A World of Differences [1DFF]

By _soontobebritish

3.2K 61 3

Originally posted on onedirectionfanfiction.com in 2011. Eighteen-year-old Charlotte McDermott is moving to L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 46

26 1 0
By _soontobebritish

Liam's POV

Of course the fans were still outside—in the street and on the sidewalk. The second we walked outside we were engulfed by their piercing screams. Out of habit, I pulled Charlotte close to me, feeling the need to protect her. I watched as her eyes scanned the crowd. She smiled warily. Ok, so it wasn't something you got used to, especially in three months, but she was more comfortable now that she had been before –probably because the majority of the death threats had stopped.

"Here you go," I opened the car door for her. She slid into the front seat, me closing the door after her. I went around the front of the car, climbed in and started the engine. I smiled at her before pulling the car into reverse. The security guards pushed fans away from the drive so that we could leave. Pulling out onto the main street, a few fans ran after us waving and screaming.

"Really?" Char chuckled. "What do they think that's going to do?"

I laughed, "Maybe they have super speed." But sure enough, after a block and a half the fans were gone.

It wasn't too long after that, that I swung the car into park in front of a fancy hotel.

I turned the car off and went to open her door. When she stepped down, she smiled, but I could tell she was freaking out.

Her long legs were weak in her heals as she stumbled forward slightly. I caught her against my chest.

"Oh come on Char," I chuckled taking her hand. "This is a romantic date that's fun for all, not me pushing for anything."

She giggled. "Am I that easy to read?"

"Pretty much," I smiled lovingly. "Don't worry about a thing okay."

Charlotte's POV

Liam led me into the hotel- it was the fanciest place I'd ever been.

"This place is... woah." I glanced up at the glass chandler.

"Incredible, isn't it?" Liam sighed. "I wouldn't know. They don't really let five teenage lads check in." He winked.

"Hmmm, I wonder why..."

"Niall would eat all their food. The rest of us would end up breaking something."

"Multiple things," I added. "Knowing you five, you'd break multiple things."

"True, true." He pulled me towards the elevator. He smashed the close doors button so that no one could join us, and hit the button for the top floor.

"Where are we going?"

"You have to wait and see," though I couldn't see his face, I could hear the smirk that overtook it.

I rubbed my arm nervously as I waited for the elevator doors to open. When they did, Liam led me into a long dimly light hall way. At the very end, he opened a door that led to another staircase. I wasn't smart enough to put two and two together-

He pushed the last door open in front of me, causing the cool October breeze to take over my bare skin.

I shivered as I walked onto the roof. I heard a strange noise coming from behind me. Liam's hands forcefully turned me around and pointed across the rooftop. There, on the other side, glistening in the moonlight, was a black helicopter.

"You haven't seen London, until you've seen it from above," his whisper sent chills across my body just like the breeze did.

I squealed, "Are you serious?"

"Ok, so being famous has its advantages... like being able to take your stunning girlfriend on helicopter rides." He laced his fingers through mine leading me towards the machine.

"Ms. McDermott," the pilot shook my hand that wasn't intertwined with Liam's, "It's nice to meet you.

"This is David Sparks. He flew us all over the place when we did radio shows. It's thanks to him that I can take you on this," Liam introduced.

"Good to see you again boy," the older gentleman slapped Liam on the shoulder. "Lovely lady you have here."

"I know," he winked. Liam led me towards the door. He placed his hands on my waist supporting me as I got into the helicopter. I slid over leaving room for Liam, but not leaving too much room. ; )

Mr. Sparks handed me a headset that had a microphone on it. "It's going to get loud since this is just a little chopper. Use this so you can talk."

Liam slid into the helicopter closing the door tightly behind him. He put on his headsets before slipping one arm around my back. Causally I leaned against him, so he tightened his grip.

"Ready to see London like you've never seen it before?"

I smiled as the helicopter began to rise into the air. The higher we rose, the more we could see. My face was tucked into Liam's side as I watched out the window.

The buildings glowed in the dark night sky. The city lights stretched for miles.

It was breath taking.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

"Isn't it though," Liam squeezed my shoulder. "How's this for a perfect date?"

"It's incredible and exceeds any expectations that I had, but just spending it with you is what makes it important."

"Awww. That's so cheesy!" he nibbled on my ear.

"I know," I muttered. "But it's too true."

"Well I'm glad that you are spending this with me."

We flew over the city, our eyes taking in the scenery in silence.

"You are rapidly approaching your fourth month in this crazy city. Is it everything you wanted it to be?"

I chuckled, "You're going to Omaha during the tour right? You take a walk around the city and then tell me what you think. This city is incredible. It never fails to impress me."

