Spencer Reid Imagines

By NiallJHoran22

15K 86 13

These will be Imagines of our lovable Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, if they suck I'm sorry these are... More

Authors Note
The New Girl
Scratch's Demise
Taken 2
Big Brother
Confronting Her
The Baby

Jail Visit & Release

1.7K 15 4
By NiallJHoran22

Spencer has been in jail for what feels like forever now, and (Y/n) has been planning on going to visit him. Even though Spencer doesn't want her to visit she's determined to go and visit him. (Y/n) goes to Emily's office and knocks on the door. "Come in." Emily chimes from the other side of the door, (Y/n) enters the office shutting the door behind her. "Hey Emily, I want to take the day off to go visit Spencer. I know I'm not on his list of Visitors but I have to see him, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to function without him. I'm barely sleeping and it's starting to show, I mean he and I don't live together yet. But I know that he's not safe and it's driving me nearly crazy." Emily listens to (Y/n) and nods, "Alright, I'll call them and tell them that you're coming and that they need to let you see him even though you're not on the list because I need you at your best, you're one of my best."

(Y/n) smiles and hugs Emily, "Thank you so much, Emily you won't regret this. I'm gonna go buy my ticket for a flight to go visit him." Before Emily can even answer (Y/n) is already out the door and to the Bullpen to her desk, already booking her ticket. Once it's done (Y/N) rushes out the door and drives to the airport, she shows them her ticket and boards the plane. Once (Y/n) gets off the plane she drives to Millburn Correctional Facility, pulls into the parking lot, and goes inside, "Hello, ma'am." "Name?" "(Y/L/N), (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)." "Inmate?" "Spencer Reid." "You're not on his list, but I have a note here saying that you were granted permission from your Boss that you must see that Inmate, so go ahead through." (Y/n) thanks her before a buzzer sounds and she's let into where the Inmates talk to people. (Y/n) sits down and waits for Spencer to come out, and when he does, she smiles.

Spencer sits down, putting his hands on the ledge. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't on my Visitor's List." (Y/n) nods, "I'm not, but Emily got me access. I had to see you, I'm not sleeping and I'm not able to focus on the cases and I'm slowly losing my sanity knowing you're not home." Spencer sighs heavily, "I don't want you here (Y/n), you should have just stayed back in Quantico." (Y/n) looks at Spencer with tears in her eyes, "Why, because you didn't want me to see you like this? Well, guess what Spencer, you're going to have to deal with it because I love you and I don't care how you look." (Y/n) reaches her hands up to his, holding them. Spencer looks at her with no emotion whatsoever, (Y/n) notices this and pulls her hands away, "You're acting like you don't love me the way I love you."

Spencer leans forward so he's close to (Y/n), grabs her hands tightly, and whispers to her. "I do love you so much, I never thought I would be able to love again after I lost Maeve, but you showed me that anything's possible. If I say it out loud in front of these Inmates, I'm scared of what'll happen to you." (Y/n) nods, "I'll be fine, I promise you. Nothing's going to happen to me because if it does, I know I'd have the best team working to find me," (Y/n) says with a smile. Spencer sits back in his chair and smiles at her. "There's that smile that I love so much." (Y/n) looks at the clock and then back to Spencer, "I was thinking about going to visit your mother after I left here, I want to let her know how you're doing." Spencer nods, "She hasn't been here yet to see me, I don't want her to see me like this."

(Y/n) nods, "Don't worry, I'll tell her you love her and you'll see her soon." "I won't see her soon, (Y/n)." (Y/n) nods, "Yes you will because we're gonna get you out of here, that I can promise you." Spencer smiles, "You're amazing, you know that." (Y/n) smiles and nods, "So are you, my Boy Wonder." A buzzer sounds and some of the Inmates groan, (Y/n) looks at Spencer and frowns, "I love you, I'll see you soon." Spencer nods, "I love you." (Y/n) gets up as Spencer is taken back to where he was, she sighs and leaves. (Y/n) goes to her car and calls Emily, it rings a few times before she answers. "Prentiss." "Emily, hey, it's (Y/n). I just wanted to say thank you for letting me visit with Spencer, I think I got him to come around on my visiting him. But I wanted to let you know that I'm going to stop by and check on Diana, I wanna see how she is."

"Great JJ's on her way there, you can meet up with her. She usually goes to check on Diana every week, so you can fly back with her." (Y/n) nods then realises Emily can't see her, "Great thanks Emily, see you soon." (Y/n) hangs up the phone and begins her journey back to the airport to fly to Las Vegas. Once (Y/n) lands in Vegas she drives to see Diana, catching JJ leaving. "Hey JJ, are you going back to the Bureau yet? Emily said we could fly back together." JJ looks at (Y/n), "No, I'm not flying back yet, I am tomorrow. I'm staying at the hotel for the night, just call me when you get to the hotel and I'll come down and meet you." (Y/n) nods, "Okay great, thanks JJ." JJ nods and gets into a car and drives off to the hotel.

