
By USWNT-Preath

8.2K 133 41

Follow Christen's journey through a college experience as she finds out more about herself with the help of f... More



2K 26 24
By USWNT-Preath

*3rd Person POV*

The older of the two had been longing all day to taste the familiar strawberry lip-gloss that Christen always wore, she found it sweet, familiar. It had only been two hours but she found herself addicted to it, or perhaps it was just the person she missed. 

Christen on the other hand hadn't left her bathroom since getting back to the dorm, she was fretting about the date. She definitely liked messing around with the other girl, she loved the way that she tasted, the way she smelt. She'd been getting butterflies in her stomach since she left, a feeling she hadn't found herself experiencing on anything other than a rollercoaster. No man had ever given her such feelings, she knew her body was reacting to Tobin no matter how much her brain tried to fight the feelings.

There was a soft knock at Christen's door, Tobin had wandered up the hallway, seemingly already getting dressed and making her way to Christen's room. The younger of the pair opened the door and greeted Tobin with a grin, she looked her up and down before dragging her inside by the drawstrings of her jacket. Tobin found herself feeling a little strange at the dominant action, she liked this side of Christen.

Christen had kicked the door shut with her foot and shoved Tobin against it, her hands were tugging tightly against Tobin's open jacket. Christen swallowed hard, "Hey."

Tobin found herself a little bemused at Christens sudden nervousness, she used one hand to grab Christens waist and flip her around, her other hand had grabbed Christen's wrist and pinned it to the door. "Hey you," Tobin replied, leaning in to kiss Christen gently. Christen didn't need to reply, she used her free arm to grab Tobin's shirt and drag her in close again.

Tobin took it as permission to kiss her again, Christen seemingly liking the idea, bit down gently on Tobin's lip, stopping her from moving away. Tobin knew where this was going, she wanted her badly, but she was hungry. "What happened to dinner?" She asked, sliding a hand up under Christen's shirt as she spoke.

Christen had spent the last hour thinking about Tobin, she wanted her bad, but she knew they were both hungry. "Five minutes, we can keep our clothes on?" She bargained, kissing Tobin again. Tobin shrugged but nodded, she couldn't say no, her body wouldn't let her, she already missed the feel of Christen's skin. 

Tobin slid her hand down from under her shirt and unbuttoned Christen's jeans, tugging the zipper down after. Tobin wasn't sure she'd ever met anyone who was as needy as Christen, but she couldn't complain, she was exactly the same, she craved Christen every hour she was awake. Christen had began awkwardly shuffling out of her jeans, they got as far as her knees before getting stuck, "Damn jeans," she huffed.

"You said we could keep our clothes on anyway," Tobin shrugged, sliding her hand down Christen's stomach and past her panties, Christen lurched forward right into Tobins grip. Tobin found herself grinning, Christen was needy after all. Tobin's fingers were slick before she had even really started, Christen's panties were already wet most of the way through, she'd been thinking about this for longer than Tobin had thought. 

Tobin had tried to slip her fingers inside Christen but the angle was wrong, she used her free hand to tilt Christen's hips toward her a little more. The new position let Tobin slide in easily, she started with a single finger, Christen's eyes rolled back as Tobin slid the whole way in. She was teasing, one finger wasn't going to satisfy her for long, Tobin knew that too. She continued to slowly slide in and out of Christen, Christen's free hand had found itself clinging to Tobin's backside. 

Christen's whining was getting needier, Tobin finally decided to have a little mercy on her, she slid a second finger inside Christen, the younger girl instinctively grabbing onto Tobin tighter. Tobin began to thrust her fingers quicker, Christen's whines had turned into soft moans as Tobin's fingers curled to hit that perfect spot. Christen tried desperately to free the hand above from Tobins grip, Tobin didn't need to be convinced to let her go, instead she placed her now free hand gently around Christen's neck, pressing down gently on the sides.

Christen found herself getting more aroused at Tobin's actions, the hand around her neck was a little bit of a shock, but she liked it. Tobin was conscious to be gentle with Christen's neck as she concentrated on making her cum. She slid a third finger in, watching Christen's eyes pop open a little wider as she let out an even louder moan. Tobin added her thumb, using it to rub gently at Christen's clit. 

It didn't take long for Tobin's new rhythm to have a profound effect on Christen, the younger girl's muscles tightened around Tobin's fingers. Tobin continued at the same pace as Christen tried to moan out full words, "Please...don't stop."

Tobin obliged, continuing as Christen finally released, her muscles relaxing as she began to shake softly in Tobins grip. Tobin relaxed her grip on Christen's neck and removed her hand from her panties, she dipped her fingers into her mouth to clean off what remained of Christen. Christen found herself a little turned on at the action.

Christen let her legs stop shaking before grabbing Tobin by the waistband of her pants, she shoved her roughly against the wall opposite the door. She stopped to tug her jeans back up around her waist before leaning in to kiss Tobin, she still tasted like her too. Christen was momentarily disturbed by the thought but brushed it off quickly as she got closer to the older girl.

