In Their Shadow

Por Blue-Kitten245

121K 3.5K 1.9K

Stuck behind the shadows of Naruko and Sasuke how will Yuma Ito deal with being in a team with his talented t... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Fragmented Memory 1
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Fragmented Memory 2
Chapter 28: Chunin Exams Start!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Fragmented Memory 3
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: A Boy Capable Of Great Things
Chapter 42: A Festive Time For Regrets
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Fragmented Memory 4
Chapter 51

Chapter 43: Happy Birthday

1.2K 30 10
Por Blue-Kitten245

The sun began to rise over the horizon, dying the Frost Village in a beautiful fluorescent light. A young child ran down her hallway with glee. She stopped in front of her parents room with a wide smile. She swung the door open and jumped onto the bed, waking her mother.

"Mommy, mommy wake up!" The girl said, shaking her mother to try and get her out of the bed.

"Ugh. Kohaku, its early. Can't you let me sleep for a few more minutes?" The mother asked as her daughter continued to move her back and forth.

"No! Its my birthday and daddy will be here soon! Get up mommy!" The girl, Kohaku whined.

"Fine, fine. Jeez, I don't remember raising you to be so bossy!" The mother said jokingly, patting her daughter on the head as she got out of bed.

The mother stretched her arms out, heading into her bathroom for a shower after telling her daughter to go brush her teeth. Getting out of the bath, she walked into the kitchen and began cooking breakfast. Her daughter ran out from the bathroom, having had taken a bath as well. She stopped at her moms side, stepping on her tippy toes to get a look on what her mother was cooking for breakfast.

"Yay! Bacon and eggs, my favorite! Thanks mommy!" Kohaku cheered, hugging onto her mothers waist.

Her mother smiled down at her, rubbing the girls head as she finished cooking.

With the food done, and the table set, the two sat at the table and enjoyed their breakfast.

Just a normal and peaceful morning. One like any other.

The mother looked across the table, and saw her daughter looking at the empty third seat with a frown.

"What's wrong sweety?" The mother asked.

"Daddy isn't here..." Kohaku grumbled.


The mother became silent, remembering when he had left.

"Don't worry honey. I'm just going to the plains out west to hunt, I'll be back before you know it."

That was a lie, and she knew it. Her husband wasn't aware, but she had already learned his real job. He was no hunter, he was a bandit. And just that knowledge alone scared the young wed woman.

She knew of course, that he truly loved and cared for the both of them. She also understood why he had chosen to resort to crime and theft. They had became strapped on cash due to their falling profits from their market stand. Business was slow, too slow, and if he hadn't resorted to crime, they wouldn't have the house they do now. But still, she couldn't help but worry. The only thing that kept her hopeful was the fact that he had once been a ninja, and thus was no slouch at combat.

She stopped herself from thinking about it any further, and smiled at her daughter.

"Don't worry honey, he'll be home soon. I'm sure of it. Now finish your breakfast dear. We need to go get groceries later." The mom said.

"Okay mommy..." The little Kohaku reluctantly agreed.

The mother smiled.

Unaware her husband had already been killed the day before.


"Its a Jinchuriki, isn't it?"

Inari stared up at the purple and black striped cat-like monster looming over him with a mixed reaction of both awe and horror.

'So this is the power of a Jinchuriki...'


Before he could even respond, Kisame pushed him away, as the large paw of Yugito's tailed beast form slammed right where he stood. His entire being was shook to the core. Realizing how close to death he had just been, his adrenaline began to kick into over drive. He quickly stood to his feet, backing away with a hopeless and fearful posture and gaze.

"You need to get your head in the game kid! I can't be your baby sitter and fight her at the same time!" Kisame shouted, running at the monster and slicing into it with his Samehada before back peddling away.

"R-Right!" Inari said, gripping his kunai at his waist as he tried to get a hold of himself.

"Alright, now Hidan, its your turn!"

With a manic screech of glee, Hidan charged at the beast. When he got close, he dropped low and slid underneath it before it could react, cutting into its underbelly. As soon as he slid out from underneath the thing, he slammed his scythe into the water, causing it to spray into the things face.

With the distraction having bought Kisame some time, He put his hands together while pushing them forward and shouted-

"Water Style: Great Shark Bullet Jutsu!"

