No More Bad Blood

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                                                                 Chapter 6: No More Bad Blood

Brooke sighed, putting her brush down and looking at herself in the mirror. She cocked her head to the side, wondering what it would look like if she was able to sport the white hair like the wolves or even Addison. Would it look nice on her? Or would she just be standing out? She pushed her hair behind her ears and rolled her eyes. "I'm coming!" She called as her mother's voice yelled to her upstairs. She stood up from her vanity and looked at herself in the full-length mirror in her closet.

"Not bad." She told herself as she looked at the results. It was still Seabrook pink and blue, with a little more detail to it. Dark blue jean shorts with a dark pink t-shirt that had her shoulders exposed, and black sandals that wrapped up her ankles. She sported her bracelet like always but took time to search through her jewelry, throwing on a fake silver necklace and feather earrings to accessorize. She had even gone out of her way to put makeup on, even it was only a little eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. Her cheer uniform was in her bag for practice later, she wasn't wearing it to the debate. She zipped up her bag and headed downstairs.

"Morning." She said softly, putting her bag down beside the door and moving to grab a muffin. Her parents' eyes were on her. "Where's Bucky?" She asked, taking a bite and grabbing a bottle of juice from the fridge.

"He went early to get ready for the debate. What are you wearing?" Her mother asked. Brooke looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. "Clothes?"

"She means, where's your uniform and why aren't you voting for your brother as well? We've been talking about this." Her father interrupted. Brooke rolled her eyes, walking back over to grab her lunch from her mother.

"I don't want to wear it to school. I have it in my bag for practice, but I'm not going to wear it all the time. And I'm not going to vote for someone who's going to slander the other candidate. That's uncalled for." She explained. She didn't care what her parents said. She would answer them and explain it, but she didn't care.

"Honey, if this is something, we've done..."

Brooke scoffed. "Oh, now you care?" She asked, turning to look at them.

"Brooklynn Marie, don't raise your voice to your mother." Her father warned and she chuckled. She rolled her eyes, looking over at her phone when it dinged. "Look I have to get to school. I'm meeting Addison and we're walking." She explained, kissing her mother on the cheek and hugging her dad.

"We'll talk about this later."

"No, we won't. Because as soon as Bucky wins the election or doesn't win. It'll be all about him once more." She said, grabbing her bag and heading out the door. She closed the door and slung her bag over her shoulder, heading down the steps toward Addison who was waiting. She was still in her werewolf attire, her hair pulled back and makeup dark and mysterious. Addison raised an eyebrow, looking her over.

"Look at you! Where'd this come from?" She asked, playing with her cousin's now wavy locks. Brooke rolled her eyes as she fell into step.

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