My Prince under the Mountain...

By lucypie555

92 7 0

Half human - half elf: Ellothrien is under the care of her uncle Lord Elrond in Rivendell. A skilled fighter... More



9 1 0
By lucypie555

I heard groans and cries from the other trees as the wargs got closer and closer to them.
The trees trembled greatly and I felt Fili slip from his position beside me.
My eleven reflexes allowed me to grab his forearm before he fell too far. I lifted him up gently so as not to harm him or allow him to be harmed by the vicious dogs panting below us. I settled him on the branch next to me and another rock of the tree meant I wrapped an arm around him tightly to hold him there securely.
Looking up at him I noticed his cheeky grin and blushed, releasing him.
"Hold on tight." I warned.
"Thank you, Ellothrien."
My heart stuttered slightly as my name tumbled past his lips and despite the situation I felt a faint blush on my cheeks.
Luckily it was too dark to notice.
By this point the golden sunset behind us  had faded into the ambiguous night.
The wargs continued their assault.
I winced as the first tree fell and then the next and the next.
"Jump!" I cried as the branches of our tree entangled with the next. I pushed off my branch and leapt, grabbing blindly at the new tree. However only moments later this one was toppling forwards. We carried on jumping until we were all gathered in the last tree, hovering over the edge of the cliff.
Above me was Gandalf and I noticed him take a pine cone, lighting it with his staff and then throwing it onto the waiting swarm of wargs below. He lit a few more and dropped one down,
The dwarf caught the pine cone and used it to light both mine and Bilbo's, handling it like a hot potato before throwing it at the wargs, lighting the fallen trees at the same time.
The wargs whimpered and turned back. We all cheered, celebrating our minor victory until the tree creaked and began to fall.
I gasped as Ori fell, holding only onto Dori's feet. Dori himself was slipping.
"Mr Gandalf!" Dori cried as his grip on the trunk finally loosened. Gandalf thrust out his staff and Dori grabbed onto it for dear life.
While trying to stay on the tree myself I turned my head sideways to see Azog growling in anticipation.
"Thorin no!" I called as I noticed the dwarf get to his feet, sword brandished by his side.
"Thorin!" I cried once more, struggling to get to my feet.
We all watched with bated breath as he charged at the orc, striding through felled trees and fire to reach his goal.
None of us could tear our eyes from the sight in front of us as Azog and his Warg knocked Thorin to the floor. He groaned and stood rather hastily before he was approached once more by Azog who hit him square in the face with his axe.
There was a collective intake of breath as the dwarf fell to the floor with a grunt of pain.
I yelled as the Warg clamped it's teeth around the would be king.
"Thorin no!" Dwalin cried but his shift of weight as he tried to race to him meant the branch he was on snapped and he only just saved himself from falling to his death.
I mustered all the strength I could and swung from the tree, spinning up and flipping to land on top of it. My feet teetered and I thrust out my arms to keep my balance.
Thorin had been thrown to the floor by Azog and an Orc was approaching him menacingly. I started to run but gasped as I realised that a figure was running in front of me.
He lunged at the Orc heading for Thorin and I was shocked at his bravery.
Then my view turned to Azog.
I had my own grievances with him and he knew this as he smirked evilly at me.
I let out a shriek and launched myself at him, grabbing my daggers from their scabbards.
"Lacho calad! Drego morn!"
I leapt into the air, slicing at the first Warg that jumped at me, knocking his rider off its back before spinning and stabbing it through the skull. It whined and crumpled to the ground. I projected myself off the Warg and at Azog who had turned to watch Bilbo back away, unsure of his next actions.
With a grin of satisfaction I felt my dagger make contact with the flesh of Azog's cheek, creating a large gash and causing him to tumble sideways slightly. I flipped over Azog and landed on his other side.
His eyes reached me, gaze murderous and his attention was diverted from Bilbo. I backed away up to the other side of the cliff, slightly regretting my hasty plan as Azog lifted his weapon, stalking closer and closer.
"Az za alba."
I gulped, drawing my daggers by my sides and preparing to fight. Suddenly a load roar distracted me and the two other wargs and their riders that had been stalking me were grabbed and tackled by the rest of the dwarves.
I cheered slightly at their appearance and began to help them as more wargs pounced on us.
I ducked and thrust my dagger upwards into the belly of one, withdrawing it and kicking it away with disgust. The Orc that had been riding it was making way for Bilbo who had managed to lose his sword so I threw the weapon and watched as it embedded itself perfectly in the back of the creatures head.
Unfortunately Azog was still angry about sustaining an injury and his Warg growled as I tried to evade it. No matter how much I twisted and turned to avoid him and run to safer ground, I was cornered.
With a gulp and quick burst of determination I raced forwards, sliding under the Warg and tried to thrust my dagger upwards into its soft belly but one of its paws clamped down on my chest. It felt as though all my ribs would break from the pressure and I couldn't breathe. I raised my dagger to stab its foot. It whimpered and I took the chance of it lifting its paw to roll away. As I rushed back to the edge of the cliff I felt four claws rip down my back and searing pain spread throughout my body.
I fell to the ground and let out a scream whilst trying to get to my feet and turning around so I wasn't vulnerable.
Azog watched me panting with an almost amused expression.
He was well aware of the drop that was only a few feet behind me.
I had nowhere to go.
I turned to look at Gandalf once I heard Ori and Dori scream. He looked calm. Too calm.
I smiled as I turned back to Azog.
With precision I chucked my last dagger and it embedded itself in his shoulder.
He howled and leapt forwards, axe raised, but I smirked and fell backwards over the side of the cliff.

