the Kars Effect

By Fluffyplatypus25

97.1K 2.4K 3.7K

What if Kars crash landed back on earth in 1999 but without his memories, and was found by a certain female... More

Morioh, Japan
Kira Yoshikagi: BITE ZA DUSTO
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Pillarman
I, Kars... uh... Karsovanna have a Passion
Kars Stand Vote
Immortal, Eternal Life.... AND STANDO POWA!!!!!
Karsu POWA
Pecci the Tank Engine
Homunculus, Bakugou's, IceIce Baby? DI MOLTO!!!!!
Wrath of the King
Infamous K.A.R.S
The Fatal Mistake
The Mold man and the Secco
The Arrow
the Requiem Screams "AYAYAYAYAY!"
The Ultimate Lifeform
Arriveiderci... Italy
The Ultimate Gang-star
Kars the pRiMo mAFioSO
Maria Maria
Don't take my man
Granite Sea
Fool's Freighter
Prison Break
Kars and The Ink Machine
idk... uh.... Kars go Vroom Vroom
Everytime we Touch
Haha... so turns out I gotta do one more Chapter before the end
Ending 1
Ending 2
Ending 3
Scrapped Ideas thing

Jorge Joestar was a mistake

1.6K 46 67
By Fluffyplatypus25

(My Bud Doodled his Interpretations of the Stands in these few Chapters... he didn't do "Speak Softly, Love" because he said he just imagined if Hermit Purple and Hierophant Green Fused)

(Also You should check out @metallica_man cuz he made a neatorino Chapter in his art book with fan art with Danny from MH:TW and Kars from this book)

Merda:"If any of you bring out your stands I'll Break Mista's Neck Like a Fucking Twig... I won't hesitate Bitch..."

the invisible Vines dangling Mista around like a marionette.

Kars attempts to slice through the vines constricting him but they're very Rubbery.

Giorno:"You really thought of everything didn't you Merda.... no doubt you've covered every object in here in your stand making it impossible to use Life giver..."

Kars Confused by Giorno's Seemingly Speech of defeat until he realizes what Giorno is trying to say.

without a moment of hesitation Kars gouges out his own eyes ripping them from their sockets placing them at his side before conjuring his stand

using "Wammu Vision" he's able to see the air currents created by the stand's Existence and throws the mask at Merda.

it's easily caught by the stand but that's what Kars wanted to happen.

as Kars Grabs his eyes and shoves them into the eye sockets of another mask as he throws it through the hole that recently opened up.

as the second mask is conjured the first dissipates

Merda:"What are you doing? that mask is useless against me..... just accept your deat--"

suddenly Kars's eyes morph into two Bees

they make their way toward Merda before stinging his hand causing him to lose his concentration for a moment as Mista is released

Mista quickly launches himself back as Giorno summons GER to catch him

Merda:"What the actually HELL?!"

the vines grab the bees and crushes them turning them back into Pillarman eyes

Merda:"Well.... I can still kill all of you from a distance...."

Kars can sense the killing intent as the invisible vines all aim themselves toward everyone

Suddenly the mask jettisons itself latching onto Merda's face

The Stand clamps down as light shoots forth from it

the vines try to pry it off to no effects

suddenly the mask bursts sending particles everywhere.

Merda:"HA! looks like my will is just to strong to be controlled, a noble effort but a Inutili one...."

the Vines all shoot forward toward Mist and Giorno

Giorno doesn't even bat an Eye as Kars rushes taking the hit for them.

Kars:"It.... It wasn't a useless effort..... I did just what I intended to do.... and you fell for it like the Idiot you are..."

Merda:"What do you mean?!"

Kars:"Try taking a deep breath..."

Merda:"Wrrrrrryyyyy...... THE HELL?!"

Kars:"I've gifted upon you power beyond that any human can achieve.... but it comes with a deadly weakness to the sun.... a stand takes after it's user correct? so now your once near indestructible stand..."

he fills his body with Hamon melting away the Vines impaling him.

Kars:"is now Quite Destructible.... you don't seem to take damage when your stand is... but I doubt it would take little effort to rip my way through that barrier and destroy you in a single Scarlet Overdrive...."

Kars makes his way toward Merda filling his body with Hamon

any vines that try to stop him are immedietly disintegrated

Merda:"Well I'll take you Boss hostage before you can--"


Kars punches through the Barrier of Vines as he grabs Merda by the throat and holds him up

Kars:"Now I only see 3 options, one, You could try to attack GioGio and Mista and at that moment I'll send Hamon through your body slowly and painfully killing you reducing your body to ash, you could call off your stand and join Passione as it's now Immortal assassin, or if the pain of being a vampire is too much I could painlessly end your Undead existence..."

Merda:"P-Please... Spare me..."

Kars can feel his stand retreat back into the backroom

Kars:"Whoa, such cowardice coming from the guy that talked so big just a few moments ago..."

Kars makes sure to place him back down in the shade

Kars:"Just try not to go into the sun.... also....."

he rips the arrow out of his pocket

Kars:"This is ours now...."

Giorno:"Good work Kars."

Mista:"Geez, you haven't been like that since Diavolo."

Kars:"Yeah it's just that people that hide behind innocent people just really grind my gears."

Tuono and Bruto both wake up and after some intimidation swear loyalty to Giorno

soon the entirety of Traditrice is absorbed into Passione

afterwards Kars is relaxing in his Villa when he gets a phone call

he sort of recognizes the number

Kars:"Buon Giorno, Kars speaking..."

"Hello Kars..."

from the sound of the voice It's Jotaro

Kars:"Mr. Jotaro! How've you been, how's Jolyne."

Jotaro:"This isn't a social call..."

Kars:"Oh... then what is it?"

Jotaro:"There's something in Washington my Grandfather wants to show you.... it's something connecting to your past...."

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