islanders," Jack suggests. 

  So they grab a boat and row out to the force field. While in the boat, they take a gulp of the blue liquid. It tastes sweet and gently slides down their throats. 

  "I'm starting to feel a little numb..." Ella says. They others nod in agreement. They continue rowing to the force field. 

  They stop and stare. "I guess this is it..." Jack says. "Who wants to test it?"

  All of them sit in silence. To break it, Ethan stretches out his hand. The others stare, praying that Ethan's hand won't suddenly stop. 

  Suddenly, Ethan's eyes widen. He feels cold glass at the tip of his finger and spreads out his hand on the force field. 

  They can't believe their eyes, so they all lean forward to feel the force field for themselves. Ethan was not playing around, the cold glass his felt on all their hands. 

  "I can't believe it. All this time it didn't work!" Tina yells. 

  "That means this island is going to blow up and we are just going to die," Ella says.

  "That Henry guy lied to us," Jack announces. 

  "He only gave us the paper because that's what he had," Celia points out. 

  They all mutter and yell in frustration of this big quest failing as they row back to the island. Martyn only sits quietly in the corner and stares at nothing.

  When they return to the campsite, people stare at them and wait to hear what they got out of  the blue liquid. A crowd builds up outside the large cabin so Jack stands up on a box in front of them all. 

  "You are probably wondering how successful our quest to get the blue liquid went. We were able to reach it, but it did not work. I'm sorry to tell you this, but we can't escape the island unless you all have a better idea. Sorry to get your hopes. Go ahead and do some work," Jack steps down from the box and the crowd disperses. 

  Adrian stays where he is and stares at the group. "It didn't work?" Adrian asks. Jack shakes his head and retreats into the large cabin. 

  "Come with me, we need to make a decision," he says as he glances at Ethan.

  They follow him into the large cabin. The arm chair is moved to the side for more space in the room. Jack sits down in the comfy chair and Ella sits on one of the arms. The others sit on the floor in a slight circle. Tina cuddles up close to Ethan. 

  "So... what are we going to do with Ethan?" Jack asks. The other stare at him. "Are you 100% sure you are innocent? If you are not, then you are costing everyone's lives, including your own, for your own selfishness."

  "I swear to you, I am innocent. If I must turn myself in to keep you safe then... then..." the room is quiet. "...then I will. You are probably the closest friends I have ever made and you don't deserve this."

  There is silence as they all look at each other. "No." Tina says. "You don't deserve this. I don't want you to turn yourself in if you are innocent."

  "Me neither, he needs to stay alive," Celia agrees.

  "We should do a vote," Ella suggests.

  "OK, lets do a vote. All those who think Ethan should stay alive, raise your hand," everyone in the room raises their hands. "Looks like you're safe, Ethan," Jack grins. 

  "If I suggested a vote, you wouldn't have done it," Martyn says out of the blue. 

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Jack asks. 

  "If Ella suggests something, you go ahead and do it. Like the blue liquid idea. That was Ella's idea," Martyn turns to her. "Why did you get our hopes up? We didn't need all this," Martyn states. 

  "Hey mate, don't blame this all on Ella. She was trying to help, I don't see you being useful!" Jack stands up and so does Martyn. There is tension as the other wait for a fight to break out.

  "I see how it is..." Martyn says. 


  "You are putting your lover before your best friend."

  "What? No!"

  "I have been by your side as your adviser this whole time and I have never been appreciated! Then Ella comes along and buggers everything up, then she is some kind of saint in your eyes!" Martyn yells.

  "I don't see her that way. She is not my 'lover' if that's what you think! You just can't accept the fact I other friends unlike you. You're being unreasonable!" Jack yells back. 

  "Oh I'm being unreasonable? I don't think so!" Martyn steps nearer Jack. 

  Celia stands up, she does not want a fight to break. She comes forward and places her hand on Martyn's shoulder. "Calm down, we can sort this out," she says to Martyn. 

  "Get off me!" Martyn yells as he shoves Celia off his arm. "You run off with Adrian and not give a shit about how I feel. Oh no, nobody cares about Martyn until he shows he is pissed off!"

  "If you are not happy, then why don't you just leave? Leave us and find your own place on the island!" Jack asks.

  "Maybe I will!" Martyn stomps to the door and opens it letting a cool breeze rush through. There is silence as Martyn turns to Celia who standing beside Adrian. "I hope you two are happy together."

  He slams the door behind him.


  I have no idea how long this chapter is. It took ages to write this at first because I was getting bored of the journey to the blue liquid, maybe because I knew it wasn't going to work. But boy I had fun writing about Martyn's burst of anger! 


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