Damaged Love

By abilovesreading

156 27 0

Set of poems that depict love, past abuse, brokenness, and getting better. Part 2 of heartbroken complication. More

Damaged Love
Coming to terms
Mental Health Day
Processing and healing
Goodbye Letters
One word


5 2 0
By abilovesreading

There is a deep sense of hurt,

whenever I am reminded 

of you

I can't believe 

that at one point 

I mistook fear

for butterflies,

and being in love



even with you gone,

and not dealing with your manipulation

I still feel the hurt you caused





you are warm beach days,

and ocean breezes,

you are warmth on my bare skin,

and a sense of freedom

when I think of happiness,

it is all about being in control,

and free

the world is big and full

there are opportunities in every corner,

but the world is also so small

and I can bump into you

at every edge


I am known

for pain,

I have only known,


and as your hand no longer constricts my neck,

the rope will have to do

and as you no longer slice open my skin,

the knife will have to take it's place

as you no longer scream bloody murder,

my ears will have to shatter from the music 

blasting through the speakers of my car

as you no longer push your entire body weight onto me

I will suffocate myself, trap myself, feel out of control

because you were the one to show me pain,

and that is all I have known,

I follow all the paths

with the most pain,

and it's a comfort to be in such a familiar place

I may have moved away from you,

but he did the same,

and the one after,

and the one after that,

and now that they all are gone,

I only have myself to follow up 

on that pain


As I see the clammy skin,

I expect your eyes to open,

and I am not filled with fear,

but a deep sadness I have never known

I want to grieve

but I am holding onto her hand,

as she pours everything out of herself,

her knees buckle,

and I am all her support,

I shut down my tears,

I'll cry later,

as we go home,

she is still too broken,

too fragile,

it is not the right time to grieve,

as I head back to my own place,

I have too much I missed 

that I have to deal with now,

I can grieve later

Months past by,

I will grieve when I can,

half a year passes,

I tell him about you,

a single tear drops,

but I can't open that canal of un-shed tears,

I may never stop

so I think of your death,

but I can not grieve you,

you are added to the list of held in pain,

this is the third death that I have been unable to fully grieve

but as it was too late for me to change,

it is too late to cry for you,

at this point,

I did this to myself,

and I can no longer have your death as an obstacle,

and I have to continue

being a student, an employee,

there is no longer a chance to grieve


In the times,

where the depression doesn't hit hard,

and the anxiety, doesn't turn into panic

I allow myself to feel sad

just for a moment

but there is so much sadness,

that it scares me 

I am not allowed to feel sad,

not in front of him,

or them,

they don't understand,

they don't care,

they are uncomfortable,

so the sadness is no longer something I am allowed to feel,

because sadness is always questioned for depression

or suicide

and it just ends up going deeper

since sadness is not an okay feeling


Depression is there from the moment I wake up

To the moment I lay down to sleep

It never leaves me alone 

It has grown to be a part of me

And that sucks

The more I ignore it the more it manifests 

Into a big ball of blackness

And when I finally acknowledge it

The more it traps me inside and suffocates me

I have no energy

No motivation

And there's nothing I want to do

But lie in bed and stay empty


There's an inexpressible rage inside me

There's no latch to hold onto 

No grip

It boils up inside me and

There's no control

It build until

I want to punch holes in the wall

Tear my skin open with my bare hands

Break things

And pound into you


When there is no rage

There is still anger

Anger for the abuse I went through

Anger for all the damage I endured

All the pain

Anger for not being able to change my life around

Or to love myself

Anger that I am un-worthy of love

And that you'll never love me

Anger that this is all I know


I am anxious

to make a decision

because I am always wrong

I am anxious to make a 


because I don't know what I want

a choice between subway and taco bell

is more of a decision then food,

because I think of you,

and I think of me

I don't know what I want,

so what would you,

and would I be okay with that decision

I am anxious

I am anxious

I care too much,

of everyone else but me

I am scared,

I am scared,

this is what happens

when I met you,

a hurricane to my tornado,

and I just love too much,

and I am anxious


it is hard to hope

when even the smallest sliver of hope

ends in disappointment

why bring myself up,

get hopeful,

to crash to the ground


as I say love,

I remember him,

but I also think

of all the love broken,

and the way that love

is thrown around,

when it clearly isn't 



Happy sadness

Sad anger

Crying rage

Sad smiles

everything is in a big bowl,

being whirled around

I am happy but suicidal,

I smile with sad eyes,

my heart flutters and skips a beat,

while freezing with panic

panic rises up

while calm soothes down

can't hold onto a single feeling

for more then two seconds


the excitement lights up my eyes,

they finally shine,

in the dullness

the excitement makes me want to jump

up and down,

and laugh

I want to do these fun things,

I am fun, happy

but the excitement dies down quickly

and I am left even more empty


Cali S'mores

I had a dream about you,

my little furry child,

I had killed myself,

and he was the one designated to take care of you,

you were sad

and you wouldn't eat,

he'd take you out and hold you

He would whisper in your ear

Are you sad Callie,

do you miss her,

because I do

and Cali,

at that moment

after waking, 

you were rumbling, 

wanting food

I picked you up,

and you purred into me,

and I am so sorry,

that you need me

since I never know 

where I am even at, feeling,

on the daily


You have always been the strong one

in the family,

and it scared us all, 

because you could walk away without a thought, 

and leave us all behind

you had to be strong,

because we all depended on you,

but how can I keep seeing you as strong,

with the new information rising,

I never thought you'd stay with someone

who'd cheat,

you are too good for that,

and I never expected you to stay

through all the abuse you have,

you are stronger then that

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