The Other Side of the Moon


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Harry Potter was looking forward for the summer to end. The Dursley's were making his life living hell, and a... Еще

Family Matters
Lets never do that again.
Excuse me, your who?
Powerful wands
The Train
A Medic and a Talking Hat
Stories and Magic
Not so Good Omens.
Yeh've got to stroke 'em
An Angry Hippogriff
This has to be some kind of record.
The Infirmary
Snape Snape Severus Snape
Golden Eyes
Dreams and Visions
Try Outs
Stupid Permission Slips
Sirius Black
Stormy Weather
Back to the infirmary

2 Percy's and 2 sets of twins.

6.3K 212 153


Once me and Percy got all of our stuff for school dropped off in our room, I took him to get ice cream. Even though we had been together all day we still didn't really know much about each other. I want to though.

"Alright Percy, tell me about yourself." I say as we sit down. 

"Well," he says after a moment, "I grew up pretty poor with a horrible step father. I was sent to a bunch of boarding schools and places for troubled kids. I have really bad ADHD and dyslexia so I didn't do great in school. Then like weird stuff would happen and I would get blamed so I got labeled as a "bad kid". "

I can't help it i just start laughing. "I'm sorry but like that sounds eerily familiar. I was raised by my aunt and uncle who hate me. I got nothing but hand me downs and second choices. I was sent to the bad schools and seen as a bad kid. Then I had a lot of accidental magic miss haps that didn't help."

Percy smiles, "I guess we're more alike then we thought."

"Tell me about Hogwarts."

I smile. "It's amazing. The school is a castle, like an actual castle. It's huge and beautiful. There are four houses, Gryffindor, that's my house, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. You live with the people in your house, and your classes are with them."

"How are you placed in your houses?" He asks me.

"First years at the start of term feast go up to the front of the great hall where we eat and this old wizard hat is put on their head. It like reads their minds and figures out where to put you. Gryffindor is for like the brave and loyal, ravenclaw is smart and cleaver, hufflepuff is kind, and Slytherin is cunning."

"Will I be sorted with the first years?"

I paused, "Umm I'm not really sure. I mean Dumbledore knows your coming or else you wouldn't of gotten a letter, but I'm not sure."

"What about your friends? What are they like?"

I lean forward excited to tell him all about Ron and Hermione.

Percy listened to everything I said, it was like he was absorbing everything. After a few minutes I decided to turn the conversation on him.

"You said that you went to a summer camp for people like .... us?" He nods, "What's that like?"

"Camp Half-Blood is amazing. You stay in cabins based off your parent so I was alone, but it wasn't so bad. You learn to sword fight, and archery and combat fighting. And we play capture the flag which is crazy."

He was practically beaming as he spoke. "Is everyone there a demigod?"

He nods, "pretty much. I mean the camp director is a god, and the activities director is a centaur."

"I've met a centaur! There is a group of them that live in the forest next to Hogwarts. One saved my life my first year!" I exclaim.

"The dude Chiron actually came to my school and was spying on me as my latin teacher. But he's cool. Then there are also nature spirits and satyars which are half man half goat. My best friend is actually a satyar."

We probably talked for hours. It was great, it didn't even feel like I was learning about him, it was like filling in a part of me that had been missing.

When we finally headed back to The Leaky Cauldron I look at Percy expectantly. "Alright, you said you would show me your weapon, so..."

Percy smirked, an expression he makes quiet often. "Ok just don't freak out!"

I send him a questioning look but nod. He takes a pen out of his pocket and before I can say anything he takes the cap off. The "pen" expands into a three foot bronze sword.

"Woah!" I exclaim as I rush over to him. "How is that even possible?"

Percy laughed, "I don't know man. Chiron gave it to me this summer, but I don't know how it works. The metal, Celestial Bronze doesn't hurt mortals, but can hurt demigods, monsters and gods."

"That's so cool!" He hands me his sword and I examine it carefully. I see Greek writing on the base of the blade. "What does this mean?"

"Riptide. It's the name of the blade," my brother explains. "You know we can probably find you a blade in the vault."


"Yeah I saw more types of swords and daggers then at camp. There was to be one there that will work for you."


Over the next two weeks me and Percy got really close. We really became brothers.

On his Hogwarts letter, it said that he did not need to complete any of the work that got assigned to us over break. I wasn't mad about that, like obviously that shouldn't be expected of him. But I still had stuff to finish.

Whenever I worked on homework Percy would look through different books. He was fascinated by everything. It reminded me of the weeks at the Dursley's after finding out I was a wizard.

By time the fourth week of august rolled around, I had almost completely forgotten that my best friends would be arriving that day.

That morning me and Percy got up like always and headed downstairs for breakfast. Before we got down I realized there was more noise then normal, I recognized a lot of the voices.

I grab Percy's arm and pull him downstairs. "Come on, there are people you need to meet!"

When we get down to where everyone is and Ron and Hermione see us immediately. Hermione rushes over and wraps me in a hug, quickly followed by Ron. It takes them a minute to notice Percy.

"Umm Harry who is the other you?" Ron asks.

I laugh, "Guys, this is Percy my twin brother."

Their faces were priceless. "Your kidding. Not a single book about you mentions a brother!" Hermione declares.

Percy sends me a look and I just shrug, of course that's how Hermione logics this out.

Percy steps forward. "Hi I take it your Ron and Hermione? It's nice to meet you."

He holds his hand out and they cautiously shake it.

"Guys he's not gonna bite. Trust me." I say as I walk over to the rest of the weasley's. Mrs Weasley gives me a hug and I sit down next to Fred, and Percy sits next to George.

They both turn to the one next to them and both say "Hey Harry. Wait... what?"

Me and Percy burst out laughing. And the twins look so confused. I quickly introduce them and Mrs Weasley looks terrified.

"Two Percy's and now two sets of twins. What am I going to do."

Just them Percy Weasley walks in, and Fred starts laughing. "Well, well, well it looks to me that we will need to have a battle of the Percy's, wouldn't you agree George?"

"I think so Fred!"

Percy Weasley looked really confused until he saw my Percy. Great this is confusing, Percy Weasley needs a new name.

Some nice brotherly bonding time and the Weasley's are introduced. Ya know Harry has always been pretty good at telling the twins apart, maybe that's because he was secretly a twin this whole time too.

Now I'm just throwing this out there. Harry and Percy are basically identical. They are the same height, they have the same hair, same face. The only differences are the eye color (emerald green and sea green) Harry's scar and glasses. The only difference from when they were born is the eye color.

As always let me know what y'all think!

Peace y'all.

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