The Hot Choco {Countryhumans...

By SugaAbah

38.1K 1K 334

Indo already had enough of Malay tricks and pranks and so do Philip. They decided to get revenge on him by tr... More

Enough is Enough
Grumpy Cat
some reference of the story
The Bully
Just a Nightmare
Sly cat
What a Bad Luck
Fast Cure but In One Condition
Finding Philip
Working Late Night
My Oh My
Camping Trip!
Updates (Not a chapter)
Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere
Finding the cousins


2.5K 73 9
By SugaAbah

Indo was playing his video games when suddenly his door slammed open, BANG! "What the hell, Jap!' Indo screamed. "YOU STOLE MY POTION!" Japan cried out. Malay then jumped down from Brunei's arms and ran to Indo.

Malay bit Indo's hand. "HEY! WHAT THE FRICK, PUSSY!" Indo pushed the cat aside and jumped onto his bed immediately. "You transform my cousin into the cat, hah?" Singapore smirked leaning against the doorway. "You better be honest, Indo... We already got the evidence!" Brunei demanded. "Yeah, we check the security camera and were you taking my potion!", Japan added. " But- urgghhh fine, whatever!" Indo sighed crossing his arms.

"What do you want me to do then?" Indo chuckled glaring at them. "Just take care of Malay til he turns back to normal, " Japan glared back at him, giving an evil smirk. "WHAT?!" Indo jumped. "That's the cure, Indo the smarty. Whoever made the person transform is the cure, " Japan stated. "Alright but how long?" Indo asked. "About half of the year ", Japan smirked again. Indo just dropped his jaw opening his eyes wide. " Anyway good luck, buddy!" Japan turned around pushing both of the smarties out of his room and slammed his door back. "You sure about this, Jap?" Brunei whispered to Japan with a worried face. "Trust me", Japan winked at him.

There was a long silence...
The man and the cat were giving death glares to each other, not making a noise, not moving even a single muscle. Out of the blue, Malay moved towards Indo which made him got more terrified. Indo dragged himself away from the cat. Unfortunately, he got blocked by the wall and was now sweating, whispering to himself "Please no, please no" repeatedly. He shut his eyes tight not wanting to see what Malay was about to do to him.

But he didn't feel anything, he slowly opens his eyes and saw Malay sleeping on his lap. "That's kinda cute", Indo whispered while smiling, blushing a little. He soon realised what he just did and what he just said, immediately he slapped himself hard. The slapping noise woke Malay up. "Oh Gawd", Indo groaned. Malay woke up and kept looking at Indo, blinking his eyes, it looked like it was waiting for something from Indo. Indo got more panicked, he can't even move a muscle. "Meow", Malay put his paw on Indo's hand.

"You want me to pat you? Umm ok?" Indo then started patting Malay, earning purring sounds "Aw..", Indo smiled looking at Malay.

They soon slowly fell into a deep sleep. Japan, Singapore and Brunei took a peek from Indo's door. One of them giggled and the other two started smirking. Then, something made Singapore worried," Err, guys tomorrow we have school, right?" Singapore whispered. Both of them soon realised and got more panicked. The three of them went to the living room and started discussing. A few moments later, their discussion got interrupted by someone's screaming. They soon heard Indo trying to calm the person down and heard something falling.

"Get that thing away from me, Indo!" Philip screamed jumping on Indo's bed. "Hey, Philip chill will ya? You always said not to judge God's creation, right??" Indo smirked as he picked up Malay again. "Yeah yeah Indo, shut up and help me!" Philip cried out while giving a fake smile. Malay started hissing at Philip trying to attack him. "Hey hey, Mallie calm down" Indo started massaging Malay's tummy to calm him down.

Malay soon later came near Philip asking for pats. "Aww, guess you are not so rough at all huh?" Philip giggled."I didn't know he is such a softie", Philip whispered. Indo just nodded as an answer and started searching for something in his cabinet."I found it!" Indo cheered making both of the countries curious. "What is it?" Philip saw Indo holding the old scarf that his father used to give him. It was coloured red and white just like the flag design on him.

He then ties the scarf around Malay's neck just in case when Malay went missing, the person who found him can return to Indo back easily, "There! Aww, you look so cute, Malay!" Indo giggled as Philip left his room. He started playing with Malay, tickling him and soon cuddling him while packing his bag for school tomorrow.

"Indo, dinner is ready!" Mr Asean called out. Indo quickly shut his door leaving Malay behind. Malay then started meowing loudly while scratching his door calling for Indo. As Indo sat down on his sit, South Korea started feeling weird, he smells an animal scent but it didn't bother him very much. He started having his dinner. Everyone was having their dinner peacefully when Mr Asean asked where is Malay. "Does anyone know where is Malay?" Mr Asean asked making all the countries stop eating. Indo, Singapore, Philip, Japan and Brunei started sweating. "I saw Malay's PJs on the couch this morning", Myanmar stated.

Soon everyone heard a door opening from upstairs. " I'll go check", Mr Asean left his seat but suddenly he got blocked by Indo. "Why don't I go and check?" Indo asked nervously. "Are you okay Indo? You seem suspicious today", Mr Asean then walked upstairs. Indo immediately started chasing after him.

Malay wander around the hallway when he suddenly heard Indo's voice. He got more excited and started running towards the direction where his voice was coming from. "Mr Asean, please no! Please don't hurt him!" Indo started grabbing one of Mr Asean's arms. "Is ok Indo...I won't-" They got interrupted by a cat meowing sound. "Indo did you-", Mr Asean got a bit angry. " Is Malay! Mr Asean, I beg you not to kick Malay out! I promise he won't cause much trouble under my sight!" Indo pleaded. He just sighed as an answer. "Alright, Indo... You can keep him till he is back to normal", Mr Asean smiled which made Indo cheer as he picked up Malay.

" Anyway let's continue having dinner. I'll give Malay some chicken, rice and milk," Mr Asean then lead Indo and Malay back to the dining table. They continue having dinner but together with Malay.

Sorry I haven't been online here qwq I was Writing Block yeah TwT
I won't upload the picture here cuz yeh qwq
Hope you still stay tuned for more chapters TwT
I'll show some reference to Malay's transformation as possible if I have time to draw or have the motivation to do it

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