Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE...

Par loveisweakness7

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"If you don't fit into a certain type, there's a lot of strength in just being who you are." Valerio Montesi... Plus

Rebel just for kicks
Freya y Valerio
i. Troubled Mind
iii. An Angel
iv. Failure is not allowed
v. Feel more Human
vi. Losing Control
vii. Darkest Desires
viii. Breaking the rules
ix. Slowly Losing Her Mind
x. Panic Attack
xi. Crazy, not Creepy
xii. Not ready for this world
xiii. Small society of adults
xiv. Thinking about You
xv. Fight for my Survival
xvi. Trust, my love
xvii. Talking about stupid Rules
xviii. Misunderstanding
xix. You don't like me
xx. Because I love you too, Stupid
xxi. Not so innocent
xxii. Making a deal with the devil
xxiii. An great ballerina
xxiv. Revenge
xxv. 44 Lies
xxvi. Moving on
ACT TWO/i. What A Train Wreck
ACT TWO/ii. Teens Dramas
ACT TWO/iii. University Day
ACT TWO/iv. Generous donator
ACT TWO/v. Hope
ACT TWO/vi. Assassin
ACT TWO/vii.
ACT TWO/viii. Forgive me
ACT TWO/ix. Freaking Riverdale
ACT TWO/x. Cheers, cheers
ACT TWO/xi. Only Friends, right ?
ACT TWO/xii. Bruised Heart
ACT TWO/xiii. Not the time to be dramatic
ACT TWO/xiv. Trauma
ACT TWO/xv.Break my heart
ACT TWO/xvi.The family
ACT TWO/xvii. Polo
ACT TWO/xviii. I have feelings, bitch.
ACT TWO/xix. Time to say goodbye
The End!

ii. Friend or Enemy ?

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Par loveisweakness7

Friend or Enemy - Money can't buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy

"The wound that Marina's death has left in all of us will take a long time to heal." Ascuna declared with pragmatism leaving the duo Bjørkaas completely lost as to the current situation."I need your help to achieve it. From all of you."

They finally understood that a young girl, probably a high school student, had died. However, they didn't really know how to react as they could see the impact it had on their comrades.

At least Luís had trouble realizing.

Conversely, Freya knew of death and its impact. She could understand what it did to a person. What she didn't grasp was why it would lead to a fight.

She glanced briefly at the young brown of the other day just to see him apply a piece of tissue against his bloody arch. The mere sight of blood made her shiver as she remembered a much more painful moment.

She immediately gave a look at little brother thinking about it before putting a look on his wrists covered by the famous blazer of Las Encinas.

"Guzmàn." Suddenly called Asucena as she approached the tall blond from earlier to speak to him with restraint and caution. An attitude that Freya knew. Simply because people treated her exactly the same after her mother died."I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through."

"No, you can't." Guzmàn immediately accepted with impassiveness before finally leaning on his desk in anger and obvious pain."And now imagine that you had to bump into the one to blame for all that pain in the halls all the time."

Freya frowned on the blond's back in confusion before turning her head to her brother. The latter straightened in his seat visibly equally perplexed before shrugging his shoulders at the sight of Freya's gaze fixed on him.

"Samuel isn't the one to blame."

So his name was Samuel.

Freya gave a new look on the back of the little brown before looking back on the blonde's back to his blame blast."If Samuel hadn't come to this school ... if him and his fucking brother had stayed in their shitty little village, none of this would ever have happened."

Freya found herself again giving a puzzled look between the back of the little brown and the blond, Guzman. She didn't understand why such hatred was directed against him. Better yet, why such disdain was used against him.

"Your father got him the scholarship."

"You're the one that renewed it. Why?" Guzman immediately resumed leaving Freya assembled some information.

"He's a good student. It wouldn't be fair."

Unfortunately, it seems that everything Asucena said was going over the blond's head. He was far too deep in his own grief and tantrum to see that he was picking on the wrong person.

"Fair?" He repeated in disbelief before suddenly rising to stand up to their headmaster."Marina is dead. My sister... is dead at 16 years old. Is that fair?"

Again, Freya found herself giving a long, concerned look at her little brother. She knew what he was thinking right now. The situation was far too close to home for them.

Freya let her eyes drop down his arms to hear a slight snap of elastic just to see her brother pulling the elastic around his right wrist again. She looked away again at the click, causing her to wince in compassion before looking back on the tall blond's back.

