A World of Differences [1DFF]

By _soontobebritish

3.2K 61 3

Originally posted on onedirectionfanfiction.com in 2011. Eighteen-year-old Charlotte McDermott is moving to L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 64

30 0 0
By _soontobebritish

Charlotte's POV

"Holy-freaking-cow!" Lauren was jumping up and down as we waiting to exit the room. "THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" She was screaming.

"Shhh," Louis pulled her into a headlock. "We know! Now quiet down, Lo. They can hear you!"


Louis ruffled her hair before letting her stand back up, "Yes, yes it was," he agreed with her. "But now it's time to party!"

We all watched Louis as he awkwardly danced around, Harry of course joining him.

"They are so weird," Amalia palmed her face. "Whyyy?"

"Are you embarrassed by us?" Louis laughed, grabbing her hand and pulling her forward. He wrapped his arms around her, forcing her to dance.

"Stop it!" she giggled. "Louis stop!" Louis released her grip on her before pulling Lauren back to him and the two began jumping around.

"They are so ridiculously perfect," I whispered in Liam's ear as I watched the two dancing.

He smiled at me, eyes twinkling, "Alike in every way."

We filed out with the rest of the crowd and eventually found our way back to the limo. The boys didn't bother to stop and talk to fans, because we were all ready to go back to the hotel. When we arrived, it was around twelve. The hotel gleamed in the moonlight, and it was already packed with people.

"I didn't realize there was a party-party," I muttered. I had thought that we were just going to hang out in someone's room.

"Oh, yeah," Zayn said. I turned to face him, and sure enough, him and Marisa where practically on top of each other. "But we are only going for a little while. Then we are going to go and get out of these dress clothes and party in my room." He gave Marisa's hand a little squeeze. I had never seen the smile on his face so bright. It was adorable.

The limo pulled into the drop off circle to let us out. One by one, we filed out into the bitter air, making a dash for the heated building.

The lobby of the hotel was filled with people. Everyone was still dressed up and buzzing with excitement. We maneuvered our way through the crowd in a train, eventually reaching the main ballroom.

The room was dark; lighten by dim, golden overhead lights. A spotlight flashed around the room. The DJ was set up in the far corner and the bartender was opposite of him. The room smelled like a mixture of alcohol and flowers. Lots of people were dancing and drinking or just talking and drinking.

"May I have this dance?" Liam offered me his hand, wanting to lead me towards the dance floor.

I placed my hand in his, allowing him to lead me away.

"You know I never took you as one to dance," I yelled over the music. "But every time we go out you ask me to dance."

He shrugged. His brown eyes darken as he watched me start to move to the music.

Marry the Night by Lady Gaga was beating through the room.

I'm gonna marry the night.

I'm not gonna cry anymore.

I'm gonna marry the night.

Leave nothing on the street to explore.

Ma ma ma Marry.

Ma ma ma marry.

Ma ma ma marry the night.


Ma ma ma marry.

Ma ma ma marry.

Ma ma ma marry the night.

The walls started to vibrate as the chorus took over. I moved quicker to the beat, watching Liam watch me. His eyes began to darken. Before I could open my mouth to tell him to dance with me, Liam pulled me to him, just the way he had the first night we had gone out, and placed his lips on mine. He gripped my hips tightly, this fingers digging in. His body pressed firmly into mine as our lips softly smacked together.

I pulled away slightly, biting on my lower lip. I looked up at him, batting my eyelashes.

"Now probably isn't...." my voice trailed. I didn't want to finish the sentence, because my needs were just as big as his were. We'd been apart for over a month. If that doesn't create sexual tension in a relationship then I don't know what does.

"Yeah," he chuckled, even though I could hear the slight disappointment in his voice.

"Want something to drink?"

"I guess," I smiled. We headed over to the bar and ordered. Once the bartender gave us our drinks, we sipped at them as we causally walked around talking to various people.

"Have you seen Liam?" I tapped Zayn on the shoulder. I had gone to the bathroom and he had magically disappeared.

Zayn pointed to the far end of the room where I saw the unmistakable smiling face.

I pushed through the drunken people over to him.

"Hey love," he wrapped his arm around me when I found him. He raised his drink forward, acknowledging to the person he was talking to. "This is Alexander Ludwig," he pointed to the attractive dirty blonde boy in front of us. "He play's Cato in the movie. He and Niall are long time friends."

Alex leaned forward to give me a hug, "Nice to meet you Charlotte." His smile was gorgeous.

