PRO-CHOICES (sequel ) (COMPLE...

By Bhristwpt

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Read to find out!!! and if you haven't read the first book "choices" go Nowwwwwwwww More

- (not a update)
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Q and A 👊🏽😭


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By Bhristwpt


I watched Ashton run around on the stage and dancing to the beats that was being tested for my tour after I have the baby and when me and Chris get married.

Chris will be watching Ashton for two whole months cause I'm traveling world wide for this tour.

I have to start rehearsals and get everything ready make sure the beats and instrumentals are right.

I grabbed my bag.

I have been rehearsing all day and I brung Ashton along with me so he could watch his mom do her thing on stage.

"Bye y'all!"I called

They all said "bye" and "see you next week"

"Ash"I said and he ran to me and I picked him up.

I laughed

"Ready to go" I said

He nodded his head

It was only 1:08pm so it was still sunny outside.

Then my phone dinged I sat Ashton on the car hood and checked it.

I laughed and bit my lip.

I looked at Ashton and this was a picture moment.

"Baby, you wanna take a picture?" I asked smiling

He smiled and nodded his head "yeah"

"Okay pose" I said and he stood up and I made sure that he wasn't going to fall

I took the picture and smiled.

He is so Chris's son. Posing like Chris and shit with his braided hair.


Sitting on the couch I watched 'Martin' I threw I piece of popcorn in the air and caught it in my mouth.

I did it again but this time chris popped his head on top of me and caught it in his mouth.

I smacked my lips

"What?"he said chewing the piece of popcorn

"Where is ash?"

"lil boy fell asleep on me"he said picking up my feet and and sitting down. He placed my feet on him as I looked at the TV

Martin and Pam were arguing and as usual Gina has to break those two up.

I felt Chris staring at me.

"Camilla got any info on the car accident?"he asked

"I'm not worried about that right now chris" I said "all I'm worried about is this baby and the wedding"

He nodded and smiled

"Maybe it's better we don't know who did it cause I think I know who did"he says

"Bree" I said shrugging

"Why are you shrugging"

"I'm done with her bullshit" I said shaking it off

He kissed my cheek "can we watch something different...Pams voice annoys me"

He made a stink face when he said that. I laughed

"Okay martin" I said

He looked at me "thanks...Gina"

I shook my head while smiling.

Then Chris's phone rang. He groaned and reached into his back pocket and got his phone out then answered it.

"Hello?.....really!....when? wow that's amazing....thanks Mark I appreciate it"

He hung up the phone and looked at me then smiled "your man is performing at Leviticus"

"Oh my gosh YES!"I said in excitement

"This is a great start"he said

"Did you finish your album?"I asked in curiosity

"Yes...heartbreak on a full moon is officially done. I recorded yellow tape last night. That's the last song" he said

"Now we can focus on our wedding"I said sitting up

"Baby I don't wanna get married in a church" he whined

He plopped himself on the couch like a big childish kid and pouted.

"Your acting like Ashton right now,Chris"I said "we don't have to...maybe! It can be one of those cute little nature Venus they have at those hotels"

"Get married in a hotel venue...your shitting me right"he said tilting his head

"Or we could get married in the backyard of my old house in Maryland"I suggested

"Hm"he said thinking

"I actually have a picture of my backyard when construction men came to fix the pool"I explained getting my phone

I took out her phone and pulled up the picture I then showed it to him.

"Damn that's a big ass space"he said

"Yeah"I said putting my phone back on the coffee table

"I think that's a better choice then a search"he said grabbing my feet so they were on his lap her took off my socks and started massaging my feet.

"I also- mmm- I also was thinking We should get a new house"I said

"A new house for what?"he asked

"Chris...just for a bigger space and the baby is on its way soon"

"Well...WHATS wrong with cosa de Chris land" he asked

"I just want a new can still keep this house with your cartoons on the walls and your little gaming systems and when this baby is born I don't want her or him to get hurt since you installed your games and shit looking like Dave and busters in here"I explained

"I don't call it Dave and busters...i call it Dave and breezy's"he said "but your right...your right let's get a new house"

He smiled and nodded "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Also we will have high top security at that wedding" I said

"Oh for sure any risk ole' roach banner Bruce feet ass coming and messing up the happiest day of my life"he said

"Our...our life"I corrected him

"MY life"

I grabbed the pillow from behind her and smacked him with it.

He dodged it and stuck his tongue out "HA HA"

We laughed

"Can I get some pussy now"he said and he hand was lingering on my Thigh

"Chris I'm tired"

"Well...I can help put you to sleep"he said and winked



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