Kisame was then enveloped in a brown coat of sewer water that was morphed into the shape of a large shark, and shot forward with such speed that it caused a screen of water to be pushed up in his tracks. He slammed into the beast with great force, causing it to crash into the sewer walls. The walls trembled by the force, as the entire sewer tunnel began to shake.

Inari fell onto his ass, the tremors had then gotten worse as Kisame refused to let up. He continued bashing the beast with Samehada, the force of his hits sending gusts of wind billowing throughout the tunnel. Yugito reached out her hand, the beats hand moving along with it as she attempted to swat at Kisame, but to no avail.

Kisame flipped his blade in his hand, pointing it up while crouching low so as to avoid the outstretched paw...


Swung it into the beast in an upward motion, causing it to fly up and crash into the ceiling as the sewer tunnels collapsed in on them.


"Wow mommy! Look at that, can I have it! Can I!" Kohaku begged, looking at the stuffed bunny with shiny eyes.

"Oh honey, that's a little pricey..." The mother said, wincing as soon as she saw the price tag.

They had gone to the market place, which was bustling with people. The snow coated the land as food and merchandise stands littered the busy street.

"But mommy, its my birthday!" Kohaku whined, stomping her foot.

"Sorry honey, but its too expensive." She said, seeing her daughters begin to water.

"Now now, was what I just heard correct? Its the little ones birthday?" The man who owned the stand asked.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" The mom responded.

The man smiled, and picked up the toy bunny off his stand. He walked out from around the stand, and crouched to Kohaku's level.

"Here you go girl, free of charge." The man said kindly as Kohaku's eyes lit up.

"O-Oh, we can't possibly accept!" The mother said.

"Oh please, its quite alright. Don't worry about it ma'am. Its the little ones's birthday after all." The man said, winking at the tiny Kohaku."

"Well..." The mom said, unsure of whether to accept or not.


Her daughters begging eyes was the only answer she needed, as she sighed, and bowed her waist in thanks to the kind stall owner.

"Thank you very much for your gift."

"Think nothing of it ma'am." The kind stall owner said, as the mom and daughter pair bid him farewell.

They continued their walk, the mother being strung along by her daughter who was marveling at the stalls around her with shiny and needy eyes. The mother chuckled, letting her daughter have her fun.

'Its her birthday. Its okay if she acts a little spoiled today.'

A pair of dark skinned pre-teens ran past them, their clothes looking like ninja wear, tears streaming from their eyes.

The mother paid it no mind, focused on her daughter.

To her, little Kohaku was...

Kohaku looked at her mother, and waved to her from across the street, bunny held closely to her small chest.

'A blessing.'

And with that thought...

The ground beneath Kohaku suddenly erupted, as the earth beneath them shattered apart.


Kisame grabbed onto Inari, and ran up the wall, through the now village wide hole he had made. Dust filled Inari's lungs causing him to cough. Having reached the surface, He slammed his feet into the large purple beast, sending it reeling. Hidan ran up as well, laughing manically, enjoying the chaotic nature of the situation.

Inari squinted, still coughing as the debris made it hard for Inari to both breath and see.

It was then Inari heard it.

The screams.

Finally regaining his vision as the debris dissipated and Kisame let him go, running with Hidan to chase after the Jinchuriki.

And after they left him there, he saw something he had hoped to never see again.

People running for their lives.

Loved ones buried beneath rubble as people close to them tried in vain to lift them out.

People panicking, trampling over each other as a fire started, engulfing the stands in flames.

But worst than all of that, was one scream that had caught his attention, eyes subconsciously trailing over to the source of it.


A mother.

A mother cradling her dead daughter in her arms, the body bloodied and mashed. Looking as if it had gone through a grinder.

His eyes widened when the name of the child fully registered, having remembered it from somewhere.

"Daddy is coming home, so wait for me Kohaku..."

His head began to throb, and his chest was starting to ache as he quickly began to find it hard to breath once more.


His mind was in a jumbled mess, not being able to handle the situation he had found himself in.


The mother screamed her eyes wide and crazed as she screamed to the sky in fury.

Inari's head felt like jelly as he clutched it with his hands, his world beginning to spin.

"T-This wasn't-Ugh- s-s-suppos-pposed to-uwagghh-h-ah-happen."

"A-Am I-ugh-Am I-ahhh-T-T-the bad guy?"