"You too," I said. "Sorry you had to be killed off. You're a brilliant actor!"

"Thank you," he accepted the compliment.

"So how is it that you got caught up in the unfortunate mess that in One Direction?" he joked. "At least you picked the good one to date. I don't approve of any of the other members."

I laughed, "I have good taste."

"Decent; you have decent taste. You're still dating a 1D boy."

Liam smacked his shoulder laughing.

"Oh, my, god." I gasped.

"What's wrong?" Liam's eyebrows pinched together.

I pointed over Alex's shoulder to the three people who had just walked in. It was Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth. "I didn't know they were going to be here!" I squealed.

Alex and Liam laughed.

"For some odd reason, One Direction gets invited to all the good parties. Don't ask me why, they just do," then Alex proceeded to turn around and wave over three of the biggest actors. Hunger Games was the new Harry Potter, so in a way Josh was the new Harry. Liam (Hemsworth) was the new Ron, and Jennifer was the new Hermione.

"Hey guys," Alex gave them a hug. "Just wanted to introduce you to my friends here. This is Liam Payne and his girlfriend Charlotte McDermott."

"Oh my god you are in One Direction!" Jennifer squealed. "I'm a big fan!"

Liam laughed awkwardly as he gave her a hug, "Well I adore you so there we go."

He hugged both Liam and Josh, before returning his arm back to my side of which I was forever grateful for. I could deal with being around the biggest boy band in the world because they were my friends. Put me in front of any other celebrity and I will totally freak out.

I waved to them, and I was completely content with the awkward wave too, but apparently they weren't. All three of them pulled me into a hug.

"You're so lucky," Jennifer chanted at me. "Hanging with those guys all day...."

I laughed, "I wouldn't mind hanging out with Josh and Liam though."

"We'll trade then," she pushed the two boys toward me. "You can have them."

Everyone laughed, but Liam didn't move his arm from my waist. I was his, and he was still keen on making sure everyone knew that.

Harry's POV

The party was fun, but when Zayn said we could leave, we all left. The band, the boys, our girls, and I made our way up to the hotel room. Most everyone was stopping to change before going to Zayn's room. My room was right next to his, so I knew I could take my time.

I unlocked the door to my room and everything was silent. I missed the days when we would share rooms. I turned on a lamp so that I could see around my perfectly clean room. One thing I didn't miss was my messy roommate. Louis was a pig.

I trudged to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, hoping to erase the smell of alcohol off my breath. I was of legal drinking age in London, but when we came to America, we were all underage. It was incredible how easy it was to score a beer. I would expect that from any regular teenage parties, but at a Hollywood after party I thought it would be stricter. I was wrong, because I swear they would've handed out a beer to a twelve year old.

I spit the remaining toothpaste into the sink and swished my mouth with a swig of water.

I shrugged off my tux and slipped on grey sweat pants, a white t-shirt and a gray beanie. I was slightly drunk, and looked like a mess, but I was ready to party.

Grabbing my phone, I saw that people weren't going to meet up for another twenty-five minutes. Instead of heading over early, I collapse onto my freshly made bed for an intense game of Temple Run. After about fifteen minutes of running from creepy bird-like animals, there was a knock on my door.

I jumped onto the floor and headed to open the large wooden door. I was met by a beautiful girl wearing short blue and purple running shorts and a fitted tight purple scoop-neck shirt. The short shorts made every curve on her legs clear and her top was skin tight.

"Hey Araya," my voice was deep.

"Hey Harry," she smiled. "Is this Zayn's room?" She looked over my shoulder.

"Nah- it's mine. He's the next door down, but I doubt he's even ready yet."

Her face fell, "Oh."

"Where are Christina and Josh?"

Josh's girlfriend Christina was a journalist. She was able to work from home, otherwise known as work from your boyfriend's tour bus. Don't get me wrong, she's a sweetheart. It also means that Araya comes to visit her.

Araya is unlike any girl I've met. I'm not her favorite member of the band. Niall is. She's perky and loud, and the only time I've ever seen her down on herself is when she is sick. Otherwise her personality is unreal. She's always laughing, always smiling, always joking and always up for a good time.

The last few times she had come to visit with Christina, I'd found myself talking to her more and more. She's smart and intellectual. She's really beautiful too.

"Erm, well they were a little... busy," she chuckled. "So I left them alone."

"'Atta boy, Josh," I pumped my fist.

"Oh you are such a boy!" She punched me.

