A World of Differences [1DFF]

By _soontobebritish

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Originally posted on onedirectionfanfiction.com in 2011. Eighteen-year-old Charlotte McDermott is moving to L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 77

22 0 0
By _soontobebritish

Charlotte's POV

I stuck my key into the lock and twisted it open, leading Liam into the warm entry hall. The room was large and open, with a high ceiling. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling in the center of the area. The wood floor was squeaky clean, as was the dark chocolate colored carpet that covered the steps upstairs. The walls were painted a warm brown color with various pieces of artwork hung on them.

I took off my jacket and placed it in to closet before doing the same with Liam's.

"I thought we talked about breathing," I wrapped my arms around his tiny, toned torso pressing my stomach against his.

Liam let out a shallow sigh, "We did."

"Then breath," I insisted. He took in a deep breath before blowing it out of his mouth straight onto my face.

I groaned as I pushed him away, "Lovely. Thank you for that."

He pulled me back towards him into a hug. That was more like the Liam I knew... and loved. He kissed me gently on the cheek before we turned in sync and headed towards the kitchen. Before we entered into the room, I pulled Liam's arm around my waist. He looked down at me unsure, but I nodded. Best get them used to it now, right off the bat.

"Hey mom," I hummed as we entered the heated room. She was leaning against the counter talking to my dad. "Hey dad."

"Hey sweetie," they both turned towards us instantly.

"Mom, Dad, this is Liam," I waved my free hand in a gesturing motion.

"Hello," my mom replied sweetly. "It's good to see you again."

Liam stepped forwards towards her, greeting her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Nice to see you, too, Mrs. McDermott."

He stepped away towards my dad who had his eyes narrowed, watching Liam's every move. It was kind of creepy, but Liam didn't let it scare him. He could take the immediately pressure; it was the nerves that lead up to a certain event that affected him.

"Hello sir," he shook my dad's hand firmly. "It's nice to meet you."

My dad actually smiled, "It's nice to meet you, too." He nodded as he let go of Liam's hand.

I walked forward cautiously and pressed my stomach against his back, nuzzling my face into the crock of his neck. I needed my parents to see that this was serious and I wasn't a PDA person. My dad smiled down at me. Surely it was at least helping that he could see how happy I was.

"Liam I just want to apologize for being.... rude."

Liam waved his hands, "No, no Mr. McDermott. You don't have anything to apologize for."

My dad shook his head, "I do though. I assumed that you were a stuck up, self-centered, no good pop star who was only dating my daughter because he wanted to get some."

"DAD!" I chocked.

My mom started coughing.

What the neck was he saying? Had he seriously just said that? More importantly, did he really think that?

"What?" he looked at me innocently. "I'm still not even convinced he's not."

I backed away from Liam and shot my dad a nasty look before he continued, but his eyes did stray towards me. They remained on my boyfriend.

"I invited you here to get to know you. I didn't invite you here because I approve of you." His voice was hard and cold.

Liam flinched, "I understand."

My mom shook her head at me, almost pleading for me to leave the room. She moved towards Liam and put her arm around his shoulder, turning him towards me.

"Why don't you two go watch tv with the other three and we can get to know each other during dinner."

"Sounds great," I gritted through my teeth. I grabbed Liam's hand quickly and jerked him into the hallway, closing the sliding door behind us.

"Phew," I gasped. "That was interesting."

Liam licked his upper lip, "I wasn't expecting that."

"Me neither," I chuckled as we walked to the family room. Laughing seemed like the only way to deal with the tension.

We walked through the hallway and into the den where my siblings were watching an old episode of The Suite Life of Zach and Cody.

"CHAR!" Grant bounced off the couch towards me. He jumped up and down in front of me before settling. "Hi."

"Hey G," I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "This is Liam."

Granted nodded, "You're the sexy boyfriend."

Liam chuckled.
"Grant, you are seven. Do you even know what that means?" I cringed.

He shook his head, "Nope. Is he sexy though? That's not an insult is it? If it is, I'm sorry."

Liam bent over at the waist so he was face to face with my brother.

"No it's not an insult," Liam grinned. "But it's not really something a seven year old should go around sayin.... You know what I mean?"

He sounded so sweet and gentle. It made my heart melt.

Grant shuffled on his feet, "Okay. Wanna come sit down?"

I covered my face with my hands. This was so terrible. My seven year old brother was making more of an effort than my own dad.

"YEAH!" Talia jumped on the sofa, distracted from her show. "Come sit with us."

"Okay," Liam stood back up and followed after Grant, sitting In between Talia and Anastasia. Grant started spinning in the small area in front of the tv.