Christen slid her thigh in between Tobins legs to push her further against the wall as she began to pepper her neck with light kisses. As Christens knee slipped between Tobins legs, Tobin felt herself moan before she could stop, she was so sensitive. Christen grinned and slid her leg in a little further until her knee hit the wall behind Tobin. Tobins hands had risen from Christens waist to grab her shoulders tightly, she began to grind herself on Christens thigh while Christen watched her, she liked seeing Tobin so vulnerable, so needy. 

Tobins small whimpers eventually convinced Christen to help out a little more, she allowed her hand to slide into Tobins pants and into her slick boxers. Tobin moaned louder as Christen brushed against her clit, Christen panicked about the noise, then covered Tobins mouth with her hand before making a 'shh' sound. Tobins stomach did a backflip as Christen began to rub slowly against Tobins centre, she couldn't stop her muscles relaxing as she slumped even harder against the wall.

Christen liked seeing Tobin like this, her body was completely at Christens demand really, she leant her head down to Tobins ear and whispered "You're so wet baby, cum for me."

Tobins eyes widened for a second, her stomach flipping at Christens sentence, she felt herself get even wetter and closer to finishing. Christen only needed another twenty seconds to finish Tobin off, the older girl felt her muscles contract before she finally released, quivering in Christens grip. Christen took her hand away from Tobins mouth and kissed her gently, "So, dinner?" She asked, all Tobin could do was nod, she was still coming down from her high. 

Christen took a step back, adjusted her shirt and ran a hand through her hair, "hang on, let me freshen up real quick," she announced, popping into the bathroom. Tobin was quietly thankful, she hadn't fully come to her senses yet anyway.

Tobin flopped onto Christens bed, her mind was still swimming, she'd just came twice in one day at the hands of a so called straight girl. Although neither of them still used that label, Christen was just calling herself undecided. Tobin checked her watch, Christen had been gone for a little while now.   

"So, are you ready?" Tobin asked, Christen had been in the bathroom for over twenty minutes now, there's no way it took her that long to get ready. Tobin knew she was beautiful, she couldn't imagine there was anything left to change or fix that would make her look even more beautiful. Maybe she wanted to put her hair up, maybe some makeup, but would that take this long? She wasn't really sure, she didn't know what it was like to fancy up, all she had done was wash and dry her hair and get changed. 

Christen still hadn't answered, she was staring at herself in the mirror, her pupils were still dilated, she was trying desperately to get her feelings back to normal before returning out the door. At a last attempt she splashed her face under the cold water from the tap. It seemed to work enough so she emerged from the bathroom.

The two women locked eyes for a few seconds, Tobin hopped up and followed as Christen began to leave. The two walked out toward the front of the campus and toward all the restaurants in town, they were at least a five minute walk from here. Tobin wanted to reach across and take Christen's hand, but she knew Christen was already having identity issues and that would likely make it worse. Little did she know though, Christen was thinking almost the exact same thing, she wanted the world to see the two of them together, but at the same time dreaded it too.

Christens mind was running through a few scenarios, they were a fair distance from town yet, the streets were dark, nobody would see them here. She sighed silently and turned her head towards Tobin, the older girl was admiring the stars, her eyes fixed up at the sky. She was dragged back down to earth when Christen grabbed her hand and held onto it tight. 

She hadn't expected it, she wanted it but wasn't expecting Christen to make the first move. Nevertheless she held on tight, shooting a smile in Christens direction. As they walked further the town lights began to show up in the distance, Tobin was expecting Christen to let go, but instead Christen leant over and kissed Tobin's cheek. Tobin's face blushed a bright pink as butterflies began to swarm in her stomach again.

Christen had thought about letting go, but she felt her stomach flip every time she looked at the brunette, she couldn't deny her feelings, and now that she'd been brave enough to take Tobin's hand, she didn't intend on letting it go. The lights got brighter and brighter, the soft yellow glow was illuminating all of the streets, and now both Tobin and Christen. 

Tobin led Christen to a little restaurant at the end of a little side street, it was quaint, the seats were all little booths. It reminded Christen of a diner that she had back at home, she found herself relaxed at the somewhat familiar scene. They took a seat in the back corner, away from most of the other people, Tobin was aware of Christens anxiety about the gay thing, so she made an effort to take her as far away from people as she could.

Tobin sat across from the dark haired girl, she couldn't help herself, she stared at her as she picked up a menu and began to read. Tobin watched as her eyes scanned the page, she noticed every little freckle, she watched as her eyebrows raised, she felt herself fill with adoration as Christen tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. Christen could tell Tobin was watching her, she felt appreciated but awkward, nobody else seemed to want to take in all of her features like Tobin did. Christen was secretly watching Tobin too, but from the side of her eyes whenever Tobin looked away.

She loved Tobins beautiful tanned skin, she loved her eyes, they seemed to dazzle in the lights. Tobin was one of the most perfectly put together people she had ever seen, she was sure that if people still made marble sculptures of beautiful people there would be a bunch that looked like Tobin. She had a perfect sharp cut jawline, her lips were so kissable too. If she wasn't so nervous she would have leant across the table and kissed her right now. 

