The Trammells

By aloncha_1114

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Two girls who've had rough pasts, get adopted by a newlywed couple, who bring them in. The family discovers t... More

S1 EP1: The Pilot
S1 EP2: Changes
S1 EP3: Possibilities
S1 EP4: The Kiss
S1 EP5: Back to You
S1 EP6: Ex Lover
S1 EP7: Risks
S1 EP8: I Know You
S1 EP9: Delivery, Part 1
S1 EP10: Delivery, Part 2
S1 EP 11: You're Welcome
S1 EP 12: That One Night
S1 EP 13: Sometimes...
S1 EP 14: Nothing's Impossible
S1 EP 15: Runaway
S1 EP 16: I Am Wrong
S1 EP 17: Unlike You
S1 EP 18: What I Need
S1 EP 19: Oops
S1 EP 20: Past
S1 EP 21: Free Will, Part 1
S1 EP 22: Free Will, Part 2
⭐️SEASON 2 ⭐️
S2 EP 1: Broken
S2 EP 2: I Believe You
S2 EP 3: The Road Trip, Part 1
S2 EP4: The Road Trip, Part 2
S2 EP 6: Logan's Dance
S2 EP 7: Grandma's Back
S2 EP 8: Photograph Of You
S2 EP 9: Say Something
S2 EP 10: It Must Have Been Love
S2 EP 11: Dirty Laundry
S2 EP 12: She
S2 EP 13: Dilemma
S2 EP 14: Jail

S2 EP 5: Double Date

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By aloncha_1114

*Alexis walks into the kitchen where Logan and Marie are having breakfast*

Alexis: Hello ladies! Isn't it such a great morning? Mom you look gorgeous today, and you too Logan. Just look out the window! The sun is just so beautiful and-

*Marie and Logan look and Alexis like she is crazy*

Alexis: Whats up with you guys!

Logan: Whats up with you? You're acting weird!

Marie: What in the world could Alexis want? Oh wait, let me guess. You want me to let you have my permission to go to that party. Oh right and-

Alexis: Mom...

Marie: The answer is no! I need you guys to babysit Joseph tonight.

Logan: Whats the occasion?

Marie: Glad you asked. One of my old friends from the salon where I worked wants to go on a double date. She wants me to see if her boyfriend is any good.

Alexis: Which lady was this?

Marie: Stacy.

Alexis: Stacy? The one that step you up with Louis?

Marie: Yes, that one.

Alexis: I will say, he did have a nice car.

Marie: Yes, she does have a history of setting me up interesting men that's for sure. This time I'm going to do her the favor. See if this one is the catch.

Alexis: Well in terms of babysitting, can't Logan do it?!

Marie: You're both going to do it!

Alexis: Ideally, i love my little brother but I really want to-

Marie: Alexis. No!

*Alexis gives up convincing her Mom about the party*

Marie: And in reality, you're still not off the hook!

Alexis: I said i was sorry.

Marie: I know you did.

Logan's School:

*Logan sees Julia at her locker*

Julia: You got a date to the Fall dance yet?

Logan: The dance?

Julia: Yeah, how come you didn't know about this?

Logan: Well I was in Texas for a few days so maybe I didn't hear. I'm not sure if I really want a date though. I'm not that into guys.

Julia: So you're gay?

Logan: No. I just don't really want to go with guys, I don't really date.

Julia: Is this something that runs in the family?

Logan: No, my sister has a boyfriend. And my parents are going on this double date thing with my mom's old friend. So I'm babysitting!

Julia: Wow my parents never go out. Sometimes I don't think they're really in love anymore.

Logan: Well my parents are sort of newly weds.

Julia: Oh yeah. How is that like?

Logan: It's alright. Kinda weird sometimes, but hey, it's better than hearing them fight from the other room.

Julia: Yeah I guess.

Logan: So I guess you could say my family is good with love.

