Signs Of The Moon

By StarGazer1095

40.7K 763 115

Everyone knows the love story between Zedd and Addison. How they met, how they fell in love, and how they cha... More

Capture My Heart, And Tear It Apart
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Why Don't I?
Unique, But We Have Unity
Are they Happy or just good at Deceiving?
All for One
Question About Sequel

No More Bad Blood

3.2K 82 8
By StarGazer1095

                                                                 Chapter 6: No More Bad Blood

Brooke sighed, putting her brush down and looking at herself in the mirror. She cocked her head to the side, wondering what it would look like if she was able to sport the white hair like the wolves or even Addison. Would it look nice on her? Or would she just be standing out? She pushed her hair behind her ears and rolled her eyes. "I'm coming!" She called as her mother's voice yelled to her upstairs. She stood up from her vanity and looked at herself in the full-length mirror in her closet.

"Not bad." She told herself as she looked at the results. It was still Seabrook pink and blue, with a little more detail to it. Dark blue jean shorts with a dark pink t-shirt that had her shoulders exposed, and black sandals that wrapped up her ankles. She sported her bracelet like always but took time to search through her jewelry, throwing on a fake silver necklace and feather earrings to accessorize. She had even gone out of her way to put makeup on, even it was only a little eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. Her cheer uniform was in her bag for practice later, she wasn't wearing it to the debate. She zipped up her bag and headed downstairs.

"Morning." She said softly, putting her bag down beside the door and moving to grab a muffin. Her parents' eyes were on her. "Where's Bucky?" She asked, taking a bite and grabbing a bottle of juice from the fridge.

"He went early to get ready for the debate. What are you wearing?" Her mother asked. Brooke looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. "Clothes?"

"She means, where's your uniform and why aren't you voting for your brother as well? We've been talking about this." Her father interrupted. Brooke rolled her eyes, walking back over to grab her lunch from her mother.

"I don't want to wear it to school. I have it in my bag for practice, but I'm not going to wear it all the time. And I'm not going to vote for someone who's going to slander the other candidate. That's uncalled for." She explained. She didn't care what her parents said. She would answer them and explain it, but she didn't care.

"Honey, if this is something, we've done..."

Brooke scoffed. "Oh, now you care?" She asked, turning to look at them.

"Brooklynn Marie, don't raise your voice to your mother." Her father warned and she chuckled. She rolled her eyes, looking over at her phone when it dinged. "Look I have to get to school. I'm meeting Addison and we're walking." She explained, kissing her mother on the cheek and hugging her dad.

"We'll talk about this later."

"No, we won't. Because as soon as Bucky wins the election or doesn't win. It'll be all about him once more." She said, grabbing her bag and heading out the door. She closed the door and slung her bag over her shoulder, heading down the steps toward Addison who was waiting. She was still in her werewolf attire, her hair pulled back and makeup dark and mysterious. Addison raised an eyebrow, looking her over.

"Look at you! Where'd this come from?" She asked, playing with her cousin's now wavy locks. Brooke rolled her eyes as she fell into step.

"I decided it was time for a change. I was hiding behind a mask, why not become who I'm supposed to be?" She asked, looking at Addison. Addison grinned, hugging her cousin to her closely.

"That'll catch Wyatt's eye for sure." She joked and Brooke pushed her playfully, laughing as they headed to school.


There were whispers and murmurs as soon as the two girls walked into school. Brooke didn't listen to them; she didn't need any of that negativity in her life. She smiled where her arm was linked with Addison's, proud of who they were.

"I've got to go by my locker before the debate. See you in there?" Brooke asked. Addison nodded before they both separated. Brooke moved to her locker, wanting to go ahead and put her stuff up before the debate started. She knew Addison would probably go and try to find Zedd.

"Brooke?" Brooke turned from her locker to see Wyatt walking toward her, a few of the wolves following, but not paying attention. Brooke smiled softly, closing her locker once her stuff was put up. "What happened to the pastels?" He asked, looking at her new attire.

She shrugged. "You were right. I figured it was time for a change. Time for a brand new me. I shouldn't be hiding behind a mask anymore." She explained, pushing her hair from her face. Wyatt chuckled.

"You look great." He added and she blushed. He nodded toward her arm. "Your arm?"

