All for One

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Chapter 8: All for One

Seabrook Power was no more. The moonstone was buried underneath it. Bucky won class president, and monsters were no longer allowed at Prawn.

The humans who were still against integration were happy, the students excited for Prawn. But the ones who wanted integration, Addison, Bree, and Brooke, it wasn't the same. They were still going, but it wouldn't be the same. Addison didn't have Zedd to go with, Bree wouldn't have Bonzo, and Brooke didn't have Eliza to hang out with. Or even a scruffy wolf to dance with. It would just be them.

Brooke didn't even want to be around her parents now that Bucky was president. Bucky had been trying to get her alone, but Brooke wouldn't have it. Her parents were angry with her and all she wanted to do was disappear. So, when she could, she gathered everything she needed for Prawn, before heading on over to Addison's house to get ready.

"There." Bree spoke, pinning the last braid into Addison's hair, smiling softly at the girl. "It looks fantastic." She added, hugging her best friend and smiling at her. Addison smiled back, before turning when she heard the door to Bree's bathroom open.

"Alright, what do you think?" Brooke asked as she walked into the bedroom. Gone with the poufy, pink princess dress, and now was a more down to earth dress. It was flowy, falling to her knees, form fitting around the waist and chest, and the sleeves flowed out around her wrists. Eliza had helped her change it up, so instead of pink, it was a light purple, with a zombified belt that was loosely tied around her waist. She wore wedges instead of heels since she could barely walk in flats, and her jewelry matched the dress, feather earrings and a brown choker. Her hair was loose and flowing over her face, a braided crown tied back a few strands, with a feather tie tying it back.

"You look beautiful, Brooke!" Addison chimed in, grinning at her cousin. Bree nodded. Both girls still wore Seabrook pink and blue, but Brooke was the one who wanted to stand out, be her own.

"You think so?" She asked, brushing a stray hair away.

"I know Wyatt would have loved to dance with you." Bree teased.

"If he even came. I haven't spoken to him since everything went down. I don't even know if he wants to see me anymore." She said, sitting down in front of the mirror and looking at her reflection. At least her makeup was done.

"They're just going through a lot Brooke. They just lost everything, thanks to me." Addison said softly.

"It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. It just happened." Bree argued, looking at the girl.

"Bree's right. It was an accident. Something no one could handle. Even Zevon's upset about it." She said, noting Zedd's father felt terrible after the fact.

"I know. It's just hard. Now zombies can't go to Prawn, and werewolves are seen as monsters. It's just not fair, to anyone." Addison concluded, putting her head in her hands. Bree and Brooke sighed, not knowing what to say to the white-haired teen. Bree looked at her phone. "We better get going." She said softly. Both girls nodded. They would go, but would it be any fun? Without their true friends?

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