Harsh War (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

518 23 6

A war broke out, a war that some soldiers grew up with. A small unit of specially chosen soldiers are sent on... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.

Chapter 8.

63 3 4
By VoltronMoon



"Tell us the code" A soldier known as Sendak growled as he held Pidge by her throat, smashing her body into the wall, her back creaking slightly as it was bashed into the wall. 

"Kiss My Ass" Pidge choked out as his grip tighten on her throat and she gave a slight smirk towards the soldier.

"How dare a traitor like you speak to me in such a way" Sendak grumbled in anger and started to choke her.

"Leave her alone" Shiro screamed and ran into Sendak making Pidge fall to the ground. 

The other three males all stood with their hands chained together and glared at Sendak for trying to kill their friend while Shiro helped Pidge to stand the best he could with his own hands being cuffed just like pidge hands. 

Matt and Thace was still uncaptured or so the Voltron Unit had hope since they didnt see the other two in the small room where they were thrown in after being cuffed. They hoped Matt and Thace was still safe and hidden from the enemy, they knew with the title of voltron unit they might be kept alive a little longer in the enemy hopes of swapping voltron for their side to surrender. But for basic rebels like matt and thace then they be killed straight away or tortured until Voltron gave the codes they were after. 

They found the weapon in only a week of being in the enemy base and Pidge was able to change the code that started the gas and the code that would make the gas. She also made the base have a memory wipe meaning any technology would be completely useless and it was, the gas could no longer be made since they checked for any paper recorders but the base had none and after looking deeper they found out the enemy was all tech only meaning they just put their enemy in the dark with full system wipe. Of Couse the small single tub of gas that was only enough to kill a small base was still left undestroyed since they got caught but Pidge had the code to open it but as you saw, she wouldnt give it. 

"Give me the code or I shall make sure all know the holt name is traitorous" Sendak warned as he glared at Pidge who glared back will full anger.

"The holts are dead, Ruin our name but my people will always know the true hero of our name. Nothing you say can take away the magic it bought to many. Not many will curse the name nor hate it since we the reason they still live" Pidge grinned back and the others turned to her confused making Sendak smirk as he realised something.

"They dont know your blood line" Sendak spoke making Pidge tense slightly and her friends turn to her with worry.

"Bloodline" Shiro whispered as he glance to Pidge with worry and she looked down in shame.

"The holts are from a small town known as garrison ... the town is in the galra kingdom not the Altea kingdom meaning she was born on our side .. she has enemy blood in her .. she is your enemy" Sendak explained noticing the others freeze in shock and horror while Pidge stayed looking to the ground in shame. 

"I-is that true" Hunk asked with fear since the galra kingdom was there enemy, the ones who killed so many and started this long war. 

"I'm sorry" Pidge whispered weakly as she couldn't bring herself to look at them.

"No this is a joke, your one of us .. right" Lance replied thinking this was just a prank.

"I was born in the galra kingdom but I fight for Altea .. Altea was the birth home of my mother and my father fought to protect her kingdom since he married her. I was just born in the town known as garrison since father became injured on enemy lines and she brought him to his home town in hopes to hide him until he was healed. But was returned to Altea when I became two years old" Pidge replied back trying to show she was still on their side. 

"You lied to us .. I told the team I was born in the galra kingdom straight away and yet you still hid it from us. How do we know your not the spy since your so good at hiding yourself" Keith growled and Pidge froze.

"I'm not the spy, I could never betray you guys" Pidge yelled back hurt by her friend words. 

"Why didnt you tell us .. did you not trust us" Shiro asked with pained eyes making her eyes sadden.

"I do trust you, I just got use to hiding my past" Pidge whispered weakly and looked to the floor once again. 

"Oh this is fun, You truly did betray them" Sendak grinned making the mood worse and soon the door opened showing the leader of the base.

"My name is Lotor, now who of you messed with the galra kingdom to make them go offline and change my codes" Lotor huffed as he stormed in noticing the mood seemed strange.

"It was the Holt .. It seems she been in hiding my prince and well lets just say she no longer hiding" Sendak replied and Lotor looked to the only female in the room.

"I see, does she know" Lotor asked Sendak who shook his head.

Lotor soon walked over to Pidge, Shiro standing a couple feet back still thinking over the news he was told and trying to control his emotions. Lotor looked pidge over and she just glanced to him, she had more important things to be worried over then the prince. Lotor smirked before taking a step back in.

"Tell me the codes" Lotor asked with a slight smirk and crossed his arms.

"Go to hell" Pidge snapped back making Lotor frown.