"I'm not going to argue with you." Asucena replied immediately, categorical.

However, the tall blond, Guzmàn, immediately turned on his heels to address the whole room.

The attitude and leadership position was pretty clear. There was always someone like him among the wealthy. Freya had see guys like him before. She was not particularly impressed with his act of capricious king. She was more pained by his mask of controlled rage.

"From now on, just so you know, if you talk to that vermin, you are dead to me!" He exclaimed, pointing the little brown with such disdain that Freya could almost feel the crease between her eyebrows rising to the line of her hair."It's him or me!"

"It's not about taking sides."

"Yes, it is." Guzman insisted, turning again to Asucena."And you have already chosen yours."

Guzman held the headmaster's gaze before returning to his place. Freya followed the blonde's back in sympathy anyway before looking back at the little brown boy's back of the other day.

However, the click still sounds.

Freya didn't really control her next move as she suddenly grabbed her brother's hand, preparing to pull the elastic band, again. Luís fought against her, forcing Freya to clench her teeth against the little fight he posed.

"One question, please."

For a moment, Freya was distracted.

Luís immediately took the opportunity to remove his hand from her grip, allowing Freya to give him a sideways look before turning her eyes to the front of the class.

"Valerio ..." Asucena sighed as Freya frowned at the woman's obvious boredom."Is it important?"

She immediately put her gaze on the tall brown with curly hair as he jumped out of his chair like an electric battery. Surprisingly she found herself giving a little more thoughtful look to the tall brown. He wore the usual crimson red pants of the Las Encinas uniform, and the navy blazer. Except that he had rolled up the sleeves of his shirt on his forearms and that his red and yellow tie hung casually around his neck. It was a breach of the rules.

Probably the second one she has witnessed since she and her brother arrived. And surprisingly a faint smile appeared on her lips as she watched the brunet fidget in all directions.

He had a kind of insurance like no other has. He didn't really care about authority or even conventions. It was pretty obvious when he asked if there was a welcome party for new people.

"Do you think we're in the mood for partying?"

The tall brown, Valerio immediately turned to the young boy behind him before pointing his sullen face as evidence."Haven't you seen those faces? It's precisely after something as awful as this that these people need..." He spoke with exuberance and confidence as he snapped his index finger and thumb with a certain rhythm before pointing Asucena with a broad smile."To have fun. To have fun, dance, drink..."

"You finished ?" Asucena got impatient, giving a sharp look on the big brown.

The latter didn't lose his wide mischievous smile, however, as he sat down again, shrugging his shoulders."I'm just getting started."

Freya let out a sudden breath of laughter calling out to her brother as he frowned at his sister.

However, he was not the only one to turn to her as Asucena spoke up."As you can see we are welcoming new students this year ..."

Freya suddenly straightened up at the sensation of the eyes focusing on their duo before suddenly looking away as she made eye contact with the brown one of earlier. She frowned before returning her eyes to the board as Asucena announced the end of this intervention.

One thing was certain, they weren't in a regular high school.


"Everyone to the track."

Freya tried to keep up with her little brother. They had always been in sync in this kind of exercise, and the fact that her little brother was athletic always made Freya go above and beyond.

They had not left the other side since their arrival. It was always like that for them. Like their father said so well, they didn't need friends when they had each other.

"Everyone get in!"

Freya and Luís slowed down as they walked past the same boy of earlier alongside a tall brunette with bright accessories before entering the soccer field, somewhat breathless. Freya leaned on her thighs to catch her breath as Luís began to stretch, silently watching their comrades.

"Dad is going to take us out of this high school before the end of the month." Luís finally declared, making a real sentence since their arrival.

Freya straightened up following his gaze as their teacher asked to make mixed groups before giving a worried look on her brother."Carmen promised us it would be different this time."

"Because you thought there was a lot of difference this morning?" Luís replied defensively before turning away from his sister in frustration."Tutoring classes. As if it wasn't enough. At this rate, I won't even have to kill myself."

"Hey!" Freya immediately warns, suddenly pushing her brother in anger.

"Hey, you there!" Hailed immediately their teacher accordingly before signing between their duo in warning."No fight in my class, is that understood?"

Freya clenched her jaw as she nodded shyly before turning to her brother somewhat guilty now. The latter straightened, rubbing his biceps before giving a sorry look at his sister.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."The little blonde apologized before resuming, pointing their comrades in agitation."But you have to recognize that we have nothing to do with them. These people, they flout all the demands of dad. He will not accept that we stay in this high school."

