Good Girl Bad Girl (Reece Mas...

By MendingMyLoveSong

49.7K 650 187

What could this world possibly have in store for Alexis Bennett, just another normal girl out of all the ordi... More

1. Meeting The First Time
2. Run Away
3. Where Are We Going?
4. What To Do?
5. Shut Up And Kiss Me
6. Click, Click
7. Obsession
8. Liv And Brad
9. How Do They Know?!
10. Abused
11. Voices
12. Going Home
Author's Note
Author's Note Again
14. Loosing It
15. Back At It
16. It's Comlicated
17. Just The Beginning
18. Gone And Lost *UNEDITED*
Quick Authors Note *PLEASE READ*
19. Lost And Found *UN EDITED*
20. The Deadly Truth
21. My Heart Aches *UN-EDITED*
Last Authors Note & Many Thanks :)
The Lonely Rose Up Now!

13. Silent Secrets

1.5K 23 5
By MendingMyLoveSong

Sorry guys that i haven't been updating at all for a while, i am so sorry. Thanks guys so much for reading, it means alot. Could you please fan me and vote aswell as comment on this please! It would really mean alot please guys. Again if you want any dedications, just ask me. Thanks guys :)xxxooo

P.S.!!!!!!!!! There is a part here that isn't that..... rude ish. But might be a immature. I don't know, im just gonna say it. It a sex part. OMG, i don't like that word, makes me sound like a whore and stuff. *GULP* Anywho, for people that don't like that type of stuff. You may want to skip. I'll till you when, hopefully not that bad though :)


Alexis' P.O.V.

I walk down the stairs, hand in hand with Reece. His family were all in the living room, and dining room, it was raining outside so no one could go out there to eat or anything.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Reece whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I look up to his blue eyes, he nods as he walks off into the kitchen, i closely follow behind. I think he could read my eyes. Yes of course i want something to eat! Are you kidding me?!

"It smells like chicken". I start sniffing, i have such a great nose. Haha!

"It's because there is chicken babe, you want some?" He walks over to where i was standing, right in front of the chicken layed out on the bench in the kitchen with all the other foods. Everyone else was all in the dining room eating, apart from me and Reece who were still getting our food.

We piled our plates up each with food, i had chicken of course, baby roasted potato's, colslaw, salad, steak, corn on the cob. Atleast having a bit of everything, while Reece had a lot of everything. How can he eat so much and still look so sexy, hot and skinny?! 

It was still raining but had died down a bit. Reece and i decided to go eat out on the patio. We ate and talked about random stuff, which led onto a....

"FOOD FIGHT!!" I shout out to Reece, we ran around in the back yard, throwing food at each other. Soon his younger cousins, sisters and the 'Sexy Six', all joined in, and was having a big great food fight war, which then lead to all of us getting told off and another shower.

"Are you done yet?!" I shout out to Reece in the shower, he was taking for ever. I told Reece he could have a shower first because he was covered in the most food, everyone else that joined in were all outside getting rinsed off with the hose, i said i'll just have a shower after Reece, and so i did.

"I'm trying to! I have tomato sauce dried up in my hair, and on my body, i look like i'm a murderer, who just committed murder and is now trying to-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever, less talking and more scrubbing!". I shout out to him, cutting him off mid sentence.

"Will, to speed up the process, how about you come in and scrub me". He was going all flirty on me.

"In your dreams tomato man!"

"Tomato man?" He then just walked in with a towel rapped around him, but he wasn't kidding when he said he had tomato sauce in his hair, just not on his skin.

"I don't know, it was the first thing that came to mind, cause your covered in tomato sauce, and stuff... get it?" 

He walks out of the bathroom with a white towel rapped around his waist.

"Yeah i get it, you can have a shower now". He points to the bathroom, and bends down to his drawers to pull out a fresh new pair of clothes to wear.

"Yay!" I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me. There was a mint green towel hanging on the towel rack, i'm guessing it's mine to use. Oh will.

I run my hands through my messy hair which was covered in food. I unbuttoned the varsity jacket and took off the jeans, and my bra and undies. I turn the shower on and step in, scrubbing the food on me.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is around the part now, i'm just WARNING you guys for people that don't exactly like that stuff. It's not that rude or anything though. I felt so embarrassed writing this. Normally i won't write anything like this.



I was out of the shower and drying myself in front of the mirror. I put on my bra and undies and slipped on the ripped skinny jeans Reece lent to me, then realised, i had no top to wear, it was covered in food stains, only my top got covered in food, and nothing else. I open up the bathroom door. Reece was sitting on his bed playing on his phone. He wasn't covered in food anymore, he looks up to me and smiles, then down to my chest. You get it.

"Hey sexy, you okay?" He puts down his phone on his bed and walks over to me. Resting both his hands on the side of my shoulders.

"Yeah, i have no top to wear though, it's covered in food". I hold up my hand with the jacket in it.

