The Mafia's Bride (Book 2)

By temanguby

424K 15.8K 2.5K

The Russian mafia is being threatened, there is a new player in the game and he is planning on taking them al... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 34

5.1K 251 61
By temanguby

The two day honeymoon was over, waking up was the hardest thing because it meant me getting ready to leave.

One more minute, I kept saying, kissing the top of her head which lay on my chest. She held on tight to me making sure I would not disappear even though she was deep in sleep. My heart broke, how could it not, I had never had so much to lose and for the first time there was this large part of me that wanted me to betray my men and let them go alone but I couldn't. Many lives were at stake here and if this would be done right I would be back here holding my wife in my arms before Friday.

I turned to the watch on the night stand and groaned. Time was getting away from me and soon I would have to slip away from my beautiful wife and leave. My heart broke but I shook my head, thinking of how stupid that sounded, ' my heart does not break, I am not a sissy,' I said to myself only to realise how this was the hardest thing I had ever done in my life.

I did not want to go. I felt like killing someone for making me do this but not to fear, tomorrow was the day. I would kill them slowly, burning their hands and feet in acid then placing a knife just next to them which they could use to cut themselves loose so they can escape, so ironic and funny to see them trying without hands and feet.

Darn I did not want to leave.

She looked so peaceful and happy only for me to wake her up to nothing but heart break. It killed me to no end, killed me just leaving her like that. Was she even still safe here? What if they caught her and I was not here? I just did not want to go.

Deciding to stop being a pussy I slipped out of bed and went straight to the shower, I washed my hair then body while reminiscing on all the memories in this room. The funny fights of when she takes a dump when I am bathing or when she switches off the lights on her way out to punish me for taking so long.

In a few minutes I stepped out, wrapping the towel around my waist while scolding myself for being so sensitive today. This was not a day to be all soft, today was game day and I had to do hard choices to save all the people I loved. If I did not do this Harley would not be safe.

Walking back in the room, she was still asleep laying at an awkward position sure to give her back ache and I would not be there to give her a back massage, my heart broke again.

"Stop it you dumb ass!" I said to myself getting the edge to hit my head on the wall. What was happening to me? Hearts breaking and all that, I was Klaus Raderou and my heart never broke, I do not have a heart.

I went to the closet pushing all the clothes away revealing a secret door. I punched in the code and it opened showing me all my tools and work clothes. I pulled out the black cargo pants along with the black long sleeved t-shirt. I put the clothes on after putting some briefs then decided to wear the rest later. Closing everything up I walked out of the closet taking one look at my beautiful sexy wife, stalking to her only to place a kiss her on the forehead. Straightening up I turned and walked away, leaving the room and walking to another, switching the lights on.

The dark room went bright making me able to make out the crib which I walked to. Rina lay with her belly not moving except for the rise and fall of her chest. Squirting down I looked at her face which was turned away from me.

"Morning my beautiful daughter," I said not getting tired of using the word, lord I could say it a thousand times and over not taking even a breather.

Her head turned so quick I thought she would get a whip lash, this daughter of mine just like her father was an early riser. Her eyes were wide open, looking, unbelieving that it is really me. I could not help the bright smile on my face as she smiled, her mouth opening and showing her really tiny teeth, just one teeth. She smiled until she was giggling. She could not believe it was me which meant she had been awake for the longest time. I wasted no time and stood up, picking her up and twirling with her in my arms around the room causing her to laugh so hard she had hiccups after.

"Let us go for a bath," I said as I laid her on the changing table taking out her pink jumpsuit then her diaper which was filled with urine, definitely smelling. I folded it and threw it in the trash just next to the table before wiping her very tiny butt.

In seconds the young lady was wrapped in her fluffy towel as I took her to her bathroom where she took a bath. It was always a struggle to wash her head as the water would sometimes slid down to her face into her eyes so whenever I was about to wash her hair she would scream bloody murder.

"It will be over in a minute don't be a sissy." I said as she screamed her lungs out trying to get away from my grasp but that helped her none as I washed her hair, water going down to her face because she kept turning her head. I wiped her hair then face.
"See we are done, no need to fuss." I said washing the rest of her body while she continued crying, trying to prove her point but the thing is she also liked the water so she was crying while her hands were playing with the water. What a stubborn child!

