I Hate This Book (, Might Del...

By _Ebeeie_

241K 2.3K 4.3K

America One-shirts Ebeeie continue Old account @Ebeeie Might Delete later deapans if people want me to keep... More

Ok so hear me out
(Old) His little human
(Old) Cheering up
(Old)Jokes 2
πŸ’”~ Princess 2
Beautiful lie
"Eccedentesiast....?" 1
"Tell me why I am wating ?"
(Old)Masters little show
Model life
Bloodly Meri I
Bloodly Meri II
A mess
Just a pleasure toy
A lovely day
quarantine is boring
Request time closed~!
fuck work
Give love to Chibi_panda4723
mister boss
(Really bad)love is weird
Teachers pet
πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊScript πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
β˜‚οΈLost without you 🌹
I Am Mood Apparently- Poem/short thing
Come back.. Please Brother


8.1K 81 85
By _Ebeeie_

Request by jewelesells
Male China x Female America
Smut, Rape forced, kinky, gore murder
Thank you all for over 5k reads and 200 votes
This in America pro

I want him dead
I want him gone
I want him to suffer
I want him to leave me alone...
I want him to set me free
I want to be let at peace
I want- no need help
I want to be saved for this hell

But it's been years and here I am chained to the wall my arms over my head. Just wearing short whitish grey dress.

Who's this man I want gone you might ask (nah you all know how it is)

China Beijing
The name I hate the most in this cruel word that he makes crueler.

China the leader of one of the biggest mafia in the world. His know as red eye. Not the sickness though his natural eyes colour/color was red and it creepily glows in the dark. China mostly kills innocent or not so innocent people in the pure dark. The victims can only see his eyes glowing. That's the last thing they see red eyes. Everyone knew the name red eye except innocent little children of course.

China or red eye hated America's father Britain.
Britain disliked China as well. But Britain didn't know who he was messing with it which lead to a hole in heart literally. China stabbed him in the heart more then seventeen times.

America should know she was there. America was only seven when she saw it happened. That's when her hated for this man started.

China didn't know at first that America was there but Britain gave it away instead of looking at him when China pinned him down he was looking over at the table where America was hiding. He was mouthing to her
'I love you run!' But America was frozen in fear could you blame her ?

After China had his fun with stabbing him looked over to where he was starting at.

China really didn't expect to see a little girl crying and shaking in fear under the table..he was expected a gun or something like that.

China didn't know Britain had a family..he didn't care either. He had killed loads of people with families heck he'd killed loads of families together. Did it make him feel guilty ? No not all. If he knew Britain had a family would he still kill him ? Yes he would he really didn't give a fuck. Crime life is not pretty.

China looked down at the little girl. She had long hair in two loose braids. A ocean blue eye and a honey yellow eye. She was very short and slim. China walked closer to the table where the little girl was hiding. She backed away into the wall in more fear.

Fear a world China loved dearly. China loved to see his victims shake and cry in fear.
China was standing right by the table now. America could only see his feet's and legs. China looked at what was on the table looking for anything useful.

There was two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine form Spain. Pens and paper. And lastly a vase full of pink and yellow roses. Not much he could use but China liked to be creative. China blent down looking under the table where the scared little girl was. She was shacking in fear curled up into a little ball biting her lip trying to holding back whimpers and sobs probably trying not to make China angry. China will admit she was doing a good job. China hated children more then anything. They annoyed him so much. Always kicking and screaming. But this one wasn't. She wasn't making him mad at all. She was also very beautiful with her long hair and eyes. China could just kill her with the knife or take her as hesitates and get money out of her. But he for some reason wanted to keep her. China reached his hands out and grabbed her by her arms. She made a quiet whimper noise when he pulled her away form the wall and pulled out form the table. China picked her up by the waist and got a better look at her. She was wear a yellow dress that brought out her eyes especially her honey one.

China felt a bigger smirk come out to his face. China day down on the chair and placed America in the table making her sit down.

"Hello little girl what's your name ? and if I was you I would answer you don't want make angry do you ?" China tilted his head in creepy way. Everything was in a creepy way for America a man who just killed her father and now he was asking for his name who wouldn't be freaked out ? Not to forget that she was seven years old.

"A-America s-sir". America stutter out she really didn't want to make him angry.

"Aw you're a good little girl and know how to address people". China said clapping his hands a bit. All the children China had meet had no manners at all good to see Britain did one good thing in this world huh.

Speaking of Britain..China turned around on the spinning office chair and looked at his dead corpse. His fancy clothes covered in blood looking pathetic as ever. "Not so great now huh Britain ?!" China yelled at the dead man. America watched as China got off the chair and walked over to her father corpse.

"Oh the soooo Great Britain a small island that was fucking taller than me~"
China sang kicking him in the head. Countries didn't always go by the size of there countries Britain was the third tallest one thanks to his empire.