"Are you sure you want to be so rude towards the guy who can kill your family" Lotor replied and Pidge glanced to him.

"I have no family" Pidge tried lying and Lotor just laughed at her.

"Oh you poor child, Shall I tell you the meaning to your knife" Lotor grinned making Pidge fall pale as Lotor pulled out he the knife her mother gave her.

"I know a lot about you miss holt, want to know how" Lotor grinned as he looked to the name on the handle making him smirk before nodding to a guard who pushed a couple of males into the room.

"Katie" Sam Holt, her father she guessed to be dead all these years stood beside her brother. Her father was wearing the galra unifrom and looked all clean up without a mark. Matt still in his rebel suit looking unsure.

"D-Dad" Katie mutter in shock as she looked to her father who smiled.

"Oh Katie, I was so worried when I couldn't seem to find you again. Why didnt you return to the base" Sam replied and walked forward only for pidge to take a step making her father stop in place.

"A trick, this is a trick because my father wouldnt wilily where the galra uniform. He loved my mother too much to let Altea be destroyed and he too smart to" Pidge replied slightly freaking out as she stepped back more.

"Your right, he is smart and well he smart enough to make the gas that would end the war. Your father is a smart man who couldn't let his home kingdom be wipe out" Lotor finished for her and Pidge looked to her father with horror.

"Its true sis, I found him in the labs and thought he was a prisoner but he not. He wouldnt follow me in the escape and instead called for the guards on thace. He swapped sides" Matt weakly spoke and looked to his sister.

"But they killed mother ... t-they" Pidge cried and her legs gave in making her fall to the ground.

"Poor child .. now give me those codes or shall you watch some more of your family members die by the galra hands" Lotor whispered to the crying girl.

"Piss Off" Pidge mutter back with hate in her eyes and Lotor frowned.

"Kill the brother keep the father alive .. he still of use" Lotor ordered and Pidge quickly stood and bashed Lotor into the wall making him lose balance as he stumbled back. She soon jumped onto his back and placed her cuffs against his throat.

"Give Matt your weapons or I will strangle your Prince" Pidge smirked and her eyes shined with danger.

"Oh and dont try anything, becuase we do hit hard" Shiro grinned as the others turned to see the other four out of the cuffs with hunk holding the key to the cuffs.

"how" Sendak asked shocked.

Pidge grabbed the keys the second your threw us in, she just needed to pass the keys on and well with you telling her secret of her kingdom we acted along. We dont care about where she was born but we acted like we did so shiro could pass us three the keys" Lance smugly smiled as he explained.

"Now pass those weapons or do you wish for the prince to die because he truly pissed her off by showing her father off, well she already knew about her father from when she broke in a base long ago and saw the information crushing her truly at the time but we her family now" Keith smirked and the guards passed their guns to matt who walked over giving them to the voltron unit.

"Now, we going to leave this base alive unless you wish for the prince to be killed" Hunk smiled sweetly as he walked over holding a gun close to lotor while Pidge jumped down and Shiro free her of her cuffs. 

"You planned this" Matt mutter with a impressed smirk and his sister wink.

"Well, we knew someone as smart as a holt would have to be working with the galra to hack into Altea system and to work out the battle plans made by king Alfor. I knew it wasn't me and so it left my father who already worked under them or my brother who I had no clue where he was" Pidge explained with a slight grin.

"We be taking Mr Holt with us and well he be given a nice cell until we end the war so he doesn't get us all killed again" Hunk smiled kindly and Mr Holt frowned.

"These might hurt" Lance teasing smiled as he cuffed Sam who grunted and glared at Lance. 

"time to go" Matt smiled and the group started walking with hunk still keeping a gun to Lotor and lance pulling Sam along while the others kept them covered from any attacks. 

"Oh and the last gas in the tube, well its fake we already destroyed the real gas on our second day here" Shiro spoke with pride and the group soon walked out the base main doors, Thace meeting up with them since he did fake his death as the guards shot at him just so he could help save his friends later only to bump into them escaping. 

Soon they all reached the rebel base and Matt decided it was time to help end this long war and chose a side. Sam Holt was placed in a cell inside the rebels place since they had a cave cell hidden deep in the cave and without blowing up the new door, no one would escape. 

The war came to an end only six months later, without their technology and advance weapons design made by Sam the galra kingdom was useless. Meaning Pidge little wiping the tech memory helped destroy the kingdom from the inside and help with the war with the help of the soldiers fighting back the last of the small armies left. 

Peace and freedom was given, the harsh war was over. 

