By Akira7202

347K 12.6K 520

Two People Two Different worlds Found love unexpectedly... Nicklaus Williams The sole heir of the Williams... More

One More Week
Home / Fight
Baby's Day Out/Bodyguard
Day Out part 2
Truth part 1
Truth Part 2
Hospital part 2
College Discussion
Start of Uni
Author note
Ruth's Arrival
Economics Time
Unwanted Suprise
Author's Note
New Home
Date Night
Bringing the BIG GUNS
Hospital Part 2
Kisses, Cuddles and Fast Forward
First Birthday
Approval (Part 1)
Approval (Part 2)
Wait's Over
Graduation Day
Six Years

Story Time

4.6K 208 13
By Akira7202

Om's Pov

"It was during her 12th exams. When she was really frustrated with the  pressure everyone were putting on her for her Economics Economics exams. Rua always bottled up her emotions never let anyone see it. She never cried only on rare occasion which is again very rare. I saw the anger in her eyes desperate to come out and explode, but Rua knew better she said that her anger can destroy people and will hurt them deeply so she always controlled it. What she didnt understand was that the more she bottled her emotions the more of a wreck she was becoming. I remember when at one point Rua was void of all emotions he didn't remember anything, she wasn't sad, angry anymore, nor she was smiling everyone ignored it but I couldn't when I could see exactly what was happening with her. So, I thought of helping her and informed our family that I would help her with her exam and during this time I didn't want anyone to disturb us." I said

"So what happened?" Asked Blake.

"We started revising the chapters that Rua knows well, later I began to do the harder topics she was good, listening and kept asking questions once a while whenever her she had doubts and when she couldn't understand something she would become furious and that is something I wish no one to ever go through with. Rua can be very furious and when she is she will make it a point to hurt you in the worst way possible. So when she wouldn't understand I would try calming her down and I would succeded. But then I saw the storm brewing and I know I had to let her emotions out before the exam or else she would fluke her paper." I paused an looked at everyone, Ruth was looking at me with sympathy, Blake was curious to know what happened next and Nic was looking at Rua and then me.

"Man you need to continue you can't keep pausing the story" Blake stated with irritation.

"Fine, one day everyone left Rua and me home as Rua had an exam the day after tomorrow and I was helping her. So i took this opportunity to talk with her"

"Hey Ru, are you alright, I mean I can see it in your eyes that you are angry and you want to let it out but I know you are stopping for doing it." I said

"No its just nothing you know I get irritated during Economics paper it just that" Rua replied as if it was nothing.

"Ru I know it's not about the Eco paper as far as I saw you are good in Economics is to because of the pressure from everyone. I know you dont share anything with anyone and not even with Ruth sometimes. If you think we dont know that then you are fooling yourself but no one. How long are you going to keep that storm inside of you for how long? Till it gonna rip you apart? Answer me Rua Roy" I yelled on her

"Omkar don't you dare raise your voice on me. I know that you two know that I won't share everything with you so what? It's not like you two tell me everything that's going to between you two. Acting as if you two are just friends and once alone are all lovely dovey on please so you don't fucking talk about me." She said venom lacing her voice.

"Oh! If you knew why didn't you confront any of us? Why didn't you say something" I questioned her

"You want to know why i didn't question you back its because i don't care what you two do. Yes Ruth is my bestfriend I know she would tell me once she was confident so I never questioned her. And coming to you, why should I even ask you, here in this family you are the prodigy the golden kid questioning you means having the entire family revolving against me. They already look down at me and questioning you will only make it worst for me and do you think I want that. You think i dont know why you are helping in Economics paper am not that naive Om you are doing it because you want to prove that you are one hell of a good brother or maybe you are doing this because when I get to know about you are Ruth I would be angry on her, which I already know, by chance if you didnt know NO I would hold anything against her for this. So you can chill and relax I will not come in between your relationship." She said with hatred.

