Balance of Light and Dark (Na...

By blackstarlove19

59.8K 2K 201

What would you do if you knew your time was almost out? that as the seconds passed, your end draws near? Ho... More

Chapter 1: Meeting team 7
Chapter 2: The bell test
Chapter 3: a C rank mission
Chapter 4: C rank turns A rank
Chapter 5: Climbing trees
Chapter 6: There are real heroes
Chapter 7: Rememeber me
Special no.1 Meeting Sasuke
Chapter 8: Finishing trainning
Chapter 9: Battle on the bridge
Special no.2 A mission with the jounins
Chapter 10: The jounins ambush
Chapter 11: Reuniting with friends
Chapter 12: Chunin exams
Chapter 13: Forest of Death: Encounter with a snake
Chapter 14: Forest of Death: A friend's help
Chapter 15: The perliminaries suprise
Chapter 16: Devastating news
Chapter 17: A day in the hospital
Chapter 18: A birthday party
Chapter 19: Encounters with Garaa
Chapter 20: The third exam begins
Chapter 21: Trying to fix it!
Chapter 22: The sand and sound attack!
Chapter 23:Family or Revenge?
Chapter 24: The breaking point
Chapter 25: A new enemy
Chapter 26: Mission: find the medic
Chapter 27:The Legendary sucker
Chapter 28:The bet
Chapter 29: Training to the limit!!
Chapter 30: A battle with the snake's follower!!
Chapter 31: More than one way to die!!
Chapter 32: Have to find an answer!
Chapter 33: An A rank mission
chapter 34: Old friends!
Chapter 36: The tale of seven years ago!
Chapter 37 : A mission change
Chapter 38 : More flashbacks!!!
Chapter 39 : Divide and patrol
chapter 40: The target
Chapter 41: An unexpected night
chapter 42: The battle starts
Chapter 43: One vs one
Chapter 44: Sacrifice and guilt
Chapter 45:Pulling from the darkness
Chapter 46: Back
Chapter 47: New announcements!
Chapter 48: Sasuke Retrieval!
Chapter 49: Departure!
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 35 : Riddles!!

345 20 13
By blackstarlove19

Wow!! two updates in the same week!! Hope you enjoy it guys don't forget to vote and comment. Also this chapter is dedicated to Streetplayaa_ for being the first and the only one to comment on the last chapter!!!


Third Pov

The group of shinobi watched as Sara on Sadao's back flew away, they were confused at why someone would make her act like that.

"Well let's get going" Yumiko said cheerfully as she started leading them across the tiled road leading into the village "Welcome to the village of Heiwa, the home of the Hiroshi clan, we specialize in chakra control making excellent medics, Fuujutsu users and ninjutsu users"

"Don't talk so much Yumi!" Akihiro warned her.

"I am not saying anything wrong Aki, all of this is common knowledge already.  I was just giving a nice introduction" She replied. But the genins attention were drifted to the surrounding buildings green seemed to cover a lot of areas and the buildings were beautifully designed.

Of course not all the genins were just noting the beauty of the village some along with jounins noted something else.

"Isn't it a little early for everyone to have gone home?" Asuma asked as they continued walking, making the trio from the village frown.

"It's been like that ever since the last attack" Yumiko said sadly as she stared at the ground.

"Everyone's afraid they would get hurt, so far no one died but..." Takao said clenching his fists "The amount of injured is scaring everyone"

"Our village has never dealt with something like that, even with the medical ninjas here we're thinned out on healing injuries" Akihiro explained "And the few ninjas who are here are ones who're retired, the three of us are the only ones who are in fighting state. Yet we don't have enough training or experience to deal with this kind of situations"

"You did well you three!" Hideo assured "You have managed to fend off their attack without anyone dying that should make the three of you proud"

"Exactly don't worry we'll take over from here" Kakashi told them with a closed eye smile.

"Thank you very much! Thank you!" Yumiko said turning to them with a bow "Thank you for helping us!" The tears were streaming down her face in gratitude.

"We have never had strangers in our village but Thank you for the help you're giving us" Takao said as well, while Akihiro stayed silent.

"Don't worry about it, we're going to get rid of all those guys in not time" Naruto said with a grin.

"I doubt you will have anything to offer!" Takao mocked as Naruto grew a irk mark but before he could even reply Takao was on the ground holding his bruised head, after getting beat up by Yumiko.

"I thought I told you to behave!" She told him warningly as Akihiro just sighed.

"Let's get going, we're already late" Akihiro told them as he took lead.

Sara Pov

"Why do you think she wants to see us for?" I asked Sadao as we continued flying higher up "It's unusual for her to ask us to come to her, usually we're the ones going to her asking for something"

"Maybe she's cashing in all the favors we owe her" He told me "But I don't think that's likely"

"Neither do I" I told him.