Julia: Listen, I will try to get you someone. You won't regret it.

Logan: Alright fine.

*Logan walks away from her locker where she was speaking to Julia and walks over to her next class*

The studio:

*Brad and Emily are talking in one of the Piano rooms, as they spy on Peter and Hailee*

Emily: Should we tell Alexis about this?

Brad: I wouldn't assume anything, Emily. It's good that they're getting alone.

Emily: It's just that when Alexis was gone she seemed to like the idea that she was alway and used it to her advantage. We just can't Alexis-

*Alexis walks into the room*

Alexis: Not tell me what?

*Emily looks at her with nervousness*

Emily: Uhh-

Alexis: Emily what is it?

Emily: Ok fine. Here it goes. We think there might be something going on between Peter and Hailee.

Alexis: I see!

Emily: You mad?

Alexis: Would you rather see them fighting? I mean you guys brought her to the band. I mean it's better to have a band member that won't constantly cause a fight. I trust him.

Emily: Yeah...

*Emily doesn't want to tell much more*

Alexis: If it really becomes an issue, we can talk about it.

*Hailee and Peter walk into the room. Peter puts his arms around Alexis as he greets her.*

Brad: Let's go check out those acoustics, we will start practice in ten minutes.

*Brad, Emily and Hailee walk out of the room*

Alexis: Listen. I need to ask you something

Peter: What is it, babe?

Alexis: Is there anything going on between you and Hailee that I need to know about?

Peter: No, we just became good friends since she joined the band.

Alexis: Alright, I just -

Peter: You're jealous.

*Alexis looks down and smiles*

Alexis: I am not jealous. I just want to make sure we are on the same page here.

Peter: You're jealous.

Alexis: Okay...Maybe I am.

Peter: Well can I tell you that it's quite cute!

*Alexis flushes as she gets embarrassed*

Peter: Alexis, the girl want is you.

*The couple smiles at each other*

The Trammell Home:

*Marie gets ready for her date as Scott comes into the room*

Scott: We haven't see Stacy in quite some time.

Marie: I know! I can finally give her some credit for what she's done in terms of my love life.

Scott: You realize she didn't set us up?

Marie: No I know she didn't.

*Marie and Scott laugh. The pair walks downstairs fifteen minutes later. Joseph is sitting on Logan's lap as Alexis is preparing dinner. The doorbell rings. Marie gets the door for Stacy and her boyfriend*

Marie: Ah! The happy couple arrives!

*Stacy and Marie greet each other as she introduces her to her new boyfriend. Stacy also meets Joseph and Logan brings him over to her*

Stacy: He's getting so big!

Marie: Trust me I know! His diapers says it all.

*Awkward silence has arose for a few seconds*

Marie: Okay...bad joke!

Alexis: I didn't hear that can you repeat it, please?

*Alexis cracks a laugh*

Marie: That you're going to be changing diapers....

Alexis: Goodbye, Mom.

*Alexis laughs as she and Logan, who is holding Joseph, say goodbye to the two couples. The siblings transition to the couch to watch a movie*

Logan. So there's this fall dance....

Alexis: Id be really surprised to hear that you are going with a fella.

Logan: My friend Julia is encouraging me to.

Alexis: Go for it girl.

Logan: When I told her that I wasn't really into dating she was shocked because I ended up telling her about Mom and Dad, then you.

*Alexis' smile fades and turns into a straight face, almost a frown*

Alexis: Yeah...

Logan: Alexis, you okay?

Alexis: Yeah. I don't know if I told you or not but there is new girl in the band and she's been spending a lot of time with Peter. Brad and Emily even noticed it. I don't know what to think.

Logan: I guess you should give it some time. Maybe it's not what you think it is.

Alexis. I'm just not sure. I want to trust him. I'm not going to just assume.

*Logan realizes that Joseph has fallen asleep on her arms*

Alexis: We've got to get this kiddo to his crib.

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