A World of Differences [1DFF]

By _soontobebritish

3.2K 61 3

Originally posted on onedirectionfanfiction.com in 2011. Eighteen-year-old Charlotte McDermott is moving to L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 69

23 0 0
By _soontobebritish

Chapter 69

Louis' POV

"And stockings were hung by the chimney with care..." Zayn chuckled as he pointed to the fireplace across the way.

We were standing in the doorway of the ballroom ready to walk in and join the party. My party. Yes, it was my birthday but it was also Christmas Eve leaving me with a two-for-one celebration. I didn't really mind, because other than the Christmas stockings, Christmas tree, and red and green color scheme; it wasn't really Christmas themed at all. Haha.

"Well birthday boy, leggo," Zayn twirled his way towards the table where the other boys were sitting. The other boys and Lauren I should stay.

I made my way to the table slowly as I took in the people that were here. Mainly it was tour members and then everyone's families who had come for the holiday.

"Hey sweetie," my mom pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Mum, hey Lottie," I ruffled my sister's head.

"Having a good birthday so far?"

"Yeah- pretty good. Going to get this party started though."

"Behave," she instructed as she wacked me on the back of the head. "But have fun."

With that she let me go and join the boys.

"Looking good hot stuff," Harry winked at me as I sat down.

I was wearing khakis, a blue shirt, and suspenders. It wasn't really anything out of the ordinary.

Lauren, who was sitting between me and Haz, smacked Harry's arm. "Back off Styles, he's mine. Don't let that whole Larry Stylinson ship get to your head."

Everyone chuckled.

"So boys," Liam paused, "and Lauren.... How about a toast? TO LOUIS!"

Everyone held their glasses in the air, "TO LOUIS!" They all shouted.

"Alrighty party animals, this has been insanely requested tonight, so here it is..." The DJ had the microphone in his hand. Dinner was over and we had decided to wait a while for cake which meant it was time to party. "One Direction with UP ALL NIGHT!"
"What?" the boys asked confused.

"Who the heck requested our song at our own party?" I spat.

I looked over to see Harry grinning. Then, Lauren was smacking his arm.

"HARRY! THEY'RE PLAYING IT! THEY TOOK OUR REQUESTS," she glanced at the rest of us with a giggled.

"Time to dance m'lady," Harry scooted her chair back and took her hand.

Arm in arm they walked to the dance floor and immediately began dancing and singing along.

I watched as Lauren moved to the music. She was a natural dancer. Her hips, that were covered by a short, tight maroon skirt swayed back and forth. Her long, skinny legs moved back and forth keeping perfect time. Her arms swayed above her head. Her face was filled with a smile.

Harry wrapped his arms around her, pulling their bodies against each other as they began to dance as one.

"Jealous much?" Niall chuckled.

I snapped my head towards the others who were watching me with very skeptical, accusing expressions.

"I'm not jealous..." I muttered.

Zayn grabbed my chin and tilted my head so he was staring straight into my eyes. In return, I blinked rapidly, hoping to erase any emotion that could have been there. It obviously didn't work because his deep colored eyes filled with amusement.

He dropped his hand back to his lap with a low chuckle. "He's not jealous boys. That expression is purely lust-filled."

I groaned. The only thing that was worst than jealous was need, because the others never let you forget it.

"Awe Lou-eeey," Zayn ruffled my hair teasing me with his annoying little baby voice.

"Shush," I snarked.

Liam tisked at me, "She's right there." He motioned to them with his hand. "Go get her mate," Liam leaned over Zayn and shoved my shoulder. "Go on."

I nodded my head as I rose slowly earning a whooping cheer from them.

"Dear lord," I muttered as I made my way to Harry.

Both of their backs were away from me, so I tapped Harry on the shoulder. He turned his head slightly and when he saw me stopped dancing.

"Why'd you..." Lauren turned around when Harry stopped moving. "Oh." Her eyes were bright.

"May I help you, sir?" Harry's voice was deep, attempting to hold back his laughter.

"Um yeah, actually you can."

His eyebrow rose as a smirk crossed his face, "And what can I assist you with?"

"Give me my girlfriend back."

"I'm not an item of possession, Lou," Lauren interjected.

Harry stepped away from Lauren, so I shuffled forward taking his place.

"I'm not too sure about that," I teased, brushing my hands up and down her arms.

She pouted, failing to hide her effect my lingering touch had, "And why is that?"

"Because I've spent too many years being unable to call you mine...." Her eyes glistened over. "And now I can finally call you mine."

"You certainly do have a way with words don't you," a giggle escaped from her mouth.

I shrugged, "So will you dance with me?"

She pursed her lips in thought, causing a wave of desire to wash over me. I just wanted to kiss her then and there.

"As long as I don't have to pat the dog and screw the light bulb..."

"Maybe we could..." I started.

"OR stop the traffic and then them through.... OR the sprinkler... or any other..."