"Oh!" Brooke moved and slid her sleeve up. Replacing the scary bruise was a sickly yellow, but healing color. "Good as new! Doesn't even hurt anymore. Your old-fashioned medicine works." She said. He raised his hand to touch it, grazing the skin, smiling to her. He let his hand slide down and slip into hers. Brooke looked down at their hands, before looking up at him. She smiled softly.

Brooke took a breath, now or never. "Oh Wyatt. Before I head to the debate, I wanted to ask you about going. . ."

"Wyatt!" Wyatt and Brooke both looked up at Willa who was stalking toward them. "Brooke. How's your arm?" She asked softly. Brooke raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't hurt." She repeated. Willa nodded, noticing that their hands were still connected. Brooke pulled back when she noticed. "Wyatt, we need to get going. I'm sorry we can't make the debate." Willa looked at Wyatt before back at Brooke.

"Where are you going?" She asked. Willa looked at her, before at Wyatt. "We can't tell you. But I'll bring Wyatt back in one piece." She said, almost teasing both. She could sense it, and she wasn't going to break anyone's heart. Brooke felt her face flush red. "I like the new look, Brooke." Willa complimented and Brooke smiled as Willa walked off.

"Okay that was weird," Brooke whispered and Wyatt chuckled. "She's trying. I told you, the wolves like you." He explained, before sighing. "We need to get going. I'll see you soon?" He asked. She nodded as he turned away.

"Wyatt?" Wyatt turned. Brooke stood there, biting her lip, concerned about him. "Be careful, wherever you're going?" She asked. Wyatt chuckled. "Always careful little pup." He teased, before turning back to join his pack. Brooke sighed, pushing her hair from her face, before giggling. Little pup? She could get used to that. She jumped when Eliza grabbed at her arm, pulling her from her stupor. "I know you're in love, but I need your help! We need to find Zedd! The debate starts in ten minutes!" She exclaimed, before pulling her down the hall. "Oh, and nice outfit by the way," Eliza added. Brooke giggled before following her best friend down the hallways.


Brooke's eyes were wide as she stared at the posters of Zedd. So, he had done it. Bucky went all out. Zedd and Eliza stood beside her, staring at them. "Zedd. I promise you, I had nothing to do with this! I told him not to do this!" Brooke quickly exclaimed, turning to her best friend.

Zedd just shook his head. "I knew you wouldn't do this. But this doesn't make anything any easier." He said softly, clapping a hand on her shoulder. She sighed and looked over at Bucky, who was snickering over at them. Brooke rolled her eyes. She loved her brother, but she didn't like the way this was handled. "Just be yourself Zedd. Show them who you really are. That's what they want. Good luck." She said, squeezing his arm, before jumping off the stage. She moved quickly to her seat, letting the debate go on.

By the end of the debate, Zedd was a shoo-in. Brooke was cheering and clapping, standing up beside the others as he bowed playfully. "Vote for me, because I promise, I'm no monster!" Zedd cheered, reaching into his jacket to grab his speech. He pulled his hand out quickly, his Z-band sparking. Brooke's eyes widened, confused as the Z-band begin to malfunction and his zombie side began to come out. "Oh no."

"Addy's necklace is messing with your Z-band!" Eliza exclaimed as Brooke managed to push through the now frantic crowd, getting up to the stage. Zedd was trying to find it, growling and twitching to try and contain his monster side. He picked up the podium, staring at Bucky. "Go on! Throw it! Show them who you really are!" Bucky yelled, making Zedd throw the podium. Brooke jumped up on the stage, yanking her brother backward and shoving him. "Stop acting like a fool! You're better than this!" She yelled at him, before turning back to Eliza.

"Zedd, the necklace!" Eliza exclaimed. Zedd looked down at the necklace, before grabbing it and pulling it off the Z-band. It came back online, and Zedd began to go back to normal. Zedd looked around, breathing heavily. The crowds had stopped but were watching him with scared eyes. Afraid of his next move. Zedd sighed, before taking off.

Eliza looked at Brooke, before taking off. Brooke made a move, but Bucky grabbed her shoulder. "He's a monster, Brooke. Can't you see that? They're all monsters."

Brooke seethed, pushing her brother in the chest. "No Bucky. You're the monster." She argued, before taking off after Zedd and Eliza. She lost them in the hallways and sighed, running a hand through her hair. This was not how she wanted it to go.