(Y/n) goes into the building and knocks on the door, Cassie answers. "Cassie, hi. May I come in?" Cassie looks at her funny, "Right, I'm sorry we haven't met yet, I work with Spencer and Jennifer. I'm (Y/n), Spencer's girlfriend." "How do I know you work with Spencer and Jennifer?" (Y/n) reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her wallet showing her credentials to Cassie who nods. "Alright, please come in." Cassie moves aside and (Y/n) comes in shutting the door behind her. (Y/n) sees Diana on the sofa reading a book, and she walks in front of Diana. "Hello Diana, do you remember me?" Diana looks up from her book, then back down to mark her page and shuts it.

Diana looks back up at (Y/n), trying to think. "It's okay Diana, don't think too hard, if you don't remember it's okay." Diana nods, "Is it Allie?" (Y/n) shakes her head, "No, it's (Y/n)." Diana nods, "(Y/n), right. You're a friend of Spencer's, wait no that's not right." (Y/n) touches Diana's hand softly, "It's okay Diana, I know it's hard to remember I, sometimes, forget things too. Sometimes, who am I kidding, I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my body." (Y/n) laughs a bit causing Diana to laugh. "Speaking of Spencer though, I went and saw him today. He misses you so much, more than he misses the rest of us and he loves you so much." Diana smiles, "I miss and love him too, when will he be home?" "Hopefully soon, because it's taking a toll on me not seeing him at work every day." Diana smiles, "Diana, it's time for your medicine." Cassie says to Diana, who doesn't want to take it.

"Diana please take your medicine for Spencer, that way when he gets home you'll be able to go and see him." Diana sighs but is willing to take her medicine. (Y/n) phone rings, "Excuse me." She gets up and answers her phone "(Y/L/N)." Nobody responds, "Hello?" No response, (Y/n) rolls her eyes and hangs up her phone. (Y/n) walks back over to Diana and Cassie, "Who was that, dear?" (Y/n) shrugs her shoulders, "I'm not sure they never answered me, I just heard breathing on the other line. It's best not to argue with someone who wants to act like that, so I just hung up the phone." Diana nods, and (Y/n) phone rings again it's the same thing. The third time it rings (Y/n) picks it up, "Goddammit if you don't stop calling and breathing into the other line--" "Excuse me Agent (Y/L/N)." (Y/n) eyes widen, "Ma'am I am so sorry, I didn't know it was you calling." "Miss. (Y/L/N), I would like to know why you asked Agent Prentiss for the day off?" "Chief Barnes, I went to see S--Dr. Reid today and then flew to Vegas to come and see how Diana was doing." (Y/n) explains to Linda. "You leave to go see Dr. Reid then fly clear to Vegas to check on his mother, you're a Federal Agent, not a babysitter. I want to see you in my office first thing tomorrow morning and it had better be the first thing, or don't bother coming back at all." With that, Linda hangs up the phone.

"Everything okay, dear?" Cassie asks looking at (Y/n). "It will be, hopefully." (Y/n) goes back to Diana, "Diana, I have to go now, I'll be back though, okay." Diana nods, "It was wondering to see you again, Jennifer." (Y/n) nods knowing that Diana doesn't mean to mix up her and JJ's names. "It was wonderful to see you again too." (Y/n) gets up and Cassie sees her out, "I'm sorry about that (Y/n), dear." "It's completely fine Cassie, I understand JJ's here more than I am. But I'll see you around." "Alright bye, dear." (Y/n) nods and walks away, going to her car and calling JJ on the way. "JJ, hey, you know, Chief Barnes called me and is mad that I took the day off to go see Spencer and visit Diana. She told me she wants to see me first thing in the morning, so I think I'm just gonna fly back to Quantico tonight and head back to my apartment get changed head to the Bureau, and wait for her in her office overnight. I think I may not have a job in the morning, because I might just tear into her." (Y/n) explains. "Why would she be mad at you for taking one day off to go visit Spence and Diana?" "That's what I want to know, it's ridiculous Rossi, Tara, Stephen, Luke, and you can all take time off to go visit Spencer but it's like I'm not allowed." "Alright, well stay safe and I'll see you back at Quantico." "Always am, see ya." With that (Y/n) hangs up the phone.