"Come on Char," Anastasia motioned for me to come over. "I'll move."

I took a step around the couch, "No, no. Don't move. I'm fine." I went to sit next to Talia, but I had to stop suddenly. She had sprawled out on the sofa so that I couldn't sit down. Well I could have but I would have sat on her face.

"Tal move," I commanded warmly.

She did just that but instead of moving back to her place next to Liam she moved away from him, patting the seat next to her.

I rolled my eyes as I collapsed down next to Liam. On instinct, I cuddled into his side breathing in his familiar cologne. I sighed contently as his arm folded around me, pulling me even closer.

It was about seven when my mom called us in for dinner. I crawled off the sofa and extended my arm to Liam. He laced our fingers together allowing me to pull him up before we headed into the kitchen behind a airplane-noise-making Grant.

"Where are you sitting?" Liam asked in a hushed tone.

I bit on my lip as I pointed to the spot where my mom had arranged for us to sit.

He nodded, tugging on my hand and leading me towards the table. He pulled out a chair for me to sit in. He gave me another peck on the cheek before allowing me to sit. He scooted my chair in so I was near the table before he took his spot next to me.

I smiled at him caringly before I glanced over to my dad who was standing in front of the stove. Sure enough he had been watching the whole time; but Liam probably knew that. Damn this boy knew how to make a good first impression.

Marisa's POV

"High School Musical Two or Three?" Zayn held the two Sing It boxes in front of my face. Only they would have High School Musical singing video games for Wii. It's just something they would have.

"I don't wanna sing," I pouted my lip. "Not everyone here has a good voice."

Harry leaned over and flicked my arm, "It's just you who has a crappy voice so get over it, Riss."

I stuck my tongue out at the curly haired boy. His gray eyes glistened at me as his face twisted into a smirk.

"Shut up, Haz," I pouted some more.

"Come on man, surrender to the girl," Josh waved his hand dismissively. "Let's go for a Wii bowling tournament and I will kick all of your arses."

"Oh you are so on," Zayn turned his back towards us as he popped the disk into the console. The TV screen lit up with the Nintendo logo.

I places my feet in Harry's lap as I rested my head against Josh's shoulder.

"Oh just make yourself at home, Riss." Josh tutted.

I chuckled, "I will.... Considering I could be out on a romantic date but Zayn wanted to hang out with you losers."

"Hey!" Harry whined. "I'm not a loser!"

"Whatever you say, Hazzie. Whatever stops your tears?"

Harry's lips formed a tight frown causing me to smile contently. I was spending time with them on tour in America yet I was stuck in a hotel playing Wii Sports. I considered the fact that I was a tad disappointed rather logical. Not that there was much in Nebraska, but from the sounds of it Liam and Char had a fairly perfect date.... I wanted one, too.

"Oh babe, don't be like that," Zayn's hair tickled the side of my face as his lips worked on my neck. "Tomorrow is New Years Eve."

"Yes?" I couldn't help but hear a slight sly tone in his voice.

"He's trying to be seductive," Harry groaned. "He's probably gonna be all romantic and lovey and it's going to be gross for the rest of us to watch."

Zayn stood up, towering over his friend.

"No... only for you because you don't have anyone to kiss at midnight."

Josh's arm shifted out from underneath my head, causing me to fall into his lap as it shot into the air.

"I don't have anyone to kiss at midnight either."

"Perfect," I muttered as I sat up rubbing the back of my head. I had landed on his belt buckle. "You two can kiss each other. Problem solved."

"Uh no," Harry shook his head.

Josh agreed with him.

"Well then don't be babies," I snapped as I reached my arms out in front of me grabbing the air in attempts to capture Zayn.

He chuckled lowly as he gripped my arms, "Needy today aren't we?"

"Mmm," I hummed as I pulled him down next to me immediately cuddling into his side. His spicy smell inflated my nostrils and I sighed contently.

His lips pressed to my temple as he took in a deep breath. I moved my hand to the part of his stomach the peeped out. His shirt had slid up his torso slightly, revealing a small patch of skin.

I traced my fingers along his stomach, smiling when he shivered under my touch. His lips trailed down to my neck before making their way to my lips. I kissed him slowly as my hand tangled in his hair.

"Room," Harry growled. "Get a room."

Zayn pulled the decorative pillow from behind his back and flung it at Harry's face.

"Get a girlfriend," Zayn snapped.

Harry was back to being a pout, "I can't. We are on this fucking tour."

