North American Secrets

By LuciiPL22

52.4K 1.1K 1K

The Nations like to think of the "New World", or North America, as childish, young, inexperienced even. What... More

Basics of the book.
That Voice
This Book
The first of many
Pain pt.2
Before Colonization.
What it takes to be a god
Playing with Fire
How could we let this happen?
New Talk


3.1K 78 23
By LuciiPL22

"Your learning has gone well, and I believe it's time to start something new..."

"What do you mean? I thought we already knew what we needed to?" Maska asked.

"Your fighting skills have greatly sharpened, and you know everything from the mortal realm. It's now time to visit the spirits..."


"The spirit realm?" Mexica repeated.

The family was now sitting in a teepee listening to their mother.

"Yes. I have not yet taught you this magic solely because you need the right physical and mental strength to learn and use it properly. I now have faith you have acquired that strength and are able to begin the next phase of training."

"What kind of magic are we talking about here?"  Mexico leaned forward with anticipation. He was excited to become even more powerful.

"A magic where you can become one with the gods."

"Really?!" Kanata asked a gleam in his eyes. "Sounds cool!"

"Really?!" Romania interjected. "Like the gods and spirits?! On their turf?!"

"Yes..." Alfred nodded his head.

"Can you give us an example?!"

Alfred looked at Mathieu who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Um well..."

Alfred looked up as if he was thinking what to demonstrate, fiddling with his hands.

"We can produce celestial weapons-"

He then proceeded to extend his hand where a bow was now being held.

The bow emitted a sparkling yellow-blue light.

Alfred pulled back the string where a projectile was produced out of thin air.

"Woah..." some nations muttered.

He gently took pressure of the string without taking his fingers off it so it wouldn't shoot anyone, as the arrow fizzled away.

"We can also-" Alfred suddenly disappeared. "-travel to different realms/teleport." He finished from behind the group, scaring them.

"So basically, this magic allows us to obtain the power of the celestial, spiritual, and godly beings." Mathieu summarized, as Alfred reclaimed his place next to his brother.

"...Amazing..." England muttered to himself.


There was a scene change. The image of a lush forest surrounding the family appeared.

"Ready?" Native Americans asked.

"Yes!" The children responded.

"It May feel weird the first time so just a heads up..."

Native America stepped forward and knelt down. She then placed her hand on the ground and chanted a spell under her breath.

A ring of light surrounded her and the children before they were whisked away in a portal.


The scene dramatically changed.

The sky glistening with billions of stars an array of colors warping an an abstract way accenting them, and lastly there they stood on an open field.

"Welcome to the spirit realm!" Native America raised her hands in presence.

Behind her the children were in awe. Their eyes glistening with amazement.

"What do we do now?" Diego asked. "It looks pretty empty to me..." he huffed.

"Is that my favorite sister in the world?!" A man appeared out of no where. He had an expression of pure joy as he embraced the children's mother.

"Torngasoak!" She shouted returning the hug, "its been so long!"

"Almost a century!" He replied.

His happy expression quickly changed and he looked behind his sister, seeing the quadruplets.

"Oh." Native America saw his confusion and began to answer his predicted questions. "These are my children they-"

"Represent North America!" He grinned.

He happily skipped over and bent down to their level.

"It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Torngasoak, god of the skies." He pointed to himself showing off his wings.

"I-I'm Kanata..."



"And I'm Maria."

Each of the children introduced themselves.

"It's nice to meet you!" He stood back up and faced Native America, "so what brings you all here?"

"They've come of age-" she simply stated.

He gasped, "All ready?!" Looking back at them with joy, "don't worry! Your Uncle T is gonna help your ma and you all will be powerful in no time!"

"When do we get started?!" He Beamed at Native America.

"Well um-" Native America was quite overwhelmed. She had totally forgotten how energetic her brother could be.

"Well I was thinking about beginning with defense against mythical beings?"

"PERFECT!" He shouted, "we can start with the sky realm's creatures!"

With a snap of his fingers the family and him were transported through another portal into a different world.

The sky was a brilliant blue with no limitations.

The thing is.

There was no ground.

This caught the children off guard because they began to fall.

Maska was the first to grasp the situation and used air to fly. He flew after his siblings and caught them. This allowed them to process what was going on and join their brother in flight.

"Oops-" Torngasoak scratched the back of his neck, "sorry about that, forgot about that one teeny-weeny detail." He apologized doing a 'squish' motion with his thumb and index finger during the 'teeny-weeny' part.

"Thanks...." Diego muttered.

"It's okay!" Maria was quick to forgive.

"Now that's cleared up! What creatures do you want to train against? I've got thunderbirds, flying heads-" he began to list off beings on his fingers to only be met with confusion.

"Brother..." Native America sighed, "I literally just informed them that this world exists. Go easy on them. It's moving far to fast for them..."

"Seriously?!" He complained, "that means we'll have to start from the beginning-beginning..." he groaned, a hint of frustration laced in his voice.

"Yeah..." she worriedly responded.

"No matter!" His mood was back to as it was before. "I can just call in some help!!" He snapped his fingers once more and now they're in another realm.

They were standing on a rocky beach bordering an ocean.

It was only a few moments before two figures emerged from their own portals greeting their relative and Native America.

"Sedna! Oh and Igaluk!" Native America embraced the two new strangers.

The woman, Sedna, had an expressionless emotion she wore a long flowing dress mimicking water. The ends of her dress looked like stormy and dark waves.

The man, Igaluk, wore traditional winter hide. The clothing was decorated in beautiful paint and embroidery symbols. The thread used in this embroidery seemed to be woven from gold. He wielded a majestic staff.

"You called?" Sedna flatly answered, crossing her arms. The two haven't noticed the children yet.

"Oh, don't be like that!" Torngasoak laughed, "this day is a joyous one! Meet your niece and nephews!"

The two strangers perked at 'niece and nephews'. They looked over to see some unfamiliar faces.

"Go on. Introduce yourselves..." Native America reassured with a warm smile.

"Hello." Maska waved, "I'm Maska. And this is my twin-"


"And these are my other siblings-"


"And Maria!"

"It's nice to finally meet you!" Igaluk grinned.

Sedna bent down to them with the same expressionless emotion which also looked quite intimidating. "Are you sure?" She took a quick glance at Native America before facing them again, "they look so young-"

"We're not that young!" Diego argued.

"Compared to me, you look like a fetus-"

Diego huffed in defeat.

"Anyways." Sedna changed the subject, "I'm Sedna, goddess of the sea and underworld."

"And I'm Igaluk, the lunar diety."

"Hello." Kanata greeted once again.

"So-" Sedna turned to Torngasoak, "why are we here again?"

"We're here to teach them the basics of a god!"


And that ends the chapter!

I hope you all are enjoying the book!

Thanks for reading!

_~•*LUCII OUT*•~_

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