Dragon Ball Oneshots

De BlueTimber

5.6K 157 68

Just something to try out. Enjoy! 😊 Accept: Character X Reader Character x Character Boy x Boy Girl x Girl M... Mais

Cooler X Saiyan Soldier Reader
Zamasu x Goddess Reader
Captain Ginyu X Elite Soldier Reader
Jiren x Nurse Reader
Piccolo X Saiyan Reader
Hit x Reporter Reader
Frieza x Child Saiyan Reader
Frieza x Soldier Reader Part 2
Goku Black x Caulifla

Frieza X Soldier Reader

493 15 7
De BlueTimber

Same Tune

It was a normal day at the Frieza force for 2nd class soldiers. You wake up, eat, go on mission, sleep and repeat.

There is not much entertainment at the force, except torturing weaklings under the Elites' orders or the Lord himself, but one of the female soldiers, (Y/n), wasn't into such things. 

Yes, she was working under the tyrannical Lord. Yes she conquers planets for him and yes she kills inhabitants of those planets, but she prefers an easy kill than making it last long to hear screams of pain. Which is probably why many Elites look down on me, a soldier who doesn't savour her kill doesn't get much respect from the superiors, calling them weaklings. 

If the Lord knew or heard a soldier on his force do that, let's just say you would be entertaining him for a while - with your live.

(Y/n) may have been a 2nd class soldier, but her abilities are useful on the force quite well. Her race is known as Arachnid Swindles. These humanoid creatures bare 6 limbs in total, 4 arms and 2 feet, whilst they have 4 or 5 eyes (depending on gender) on their heads that have the colours of gems.

 In (Y/n)'s case, they were purple, almost the same shade as the Lord's bio-gem; whilst her dark grey skin complexion contrast her eyes beautifully along with her jet-black hair that is fish braided. Her race also have the ability to create their own materialistic rope which can be manifested into anything they see fit, from a weapon to armour. 

(Y/n) would normally prefer a whip or a long-range weapon to minimize any open areas during her battles, not to mention, her fangs bare paralyzing venom if bitten. Apart from that, (Y/n) also has the normal skills of flight, Ki blasts, Ki sense etc. A requirement that is learnt aboard the force.

Right now (Y/n) and a fellow soldier of hers just finished another mission so they decided to grab a snack at the cafeteria, whilst discussing a normal topic of theirs - cute boys.

"I'm telling you (Y/n), Vegeta is gorgeous! I wouldn't mind sleeping with him." (F/n) spoke. She truly had a thing for that Saiyan, and she can't help but think he does too.

"Well good luck with him. He is a grump. End of story." (Y/n) replied with slight venom in her voice. Let's just say the Saiyan and her didn't start on good terms.

"Come on (Y/n). You still hate him for what happened?" (F/n) queried her. She knew (Y/n) since the first time she stepped into the ship, so she knew her hatred to Vegeta.

"Yes I do. Would you like it if someone called you a racial slur in front of your face?" She grunted as she grabbed a fruit salad from the tray and a bottle of water. She wasn't too hungry.

She heard her friend sigh "I guess, but you gotta admit he is handsome in a sense." She spoke as they finished speaking, she grabbed a salad and some juice before making their way to an empty table and sat down to eat. 

"Your turn got an eye for anyone?"(F/n) asked as she wiggled her eyebrow.

"Does it look like I have a chance with anyone? I have better chances at insulting Zarbon and getting away with it than finding someone who has interest in me." She sighs lightly as she truly did have a crush on one person here, but she wouldn't dare say that to anyone unless she is looking a death wish.

Her boss, Lord Frieza was her crush. As insane as that sounds, she truly did like him. His eyes, his looks and his laughs would make (Y/n) blush madly; thankfully she keeps herself composed when needed but it can never be helped when he is the only thing that lingers on her mind.

As she tried to divert her crush in her thoughts, she noticed a familiar instrument at the end of the cafeteria that she hasn't seen since childhood.

"Is that.... a piano?" (Y/n) queried her friend.

"Hmm..." Her friends gaze directed to the same direction. "Oh yes... it was brought here a few days ago. A peace offering from the... Trigsters, I believe.? They work for Lord Frieza to supply healing resources. Their planet is full of healing herbs that are extremely beneficial to us. Especially when it comes to the healing chambers." She gave a brief history on the origins of the instrument before continuing to eat her snack.

(Y/n) hums in approval as she stood up and went to observe the instrument up closely. (F/n) followed her. 