"Lost a good few wars to his colonies". China sang turning around to look at America. China had a very creepy smile on his face like a wicked smirk you'd see on one of those kids cartoons telling you that character up to no good.
China ran up her and picked her up smiling at her creepy.
"...yeah I'll keep you" China finally said something before slamming her head first in to the table. China put on hand on her stomach to keep her in place as he grabbed to open wine bottle. The wine bottle was full since Britain didn't get the chance to drink any of it.

China leaned his hand down hard on America's stomach making her gasp out. China took this as the chance to shove the bottle down her throat forcing her to drink it.

The wine tasted bitter it burned America throat. China forced her to drink a quarter of it before tacking it away and let her get her breathe.

America gasped and coughed. Her breaths where heavy. The wine gutted her throat. She eye slight started to get blurry. China stayed there smiling. Oh what fun he'll have with her.

Everything was blurry for America. She could only see a blurry/frizzy red circle with shushed in it. Nothing was clear. She soon blacked out. Her breaths where small and fainted.

This why alcohol is not for children there body can't handle it at all...
And that's who I ended here chained to wall. I've never see anyone but China and his wife. Who isn't much better..well at least she doesn't use my body for pleasuring actions like her husband. Why the hell does he even have a wife?!

She dose nothing but whine all the time. She's going to die soon....I know it. China lost his patience with her.

Speaking of China he open the door and let it slam against the wall.
My cell was very small room. It had a lot of chains in it. A small window at the very top of the wall. That's all the light that comes into this dull room.

And a dresser full of torture and sex toys. Oh and all my skimpy clothes that he forces me to wear which is near all underwear and bikinis. There were very few dresses and skirts but that's all.

I looked over at the man I hated the most.

He was very angry.He was grumbling about his wife.

"I'm going to kill her I swear I will" He said that before turning his attention on me. His frown turned into that creepy smirk that I hated.

He walked over to me clapping his hands as he'd walked.
"Happy! Happy! Happy!" He sang. This man was mad.I looked up at him scared he was creeping me out. He'd never been this creepy before he lay his back on the wall and slid down it sitting beside me.

He looked over at me with his reds glowing in the faint dark room.
He grabbed my chin and pulled my face closed to his making my chains dig into my skin. He turned my head to side and kissed my check.

"Happy Seventeenth

I didn't know I was here for that long! Ten years. I've been here for nearly all my life.

"Are ten year anniversary!~"
China sang holding me to his chest. It was a sore position because of my arms being chained above me.

"Ten years together! Ten years of your father being dead! Oh what joy this days brings me~! China sang even louder. I looked down at the cold ground.
'I miss Daddy..'Was all I could think

China gripped around me tightened. His nails digger into my skin.

"And that woman ruined it !" Oh here comes the angry.

I never found it fair that his wife always made him mad and instead of her getting hurt I do. And I do nothing wrong but yet I am still the one in pain.

China stood up and took the chains off me. The minute he did my arms fell. There where so numb. I couldn't feel them how many hours where they in that position.

China looked at me with his evil smirk.

"What's wrong you're arms dead ? Least wake them up then~"

China pushed me to the ground laying one hand on my stomach holding me down. The same exact move he made ten year ago...

China climbed over me tearing open my dress.
He looked down at my used body. Hungry was in his red eyes.

"This will be a quick fuck since we have something to deal with..I have many presents for you later~"
I gagged at the last bit of his sentence.

China pulled down his trousers. He wasn't even wearing underwear. America knew why She had a feeling after they finish that thing they have to deal with both of them will naked for the rest of the day.

China grabbed her by her thighs holding her above his hard member.

China went to America (nonexistent) ear and whispered. "Ride me honey I'll help you later on".
Without warning China slammed her down in to his member. America screamed/moaned in mixed pleasures and pain. Everyday the awful pain goes a bit and turns into pleasures.

America let out a shaky breath. Even though she found a bit pleasures she still felt the pain.

America moved her hips a bit trying to adjust a bit.
She couldn't do much with died arms. China held a grip on her hips waiting for her movement.

America moved a bit faster feeling more comfortable.
Her arms didn't feel so numb anymore but she still couldn't move them a lot.

China started to move his hands around her waist, thighs and ass. America let faith moans because of his hands.

America started to jumped a bit. China started to moan as well. Everyday America got more comfortable about all of this.

'Fuck it I am sorta in control and if his going to used me as pleasures toy I might as well try and enjoy it..or let him think that'.

That stay with America when she started to do it faster and slammed down harder. Her arms gripped on to China shoulder. It jutted so bad for America..biting she need to fool him .

China moaned louder. The pleasures felt amazing he lay his head against the wall and closed his eyes. He started to squeeze America's breasts and play with her nipples. America chocked on a sob. Tears falling form her eyes. He said it would be quick! When was it going to be over!?

America bounced even harder and higher hoping maybe if he cummed it would be over. America forced out a moan to act as if she liked. China grabbed out to her hips and took her off him laying her in the ground.

China stood up and pulled up his pants. He walked over to the dresser and started to look through it. America lay there arms crossed. At leaf it was over. She just need to fool him.