Freya gave her brother a long look for an argument to convince him before finally resolving herself as she turned her eyes to the group further.

Again their teacher called out to them, letting the duo Bjørkaas follow after the rest of the students to begin the course exercises.


Freya desperately wanted to contradict her brother but she already knew he was right. The little demonstration of this morning had ruined all of their chances of a fresh start.

"What are you looking for ?"

Freya lifted her head from her bag at her brother's question before shrugging her shoulders with a grimace."I think I forgot my math textbook in my locker."

"You forgetting things now?" Doubted Luís knowingly as he arched an eyebrow.

However Freya tried to hold back a comment before forcing a tight smile on her lips.

"Yeah, well, it looks like I'm human after all." She replied as she got up from her chair."I'll be quick. Don't start without me."

"How can I ?" Luís replied with sarcasm.

Freya rolled her eyes, shaking her head at his attitude before venturing down the hall. She retraced her steps to her locker before composing the combination that the receptionist had given her when she arrived.

"Hello darling!" Freya jumped at the sudden approach of a gorgeous Latin brunette before turning her head in her direction as she paused beside her, taking off her sunglasses."Let me introduce myself, Lucrecia Montesinos. You're Freya Bjørkaas, right? I think I heard my father talking about yours. A great trader from what I heard. Where is your shadow?"

Freya tried to ignore the imposing personality of the brunette with the hair clips before closing the door of her locker with a little uncertain smile."My shadow ?"

"Yes you know ... the little gifted one." Lucrecia replied, shaking her glasses with derision before bending down to whisper as if she were telling a juicy gossip."I have heard that he's quite intense. He doesn't leave your side."

Freya crossed her arms over her chest with her book in her hands, clearly uncomfortable by the brunette's intrusion into her personal space. Nevertheless, she tried to display a kindly smile.

She was not one to judge on first impressions. And even if Lucrecia seemed to be the very stereotype of the mean girl, Freya wanted to give everyone a chance.

"Luís is rather shy. And we've always been used to traveling as a buddy. I know it's pretty strange and-"

"Say no more!" Lucrecia immediately interrupted, obviously used to having the spots on her."I too have a brother. They can be such a weight sometimes."

Freya immediately frowned."That's not what I said. Luís is-"

"Honey, no such thing between us." Lucrecia interrupted again with a broad sympathetic smile before crossing her arms over her chest."I absolutely know how you feel. Look at me for example, tonight I have to go to a party to make sure my brother doesn't end up in an alcoholic coma and that his wallet isn't stolen. Such a burden."

Freya shook her head negatively, giving a questionable look at the sublime enthusiastic brunette."Well, Luís isn't really old enough to party so ..."

"Oh no. Don't tell me you're not going to the party because of him?" Lucrecia asked immediately with a slight frown before suddenly placing her hand on Freya's shoulder."You absolutely must come. How else are we going to become friends?"

"I don't really party." Freya explained as she glanced at the brunette's hand on her shoulder before giving an uncertain look at Lucrecia."And then I don't have time for-"

"Oh look at that!" Lucrecia interrupted again looking strangely over-excited."We talk, we talk and time flies so quickly. I have to go to class but we stay in touch. Okay, darling?"

"I-I-uh, okay?"

"Awesome !" Lucrecia exclaimed, leaning sharply towards Freya to simulate a kiss on each side without ever touching her cheeks."We're going to be great friends."

With that, the brunette in high heels walked around her before walking away leaving Freya swiveling on the heels of her feet covered in moccasins to look at Lucrecia's fleeing back. She frowned visibly still taken aback by her introduction before leaving an uncertain little smile.

Lucrecia was an interesting character in her eyes. She was certainly difficult to follow and intrusive but she seemed to want to do well. Besides, Freya had never really had a friend before.

It was a new year for her. A year of discovery.

She looked up with a persistent smile on her lips before turning around with the intention of joining her brother.

Freya was quick to take a break, however, as she walked past the cafeteria. She stood in the hallway for a while at the sight of the thick eyebrow-haired boy of the other time before looking down at the tips of her shoes.

She didn't really know if the blonde boy's warning was directed to Luís and her too. But there was one thing she couldn't bear and it was injustice. She didn't understand why she should stay away from someone just because she was told to do it.

She wasn't stupid, far beyond.