"Yes, yes I am."

She rolled her big brown eyes.
"Did you wanna come in? I'm just playing Temple Run until I feel like going over."

She glanced down the hall before shrugging her shoulders. "Sure."

She followed me into my room, closing the door behind her. She didn't even think twice before flopping down on my bed beside me.

"What'd you think of the movie?" She asked, hoisting herself up on her elbows. She was laying on her stomach.

"It was good," I commented. "I think I might go read the books...."

"WOAH!" she threw her hands in the air. "Harry Styles is going to go and read a book?"
I gasped, "Not just one book.... THREE!"
She laughed, "No they are great. You should read them."

The conversation ended there when she pulled out her phone, so I didn't feel bad for continuing my game of Temple Run.

"Harry?" she asked, breaking the silence.


"How do you do it?" She flipped over so she was lying on her back, watching the fan swirl around in circles.

I put my phone down on the table, leaning onto my side so I was looking down at her pondering face. There was just something about her that made me way more comfortable about things – about everything.

"How do you, like, remain so content with being single when your best friends are there rubbing their relationship into your face?" Her voice was even.

"I don't think they mean to rub it in our faces, Araya...." I sucked on my lower lip. I knew exactly what she was feeling.

She scrunched her nose making her look irresistibly adorable, "I know, but it's still tough."

"Yeah," I whispered. "It is."

"So how do you do it?"

"Well, to be honest," I gulped, "I'm not lonely. I like this girl and well..."
"Really?" she perked up. "What's her name? Where's she from? Do I know her? Why did you say on the radio today that you were happy with your relationship status?"

I shook my head causing a few curls to fall up from under my hat. "I didn't say that. I can't be in a relationship with someone right now.... They live thousands of miles away."

"Does she live in London?" She let her head sink back into the pillow.

"Yep," I kept my eyes on her.

"Do I know her?"

"You could say that."

"Hmmm... describe her personality. Let's see if I can guess who it is..."

I gulped again, "Okay. She really smart and just entertaining to talk to. She has so much energy and is so intelligent. She's super funny and really pretty."

"Ok Haz, that describes like five hundred different people in London."

I winked, "But to me it only describes one...."

"You really like her then? Like it's something that you've really thought about?" Her voice showed that she was slightly disappointed which made me smile.

"Yeah.... it's the reason I'm not completely depressed."

She chewed on her lower lip. "Well, she's lucky. You're a great guy Harry. You know when Christina told me that Josh worked with you guys, I was kind of worried that you would be really big jerks. But you're not. Especially you. The way people talk about you, they get it all wrong. You're sweet and funny and, well, you just have this way with people."

"So you like me?" I teased, praying for a yes.

Her cheeks turned rosy red as her eyes darted to the window.

"Wait, Araya?" I questioned.

She shrugged, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to like... but... I guess... I mean..." Her stuttering was driving me. I wished she would have just said yes.

But I didn't need a yes to confirm my suspicious. Her blushing cheeks, her dreaming glossy eyes, and her unsure words was proof itself.

So instead of letting her finish, I rolled my hand to her cheek and turned her head. When her eyes locked with mine, she stopped speaking. She took a deep breath when our eyes locked. I shifted my glare from her eyes to her lip, which she was coincidently biting.

"Harry, I..." she tried to speak again.

I shook my head, pressing my finger to her lips.

I leaned over her, rubbing our noses together.

"What about that girl back in London?" Her whisper stroked my face.

"Araya," I grinned, "That girl is you."

"Oh," she smiled.

She took a deep breath, absorbing what I had just said. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly pursed. Though I was positive she wasn't doing it on purpose, it was hard for me not to take advantage.

I leaned forward just a tad farther so that our noses were touching. I tilted my head just slightly so that our lips met, causing her to gasp. I smiled, but continued kissing her. She kissed back.

Her hands wrapped around me. Lifting my beanie from my head and throwing it aside, she nestled her fingers in my hair. Our breathing was shallow and we took a second to regain oxygen, allowing me to run a trail of kisses along her jaw.

She giggled at the tickling kisses before pulling my mouth back to hers. I allowed my tongue to slide across smooth bottom lip. Her mouth opened wider, but only slightly due to a meek moan.

"Harry," she whispered against my mouth.

"Yeah?" I asked, pulling away.

"I really like you."

I laughed. She had finally found the words she was looking for.

I cupped her cheek in my hand placing a gentle kiss on her lips, "That's good because I like you, too."

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