As a child, (Y/n) was always interested in music, her race had a similar instrument at home, and she recalls memories of her playing the family piano until she would fall asleep on it. She ran her fingers gently across the sides of the piano and the keys before deciding to sit down on a seat and observe the keys herself.

It was in pristine condition, no scabs or missing pieces. It had a dark maroon colouring with gold engravements running the sides of the piano, whilst the main keys were the traditional black and white. A wonderful masterpiece.

Unintentionally, one of (Y/n)'s finger pressed a key too hard; causing a sound note to escape from the piano; getting the attention of everyone in the cafeteria; even though it was half empty.

"(Y/n), what are you doing?! If our Lord hears this, your screwed. Nobody should play this." Her friend pleaded out in a whisper; she didn't want her to get into trouble. 

"Relax (F/n). One song, then I'll leave. Besides I heard our Lord was having a meeting in another planet. He wouldn't be back in hours." She replied calmly, not taking her eyes off the keys.

"Oi, Spidey!! Get lost will ya!! We're trying to get some peace whilst eating!!" the red magma yelled out. (Y/n) growled at the nickname.

"One song, Jeice. Then I'll leave you alone. Sounds fair?" (Y/n) recommended the deal.

"What?! Do you have a death wish, Spidey?" The red magma was about to stand up until a firm, purple hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Let her play, Jeice. We could use a laugh." The purple one spoke out, probably the captain since Jeice nods and sat back down.

Great, now she has to entertain the Ginyu Force....

(Y/n) nods to their direction before eyeing the keys once more as she places her hands on the piano; the tips of her fingers lingering above the keys by a few centimetres before she starts playing a tune.

(What she plays)

It was hard to describe what she was playing exactly, (Y/n) merely followed her instincts and decided to play something that describes a certain Lord and her crush. 

Somehow, the notes she played was cohesive together and sounded extremely well, plus it would seem that the Ginyu Force enjoy the show too as there was no snickering or any sappy comments coming from them. But (Y/n) was sure she heard that song somewhere. 

She just wasn't sure where.

During the second verse of the song, her fingers lingered on the lower notes of the piano once more and as she was about to play some keys on the higher notes to balance the it out, a hand that was not hers intervened and played the notes exceptionally well, rivalling almost (Y/n)'s skills.

 Her eyes shifted slightly to see who's hand it was and to her surprise and fear - it was Lord Frieza!

Her eyes widen slightly as she just got busted for playing this instrument but to her surprise he didn't stop her and merely began to sit down next to her on the seat as they both played the song together. 

(Y/n) on the left side and Frieza on the right side.

She couldn't help but blush lightly as they played together; every once in an while her eyes would drift to her Lord to see his face was neutral, but his sternness was softened for some reason. Maybe he enjoyed the song they played?

Throughout the rest of the song, they played in sync, not one note was out of place and in the end they finished well as Frieza did the final move by creating a wave on the notes; where his hand touched one of (Y/n)'s, before slowly it off hers as he gave her a sly smile.

Just as they finished, cheers and applauses were heard from the Cafeteria as it would seem that a huge crowd was formed. Them playing probably attracted every soldier on board the ship. 

As Frieza stood up, (Y/n) followed suit, but she couldn't help but bow lightly to the crowd as a 'thanks' for listening to the performance. Surprisingly, Frieza also bowed in sync to (Y/n) but not as low as she did - his pride wouldn't allow it to be any lower.

"I appreciate that you enjoyed the performance, but I suggest you all get back to work.... now." Frieza spoke for the first time since the whole ordeal with his sinister voice and just like that, the crowd disappeared almost instantly except (F/n) and the Ginyu Force. 

(Y/n) was about to make her way to her friend until a voice halted her. "and where do you think you're going?"

(Y/n) instantly turned to face her Lord who has a sly smirk on his face as he pierces her gem-like eyes. He was probably waiting for an apology for playing the instrument. She couldn't contain herself as she blushed lightly and proceeds to bow in front of him. 

"I am sorry, Lord Frieza. I didn't mean to play the instrument. I just couldn't contain myself." She apologized but instead of hearing a lecture from Frieza, she hears a light chuckle which sounds more like a giggle.

"Oh... I wouldn't worry too much my dear. I actually enjoyed the performance quite well and I would love to do it again sometime. Wouldn't you?" He spoke in a non-threatening way; it was calm and smooth.

Maybe the Lord truly did enjoy the show.

"O-of course Lord Frieza. It would be a delight to perform with someone like you." (Y/n) replied with a slight stutter.

"Splendid, my office at 2300 hours. Don't be late." He spoke before walking away from her and down the hallway. 