The next day at the Bureau, (Y/n) is waiting at her desk in the Bullpen for Linda. "(Y/L/N), you're here early." (Y/n) looks up and sees Stephen, "Hey Stephen, and yeah gotta meet with Chief Barnes, just waiting for her to get here." Stephen nods and sits at his desk, "Well, if I hear you yelling I'll know what's going on." (Y/n) laughs, "I might just do that, oh look, here comes Chief Barnes now. So I'll see you in a bit Stephen, make sure you inform the others, especially Emily." Stephen nods, "I will." (Y/n) gets up from her chair and goes to Chief Barnes' office, knocking, "Come in Agent (Y/L/N)." With that (Y/n) walks into the office and shuts the door behind her, taking a seat.

"You wanted to see me?" Linda looks at (Y/n), "Just what the hell do you think you're doing going to visit Dr. Reid and his mother?" (Y/n) looks at Linda, "Emily gave me permission to see them, both." "Last time I checked you weren't on Dr. Reid's Visitors List, he doesn't want to see you, or else he would've put you on it." "Yeah, well, Emily pulled some strings and I got through to Spencer. So, I'll be visiting him when I can because he's gonna make sure I'm put on his Visitors List." Linda gets up from her chair and walks around the front of the desk, "You will not go back to visit Dr. Reid, nor his mother, am I clear?" (Y/n) stands up to face Linda even though she's shorter than Linda. "No, you're not clear. I don't understand how it's okay for Dave, Tara, Luke, Stephen, Penelope, and JJ to go visit Spencer and you don't say a damn thing to them!! But God forbid I leave for one day, all hell breaks lose!! Why don't you say anything to them about leaving, huh?!" (Y/n) yells at Linda, knowing that most of the people outside the door can hear it. "Agent (Y/L/N), give me your badge and gun as of right now you're no longer an Agent for the BAU." (Y/n) shakes her head, "I'm not giving you anything, because you have no right to do this to me!" (Y/n) walks over to the door, "If you slam that door I'll have your job permanently, Agent (Y/L/N)!" (Y/N) smirks and slams the door going back to the Bullpen, everyone looking at her.

(Y/n) sits at her desk and looks at Luke, Penelope, Tara, Dave, and JJ all stare at her in shock, Linda comes out of her office. "Miss. (Y/L/N), your badge and gun, now!" (Y/n) looks at her, "I'll give them to Emily, I'm not giving you anything!" Linda storms back into her office, (Y/n) looks at the others, and smiles, "Man, that felt great, and don't deny I didn't make a point." Stephen chuckles a bit from his desk, "I told you guys she was going to go crazy on Chief Barnes." They all nod and Penelope speaks up, "Emily's in her office, by the way, she said she wants to see you." Penelope looks up from her phone, (Y/n) nods, and goes to Emily's office. "Emily, you wanted to see me?" (Y/n) walks in and sits down, "What happened in Barnes' office?" (Y/n) raises a brow, "Emily, I know you heard the whole conversation." Emily nods, "I did, but why did you snap on her?" (Y/n) shakes her head, "Because it's okay for everyone else on this team to go visit Spencer and it's okay for JJ to go visit Diana, but when I do it becomes some kind of crime in her book and I'm not going to put up with it." Emily nods, "She shouldn't have treated you that way when I gave you permission to go." "She shouldn't have, but she did." (Y/n) sighs gets up and hands Emily her Badge and Gun, Emily shakes her head. "Keep them, as far as I'm concerned you're still on the team. Now go back out there and work on your case files." (Y/n) nods and goes back to her desk.

A few months later (Y/n) waits outside of Millburn Correctional Facility with Penelope and JJ, for Spencer to be released, once he comes out Penelope hugs him, crying, and then JJ hugs him. Spencer looks at (Y/n) who is in tears and hugs him tightly, "I've missed you so much and your hugs." Spencer hugs back just as tightly, "You saw me yesterday, Angel Face." (Y/n) nods and pulls away from the hug, (Y/N) looks up at Spencer smiling. Spencer leans down and plants a kiss on her lips, which (Y/n) returns. Spencer pulls away and smiles at her, "I've waited to do that for a while now." (Y/n) smiles and nods, "Me too." JJ looks at them. "Let's go home." They all get into the car and head back to the Bureau, where Spencer is greeted with hugs, which he returns graciously. (Y/n) looks at Spencer, "Your mum's waiting to see you, why don't you go and spend time with her." Spencer nods and hugs (Y/n) tightly again who hugs back, he pulls away and looks at her. "I love you, bye." (Y/n) smiles, "I love you, see you soon." Spencer looks at her before he leaves. "I realise that you never tell anyone bye you either say see you soon or you just walk away, why?" (Y/n) sighs and looks up at Spencer, "Bye or goodbye isn't the last thing I want to say to someone I love, because I don't know if that's the last time I'll ever see that person. They could die and the last thing I say to them is goodbye or bye, that's not what I want." (Y/n) explains and Spencer nods, "I'll see you later then." (Y/n) nods as Spencer leaves.

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