freakshow | technoblade bnha...

By apricxtfalls

129K 6.2K 8.5K

"and- not even close! if you wish to defeat me, train for another million years." in a world where 80% of the... More

character intro
arc one: part one
arc one: part two
arc one: part three
arc one: part four
arc one: part five
arc two: part one
arc two: part two
arc two: part five
arc two: part six
arc two: epilogue
arc three: part one
arc three: part two
arc three: part three
arc three: part four
arc three: part five
arc three: part six
arc three: part seven
arc three: part eight
arc three: part nine
the tommy interlude
arc three: part ten
arc three: epilogue
arc four: part one
arc four: part two
arc four: part three
arc four: part four
arc four: part five
arc four: part six
temp chap- hiatus announcemnt
perm chap: we're abandoning freakshow !!!

arc two: part three

3.9K 241 536
By apricxtfalls


"BadBoyHalo is attacked by a mysterious person."


Bad thought he was a moderately skilled hero. He's number eleven in the hero rankings, a status that many can't even picture to match. Although his quirk was arduous to control and manipulate effectively and it wasn't the most powerful, his melee combat ability was that to fear. Paired with the extreme heat of his quirk, most villains don't stand a chance.

As much as he likes to think this, he must admit that there are those that are faster than him.

Another knife speeds past Bad, rattling to the ground behind him. He feels a warm liquid trickle down his right cheek, and he grimaces when the piercing ache starts to really come into effect. The girl appears to be thrilled to have ultimately hit her mark, though it only had hardly sliced Bad's cheek.

Still not fast enough, Bad thinks to himself. You're not fast enough. Wake up, Bad. You're better than this.

The teenaged looking girl draws yet another blade from behind her back, this one smaller but rough and jagged. "Hee hee! I've already drawn your blood, but you can't even put a scratch on me!" She ridicules. She has a thick Norwegian accent, Bad marks. The girl is costumed in a painfully bright mint green onesie. Two catlike ears curve on either side of her head, and a fox-like tail protrudes from her tailbone area. Her brown hair, bordering on black, falls out the side of her pulled-up hood in two long locks, curling slightly at the tips.

Bad has no time to jot down her appearance, however, because she throws her knives fast and racing. This one rushes past him, barely missing. The breeze from the firm throw blows back Bad's hood.

"Aww, I'm out of knives," the crazed girl sulks. Bad feels a wash of relief surge over him, but he learns to not drop his awareness so quickly when the girl reaches in a pocket and snatches up a handful of sharp darts.

"Y'know, BadBoyHalo," the girl smirks, spinning one between her index and middle finger. "I've never missed a bullseye in my life, but then again, I've never had a moving target," her smile widens, if even possible, showing all of her jagged teeth in a sinister grin. "Would you like to be my first?"

Bad blinks in surprise.

He hears a thud behind him. When he turns, there's a dart, settled into a tree trunk all the way to the handle.

Instinctively, Bad springs to the side and two more darts plant into the tree, grazing against the others in a neat cluster in the center. Bad's sent racing around, darts hunting his every step. Each move he makes, he strives to close the distance between the girl and him.

The hero lifts his hammer to bring down on the girl, who has finally halted her dart-throwing to recognize just how close he was. Bad grips his hammer tight, shuts his eyes and swings down.


There's nothing there.

An explosion deafens him, prompting him to jump backwards in shock. The girl's on the ground, cursing and grasping one of her darts by the tip. A smoking stone lies just by her face, and Bad turns to see the number two hero squatting on a tree branch.

"Skeppy, I was about to-"

"Just go away! I'll finish this up!" His so-called "best friend" snaps at him, flicking another rock at the girl, who rolls to the side and hurls a dart right back, to which Skeppy effortlessly evades. "If you were any good, you would've defeated this girl a long time ago. Just leave!"

Bad opens his mouth to protest but instead rolls his eyes in exasperation and retreats. In battle, the top ten heroes really are monsters, both in skill and in personality.

As he stalks away in anger, a nearby bush blasts into orange flames.


"Skeppy defeats a villain easily, as expected of him as the #2 hero."