She hadn't really had a problem joining two and two.

This girl who had been murdered, Guzmàn's sister, Marina, had probably been murdered by this boy's sister. She had heard hallway noises.

However, that did not justify the fact that his little brother had to pay the price. Freya already imagined how difficult it must have been for him to have to live with the fact that his brother was a murderer.

So, on a second thought, Freya wandered around in the room, hesitating before heading over to the dark to sit at his table. She gently placed her book on top of the table to get his attention without scaring him before trying a small smile as he suddenly raised his head."Hey! Samuel, right?"

"You won't be very popular if you sit here." Warns the brown immediately as he looks back at the book he was reading without even bothering to recognize her.

Freya gauged him for a moment in silence before shrugging her shoulders with a persistent smile."But maybe you will be popular by sitting with me."

Samuel immediately raised his head at the suggestion of the brunette, visibly surprised. He slowly closed the cover of his book before giving her a curious look."How's your head?"

"Oh that ... I have almost nothing left. Look." She explained, showing him the side of her face causing a breath of astonished laugh of the brown. Freya hid her side of the face again with her brown curls before giving him a confused look."What?"

"You seem so bright." He said, watching her carefully before resuming a strangely sullen look."Maybe even a little too much for this high school."

Freya narrowed her lips as she too, lost her smile before licking her upper lip by taking a breath."I'm sorry for what happened to your brother."

"What do you know about my brother?" Instantly asked the brown with a slight suspicious crease between his thick eyebrows.

Freya's eyes widened."Nothing. I promise you. It's just ... I heard hallway noises and then I thought ... what if he was my brother ..."

She looked away with a slight frown at the mere disastrous thought. She could already feel the emotions assailing her at the simple idea of ​​her brother ending up in prison. She could never bear such a thing.

"Luís, right?" Tried Samuel as he sympathized at the sight of her gaze."You seem to be close."

"We are." Freya nodded as she rested her eyes on the brown with a small smile."He's a bit younger so I feel like I have to protect him. Senior responsibility and all that ..."

Samuel left a chuckle for the first time in weeks before taking a break as he realized that she was not like the others. She seemed strangely soothed in a way. It was really strange. She was really calm, wise. Maybe even a little too much for this high school.

And then the sight of her father resurfaces in his mind. He remembered the gruff man and his words about his children. It was pretty obvious that he had great demands on them.

He looked back at Freya with slight curiosity."Why did you come to see me?"

"I don't know. I've never had friends before." Freya admitted shrugging before avoiding his gaze as she focused her attention on her book."And I don't really like being told what to do. I have enough of my father for that."

"So I'm kind of like a way to rebel for you, huh?" Samuel asked strangely unaffected by the thought.

Freya immediately raised her wide eyes to the brown in fear of having offended him."No, no, that's not it. It's ... well, you were the first one I met. To be technical, it wasn't in this high school but it must count for something, right?"

"Sorry again for hitting you." Samuel said with a little grin before suddenly wiping his hand on his blazer. He made sure he had removed all sweat before handing her a handshake."We didn't really get the chance to the introductions the other day. I'm Samuel. But you already knew it. Right."

"It's fine." Chuckled Freya amused by his obvious nervousness before shaking his hand."And me Freya. Nice to meet you Samuel."

"Me too." Samuel smiled, resting his hand on the table before nodding."I noticed that you and your brother didn't have the same last name."

"Yeah. He is my half-brother. Carmen, Luís's mother is not my mother." Freya explained without embarrassment since it was a subject with which she had long learned to grow."In fact, my mother was Norwegian and I grew up there until I was eight. After her death, I went to live with my father. I didn't know of his existence before the death of my mother."

Samuel's gaze widens more and more during her little tirade. Obviously she was not used to the Las Encinas convention. Everyone seemed to have secrets here. Again she had seemed to unpack the whole of her story without any shame or difficulty. They hadn't known each other for a long time, but Samuel was already starting to feel a little sense of respect for her.

"And you still have that look."

"What? What look ?" Exclaimed Samuel, confused.

"That look of surprise."

Samuel closed his mouth in her observant look before shrugging his shoulders with a small smile."It's just ... people aren't that open here. We all have secrets."

Freya tilted her head to the side, frowning at the new information before giving a puzzled look at Samuel."But isn't sharing the first thing we do in a friendship?"

"Wow ... you ever really had friends before?" Samuel asked in disbelief.