*.         *.          *.  

I felt the soft feathers of the eagle beneath my hands as I lay on my back and allowed myself to be carried away.
Tears slipped down the side of my face as I felt the pain ripple through my body with every slight movement.
I heard an anguished cry from one of the other eagles. It was Fili. Along with his brother Kili they were watching their uncle suspended from the claws of one of the great eagles. He didn't look well.
I leant forward to whisper something to my own eagle and despite no audible affirmation we swooped down to below Thorin's eagle. Gingerly I reached up and guided him down onto the back of my own eagle.
"Thorin?" I whispered. I got no response. Gently I placed his head in my lap and checked his wrist for a pulse. There was a faint one.
"Right. Hang in there Thorin. Please. We need you." I whispered as I retrieved a clear vial filled with vibrant blue liquid from my belt.
Had I not been so absorbed in healing the dwarf I would have noticed the dwarves watching me with fascination.
I tilted his head back and allowed a small amount of the liquid to fall down the back of his throat.
I waited a few moments but nothing happened. I sighed and looked up, noticing that the dwarves were all huddled on their own eagles, some looking slightly more terrified than others.
Seeing as the potion had yet to take effect I searched for any obvious wounds on Thorin and aside from the obvious facial wounds I couldn't find any that were too detrimental to his health.
I pushed back his hair and took the plants from my satchel rubbing them together into an almost paste. I softly attended the mixture to each of his wounds and sat back.
The eagle was coming in to land on a large rock that jutted out into the sky and as it did so I lifted Thorin from its feathered back onto the stone floor.
The rest of the dwarves soon joined us, crying out for their king as he lay unresponsive on the ground.
"What did you do to him?" Dwalin asked.
"I tried to heal him. If it worked is another matter."
Gandalf crouched down beside me also and passed his hand over Thorin, whispering a few incantations.
Thorin's eyes opened gently.
"Where's the halfling?"
"Bilbo is here. He's quite safe." Gandalf assured. Thorin struggled to his feet, Fili and Kili stepping forwards to help him.
"You." He adresses Bilbo. "What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us?"
I started slightly towards the two, wanting to help Bilbo ,who looked like an animal caught in a trap. A gentle hand restrained me. I looked up in surprise to see Fili with a gentle expression. He tilted his head back to the situation in front of us.
"I have never been so wrong in all my life." Thorin strode forwards and wrapped the hobbit in a tight embrace. The dwarves cheered and laughed and I couldn't help but join in.
"I'm sorry I doubted you."
"I would've doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior. Not even a burglar." Bilbo chuckled and Gandalf smiled at him fondly.
The eagles cried as they began to spread their wings and fly away. I petted my eagle and wished it farewell.
"What is this?" Thorin suddenly turned around, seemingly angered again as he removed the plant mush from his face.
"It's Lissuin. It stops the swelling."
"An elvish remedy?" He looked disgusted.
"Without her you would likely be dead." Gandalf assured the dwarf.
Thorin turned to look at me with a calculating gaze.
"Well then I guess it is three times that I owe you my life, Lady Ellothrien." I was bewildered at the honour with which he spoke and the lack of distaste with which he spoke my name. He bowed and I smiled at him gently.
"I swore to show you that I could become one of the company. And I would lay down my life to protect anyone here. I know you question the loyalty of elves but I can assure you we are not all the same."
"I'm sorry for misjudging you. We are grateful to have you with us." As he said so I scanned the company and smiled at their beaming faces. I truly felt as though I belonged. I couldn't help my gaze from lingering particularly on Fili.
Thorin diverted my attention with his gaze over my shoulder and we all turned to look at the view ahead of us.
"Erebor, the lonely mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle earth."
The mountain stood proud in the distance and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for getting so far.
"Our home." Thorin smiled.
"A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain."
"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf corrected."
"But we'll take it as a sign. A good omen." Thorin added.
Bilbo sighed contentedly,
"I do believe the worst is behind us."
That was when the world began to spin and my vision went dark.

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