I was fuming with anger my own sister is talking shit about me she think questioning me means turning the entire family against her. She thinks she doesn't mean a shit to me to me she is talking for real now I was angry I was seeing red. I loved my sister more than anything in this world, the moment she was born I swore nothing would hurt her all the love I showed her till today everything went in vain. By now I completely forgot the reason what I was doing? I knew I had to take it out and now otherwise someone will die so I took the nearest vase threw it towards the wall where Ru was standing. I paused and looked at Rua who was sleeping peacefully without a thought and that's when I saw how closely Nic was holding her and glaring at me. I made a point to ask him later.

"When she saw what I did she was shocked and now she was more furious because the vase I broke was her favorite and I was happy in a sadistic way that she was upset that cooled my ego. What I forgot or didn't notice were her eyes that was filled with revenge and that was when I realized that I just unleashed this storm with full force. Ru took the baseball bat which I gave her for the protection was going to be myvery own death weapon. With one swift move she  hit my glass window and it broke into pieces. When I opened my closed eyes which I didn't knew when I closed them, Rua still had the bat in her hand she had the sinister smile on her lips and she said "if you think I missed then no I just showed you what can happen my dear brother." That was one violent memory of her's with me.

I saw Blake shocked and swallowing hard Nic was shocked too. So I continued, "then I hugged her because I know my sister she is the most fragile and naive girl I ever known she is clam at the same time she is the strom, she is kind at the same time wild, she is loving  and she can be a sadists. She is a complete package on an angel and devil.

"She's caught between hell and heaven.
A cold heart and the fire in her soul,
Smile of an Angel, mind of the devil"         -Ventum

She cried and that was the rare occasion for her to cry she let out everything she punched me clawed me numerous times she tried pushed me away but I stay still I didn't move I took everything think she was giving out because she had too other it will destroy her and I can't let that happen no one will take her away from me she my sister own or not I dont care she is mine. We slept like that together that night. And that night I made another promise that I will never let anyone hurt my baby girl wherever I go she goes or wherever  she goes I go. That's it." I said with determination

"Dude, what if she hurted you with the bat or you hurt her with that vase and more importantly did your parents find out?" Blake questioned

"Good question, luckly for us our parents were out for three days and we fixed the window so they dont know something like that ever happened in the house. About us hurting each other, Rua and I have some very bad anger issues since childhood we happened to be same unlike our other siblings and cousins. When Rua was kid she scratched a girl in her class for stealing her place and I used to hit some or try other guy or get into fights seeing all this our parents were frightened they didn't take us to any doctor though they just talked us through everything but that wasn't enough for us. It only made us more and more temperament and that's when my grandmother stepped in she took both Rua and I into her wing and made us meditate on the regular bases so that we could control our angry it worked we controlled it but sometimes the controlling also was hard. One day our grandmother told us to scream as loud as possible and it felt good real good and we kept doing it once a while but not everytime. After few years Rua got into a habit of keeping things to herself and I would ignore everything what people would say and do so I will not be triggered but when it was Rua's topic I can't help to ignore. And hurting each other Rua and I will never hurt each other consciously or unconsciously we are always aware of our surroundings while we are angry. Even when we are anger we wouldn't hurt each other. It just for release, no one can ever understand that when either of us are anger no one will ever dare to come near us." I said

"What happened the next? I mean after that fight night" Nic asked

"I was all blue with bruises and red with her scratches. The good thing was she didn't do anything to my face. For next two week I had to wear full sleeves so that no can see all the art work my lovely sister did on my body." I said laughing.

"You two are hot headed beasts. I never thought you had anger issues Om but you never mentioned that nor any of your childhood incidences either. Today, I learnt that I should never get on to the bad side of the Roy kids you are worst than criminals." Blake said

"Did she pass the Economics exam?" Blake asked after a minute

"Oh with flying colors but she still hates that subject with passion though so if you want to help her you have to very be patient. She is not very easy to deal with." Om said looking at Nic

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