Freya narrowed her lips, somewhat ashamed before looking down at her textbook."I never really had time for this. And then, the boarding schools are not really the ideal place for that. The competition is pretty tough there."

Samuel immediately left a scoff in response."You'll see that it doesn't really change from here then."

"I know. This is probably why our father signed us up here." Freya replied with a determined look.

She hardly seemed to bother with this fact. It was as if she had resigned herself.

Samuel hesitated as he gave her an uncertain look before he pursed his lips."Your father ... he seems ..."

"Scary? Intimidating ? Someone you can't say no to?" Freya suggested knowingly before letting a sigh."Yeah, he's all that. But it's everything I have ever known. I'm lucky to be able to live the life I lead. Few can afford to say that they have been to Las Encinas."

"You're still too ..." Freya straightened, raising an eyebrow in anticipation, leaving Samuel to shake his head in a second thought."No nothing."

Freya gauged him for a moment longer before suddenly remembering her brother."Well, I was glad to see you again Samuel but Luís is waiting for me so... we'll see you in class."

She retrieved her textbook as she got up from her chair before waving her hand in the direction of Samuel with a broad smile.

However Samuel hastened to call her back in haste."Nano didn't do it."

Freya absently turned on her heels, visibly confused before watching the boy mumble under his breath in incoherence. He seemed surprised at himself.

"Nano? It's your brother ?" Asked Freya tilting her head in curiosity mixed with sympathy.

Samuel looked up again in an awareness before swallowing as he nodded his head a little quieter."Yeah. He didn't kill Marina. I ... well, I thought you should at least know that. No one is listening to me here."

"If you say he didn't, then I believe you." Freya accepted with a sincere smile.

Samuel seemed visibly taken back by her answer only she did not give him time to reply as she turned on her heels to join her brother.

It was not long before she found herself again between the shelves of the school's rich library. She let herself be again impregnated with the familiar smell of books bathed in the Spanish sun before making her way to the table occupied by her brother.

However, it was not long before she displayed a worried look at the sight of the blank stare currently occupying her little brother's face. She hastened to fill the little gap between them before making sure to settle in silence so as not to frighten him. She knew it was better to wait for him to come back himself than to force him to return to reality.

She put down her textbook, making sure to open it on the right page before suddenly standing up to hear her brother's voice."Freya?"

"Hey. You okay?" Freya asked promptly as she put her hand on her brother's.

Luís put his eyes on her hand covering his before leaving an uncertain look."Do you think I use daddy's education as an excuse to justify my behavior?"

"I ... what? Who put such an idea in your head?" Freya asked in utter confusion.

"Person. It's just ... "He hesitated, biting his lower lip before looking up at his sister."I overheard a conversation. Between this boy, Guzmàn I think, and this other girl."

Freya smirked despite herself as she arched an eyebrow at her brother."Are you listening to other people's conversations now?"

"They were the ones who weren't paying attention." Luís replied, rolling his eyes, somewhat calm before shrugging."Anyway, you were rather long to get a simple textbook. You were lost?"

"I think I have made friends." Suddenly revealed Freya with a broad, proud smile.

Luís gauged his sister in surprise before finally leaving a hint of a smile on his lips."You're really lame, you know that?"

"No but did you look at you ? Vermin." Teased Freya, throwing her eraser towards his forehead.

Unfortunately Luís avoided the projectile at the last moment."Yep, so lame."

Soon enough, the library was suddenly filled with the hushed laughter of the duo Bjørkaas.


Freya squeezed her hand around the doorknob before pushing it in to enter her room with a long sigh. She left the door open on her way as she headed for her bed in exhaustion. She left her backpack on the floor in complete disorganization before finally dropping headlong into her linen sheets.

She closed her eyelids at the feeling of sleep already demanding his due. It had only been a day and she could already feel her body about to give in. It must be said that the training and private lessons that their father forced them to take during the summer did not really make things easier.

Nevertheless, Freya knew that she couldn't fall asleep. Not now. And especially not when she still had a piano lesson in barely half an hour.

Fortunately for her, her phone chooses this moment to vibrate inside the pocket of her navy blue blazer with red stitching. Freya straightened slightly, taking a pillow to tuck it under her chin before taking her phone from the pocket of her blazer.

However, she soon frowned slightly at the sight of a notification from an unknown number.

Unknow number :
What do you think of this outfit for the party ?


Is it too much?