"Shhh," I stepped into, her wrapping my arms around her waist. I kissed her gently. "I was thinking something more like this." One of my hands drifted up her back, pulling her into my chest.
"Mmhm," she hummed. "Yeah I like this."

I caught a glance at the DJ. He gave a little sly smile as the music faded into We'll Be A Dream by We The Kings and Demi Lavato.

Lauren wrapped her arms around my back as we swayed to the music. We were the only couple on the dance floor, but I don't think anyone even thought twice about joining us.

Do you remember the nights
We'd stay up just laughing
Smiling for hours
At anything
Remember the nights
We drove around crazy in love

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Do you remember the nights
We made our way dreaming
Hoping of being
Someone big
We were so young then
We were too crazy
In love

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be

Lauren pulled back slowly as the song began to quiet. Her head lifted up, meeting our eyes.

"Happy birthday Louis," she whispered just loud enough so that I could hear.

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

In that single moment, the whole day was made.

Almost seventeen years we had been friends. Best friends.

Maybe falling in love with your best friend isn't easy. Maybe it does take a lot of work. Maybe you have fallouts along the way. Maybe things don't always fall into place at the right time, but when things finally fall into place, there is no maybe.

There is not maybe its right or maybe it's perfect.It doesn't work that way, because for the first time in four years, I was madly in love with my best friend, and by some God given miracle, she was in love with me too. And that doesn't deserve a maybe – it just is... perfect.

Our eyes remained locked and our arms were still around each other.

Slowly, she moved her arms from around my upper back to around my neck. Her fingers traced along my shirt as they wound together behind me.

Instinct kicked in as my eyes dropped to her lips. I silently cursed the people who were, no doubt, watching us.

My heart's pace quickened as she nibbled on her lower lip.

She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed me gently. Her lips moved slowly, sending heat from my head to my toes. It was different from other kisses, which normally made me shiver. This one made me feel like I was on fire, but it was a pleasuring feeling that I didn't want to go away.

I broke our lips apart gently because of the people who were watching. We couldn't continue despite the heat of the moment. I'm sure it was Harry who was cheering us on, and he was going to pay for that later, but right then, I kept my focus on Lauren.

Her cheeks pulled into a smile as our noses brushed together.

"Thank you," my words vibrated her lips just barely.

"For what?" she gasped at my teasing.

"For making this the best birthday ever."

She pinched her eyes together, pulling backwards in slight confusion, "I didn't do anything."

"Lauren," I pulled her back forward. My lips found her ear, "You didn't need to do anything. You are finally mine. That's the best present I could ask for."

Liam's POV

Lauren and Louis had just finished dancing and were now kissing passionately earning them a muffled awe from the crowd.

Marisa and Zayn had actually ditched the party, though no one really cared. They could go and be coupley someone by themselves.

Amalia was sitting on Niall's lap and the two were whispering back and forth.

Harry and Araya, who had gotten seemingly close in the past forty-eight hours, were sitting there making kissy faces at Louis and Lauren.

I was sitting by myself on a sofa that was pushed up against the back wall.

"Hey Li-li," I tuned my head to see Lottie, Louis' sister. "Can I sit?"

I nodded, allowing the fourteen year old to sit next to me. She folded her hands in her lap as her face watched me closely.

"Feeling a little down?" she pondered, clearly realizing what was wrong.

I shrugged, "Downside of being famous, right? You'd think I'd be used to it now."

She patted me on the shoulder. Sometimes it was hard to believe that she was so young and naive. "I'm not a worldwide pop star, but I'm guess that's not a feeling you get used to, Liam." I sighed. Surely she was right. "And I'm sure it sucks to see all your friends on tour without the same problem."

I nodded, "Seems a little unfair at times."

"So you're pretty crazy about her then?"

I chuckled. "Yeah."

"I overheard Lou talking with Mom. He was saying that he's never seen you like this."

"Like what?"


"Mmhm," I hummed.

"And I mean you'll see her in a couple days right?"

I shrugged. "Yeah."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Yeah it was. I mean it was better than waiting another month and a half to see her.

"I mean it is, but then she'll go back to school and I'll be on tour... and...."

"Liam, first off, Char knows that. Second, maybe that just means you have to make the most of the time you spend with her next week. Make it something that you'll both remember."

I leaned my head back against the wall, "Lottie, the thing is I don't know how to do that. I'm not really that romantic.... As much as I wish I was, I'm just not."

"Oh come on Liam. You don't have to be a genius to figure out something to do for her Liam."

I twisted my head sideways to look at her, "Do you have any ideas?"

Lottie leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

"Really?" I asked. Was it that simple? I mean not simple, but really in theory it was.

Her shoulders lifted in a shrug, "Any girl would love it."

"Hmmm, alright well I'll have to work with that idea then..." my breath was shaky.

"Just don't let this all get you down Liam," she patted me on the leg before standing up. "I doubt Char wants you to be upset, so go have a good time." She winked. "And think about what I said."

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