"Don't be bitter Haz," Zayn shook his head. "Should have made a move on Araya while she was here."

Harry's face turned into a smirk.

"Oh god," I palmed my face. "What the hell did you do?"

"DO NOT ask him that. You know better, Riss. Harry Edward Styles do not answer that question. She didn't mean it."

Josh cleared his throat, "I'd prefer if you didn't talk about Araya that way."

Harry scrunched his nose, "Why what do you care?"

Josh stuck his tongue out as he gagged, "Don't talk about my girlfriend's best friend in sexual terms."

"Whatever," Harry went to stand up. "Give me the remote control. It's my turn to bowl."

Harry grabbed the single remote from Zayn's outstretched hand before he shifted in front of the TV. 1D Wii bowling rules were simple. Single player. One game for each person. Whoever comes up with the highest score at the end wins. If there is a tie there is a two player bowl off. Simple as that.

Harry swung his arm back throwing the virtual bowling ball down the lane time after time.

While we waited for Harry and then Josh to finish, I made an extra effort to cuddle close to Zayn. His arm was fastened around me, keeping me tightly pressed to him as his lips never moved from the top of my head.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I needed time with him away from the boys.

Lauren's POV
"Race cars?" I looked hopefully at my adorable boyfriend. He was wearing a white and blue stripped top with a dark blue pair of pants. His hair was messy and his lips were pink.

"Race you to the race cars," he giggled childishly.

He took off before me, sprinting towards the indoor race track. We twisted and turned through the mass of arcade games till we made it to the large open room.

Leave it to Niall and Louis to plan a date at The Pizza Machine which was a giant indoor heaven.... For tiny children, that is. There was an eating area with a buffet. The specials of the evening consisted of spaghetti and pizza. There were arcade games everywhere you turned, bowling lanes and of course the race track.

"Mmm," I wrapped my arms around Louis' waist. He had beaten me and was already standing in line. "Guess you won."

"Mmhm," he chuckled as he turned around to face me, wrapping his arms around my waist and sticking his hands in my jean-back pockets. "What's my victory prize?" he smirked.

"A pat on the back and a kiss on the cheek."

One hand left my back pocket as he poked his cheek with a smile.

"I'm waiting....." he hummed.

"Cheeky," I giggled as I lifted on my tiptoes and pressed my lips right above his finger.

Quickly, he moved his hands low on my waist holding me against him strongly. He turned his face suddenly so that his lips were pressing to the stop of my neck right below my ear. He sighed against my neck causing a tiny gasp to escape from my mouth as the wave vibrations skimmed my sensitive spot. The darn boy knew exactly what he was doing.

He pulled away chuckling as he smiled at me, "You're really adorable. You know that?"

I bit my lip, "Thanks Louis."

He leaned forward, brushing his lips against mine. It was quick because he knew there were plenty of people watching, but he couldn't resist and neither could I. When his lips moved away his nose brushed the inside of my neck as we waited in line, awkwardly cuddling together.

Amalia's POV

"NO! I HIT THE JUMP BUTTON!" Niall's fist pounded the wooden frame of the Donkey Kong arcade machine.

"Baby relax," I whispers and I pulled him away from the game. "It's just a game."

"Whatever," he tutted.

"Sweetheart your competitive side is showing and it's gonna ruin our date."

Niall turned his slender body towards me. He was wearing a red hoodie over his blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Sorry Mals," he kissed me quickly in attempt to make it all better. It worked. It always did.

I smiled as I wrapped my fingers with his, leading him towards the merry-go-round.

"Nooo," he whimpered.

"Yeah," I grinned. "My turn to pick what we do."

Charlotte's POV

We had said grace and filled our plates with food. Now it was time for the awkward conversations to start, and I had prepared myself for the worst.

"So Liam," my mom was going to start it off. Thank god for that.

Liam's face turned towards my mom as he anticipated her next words.

"Tell us a little bit about you because we don't know much. Family? Friends? Dreams? Ambitions?"

Liam cleared his throat, "Well I'm from Wolverhampton. I lived with my mum and dad and I have two older sisters."

"Very nice," my mom nodded her head. "How long have you wanted to be a singer?"

"Well I've always kind of wanted to. I tried out for X-Factor once and I got turned away at the judge's house. I went back a few years later and the next thing I knew everything changed."

My mom nodded, "Well that's really nice. I'm sure you feel very blessed."

He nodded. "I do."

"Now Liam I hope you don't find this uncomfortable or anything," my dad prepped his questions. "I just want to get to know you better."

He smiled his earth shattering smile. "I totally understand."

"Okay well do you have any kids of your own?"