"Brooke." Brooke looked up when she heard her name called. Bree was standing at her locker. Classes continued, but they didn't feel right. Not after everything that had gone on. She smiled weakly over at Bree and walked over.

"Are you okay?"

She shrugged. "I kind of just insulted my brother, my parents are mad at me, and the wolves are nowhere to be found. I'm peachy." She teased. Bree frowned, before wrapping her arm around her friend and squeezing gently. Brooke smiled softly, grabbing her friend's hand on her shoulder as they walked. Brooke noticed Addison sitting on a bench. She looked at Bree, before pointing. Bree frowned before both girls walked over to Addison.

"Addy, are you okay?" Bree asked as both girls sat on the bench beside her. Addison sighed. "I lost the necklace. I let the wolves down." She stated. Brooke frowned. She hadn't lost the necklace. Zedd had it. Brooke didn't want to get Zedd in trouble, but she had to. "Addy..."

They jumped when the Z alarm suddenly went off. "The Z alarm?" Addison questioned. The Z alarm hadn't gone off in a while, not since zombies were welcomed.

"Attention! Monster activity at Seabrook Power, please remain...."

"It's the werewolves. They need our help. Bree, Brooke, will you help?" Addison asked.

"I will. I'm in, always." Bree spoke, smiling.

"Of course, I'm in. We have to help them." Brooke agreed.

"We can't do this alone. We need to rally the Z-team." Addison added. Bree and Brooke nodded. "Actually, we're going to need everyone!" She added.

"Aye-aye captain." Bree teased. Addison giggled, before running back with the girls.


"You grab the cheerleaders; I'll grab the zombies. We'll meet at Seabrook Power." Brooke called to Bree, who nodded and disappeared into the gym. Brooke made quick work going through the hallways to find the zombies. They still hung out in the basement at times, so Brooke started there.

She took the steps three at a time, before opening the door to reveal Eliza, Zedd, and Bonzo hanging out with the others.

"Eliza!" Eliza startled when Brooke called her name.

"The werewolves. They need our help. They're going to try and stop the demolition of Seabrook Power, and they could use our help! We need a revolution. We need the zombies!" She exclaimed. Eliza's eyes widened, before she smirked.

"You can count me in! Finally get to put my protesting to good work." She said. Brooke grinned, before looking at Bonzo, who nodded and turned to his fellow zombies. Brooke cheered, excited that they were wanting to help.

"Zedd?" She asked. "We could use our main zombie?" Zedd didn't move, staring at the ground. "Come on Zedd. We could use your help."

"What would it change? I lost Addy to the wolves. I lost the election; I'll just lose this." He mumbled.

"Oh, come on Zedd. Snap out of it! We need your help. You were the one that helped zombies integrate into Seabrook. You showed them change through cheer. What's the difference? Come on Zedd, we need your help. The wolves need your help. Addison needs your help." Brooke pleaded with the zombie. After a moment of silence, Brooke just rolled her eyes. "Come on guys, we need to get going! We don't have much time!" She called. Eliza and the others nodded, heading out of the basement. Brooke looked back at Zedd, before sighing.

"Zedd. I'm about to lose my whole family doing this. They won't accept who I am after this. But I don't care. I found a new family, with you guys and with the wolves. I don't need anything else. You are the change we need; we could really use your help. Addy would love if you were there." She said, her hand on his shoulder. "Just think about it, okay?" She asked, before disappearing up the stairs and meeting the zombies.


Brooke and the rest of them managed to get into Seabrook Power, meeting up with the humans and cheerleaders just in time to see the wolves being handcuffed and pulled away. "Demo time! Everyone clear out!" Zevon yelled to the others. Brooke could see her father with her uncle. She was about to lose so much, but to save her new friends.

She felt someone squeeze her hand, and turned to Eliza, who smiled. Bree squeezed her shoulder on her other side. Addison looked at them, before moving. "No!" She yelled, as she and the cheerleaders moved forward. Brooke took a breath, before following them out to start the protest.

This was for the werewolves.

This was for the zombies.

This was for everyone.

Brooke took a breath and ran around the sides, grabbing whoever she could to join the protest while her friends stood center. Her attitude had changed, and she was going to change the world. She walked through the crowds before seeing Zedd jogging up to the protest.

"I'm not late, am I?" Zedd asked as Brooke ran to him. Brooke grinned, taking his hand.

"Just in time!" She said as they ran through the crowds.