Images of his home burning flashed in his mind as he began to have a mental breakdown, falling to his legs. His fingers scrambled through his hair as he began to break, laughing, then crying, laughing, then crying, laughing then-


He screamed.

He screamed as the city he had helped to destroy collapsed around him, and the mother who lost her daughter wailed to the sky.


'Damn it, damn it, damn it!'

She slid to a stop, realizing she wouldn't be able to outrun them, returning to her normal state, dispelling her beast form.

Yugito Nii stared down her pursuers with a deathly glare.

"...Do you really feel nothing?"

Hidan chuckled and Kisame stood silently.

"How many people? How many people will you kill to get to me? How many innocent lives is my own worth to you monsters?"

"As many as it takes to capture you. If you came along quietly, no one would have had to die today."

That was the only answer Kisame gave.

He chuckled.

"Although, I honestly couldn't tell you if the same could be said about my partner here." Kisame said, jutting his finger at Hidan.

"Nah, I still would've killed some people even if she didn't fight back. Lord Jashin needs his sacrifices." Hidan slaid with a laugh.

"You're both pure evil." Yuigito said as he looked at the men in contempt.

"Who cares?" Hidan said with a drawl.

Before she could even react, Hidan lunged at her, carving the ground she was just standing on with his scythe. Jumping back to gain some distance, she picked at her waist, going for her paper bombs and needles, only to realize-

"Clever dick!" She yelled, barely avoiding Kisame slamming his Samehada onto her head, rolling to the left as she let her claws extend.

Hidan grinned cockily, twirling her kunai holster and needle holder on his fingers with a down right sadistic smirk. As Kisame kept her on the defensive, he twirled his scythe around, beginning to carve a circle in the ground as he hummed a happy tune.

Yugito, noticing what the man was doing, realized whatever he was drawing into the ground could not be any good, and tried jumping over Kisame in an attempt to reach Hidan. Kisame grabbed onto her feet, and before she could kick at him, he began to slam her into the ground repeatedly.

Lacking any grace or skill in his onslaught, Kisame lazily threw her into the ground over and over like she were a rag doll.

'This bastard, treating me like an object!'

Extending her nails out to cut at Kisame, she screamed.


"All done! Toss her over here will ya!" Hidan chirped.

"She's all yours." Kisame said with a grin, tossing her over to him before she was able to sink her claws into him.

She clenched her eyes shut, expecting to be sliced in half by his scythe.

But instead, a different pain rung through her body.

She opened her eyes.

Only to see Hidan biting into her neck like a rabid dog.

She screamed out, her voice loud and shrill as red hot blood poured out of her neck. She began to shake all over as she looked up to see the man who had just bitten into her like she were a steak.

And saw a skeleton-like man grinning down at her, his eyes bloodshot and smiling like a demon out of hell.

He licked up the blood dribbling down his chin, his eyes filled with ecstasy.

"Ah fuck yeah. That's that good shit." Hidan said, his body now black and covered with white stripes.

"Aw, it tastes so fucking good!" He exclaimed, biting his lower lip with a perverse expression.

"We don't want her dead remember." Kisame said with a frown.

"Aw shut up! I didn't hit anything deadly! I only broke through the skin on her neck! Now hand me something long and sharp..."

He looked down at her with a sadistic grin as she found herself too terrified to move.

"I wanna play skin the cat."


Inari had not stopped shaking. His face was red with tears.

"I...I'm no different than them. Just another murderer..." Inari said aloud, thinking back to the people that led him down this path when they burned his home down.

"Mom?...Dad?...Please come back..."

Nothing else mattered to Inari, anyone could hear him and he wouldn't care.

"I wanna sleep in a warm bed again...I wanna play with the other kids as I teach them how to catch fish..."

'...Please Kami...'

"Please give me my old life back..."

His words were heard by no one as he sat there. Eventually, he heard rubble being crushed beneath someones feet behind him. He turned his head, seeing Kisame, carrying both an unconscious Hidan and Yugito on his back.

"...Its done?" Inari asked.

"Yeah kid...Its done. Lets go."

Inari stood to his feet, eyes bereft of emotion. He followed after Kisame, not saying a single word as they walked through the broken village.

The village they had destroyed.

'I wonder...' Inari thought.

'What would they do if I decided to run?'

And with that, they left to return back to the rain village, the two tails having been successfully captured.


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