We had arrived at almost the top of the mountain making it colder with more air currents around, I was holding to Sadao using my chakra now.

"We're here" He told me as we started making our way to side cave in the mountain.

"Well I guess we'll find out what's really going on" I told him as we landed. "Come on lets go"

We walked inside the cave, or rather I walked while Sadao shrunk and sat on my shoulder.

"Took you long enough" An old voice echoed in the cave.

"Sorry we're late lady Susumu!" I told her and soon enough through the darkness of the cave an old lady emerged, her white hair was tied in a bun, her face full of wrinkles, her eyes closed together and her back had a little hunch.

"No matter now" She told us "Though Sadao could you wait outside? I think this conversation I want with Sara alone"

"Sure thing" He said while I gave him a look that said you traitor.

"Just to be sure we have privacy" She continued after Sadao flew away, she herself has turned around and was walking ahead with me in toe "I have temporarily severed your connection with Sadao, so he won't hear thoughts"

'What?! I didn't know she could do that!' I thought

"Of course I can, after all I was the one who gave you the connection in the first" She told me.

'Sometimes forget that she knows everything, even my thoughts' I thought to mentally sighing.

"Well now that's exaggerating, I don't know everything after all" She said with a slight chuckle as we reached the end of the cave.

There was a fire in the middle, with some hay beside the walls and around it.

"I preferred your old self you know" She told me as she sat on the hay beside the fire "The one who always showed how she truly felt about someone, whether it was respectful or not. Why don't you take a seat?"

I nodded and took a seat opposite from her.

"That young you was so refreshing she, speaking her mind all the time" She continued "But I guess time really does affect you humans in the strangest ways"

"I guess it does" I told her "But it's not time what changes a person more like what he goes through"

"Perhaps but it's only has but a part in the process, the change itself comes from your own self, does it not?" She told me "Well no matter, maybe you will change back in the future, but that's not why I brought you here today?"

Third Pov

"Here it is!" Yumi said excitedly as their group arrived at the front of a house, it was nothing really fancy at least not to the villagers as a lot of houses were like it in Heiwa but to the Konoha Nins it did grab their attention.

"You guys back already?" questioned a voice from behind the group they turned around to find an 18 year old girl her black  hair was braided down her back still reaching the mid of it and long parted bangs framing her face, she had kind eyes and was smiling friendly at them. She was wearing a blue kimono shirt with a white sash and pants that matched and reached her knees.

"Oh you must be our guests!" She continued looking at the ninja group "Nice to meet you, I'm Manami"

"Nice to see you again, Manami!" Hideo greeted her

"Uncle Hideo welcome back" She told him "Well dad should be in he's been waiting for you, but didn't Sara come with you?" when she asked she sounded sort of relieved.

"No she came with them Nee-Chan" Takao told her, a bit down. "Lady Susumu just wanted to see her"

"You didn't want her to come?" Sakura asked a bit surprised especially since earlier they seemed as they were pretty mad at her for not coming in a long time.

"It's not like that, it's just…" Yumiko started but trailed off at the end.

"There was a second attack after we sent that message to Sara" Akihiro told them "we discovered something during that attack. If we had known we wouldn't have sent the message to Sara, it would have been best if she didn't come"

"Let's talk inside shall we?" Manami told them as she went ahead and opened the door and invited them inside.

Back at the cave Sara was sitting opposite of Lady Susumu, still talking with her.

"If you don't mind me asking then why did you ask me to come?" Sara asked the old lady sitting in front of her.

"And I thought I was supposed to be the blind one" She told her "Aren't you supposed to be a prodigy; you used to be so smart back when you were a child. You still are smart but you blind yourself to what's front of you, thus wasting that brain of yours"

Sara was trying to make sense of what the old lady was saying but she came out blank.

"You still haven't figured it out, have you?" Susumu stated more than questioned "Well we will get back at the end. So how are you planning to continue your training here?"

"I was going to ask some of the medic ninjas here to help me" Sara answered not surprised that Susumu knew about her training after all Lady Susumu did have the ability to look through time, it was a very useful ability except for the fact she only told others what she wanted to tell them which was very little and most of the time it was in riddles.

Though Lady Susumu did help Sara before with her ability, after all she was the one to tell her about Danzo's secret. She was also the one that sent Sadao to Sara back when she was traveling with Jiraya and Naruto. Also she was the one – that was in Sara's opinion the thing she owed to her the most - that chose Sadao to be Sara's partner.

"Lady Susumu, Do you know who's behind the attacks?" Sara asked though she knew already the answer, Lady Susumu just replied with a smile. "Could you tell me who it is?"