"Oh right, is this okay?" He walks over to his clothing drawers and pulls out a plain white t-shirt holding it up to me.

"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks". He passes me the top, staring at me as i slipped the shirt over my head and put it on.

"You like?" I ask, doing a sexy tone. Even though i was wearing clothes off his.

"Yes, you look very sexy in my clothes!".

He runs up to me, making a growling noise. He raps his arms around my waist and picks me up. I rap my legs around his waist as he pulls me closer to him. My arms found my way around his neck as i started scruffing up his hair, then he leans in his head to mine, his lips were a nice pinkish red colour like they should be. Then our lips joined together. His tongue was skimming my teeth, as if wanting access, i happily let him. I grab a bundle of his hair and tug as he was laying kisses up and down my neck. He pushes me up against the wall, my legs still rapped around his waist. I let out a groan as he was suckling on my neck. It felt kinda nice actually. He placed me down on the ground, kissing me up my neck, then along my cheek, finding his way to my mouth. I let out another quite groan, as he slipped his hands up my top, his hands rested on my waist for a bit, then moved up to my breast. He then pulled the shirt over my head so i was then left there in my lacy bra and undies, and a pair of Reece's pants on. I then moved my hands away from around his neck, slowly rubbing my hands up his stomach, then his chest. I then turned him around so he was leaning against the wall. Like how we were positioned before. He lets go and takes his shirt off then chucking it onto the ground beside my top i was wearing. Which was actually his top. He pushes me down on the bed, crawling on top of me. I let out a slight giggle as he sat me up on the bed and started fiddling with my bra, i'm presumming to try and get it off. I then smacked his hand away and laughed. He then looked down at me with sad felled eyes. I then un hooked my bra and flung it on the ground. Reece's eyes opened, making a 'O' shaped with his mouth.

"You like?" I say as i cup his face into my hands and lean in for another kiss. He pulls away soon after.

"Yes, very very very much". He looks down at my bare chest, where there were a couple of scars there. His hands swepped over them, i shivered, then he looked up at me.

"Are you ok?" He asks as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, i'm fine!" I look down to where Reece's hands layed, on my breasts. He smirked slightly as he layed me down on my back on the bed, as he started sucking on my nipple. I let out a loud groan. That was one of my turn on places. I hope it wasn't to loud though, people could hear us most likely. But no one came in.

He pulled away, leaning over me, not putting weight on me because he thought he was to heavy that he could then kill me. Whatever. I started playing with his belt.

"Stop teasing". He growls at me.

"I'm not, it's called... i'm playing with someone's belt". I say sarastically 

"That sounded cheesy".

"I know".

I started undoing the belt. Reece just laughed at my lazy attempt at doing it. I then soon got it undone as he was pulling down his pants. I had no belt on the ones i were wearing, so i just pulled them down. Me just there in my red lacy undies and Reece in, BATMAN BOXERS? BATMAN?!

"BATMAN?! REALLY?!" I scream out to him.

"Yeah, it's cool, don't you like batman?" He asks as he did a batman pose.

"No, i do not".

He starts crawling on the bed up to me, i crawl back to the top of the bed, where my head banged against the wall. But it didn't hurt. I start laughing and get underneath Reece's bed covers, holding them up for Reece to get under as will. He rolls on top of me and starts planting kisses on my cheek, then down my neck, then on my breast. It was starting to get hot underneath the covers. So i push them back. I was taking of my undies slowly, as was Reece. When the door opened.

"Oh my god! Ahhh, sorry!". She quickly shields her eyes with her hand as we scurry to get our clothes on. I just stay in the bed and pull the covers up around me. Reece just sits on the bed, then realising she is his sister, and still shouldn't see him with just boxes on. So then jumps in to bed with me.

"Hey Liv!" He says enthusiastically.

"Oh my gosh, i am so really very sorry!" She squeals back.

"It's okay Liv". i assure her.

"Ok then-".Her eyes were still shield with her hands. "- Alexis, mum wants to no if your staying tonight. She says she's fine with it".

"Okay then i umm-" Reece cut me off by saying... "She's staying here tonight".

"Okay". Liv says as she quickly shuts the door behind her and could hear footsteps going down the stairs.

"I'm getting dressed again". I announce.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The 'part' is finished. No more of all that stuff. Haha!




An hour later of getting dressed, then talking with some of Reece's family, then we were tidying up. I was doing the dishes while Reece gathered any other dishes around the house and picked up rubbish. Liv and Georgina were helping me with the dishes by drying them after i washed them, they dried.And Phillipa was told to go to bed. It was 9:30pm. And she had school tomorrow. That reminds me. I have school tomorrow too! I've missed two whole weeks off school because of being in the hospital. Oh my gosh. People are going to stat asking questions about what happened. And what if people know about me and Reece? Then what do i do? Reece was home for the next two weeks in Adelaide, no concerts, gigs, interviews, signing, nothing! Just absolute nothing that involves that side of his rockstar life. Not that i'm complaining or bragging or anything. But i do think it's sweet of him to take 2 weeks off to hang out with friends and family. he had to talk management into letting him. But finally, they said yes. And yeah.