I heard him close the dresser drawers he started walking over to me. I didn't look at him. I felt his hands pick me up. He put me sitting in his lap.

China picked up a black lacy strapless bra. He put on America. America lay her head on his chest. She wanted his hand off her..but she couldn't fight back now.

China next picked up a pink vibrator and put up jet ass. He didn't turn it on yet though. He then pick up a back high waisted thong.
After getting that all that on America he picked up shoulderish white shirt dresses.
America felt more like doll know. And China was just playing dress up.

When America was dressed China stood up pulling America up with him.

(I am going to let you all use your imagination and pick China wife idk anymore who his ship with)

"America go Wait in the dinning. I'll there soon okay". China said strictly. America nodded there wasn't much she could done. She had plan and she need to stick with it.

America made her way to the dinning room limping. The worst part was China had her wear heels and limping while wearing heels was s huge pain. When America got to the dinning room she saw China bitch of a wife sitting at the end of the table. America stood where China always stood. America was very confused.
America had been locked in her cell/room all day until now. She didn't do any cleaning or cooking today. But there was a large plate on the table with a lid over the plate hiding the food. It smelt awful.

"Don't look at you pig it's not for you I don't if your seventh birthday it's for my hunny bon China..it's for apologising". She said that last bit quiet ashamed probably. And America was fine with not getting any she didn't want any.

"Hello ladies". Both Females turned to the door to see China standing there. China was dressed very well as always he was holding a bag in his hand. His wife ran up to him hugging and sundering him with sloppy kisses. Her lipstick was all over to his face. China looked irritated but wife didn't notice or care her attention was all on the bag he was holding. Curious of what was in there and hoping it was all for her. She grabbed China wrist and dragging him to his chair. She then ran over her own chair. America stayed in the background not wanted to get involved at all and just watch all the drama unfold for her front seat.

"Baby I know we had a bit fight earlier and all but I wanted to make it up to you so I made dinner instead of your..sexy toy".

America wanted to slap soo bad. She was sorta with her. At least China didn't call her a sex toy.

"Haha thanks sweetie and don't call her a sex toy". China said putting his head in his hand.

The bitch took of the lit to show her masterpiece. Which was completely burnt nothing but burnt. It was worse then America's father cooking who was banned for the kitchen! Her mother would always say. "He'll burn the entire house down!" Well she wasn't wrong. America missed her parents dearly. She always wondered what happened to her mother and brothers ?
(If anyone says Hetalia in the comments..I love you)

It was a awkward silence of China just staring at the fo- no it wasn't even food anymore that's how bad it was. His wife stated to sweat realizing who bad it was.

"Uh..sorry baby I'll order Chinese.." She said unsure what to do.

"No no it fine don't worry..here I have a gift for you" China said clapping his hands together.

"Oh What is it!" She screamed happily. America rolled her eyes stupid bitch does she realize who she's married to ?

China dogged his hand into the bag pulling out a pistol.

"Close your eyes honey your going to love it so much~"

She did as she was told she closed her eyes shut she was practically jumping up and down on her sit on excitement. China handled the gun higher. Before shooting he winked over America.

"Open your eyes to the count of three"

China loaded the gun.

He held his finger on the trigger.

Smoke came out the pistol.
China blew it away.
She was dead with a doubt.
There was a bullet in her hair. America wished she could say that she'd be missed. Keyword wished.

China stood out of his chair leaving the gun on the table.
He turned around to face America.

"Now that's done with we can get back to what we where doing earlier". China said walking over to her. China forced America on to her knees. America gasped out as she felt the vibration.

China put it the third highest setting. China unbutton his trousers and let them fall to the ground. There stood China large proud member still hard.

"Suck now" China demand.

America put most of it his mouth. She still had her plan and she needed to complete now or never. America gagged and chocked on his size.When she was half adjusted she started to suck going fast for a bit and then slowing down and going back to going fast.
She wanted to mess with him so much and tease him.

China stood there moaning and growling holding America head in place pulling her hair.

America had never so willing to mid stuff. Maybe because she realized she'd be here for ten years and wasn't getting out that she listed all her pride. But he wasn't complaining he liked this new obeying America.

"Faster America~!" China moaned out gripping her long hair and squeezing it.
America did as she was told knowing he was close.
It wasn't long til China cum.

China forced her to swallow all of it. China puffed as he turned around.

"I'll be back in minutes I just need to get some toys and we can start the real fun" China said pressing a button on the remote making the vibrator go to its highest setting. He could hear America moan out in pleasures. China was about to walk out of the room when.


China fell to the floor. Blood covered his shirt. He lay died on the floor.

"This is the best birthday present ever China Beijing dead finally dead...say hello to Daddy for me". America said holding the pistol.

Her plan was to murder the man who murder her father.
She tricked China into thinking that she stared to like the sex so he'd get more excited making him forget all about the gun. Greatest mafia leader huh?
Either way America had finished her goal. He was dead she was free

I know it's not bloody Meri
I wanted to do a request since I haven't done one on while what you all think. I am quite proud of this I like the ending
This was 3373 words

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