"I could" was the old Lady's reply.

"But you won't" Sara stated what the old lady didn't say.

"Why tell you something you already know?" Lady Susumu questioned making Sara frown in confusion.

Back at the head's house all of the Konoha Nins along with the three young Hiroshis' were sitting in main room as a man in his 40's entered the room he had white hair with some black strands was wearing a regular green Yukata. He was followed by Manami.

"I welcome you to our village, and thank you for offering your help" He told them with a bow "My name is Taro, I am the head of the village"

"No need for your thanks, we're doing our duty after all" Asuma replied

He took a seat in front of everyone as did Manami.

"Well you sure look old Taro" Hideo said to the man.

"You shouldn't be the one talking Hideo" He replied with a smile "How I wish this reunion had been under better circumstances, especially with Sara coming back as Manami tell me. I think it would have been better if she hadn't come this time"

"Jeesh! First the three of them make a big deal about how Sara doesn't come anymore, than you act like it was better that she wasn't here" Naruto said grumbling and crossing his arms, causing both Sakura and Ino to hit him on the head.

"Sorry for his behavior" Kakashi apologized for Naruto "Just ignore it"

"It's no problem I am used to that kind of behavior" Taro told him "He's just like my son"

"What?!" Takao questioned "I am nothing like that idiot!"

"Wait a second! You're the heads son?" Naruto questioned.

"You know for a shinobi your observation skills are pretty bad" He told "How can I be like an idiot like you?"

"Who you calling an idiot, brat?!" Naruto questioned standing up and raising his fist in Takao's direction.

"I am calling you an idiot, idiot! Don't go calling me brat!" Takao replied raising his own fist

In a second the two were on the ground Naruto had been hit by Sakura and she was sitting back down while Takao had been hit by Manami.

"Excuse my brother's rudeness" She apologized

"One and the same" Taro said "Well on a more serious matter, I think its best I told you what exactly had happened and what we know."

"Shouldn't we wait for Sara?" Hinata questioned stuttering a bit

"I don't think that would be necessary, I think Lady Susumu asked for her because this was what she wanted to talk to her about" Taro told them "Any how It was three days ago that the group of shinobis first attacked the village they came out of nowhere, but there weren't that many of them a group of ten I think. They came as quickly as they left. I guess there objective was to test the strength of our village."

"Scouts then?" Kakashi questioned, to which Taro nodded.

"I think so, It was a day ago that they attacked again in bigger numbers then before" He continued "Our village is not a military one, the shinobi we have here mostly specialize in medical ninjutsu, or they are retired who came here from our clan in the leaf to live a more peaceful life. The only fighting shinobi we have are Akihiro, Takao and Yumiko, but they too don't have enough experience. We only managed to stop their second attack thanks to the flock of mount Seinaru sukai (Sacred sky), they managed to make them retreat but it was during that attack that we discovered who those shinobi were working for…"

Back at the cave though Sara was thinking about what Lady Susumu had said.

"Still haven't figured it out?" The old lady asked her with a bit of sadness in her voice "Humans are such a strange beings, even the smartest of you try to stay blind to what they don't want to know even if it staring you in the face."

Sara frowned as she stared at the cold rough grounds of the cave; while Lady Susumu was facing Sara's direction with a sad expression, though being blind among Lady Susumu's many gifts were the ability to only see chakra and that how she managed to locate Sara.

Lady Susumu was sad remembering the first time she had met Sara's mother, Katsumi. Katsumi was the first shinobi to actually manage to convince her to allow her to sign a summoning contract and be the summoner of a flock.

She was such a strong spirted, strong willed woman and she was a kind one too those was the traits that managed to help her pass the tests that she - Lady Susumu - had placed for her.

Her daughter was so much like her, but she has been through so much and seeing the state Sara has reached brought sadness to her old heart, what time was capable of doing to the always smiling, kind innocent little girl to turn her to someone who was always placing walls to insure she won't be hurt by losing her loved one, even if some of the walls have been broken down there were still walls.

 'Maybe just this once' Susumu thought to herself.

Lady Susumu stood up and walked towards Sara, grapping the young Kunochi's attention.

"Dear it's getting late you should be heading back" Susumu "but before you go I'll give you one word of advice, train hard. You will need it sooner than you think. Among the enemy that lurks in those forests now, is what your heart seeks mostly at the time"

This sentence caused Sara to froze and stare at Susumu with shock.

"It can't be" Was the only words that came out of her mouth.

Back at the village though.

"We managed to identify one of the enemies during the last attack" Akihiro told everyone as they stayed silent while the last rays of sun was passing through the window "It was Yoshio Hiroshi, Sara's older brother"

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