End the harsh war was the best gift anyone could have gave ... it was a memory that would stay in history. 

Well that wasn't the only part remembered in history, the galra kingdom needed a new king or queen. Someone the people trusted with the kingdom and thanks to a certain famous last name thanks to Colleen Holt kindness ... New royals was chosen to be the new blood of the kingdom.

Now Matt would gladly be king but he learned that kings couldn't really mess with women and he would have to find himself a wife within a month after becoming a King. So of course Matt passed his sister shoulder before running from the throne, he still had some lady action to get and well he wanted to find love the old way. 

So Pidge no Katie took the throne after being pinned down by her loyal knights who were her friends, Sir Keith, Sir Lance, Sir Hunk and Sir Shiro. 

But the most memorial day was when Sir Shiro got to marry the women he loved .. Queen Katie. 

A new Queen and King was given to the galra kingdom and the people felt joy from having a king and Queen who held true love for the other and ruled together with warm smiles. 

They brought the kingdom happiness and made it a place where everyone was safe and could smile without fear. 

They were the forgotten hope of the kingdom who names became lost to history after the human race grew on. 

But the children the loving married couple had, well they kept the blood line going just their own children and so on. 

History may have forgotten the names of the forgotten hope but the blood never did. 

"That is so not true" Lance sighed as he sat in his history class in after school detention and sat at the desk in the middle of the room just leaning his head in his hand. 

"I dont know, many wars and names are forgotten over time when the human race moves on so much. We only remember some compared to all the ones who made history" Hunk explained as he sat  at the front desk in the history detention closest to the teacher who sat at her desk. 

"Why are we even being told a history story during detention, none of us are actually here because of history its just the room being used for detention" Keith grumbled as he leaned back on his chair placing his feet on the table. 

"No one gonna ask about why miss used all our names in the story, I mean isn't that a little creepy" Matt replied as he sat at the desk close to the door with his arms crossed but he sat up straight. 

"Look, its just an old story I was told by my grandmother who parents told her after their parent's told them. But it seemed my family is rather grateful towards the holts after all my of the females end up being called Colleen. My grandmother once said it was became our family came from the solder known as Thace" Colleen the history teacher of the school replied with a caring smile as she looked to the random students all stuck in detention.

"So I blow up a bin in the head master office and my punishment is to listen to an old story that holds mine and my twin brother last name. I should blow up more things in the headmaster office" Katie smirked as she sat in the corner desk by the window. 

"It was a nice story miss but you didnt need to tell it to us just because we the orphanage students in school. We all know that the school pities us every year during family disc at school and give us a detention on the night so we wont think about not having a family. Can we just go home please" Shiro replied with a small smile and Colleen sighed. 

"Look I know we pity you students for being from the orphanage but this year we didnt need to give you a fake detention since you all made trouble this year" Colleen replied with a small smile.

"Yeah, I pulled the fire alarm after lance dared me too" Hunk spoke in shame as he looked to his lap.

"I may or may have drawn something on a teacher car" Lance replied with a embarrassed smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I got into ten fights this week and even punched the headmaster, this is my punishment" Keith smugly smirked making the teacher frown.

"In my defence my glasses were broken and I couldn't tell what door said the girls and what one said the boys. I should not be in detention over walking into the girls changing rooms by mistake, I'm as blind as a bat without my contacts or glasses" Matt replied as he looked to the teacher who seemed like a blur.

"Your in detention because of you and your sister twin pranks this week" Colleen frowned and Matt did an 'oh' face before nodding in understanding.

"In my defence, we make the best pranks and even the teachers cheer us on when its not aimed at them" Katie grinned proudly and the other students nodded in agreement.

"So Shiro are we going to talk about why your in detention" Colleen smiled as she turned the to the guy who sat beside Katie with his arm around her as she cuddle up to his chest. 

"I punched a guy who was bullying my girlfriend and wouldnt leave her alone and then he tried to lift her skirt. I have no regrets and Your lucky Katie pulled me away before I killed the guy. Katie is mine and if anyone going to harm the one I love then they already dead" Shiro replied with slight pride and kissed his girlfriend forehead. 

"Oh just go home, I give up" Colleen mumbled and the group soon stood.

Keith helping Matt walk without hitting anything. Lance and Hunk just talking as they walked in front of matt and Keith to make a path for the blind bat. Shiro and Katie walking slightly behind hand in hand and just enjoying the walk together. 

"I love you" Shiro smiled gently with love in his eyes as he looked to his girlfriend of three years.

"I love you" Katie smiled warmly before the couple shared a sweet kiss not caring of their friends/family saw. 

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