I swallowed my mash potatoes wrong causing me to choke violently. "Dad!" I gasped. "What kind of question is that?" I shouted once I had cleared my windpipe.

Liam rested his arm on my shoulder and answered before my dad had the chance, "It's a fair question, love. He's just protecting you. Are you okay?"

When I nodded he turned back to my dad. "No I don't."

My dad shook his head in approval, "Want to have kids one day?"

Liam smiled, "I love kids and I would love to be a dad. I'm not ready to do that yet so I have no intentions on becoming a father yet. Someday yes. When I'm married though."

"Perfect answer, son," my dad chuckled. "And what are your intentions with my daughter?"

Liam paused considering the right words to say, "She makes me happy, Mr. McDermott. Just thinking about her can make me smile so I'm sure you can only imagine how happy I am when I'm around her. I wouldn't have any intentions to harm Charlotte if that's what you are asking." Liam's teeth sunk into his lower lip before. "Sir, I've been hurt before. I've been cheated on, broken up with... crushed and I would never ever inflict that pain on someone else because no one ever deserves to feel that way."

I cringed at Liam's honesty and so did my dad.

"Well Liam, I'm sorry that has happened to you." He sounded genuinely sympathetic.

Liam shrugged, "It wasn't a good time. However Char kind of brightened things up after I was pretty depressed."

My dad's forehead creased, "Do you have a history of depression?"

"Dear lord, Dad. He was depressed because his girlfriend cheated on him not because he's a depressed unhealthy human being."

"Oh," my dad's lips pursed. "Okay."

The conversation pressed forward and relaxed a tad. I could tell Liam was still on needles making sure that he answered every question or replied to every statement perfectly.

"Do you like soccer?" Granted turned to him and asked.

Liam grinned, "I love it. Do you play?"

Grant nodded really fast as he smiled bigger than I had seen in a long time, "I love soccer but no one will ever play with me."

"Awe that's no fun. You need someone to play soccer with." Liam went on to promise Grant a game of soccer after dinner. We had a goal set up in our basement where they could play.

Before I knew it dinner was over and other than the first few awkward moments, things had passed smoothly. By the end of the meal my dad and Liam were having some weird conversation about some historical aspect of society which I knew nothing about. Not only did my dad appear impressed but he also appeared to be having a decent time.

"Thank you so much for dinner," Liam thanked my mom as he took both mine and her plate over to the sink. "It was delicious."

"Oh thank you dear, but don't worry about cleaning up. I've got it. You and the kids go run and play and then Char if you want to go back to the hotel you can. Just be home before three okay?"

I nodded as I stood up, "Will do. Thanks mom." I kissed her on the cheek before following Liam and my siblings to the basement. That had been a lot less painful than I had thought.

"GOAL!!!!!" Grant ran in circles before collapsing on the ground. He and Liam had scored again leaving Talia and I to lose by three.

"Nice job G-man. You really do have some sick soccer skills," Liam bent over to help my brother off the floor.

"Thanks," he replied with his nose in the air. "Wanna play again?"

Liam shot a look in my direction, "I think we're gonna get going..."

I nodded.

"But next time we can take them down again." The two boys high fived with a rawr of victory.

Liam and I walked upstairs and grabbed our coats from the closet.

We said quick goodbyes to my parents before heading out to the car.

"So meeting the parent's is over," I chuckled as Liam pulled out of the neighborhood.

"Thank god for that," he sighed. "But it was fine. Once your dad seemed to understand that I didn't have any children and wasn't planning on getting you pregnant things turned around."

"That was immensely awkward," I groaned as I palmed my face.

"Oh love lighten up," Liam tisked. "He's only trying to be a good dad."

I nodded, "I know."

"Do you think I won him over?"

We were stopped at a red light. Liam turned to face me; his puppy brown eyes tearing through my soul.

"I guess we'll see."

Liam shifted his gaze back forward at my answer. It wasn't what he was looking for but I couldn't guarantee anything.

Eventually we reached the hotel. Liam pulled my car into a parking spot right outside the door and we made a mad dash for the warmth of the hotel. Hand in hand we made our way to Zayn and Marisa's hotel room which was where everyone was watching the movie.

We slipped into the strange smelling room right in time to see the opening credits of Footloose flowing across the screen.

"Just in time," Harry called over his shoulder.

Liam and I made our way to sit on the sofa; me on his lap.

"How'd dinner go?" Zayn asked over the now speaking characters.

"Just fine," Liam smiled.

I hummed as I cuddled closer to his chest, "I'm just glad it's over. 

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