"Reece?" I ask him. I was thinking. I need to talk to him about it though.

"Yeah babe?" He walks around the kitchen counter and raps his arms around my neck.

"I need to talk to you, privately".

"Sure, my room?" I nod as he then lead me up to his room.

He opens up the door and holds it open for me until i get inside, then shuts the door behind himself. He walks over to the open curtains and closes them, then kneels on his bed as he closed the curtains over his bed. He takes a set on his bed, i walk over to him but don't sit down on the bed. But sits on his knee. Like what younger kids do when they sit on 'santa's' knee.

"What's up babe?" He asks, then wiggles his eyebrows at me. I laugh because it was so funny. As then Reece looks down at the ground and looks up with a embarrassed look.

"Why you looking like that?!" I say in fits of giggles.

"Like what?" He pulls a funny face, he then laughs himself. I wait for me to catch my breath from laughing to much before speaking again.

"You asked me before about my.... scars-". I take off my shirt not caring about wearing only a bra underneath. "I though it's the right thing to do, to tell you what happened on how i got them." I let out a long sigh, breathing in and out as i start on my story. "Will.. when i was around 13, i used to live in Melbourne. And everyday, i would walk to and back from school, and then 3 guys started following me back from school. Towards the end of the year though. They started just following me from school for about 3 weeks at first. Then one time, they were following me, and one came up to me and pushed me into a bush, then the other people came up to me, and one had a kn-knife in h-is hand-". The memory was flooding back to me. The pain i went through that day, how scared i was, how no one believed me, even the police. It scared the living shit out of me the day it mainly all happened. I'm just glad i'm still alived. "- He held it up to my throat while the others were punching me and everything all over my body. It was in a park, and no one was there, even no one could hear when i was screaming for help, and just screaming. H-he then started kinda... ssss....-tabb-ing m-me. It was blunt though so it hurt even m-ore, and it didn't go through as far, for me to be, like k-killed or badly..... injured. But i was bleeding. After they let me go because someone was coming. So i ran home and mum and dad was there, they saw me, and yeah. Took me to hospital and all that............................................................................................... They never found them". I finished very quickly, Reece tightened his grip on me, rubbing my thigh.

"Do you want to sleep?" He asked softly. I nod stiffly as he lifted me off his knee and layed me in his bed.

"Night beautiful". He lightly kissed my forehead. Then he was gone. I tightly shut my eyes, and before i knew it, i was instantly out.


Reece's PO.V. 

Alexis was asleep in my bed, it's okay though, i'll just take the couch or something..... or i-. "Hey Reece". My thoughts were cut off by Liv talking. She takes a set next to me on the couch and picks up the remote. Flicking through the channels.

"Hey Liv, oh yeah, Liv?"

"Yeah?" She asks, her eyes glued to the tv screen.

"You and Brad, whats going on?" She stiffens, but her eyes never left the screen.

"Liv?" I ask again.

"Will-" She turns her whole body towards me. "Me and Brad, are going out". What?! She looks down at her hands and smirks, but i can tell she is not telling me something.

"Liv, your not telling me something are you?"

"What?! Psh, no, you know me. I would never". Huh? 

"Never what?"

"Never what what?"

"You just said something like what, no, you know me i would never. Never what?! Liv tell me!" 

"Okay fine, whatever". She let out a long sigh.

"Will, around 5 months, me and Brad went out, and Brad told me he had told you. After,things started getting serious, and we..... yeah, and i thought everything was all good, then around 3 weeks of us two dating, he cheated on me".

"What! Why didn't you tell me?!". Right now i was fuming, no one cheats on my sisters. And i now know why Liv was so down around 5 months ago, and earlier on today. 

"Because i thought you were going to hurt him an-".

"Yeah! Your right! You do not see him again!" I sound like i'm her father right now.

"Reece, your not my dad, you do not tell me what to do, and i will see him all i like, whether you like it or not!"

"Liv, he hurt you, he cheated on you, and your back together with him? I'm just trying to protect you".

"Oh yeah, i was just trying to protect you". Her voice softens.

"How?" So does mine.

"By telling you who he cheated me on with".


"Tara Moore".

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   If you've read the synopses, you would understand who Tara is. If you haven't, then do so now. It doesn't give much away, but you might be able to guess who she was aswell. Thanks guys for reading as will, I know have 26 votes on this story. lol. Not much but a big change for me and over 1,500 reads. 18 fans and 11 comments.

Fan me, vote, comment. Give me feedback please aswell.

Love you all and thanks for reading :)

Adriana :) 

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