Brooke stood tall between Bree and Addison, looking over at Zedd walked forward. "You've got to stop the demolition, Dad. I know how hard you've worked to get this job. But if it's going to hurt the werewolves, then you have to stop it." Zedd reasoned with his father. Zevon looked over them, looking at Dale and Brooke's father, before turning back.

"You're right. And Addison's right. Shut it down, stop the detonation. Tomorrow when it's safe we'll find what you're looking for, but for now, you can all go home!" Zevon yelled. The others, successful, began cheering, hugging and grabbing on to each other. The patrol began to let the wolves go, freeing them.

Brooke was grinning, holding onto Bonzo as he squeezed her in a tight hug, picking her up. She was set down just in time to hear her name and see a flash of purple. Wyatt had made his way through the crowds, trying to find her. As soon as he saw her, his arms wrapped around her tightly and spun her. Brooke squealed, her feet up in the air and her arms around his neck tightly, giggling into his fur. Addison couldn't help but laugh at the two of them, her arms around Zedd.

"You did it! You saved us." Wyatt spoke after setting the cheerleader down. Brooke grinned, her arms still around his neck. "I had a little help. Besides, you guys started it. We just needed a little push." She said softly, placing her hands on his shoulders. Wyatt chuckled, leaning their foreheads together. She giggled, smiling up at him. He brushed her hair from her face, leaning down.

They pulled back when they heard howling. Willa ran over to them, her arm around her brother as Wynter hugged Brooke tightly.


"Brooklynn." Brooke sighed when she heard her name. She patted Eliza on the shoulder, before turning back to her father, who was walking over to her. They were leaving the site. Just because the detonation was not happening, didn't mean it wasn't safe there. They would have to diffuse the bombs tomorrow before letting the wolves back on so they could find the moonstone.

"Brooke, how could you do this? How could you protest this? We raised you better than this!" Her father immediately scolded her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"You were going to hurt the wolves, Dad. You were going to kill them if that demolition happened. I was standing up for what was right. Like I did for the zombies. We need to change!" She argued. He glared.

"Why can't you be..."

"Like Bucky? Because I'm not Bucky! I won't ever be Bucky! I'm Brooke! I'm your daughter! And that's all I'm ever going to be! I'm tired of hiding behind a mask, seeking your approval and wanting nothing more than to make you proud. I'm tired of hiding in the shadows. This was my moment, and I'm proud of what I did. I'm proud that I helped save my friends. I won't ever be the star child, and I'm happy with that." Her voice raised, shaky, but confident. She had never raised her voice at her father, but he wouldn't listen to her either way. It was time for her to step up.

She scoffed and turned away from her father, running ahead to catch up with her friends. Tears pricked her eyes, but she brushed them away and joined her friends. She grinned at Bree and wrapped her arm around Wynter's shoulders, making the wolf chuckle. They had stopped, and were looking over at Zedd and Addison, who were fighting. Zedd had taken the necklace and gave it back to Addison after letting her know he took it.

"I finally find where I belong, and you want to steal that from me? Why would I ever go to Prawn with you after what you did!" Addison shouted, before taking a step forward. Brooke frowned, walking over to Bree. They watched Addison slip the moonstone necklace on, before turning to them, hands stretched out. She looked at her two friends.

"Am I?" She asked.

Bree smiled softly. "You're beautiful Addy. But..."

"But the same beautiful you've always been." Brooke added, pushing her hair from her face. Addison wasn't a werewolf. She had never been a werewolf.

"She's not a werewolf." Wyatt spoke to his pack. Brooke frowned, putting her hand on Addison's shoulder. Addison frowned, looking up at Brooke.

"Boss! Boss! We got a problem!" A zombie yelled, passing them and moving to Zevon. "The remote shorted out, and the detonation is still going off." He called.

"Well shut it off!" Zevon exclaimed.

"I can't!"

Zevon's eyes widened. "No! No!" He called, running toward the power plant. The others began to run forward, just as the detonation went off, the building exploding and crumbling into pieces. Brooke's hands went to her mouth, gasping as they stared at the fiery rubble that was Seabrook Power.

"What have they done?" Addison exclaimed, staring at it. Brooke turned when she heard coughing, looking toward the pack. The wolves were coughing, struggling, as their necklaces turned a sickly green. The moonstone was gone.

What have they done?

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