Freya paused with her eyes wide in surprise as she realized that her texts were from Lucrecia. She let her eyes drag on her bright screen for a moment before leaving a small smile as she changed her username.

New Girl 🤷‍♀️:
It's pretty.
I think it suits you.

Lucrecia Montesinos️🇲🇽:
Ofc it does.
And you ? What are you going to wear ?

Freya took another break. Except that this time she pursed her lips in defeat. However, she didn't have time to feel more sorry for her as the sound of a new notification sounded again.

Do you want to be picked up?
We could go together.

"Freya, the driver arrives in about ten minutes to take you to your piano lesson!" Suddenly hailed Carmen from the floor below, letting Freya chew on the inside of her cheek in disappointment."Hurry down if you want to eat something before you go."

"I'm coming !" Hailed Freya in turn over her shoulder before looking back her screen.

New Girl:
I don't think I can come.
Sorry maybe another time

Lucrecia Montesinos ♦️🇲🇽 :
What? No, you absolutely must come!
We're coming to get you!
You'll see, we know how to have fun in Las Encinas !!!
Just give me your address

New Girl:
I have much to do

Lucrecia Montesinos ♦️🇲🇽 :
First, called my Lu and then...
Boring! !!!!!
Come on! Have a little fun!

Freya gave a new thoughtful look on her screen as she let her fingers hover over the touch keyboard. She wrinkled her lips in hesitation before finally letting out a sigh as she pressed the lock button on her screen.

She pushed herself from her bed to get up before taking her bag already ready for her piano lesson. She put her phone back in her blazer pocket before finally making her way into the kitchen.

"Hey, Carmen."

"Hi, sweetie. I prepared a plate for you." Said Carmen absently."How was high school?"

Freya walked over to the counter to catch a glimpse of a plate of already prepared fruit before slowing down as she gave a hesitant look on her mother-in-law's back."It was good."

"That's all ?" Carmen wondered as she glanced at the brunette over her shoulder before suddenly turning on her heels in curiosity at the sight of her expression."What's happening ? Something is wrong ?"

Freya set her eyes on the fruit plate in a way to avoid her gaze before shrugging her shoulders. She took a pre-cut piece of grape before looking up at Carmen."They're organizing a sort of party to welcome the new ones. In a club..."

"One a school night?" Exclaimed Carmen, wiping her hands on her cloth before pausing as she realized that her daughter was strangely silent. She looked up to look at her just to watch her swallow her mouth avoiding her gaze."Wait... do you want to go to this party?"

Freya stopped with a piece of mango between her fingers before turning her head in nervousness towards Carmen."Well, I don't know. Perhaps ? You said it was a new start so ..."

"Freya ..." Carmen sighed immediately, contrite.

However Freya immediately dropped the mango between her fingers before rubbing her hands in a hurry."I would be very careful. I promise to return at midnight at the latest. No alcohol, no drugs, and I'll go to my ballet class as scheduled at six o'clock tomorrow morning. I would do everything as usual. It's just for an hour. Pretty please!"

Carmen remained prostrated for a moment in front of such a craze. She hadn't seen her daughter display such a motivated expression for a long time. Well, there were always those moments in her competitions but Carmen knew it was more motivated by the pressure not to disappoint her father.

So she pretended to think before raising an eyebrow with an amused little smile."Can I know what I'm for if you already make all the rules?"

"Well..." Freya took a new piece of mango between her fingers, shrugging her shoulders before giving a small smile on her mother-in-law."You make great fruit salad."

"Okay, I see." Chuckled Carmen at the impetuosity of her daughter-in-law before giving a glance towards the double doors of the entry like a horn sounds from the outside."It looks like your carriage has arrived."

"Yeah." Freya replied without much enthusiasm.

The mere sight of the brunette advancing with her shoulders arching towards the door was enough to resolve Carmen as she hastened to call out to her."Okay for the party. But you have to come back at 11 p.m. at the latest."

"It's time for the party to start." Freya groans, turning back to the jet-black-haired brunette.

Carmen gave Freya a thoughtful look before shaking her head in defeat."Fine, midnight."

"Yes!" Freya exclaimed as she hastened to return to her mother-in-law before suddenly embracing her in an hug.

Carmen remained somewhat prostrate in the face of such a surge of joy coming from the little brunette before leaving a breath of laughter as she hugged her in return.

It may not have been anything at the moment but she sincerely hoped that this move would bring peace to her children. They deserved it.

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