"Okay Sorry, please stop crying now?" I asked, walking back to her room laying her on the changing table. I put on some baby jelly on her skin when done, pouring some baby powder where the nappy will be then put the nappy on before she peed on me for sport.

I went to her closet finding black sweat pants, a white vest and a purple knitted sweater which she looked cute in.  Picking her up we went to the mini fridge where I pulled out her bottle and put it in the bottle warmer. After some time I pulled it out and we went sitting on the rocking chair where she sat on my lap holding her own bottle with the support of my hand as she gulped it down taking a few breaths now and again then lunging at it after. The bottle was nearly down when she pushed it away with both hands, her way of saying ' thank you daddy I am full now'.

It took five minutes for her to burp after all the cooing I had done.

"Let's go make some noise for mommy until she wakes up." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I put on the front baby carrier and slid her in then we were on our way out. When I got to the room Harley was still sleeping having kicked all the blankets away leaving her shivering, hands wrapped around her torso with constant scratching of her belly. We stood there watching her sleep, she was just something else.

Walking further in the room we walked into the closet with Rina spitting saliva while mumbling sounds only she could understand. I took out my long gun range, putting it in its case where I put three knives in and different guns, zipping the long guitar-like case. After that I pulled on my black socks followed with my black leather boots, tucking in the cargo pants before tying the boots so tight. With that done two knives were slipped in the boot's pockets along with a short gun. Two guns were slipped at the back of the pants while the last four along with some grenades were put in the bullet proof vest I would be wearing on top.

I was pulling on my black hat when I heard the sound, turning around. Harley sat on the bed staring at me with glassy eyes. Her eyes were puffy from sleep with her chin quivering along with her lips. Something inside me dropped to the pit of my stomach at seeing her like that. Her hair fell at the back of her shoulders messily.

I had not even realised that I had been making my way to her where I pulled her in a hug with Rina between us.
"Don't go" were the words she said as a tear slipped. I wiped it with my finger, hating the pain I was causing her, hating to see her like that and just wanting nothing than to promise her that I would be back before midnight, to hold her through the cold night but I couldn't do that. I could not give her false hope. Even I did not know if I would survive this but I sure would fight to hell and back just to get back to them. 

This was my family and I loved them dearly.

It was hard but I pulled away, walking back to the closet not even looking back. This was killing me but I had to be strong for her, for them. I gave Rina a kiss on the forehead, taking her by surprise as she looked up at me with her big eyes, those lashes just flipping up. She took my breath away when a large smile spread across her lips, she totally had no idea what was about to happen.

I continued packing my tools in another duffle bag. It was a couple of minutes later when warm hands were wrapped around my waist causing my heart to jump up in excitement. Just her mere touch sent me crazed. She lay her head on my back as I placed my hand over hers.

"Promise me you'll come back?" She asked.

"I cannot do that Harley," I said back.

"Just say it please, even if it's a lie, just say it Klaus." She said desperately making me want to scoop her up and promise her the world but I could not, could I? So I just stood there awkwardly, my back to her.

"I hate you," She said her fists connecting with my back as she hit, crying her heart out in the process. It was a few minutes later when she stopped, heaving heavily, a sob breaking out of her. I turned around taking her hands into mine.

"Harley listen to me, you need to be strong. You need to be strong love, for Rina. If I fail they will come for you with all they have. Listen Harley."  I paused waiting for her to collect herself as she nodded trying to hold it in.

"There will be two guards who will be outside all the time. It this house is attacked I want you to run into the secret door in that closet. The password is your father's second name." We walked together to the door which I closed then opened again to show that it was her father's name. The door opened showing guns, knives and more equipment in shelves.
"You take this bag Harley, it has both you and Rina's passports, ID cards, bank cards in two different names. You take this bag love and go down this stair case. It will lead you to a tunnel which will lead you out of the compound to the outskirts of town. You pick any country and go. Do not contact anyone, I will find you, wherever you are, I will find you. Trust no one except me."

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