"Please," Jschlatt snorts, leaning back in his seat as he eyed the number two hero on the screen in revulsion. "I bet he just stole someone else's prey again," he drawls out, picking at his utensils before stabbing a baby carrot with a fork.

"Don't watch TV during dinner, stupid," Wilbur slaps Jschlatt across the head. The pop star glances around before leaning down to murmur in Jschlatt's ear furiously. "She's here. Don't do that while she's here!"

"Sorry, man," Jschlatt shrugs, pushing Wilbur away. "Well, she's in your room right now, so I don't think she heard that. You're so enamoured with her though, it's fuckin' hilarious,"

"What's hilarious?" Came a small female voice down the hall. Wilbur whips around and breaks into a wide, gentle smile. "Niki!" Jschlatt watches his best friend stride towards the German streamer and lingers at her side.

"What's hilarious, Wil?" Nihachu echoes with wide, inquisitive eyes. "Ah, just a confidential case someone asked us to complete," Wilbur provides hurriedly, shooting a death glare towards Jschlatt, who simpers mischievously. Maintaining his eyes on Wilbur, the number three manipulates the gold hovering around him to form a small golden heart.

"I see," Niki hums, sitting down on a sofa daintily. "Good luck with that, Wil, you'll do great!"

Jschlatt watches his best friend melt on the inside.


"Slimecicle goes back into action after weeks of healing and defeats a B-class villain."


"Philza! Philza! Can I pleeease get an autograph?"

"Sure! What's your name?" Philza gives a soothing smile to the thirteen-year-old girl, who gasps out in excitement. With shaky hands, the girl takes out a black Sharpie and a bright hot pink backpack. "E-Emily!"

"Oh, this is a cool backpack!" Philza compliments, taking the items with a gentle smile. He uncaps the Sharpie with one hand and hoists the backpack up with the other.

"Th-thank you!"

The Survival Hero chortles and proceeds to sign the backpack right on the front pocket before noticing a signature in green and one in orange. "Oh, you got Ranboo and Zelkam's signature too! Hahaha!" He exclaims. "Am I next in the collection?" He scribbles down his signature and leans down, returning it to the girl. "Who's your favourite hero?"

Emily breaks into a dreamy grin and titters in a high-pitched tone, twirling her red locks around her finger. "Don't judge me, okay?" She squeals.

"I won't!" Philza assures, crouching down to be on the girl's level. He straightens his telltale bucket hat to cover the bright sunlight and pauses to listen for Emily's answer.


Philza's smile drops.

The teenage girl is weighing herself on the balls of her feet, her arms tucked behind her with a sly smile on her face. "After all, he's helping the world. Doesn't that count as a hero?" Emily utters.

Philza feels like he's been plunged into ice water, freezing all the liquid in his body. He thought it was just a small group of them on the internet. He never thought... he would meet one in person. And a kid, at that.

"But he kills people," Philza tries, tilting his head. "That's evil, didn't you know?" Emily simply throws her head back, her red curls bouncing about, and breaks into a horrendous howl of laughter, one that borders on bursts of shrieks rather than the innocent chuckle of a soon-to-be teenager.

"He only kills bad guys!" She dismisses after bringing her head back again. "Look what I did for him!"

Emily opens her mouth in a wide, toothy grin. Philza's eyes widen in horror at the sight, his jaw going lax and his eyes blank and staring. This girl, a thirteen-year-old child, already knew of Technoblade's endeavours and supported it. Philza couldn't believe his eyes, but the sight in front of him was so convincing.

Each one of Emily's teeth was seemingly cut and filed into fine, sharp fangs. The failures are evident, with most teeth being awfully filed and with cuts and scratches on her gums, seemingly fresh and dripping.

"E-Emily," Philza stutters. "Where are your parents?"

The girl giggled again, a shrill one that Philza knows will inhabit his nightmares. Her pale cheeks fade into a rosy pink, almost like the blossoms of blood. "Them? You don't need to know! Hahaha..! S-stop being nosy!"


"Philza captures a thirteen-year-old girl who had murdered her parents two weeks ago."


edit: author is idiot and forgot to add fanart... here it is! some stunning fanart made by Wattpad account Cryrz_!


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