Liam nodded, and then everything fell back into a comfortable silence. His hand fell lower on my waist as it rested against my upper thigh, causing my stomach to toss. His thumb moved back and forth across the material of my skirt. I sat there having to concentrate on my breathing so that my internal reaction wasn't obvious.

A few minutes later my stomach growled. Though I couldn't hear it over the sound of the helicopter, I could feel the rumbling within me. I jumped slightly, clutching my stomach.

"Hungry?" Liam asked his eyes bright even in the darkness.

"Mmm, yeah a little."

Liam leaned forward and tapped Mr. Sparks on the shoulder. He signaled for us to land, and about ten minutes later, I wobbled out of the small cockpit unsteady on my feet.

"Woah, careful," Liam pulled me forward against his chest helping me gain my balance.

"It's the shoes. I blame the heels."

"Or the fact that you've never been in a helicopter before," Liam chuckled. "Niall fell flat on his face the first time he got out of one. Louis fell on top of him."

"Let me guess, Harry jumped on both of them because he felt left out."

"How did you know?" I smiled as he secured his arm around my waist. We thanked Mr. Sparks and then headed back down to the hotel. "I figured that getting a room and having dinner there would be better than going out in public." Liam looked at me hoping that it was ok. I nodded. "Plus, then we can watch a movie or whatever without be disturbed by anyone. "

"Sounds good." I did my best to smile even though I was suddenly nervous. Though that didn't make since, it was just Liam. Liam. I was fine. Yeah, sure; I was fine. I told this to myself over and over again until Liam stopped in front of a door. Removing his arm from my waist, he dug his hand into his pocket and found his wallet. He pulled out a keycard and slid it into the lock. The door clicked. He opened it and held it for me. I walked into the room and internally sighed with relief.

It was just an ordinary hotel suite. The table was set and there were two candles on it but that's as fancy as it got. There weren't flowers or candles or romantic anything. It took so much pressure off my mind it was ridiculous. I silently thanked Liam for not going all out. I wasn't the kind of girl who wanted that.

"You really think I would have done that?" Liam stood against the door watching me.

"Done what?" I asked making my way over to him.

He took my hands in his and played with them back and forth. "Go all out. Do you wish I would have.... cause I discussed it with Niall. We didn't think that you would have wanted that. Well I didn't think you would, Niall just agreed with me."

"No, it's perfect." I brushed my lips against his. I was about to pull away when he moved his grip from my hands to the upper of my arm. I tensed momentarily before his mouth was back on mine. My hands resting on his chest; his heart pounding beneath the thin material of his shirt. I raise my shaking hand to his face. Cupping it, I bring my other hand behind his neck, drawing his face closer to mine. Her responds with a quite moan that makes me smirk as he adds more pressure to my lips. He hands trail between us, unbuttoning the four buttons of my jacket. Without breaking the kiss, he slips the coat down my arms and tosses it to the side.

"I thought you were hungry," he chuckles.

"Not anymore," my whisper vibrates his lips. Pressing his lips back to mine, he opens his mouth deepening the kiss. Electricity shoots through my body as our tongues meet. He pulls me towards him pressing his body into mine. Both of our breathing is heavy. Deep breathing and the quiet sound of lips moving together are the only sounds that fill the room.

I loop both arms tightly around his neck pulling him as close as I could. Liam's hands caress their way down my back landing at the back of my thighs. He lifts my hips up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My pulse is pounding, but the sudden rush of adrenaline keeps me going. Liam holds my waist tightly making sure I won't fall. As his lips continue to move with mine as he steps towards what I assume is the bed on the other side of the room.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, Liam sighed as he gently put me down on the bed. I climbed my way to the pillow letting me head sink down. My eyes glanced up meeting Liam's. He looked nervous, or maybe more cautious. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled at me weakly. I propped myself up with my elbow and leaned to grab his arm. He came and sat beside me.

"I'm not pushing you."

"I know," I said. "I'm just not ready."

"I get and respect that."

What should have been awkward wasn't.

I laced my hands through his, pulling his face back to mine. The kiss was a lot less lust-filled than the previous ones. It was sweet and slow causing my pulse to quicken once again. Liam parted my lips slipping his tongue inside my mouth.

I pulled him so he was hovering over me. "Mmm," I said as his kissed trailed down my neck.

He chuckled into the sensitive skin on my neck. I arched my back as his hands slipped behind my back. He pulled my body close to his as he rolled over. Lying on our sides, his lips moved back up to mine.

My thumb pressed into his cheek rolling over the stubble that had formed after the long day. He turned his head to the side leaning his face into my hand. His eyes connected with mine in a way that made my heart flutter.

"You are beautiful," he whispered before kissing me once again.

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