Sorcerer of Centuries

بواسطة daisythenovelist

2.7K 351 204

Every few centuries, a Great Hero is born to defeat a Great Evil. Aven Ellington, the most powerful sorcerer... المزيد

• sorcerer of centuries •
part one
1. olden academy
2. syntax in fifteenth-century spellbooks
3. spells
5. guardian of artefacts
6. the what-what war
7. to stay sane
8. the sigil of the four councillors
9. sparks
10. flying
11. a magician's traditions
12. the thursday ball

4. a flash of red

180 25 12
بواسطة daisythenovelist

"So," Adam said, "what's Ehren like as a professor?"

Ehren choked on his water, and I stifled a laugh. We were gathered round the table in their small kitchen, gorging ourselves on lasagna. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed non-magicked food.

"He's good," I said honestly. "Everyone's terrified of him, though."

Adam laughed, and Ehren went red. "They are not."

"They really are," I insisted. "I dunno if anyone said a word in class today. They just sat there and took notes. It's freakish."

Adam couldn't stop laughing. I wondered if Ehren had told him about Jonah Bonavich on Monday. I knew Adam hadn't had a chance to tell Ehren about the infirmary today; Ehren and I had arrived for dinner at the same time.

"Okay, okay," Adam said, rubbing Ehren's arm. "Tell me what Aven's like as a student, then."

Ehren shrugged. "Not bad. I'm well aware that syntax isn't a popular favorite." He paused. "Remind me, Aven, what's the name of that human boy, the one with the curls? I was just reading his paper on inflections, and it's perhaps the best I've ever received."

"Oh," I stammered, glancing at Adam, who seemed to have connected 'human boy' and 'curls' with Noah. "That's, er, Noah Penn. He's my roommate."

Ehren smiled. "He's a good one, I think. I'm glad you'll have a friend."

"He's not my friend." I spoke too quickly, and Ehren and Adam exchanged a glance. I bit down hard on my tongue. "My mum said you two are Councillors this year?"

Adam jumped on the change of subject. "Yes! And about time, too."

I tilted my head. "Aren't you a bit ... young?"

I'd always thought of Councillors as ancient, perhaps because once you won your seat, you were very unlikely to be voted out of it. The Four Councillors were the closest we had to a magical government in England: one sorcerer, one human, one demon, and one angel. Ehren would take the demon's seat; Adam the angel's one. The Councillors passed legislation through the votes of the people, although they had no means of enforcement. They were the most powerful official seats one could have—and Ehren and Adam were only in their forties.

"Yes," Adam allowed, "we're a bit young. But Bigge and Ward—the men we won the seats from—were Councillors back when angels and demons were still at war. They never would've taken steps toward peace."

"Peace?" I echoed. "I thought we were at peace."

"We are," Ehren assured me. "But there's still so much tension. Adam and I, we don't just want angels and demons tolerating each other. We want them working together. Becoming friends ... and, er, partners." He smiled at Adam, who smiled back. I cringed as they joined hands. That was my cue to leave.

"I wish you luck," I said, standing, "and thank you for the meal."


I didn't go back to the room that night. I wanted to make sure Noah was asleep before I returned. I couldn't face him again, not yet.

I wandered the stone corridors, taking deep breaths of silent air. It was growing crisp. The sun would sink sooner and sooner every night. My shadows would grow stronger.

I stepped out onto a balcony overlooking a courtyard, closing the glass doors behind me, and cast a glance around. Nothing stirred. Every window was dark. I hoisted myself up onto the rail, took a deep breath, and jumped.

For a moment, my heart leapt with exhilaration. Then I opened my palms and freed my magic. It caught my fall and threw me again into the air, higher this time, above the entire castle. I kept my eyes closed as I rose, my palms splayed at my sides, my shirt flapping in the cold air.

Others had to focus to command their magic. For me it was instinct.

I gathered a thick cloud of shadow, felt it grow solid and hard beneath my feet. I could not fear heights. No—here in the endless night was the only place I felt peace. The only place I could truly breathe.

I sat on the terrace I'd created and let myself sink back toward the castle. Some nights I plummeted, just to make my heart race—but tonight I wanted no fear, no adrenaline. I thought of Noah, assuring me that he was alright even as he bled out in my arms. To my shock, the corners of my eyes began to sting, like they wanted to cry. I shook myself out of it. I hadn't cried in many, many years. I wouldn't start because of him.

As my shadows settled me on the castle's slanted roof, I heard a shuffling sound nearby.

I rose to my feet, my heart thumping. No one was in sight. I crept forwards, letting my tendrils curl and reach ahead of me. My steps were soundless on the thin layer of shadow beneath my feet.

"Who's there?" I hissed, leaning over the ledge.

A flash of red came from the tower above. I jolted, craning my neck, but it had disappeared. I leapt into the air, a wave of magic propelling me, and circled the tower. It had several windows; all were closed. Any sign of the red magic was gone.


I was restless the next morning at breakfast. Ivy and Noah, on the other hand, were all chitchat and laughter. They spent some minutes obsessing over the new scar on Noah's stomach; I nearly got up and walked away when Ivy asked if she could have one, too.

"Hey," Noah said suddenly, "isn't that Keiko?"

I turned and saw the pink-haired girl from Ivy's phone entering the Hall. She looked around as if searching for someone.

"Let's wave," Noah suggested.

Ivy grabbed his sleeve. "Noah Tarquinius Penn, I will snap you like a green bean—" Keiko started in our direction. "Oh, God," Ivy wheezed.

"Aven Ellington, right?" Keiko asked when she reached us. She didn't spare the others a glance.

"...Yes," I said reluctantly.

A tall, hefty boy with shaggy blond hair joined Keiko, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She didn't acknowledge him. "The Thursday Ball," she said to me. "We'll be going together."

The blond boy started, furrowing his brow. "But, babe ... I'm your boyfriend."

Despite being half his size, Keiko seemed to look down at him. "Do you really believe that, Michael?"

I watched him second-guess everything he knew. His face crumpled a bit. "N-No, I guess not."

"I didn't think so." She waved him away, then turned back to me, resting her palms on the table. "Look, Ellington," she sighed. "I get it. Life's unfair. You're a puppet, you're a weapon, you're not what anyone expects. You just want to fight and die and be done with it." She pulled a small notebook from her bag and began to write. "I propose that we ... associate. I don't want sex, I've no interest in love, and I could do wonders for your image. Besides," she said, glancing loftily at Ivy and Noah, "my whole family's dead. I won't fall apart if you die, too." She pushed off the table, turned, and left.

I picked up the paper she'd left behind, a bit stunned. Keiko Inoue, it read, Room 249Y.

"Whoa," Noah breathed, looking at Ivy. "You fancy her?"

Ivy looked dazed. "Unfortunately."

I turned away from them, Keiko's words swirling in my head.

You're a puppet, you're a weapon, you're not what anyone expects. It was like she'd read my mind—and God, she made me sound petty. Did I really just want to fight and die? Was that all my life would be?

"Hey, Aven," Noah said softly. "You don't need a fake friend, you know. You've got real ones."

I couldn't have spoken past the lump in my throat even if I'd known what to say.


I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
My life again?

Why live life from dream to dream
And dread the day that dreaming ends?

One Day I'll Fly Away (Randy Crawford)

Votes and feedback mean a lot! Thank you for reading! ♥️

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