"Wait... what?!" (Y/n) whispered to herself, thankfully her Lord didn't hear her as (F/n) run up to her to make sure she was well.

"(Y/n) you well? You look like you're having fever." (F/n) spoke as she notices the red, flushed cheeks.

"Y....yea. It's just Frieza's invite stunned me slightly" She spoke truthfully.

"Stunned you? Why would it...... Oh gods. (Y/n), please don't tell me he's...." (F/n) spoke as sudden realization hit her

"Yup, he's my crush." (Y/n) spoke.

Frieza's PoV

When I first heard the piano sounds, infuriation was an understatement. Who would possibly dare touch such precious artefact that rightfully belonged to me?!?! Yes, I decided to place it there but only for observation. I did not expect that some weakling would actually dare touch it, let alone play it. Someone will die today, and I'll make sure it will last.

I followed the sound that led to the cafeteria and all my anger vanished in an instant.

 It was (Y/n). My sweet (Y/n).

It would be a lie if I say she isn't a fascinating creature. She is absolutely ravishing, and I adore everything about her. Her curves, her little fangs and her eyes. Those eyes I love the most about her, so beautiful, yet so fragile and fierce. 

I could possibly mistake them for jewels.

She was playing an intriguing tune, I heard it played countless times on her planet before I destroyed it. The story behind it was about a ruthless leader who was fierce and merciless. Legend has it that the so-called leader conquered many planets and was known as a ruthless tyrant.

I simply can't help but believe that the tune resembles me quite well. When I began walking towards her, the Ginyu Force were about to do their ridiculous intro. 

By merely placing a finger upon my lips, I silenced them from ruining my surprise to my precious Arachnoid. I wanted to be with her, to see how far these skills of hers manages when a duet is performed.

Seeing those eyes of hers widen when I played the second verse was a sight I would never forget.

 I loved that look of hers, the surprise in her eyes, her slightly opened mouth showing off her little fangs. I wanted to do that again, it was like a drug to me, a trance I can't escape, and she is oblivious to it all. 

I decided to endure this duet of ours as I sat down. She didn't mind of course. she was still too traumatized from me busting her.

I noticed she kept staring at me, probably trying to read my expression but I never show anything through my facial expressions, merely though my acts or voicing it. 

Every time she turned back to the piano, I sneaked a glance at her to do the same and she seems like someone who can barely keep herself composed. Her face was tinted lightly with her blushes which I found extremely adorable.

I must admit her talent was of a professional, rivalling even my own. I would most surely want an encore of this duet, but I fear the crowd is too much for me as I sensed the weaklings kept spawning behind us. Fortunately for them, I am in a good mood not to kill any of them.

The final part of this duet was coming to an end as I finished the signature wave of notes; unintentionally my hand touched one of (Y/n)'s. I found great comfort in it, her skin was smooth and flawless.

A natural beauty.

 It makes me want to touch that skin of hers more, but I must contain myself. There will be a time for that, but not now.

As much as I enjoy praise from my servants, the applause that myself and my dear arachnid received was something new for both of us. I subconsciously bowed in sync with (Y/n).

 Not something I do often but I'm letting it slide only for her.

After I ordered the crowd to disappear, I felt that my precious arachnid was trying to get away. What a sly little spider she is, but it wasn't enough to stop me from calling her back. 

Hearing her apologies for playing the instrument was enjoyable to say least, especially the way my title rolls off her tongue; I wanted to hear her say that more often, but I fear I may lose my control over my desires if that happens. 

Hopefully when it does, she will be by my side. 

Unintentionally, my desired thoughts caused my menacing laugh to sound more of a childish giggle, I'm merely thankful no one dared to question it as I proposed an encore in my office late at night and of course she accepted the offer; I had every intent she would as I made my way to the office as originally intended.

Time skip (Frieza's office)

The rest of the day was as tiresome as usual, nothing to entertain myself except a glass of wine and the view of the spacious void. However, my mind never twindles from my arachnid. 

It feels like an addiction that her smile, body and actions linger within in my thoughts and I can not stop thinking of her. At first I thought it was nothing more than a mere fling. Happens to the most of us, but not her.

Now that I have more time to think about the whole situation, I realize that I don't just have desires for her, but actual lust and love for her. It's not unheard of in my kind but most surely is it rare. 

My race do not require such affection unless we are seeking for a bit of fun as many would describe it, but to actually fall in love with another and feel the need to spend the rest of your life with her is.... strange and intriguing at the same time.

Father always told methat if I ever have such a faze, it is merely temporarily and I will soon growold of my toy, but I fear I may never grow old of my dear arachnid.

Let's see how long this faze will last...

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