Time seemed to pass so quickly when they were together, they had ordered over an hour ago now and were ready to leave. Tobin made sure to settle the bill despite Christens protesting, they settled eventually with Tobin relenting and allowing Christen to do the tip. Tobin opened the door for Christen as they left, Christen found herself smiling at the gesture, when they walked far enough from the front windows Christen took Tobin's hands and pulled her over, "come here for a second," she whispered while checking around for people.

Tobin obliged and got into Christens personal space, Christen took Tobin's face in her hands and leant in to kiss her softly. Tobin grinned as Christen pulled away, she was quietly proud of her for coming out of her shell a little bit more, she leant back across and kissed Christen's forehead quickly before pulling away and taking her hand in her own again.

The soft smile didn't leave Christen's lips the entire walk home, Tobin's voice filled the air as she began to detail everything about her childhood. Christen was curious about her, she liked to listen to her talk, she always had so many stories to tell, this time she was talking about all her childhood camping trips, Christen got the impression Tobin was very much a free spirited person. They emerged on the campus as Tobin finished up her story, Christen found herself wanting Tobin to stay, she wasn't ready for Tobin to go just yet. Sure they were only down the hall from each other, but that was too far. 

"Stay with me tonight?" Christen asked as they scaled the stairs leading up to the residential quarters. Tobin thought about it for less than a second before making up her mind.

"Yeah, let me get some things then I'll come over," Tobin replied as they reached her door, Christen nodded and followed her to her room as Tobin disappeared into her bathroom. She emerged with a toothbrush before walking to her draws and finding some pyjamas, the older girl skipped back into the bathroom to change. Christen felt herself wanting Tobin again, just softly though. She knocked on the bathroom door before opening it slowly, Tobin looked a little confused but welcomed her presence. 

Christed hadn't noticed at first but Tobin was completely naked again, her eyes travelled up and down over her body before they landed back on her eyes. She leant up and kissed Tobin softly, Christen's lips were still covered in a thin layer of gloss. She had no intention of turning this sexual again, she just wanted to feel Tobin under her palms again. "Sorry, I just needed that," Christen whispered as she pulled away again. Tobin nodded, she thought as much, the younger girl had been staring at her lips the entire walk home. 

Christen's eyes were yet to leave Tobin's body, "What are you looking at, Press?" Tobin finally asked, watching Christen bring her eyes back up again. 

"I don't know, I'm just...curious," Christen shrugged. She placed her palms flat against Tobins stomach, her skin was warm to the touch.

Tobin wasn't so sure what Christen meant by curious, she'd already seen her naked a handful of times. "About?" The older girl finally giggled, she couldn't stop her amusement from showing on her face and in her voice, Christen was almost drooling at this point. 

Christen wasn't so sure what she was curious about either, there was just so much naked skin, a part of her wanted to touch every part of her. "Nothing anymore, you're just so beautiful," Christen finally admitted, running her hands up and down along Tobin's sides. Tobin's face flushed a bright red colour as Christen spoke, her hands were causing little goosebumps to rise on Tobin's skin.

Christen leant over to kiss Tobin again, Tobin kissed her back a little more deeply, she could kiss Christen for hours and not get bored. Christen shuffled forward closer until Tobin was forced up against the sink, even the Christen got closer until Tobin had no choice but to hop up onto the bench that the sink was attached to. Christen, seemingly satisfied now placed her hands on Tobin's waist as she slid in between Tobin's legs again. Tobin let her in close as Christen lent in to kiss her again.

Tobin had no complaints, despite being in an overtly sexual position, neither of them wanted to progress any further. Tobin was the most content she'd ever been with Christens lips pressed against hers, the pair kissed in Tobin's bathroom for over half an hour, Christen had ended up on the sink where Tobin once was. "Bed time?" Tobin finally asked when Christen had stopped mid kiss to yawn.

Christen nodded, hopping off the sink and leaving Tobin to finally get changed in peace. Tobin appeared a few minutes later after brushing her teeth and getting changed, Christen smiled when she saw Tobins bottoms, just a pair of boxers. "Are you really going to walk up the hall like that?" Christen laughed, she was sure that given the opportunity Tobin would in fact leave the room like that, but decided to poke fun at her anyway.

Tobin smirked before answering, "Why? Would it embarrass you?" Christen shook her head in amusement and walked toward Tobins door, intent on leaving before Tobin could chicken out of this new proposition. Sure enough Tobin followed her up the hall and into her room, Christen took a detour to the bathroom to get changed while Tobin made herself comfortable in Christen's bed. 

Christen emerged from the bathroom soon after, upon spotting Tobin in bed she flicked off the lights and walked over, "You're on my side," She added, ready to push Tobin out.

"Come get it then," Tobin answered, a playful grin on her face. Christen accepted the challenge, she jumped over on top of Tobin, putting her knees either side of Tobins hips. Tobin grinned, she leant up and pulled Christen off balance so that she fell on top of Tobin's chest. "Okay, goodnight," Tobin whispered, placing her arms around Christen in a soft embrace.

Christen found herself grinning at Tobins playful ploy but settled down into Tobin's arms, using her chest as a pillow. It didn't take either of them long to fall asleep.

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