Cheated out of Mortality

By wildhamster

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Angelina has always been able to see ghosts, and it was never something she enjoyed. One day, her life is sa... More

Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter One)
Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Two)
Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Three)
Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Four)
Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Six)
Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Seven)
Cheated Out of Mortality (Chapter Eight)
Cheated Out of Mortality (Chapter Nine)
Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Ten)
Cheated Out of Mortality (Chapter Eleven)
Cheated Out of Mortality (Chapter Twelve)
Cheated Out of Mortality (Chapter Thirteen)
Cheated Out of Mortality (Chapter Fourteen)
Cheated Out of Mortality (Chapter Fifteen)
Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Sixteen)

Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Five)

112 1 1
By wildhamster

Chapter Five

In the morning, I put on some white shorts with pockets and a pink tank top.  I put my hair up in a high ponytail and about to put some make up on.  I walked over to my mirror that rested on top of short dresser with six drawers.  In the top right one, I kept all my beauty stuff.  Inside, was six bottles of lotion, two of perfume, one bottle of hand sanitizer, a brush, my box of hair accessories, and my box of make up stuff.

I pulled out the box of make up stuff and placed on top of the dresser.

"Do you really need all that stuff on your face?" Fez asked me.  He was hovering behind me.

"No.  I'm only putting lip gloss on," I answered, pulling out a pinkish color so it wouldn't be that noticeable.  It was the kind of lip gloss you squirted onto your finger and rubbed on your lips, or you just squirted it onto your lips.  Whichever works.

"You'd still look pretty without it as well," A soft voice in my head said.

"WHAT THE CRAP?!" I yelled, dropping the lip gloss in my hand and stepping backwards.

My door opened and my mom rushed in.  "What is it, what's wrong?" He asked me, concerned.

"Uh, n-nothing!  What would possibly make you think something was wrong?" I lied, smiling.

She slowly nodded, now concerned for my sanity.  "All right then."  She left and carefully closed my door.

"Why did you yell?" Fez asked me, not believing my lie.

I waited till I heard my mom's footsteps as she went downstairs, then answered.  "There was a voice in my head."  I pointed to my head.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you think to yourself.  I guess this proves that you've never thought about anything."

"Hey!" I whined.  "And that's not what I meant.  It wasn't my voice thinking, it was someone else's."

I waited for the voice to speak again, but it was as if I had scared it off.  I hope I scared it off.  It shouldn't be in my head in the first place.

"Are you sure about that?"  Fez asked.

"I'm positive."

Hello? I thought to myself, or should I say I thought to the voice, if that makes sense.  Is someone there?  Hello?  No answer.  Oh well!

I bent down to pick up the lip gloss off the floor and put some on.

Fez moaned and said  "You're boring right now."

"Hey, look who's talking!  You're the one that just flies around asking questions and not answering any of mine!  You're the boring one around here!"

I turned around to face him.  He just stared at me.

"Can I see that lip gloss?" He asked, holding out a hand.

"Why?  It's not like you can do anything with it.  Unless!  If I put it on you, would others be able to see just the lip gloss?  That would be so weird!"  I was getting excited now.

"Can I just see it?" He seemed impatient.

"Fine."  I handed it to him.

"Thanks."  He poured ample amounts onto his hand, then looked at me.  "Here," He said, shoving his hand with the lip gloss on it into my face.

"AHH!" I yelled as he wiped it all over my face, some getting into my eyes.

"IT'S IN MY EYE!  GET IT OUT!  GET IT OUT!  GET IT OUT!"  I continued screaming that as I ran in circles around my room.

My mom heard me, unfortunalty, and came running up the stairs and into my room.  "What is it this time?"  She asked.

I stopped running, then quickly grabbed the lip gloss from Fez before she could realize it was floating.  "Uh, my, um, lip gloss... it, uh, exploded.  Yep, that's what happened."  I squinted, since my eyes hurt from getting the lip gloss in it.

"Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your head.  How does lip gloss explode?"  She folded her arms across her chest.

"I squeezed it too hard.  But, uh, look on the bright side.  Now my face is all sparkly!"  I smiled.

She sighed, hanging her head.  She then left, but not before I heard her mumble "What am I going to do with you, Angie?"

Fez snickered behind me after my mom was out of sight.

"Grrr!  It's all your fault!" I blamed him as I left the room to go wash off my face in the bathroom.  And he wonders why I don't want to be his friend.

I started washing off my face with my hands, since I was too lazy to go grab a towel from the closet in the upstairs hallway.

"Maybe you should be nicer to him," That voice from earlier suggested.

I gasped, but ended up choking on the water in my hand.  I coughed for a few seconds, then answered in my mind while gasping for air 'Who the heck are you?'

"I don't remember yet.  This is my first time conscious as far as I know, but I know there is something I'm forgetting.  I'll let you know if I remember anything!"

'Hmm, well, alright then.  WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HEAD!"

 "I'm sorry, but I don't really know why,"  I could tell by the way the voice said it that they meant it.  Also, from the way the voice sounded, I was able to conclude that it was a girl.

Why me? I thought to myself.  Why does all the weird stuff have to happen to me?

The voice stayed quiet as I walked back to my room.  When I got back, I saw Fez once again resting on my bed reading my book. 

"Fez!  What did I tell you about where you are allowed to be in my room and what you are allowed to do?" I scolded him, folding my arms across my chest.

"You actually didn't say much about it," Fez answered without looking away from the book.

I walked over and pulled the book out of his hands.  "I did tell you not to go on my bed and to never read my books without my permission."

He looked at me, giving me direct eye contact.  "Did you say that?"

"Y-yes, I..." I trailed off, staring back into his eyes.  His eyes are such a beautiful green.  WAIT what am I thinking?

I walked over to put the book away.  As I put the book in it's rightful place, my cell phone rang.

"Angelina, your phone is yelling at you!" Fez called out to me as if I were much farther away than I was.

"I know," I replied.

I picked up the phone and answered it without checking to see who it was first like I normally do.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Angie, It's David," David greeted me with a cheerful tone.

"Oh, hi David!"

"Hey!  Listen, me, Heather and Sasha are going down to the park to play soccer, maybe meeting up with others when we get there.  D'you wanna come?"

"Sure!  I'll be down in ten minutes."

"Kay, see you then."


I hung up, then threw my door open and ran downstairs.

"Wait up!" Fez called, but I ignored him.

"Mom, I'm going to the park to play soccer," I informed her when I got downstairs.

"Alright, have fun," was all she said.

"You? You're playing soccer?" Samantha stared at me as if I had just told everyone that I was going to walk on a wire one-hundred feet off the ground.  I would NEVER do that.

"Shut up, I know I'm not any good at sports.  Neither is Sasha but she's still going to play soccer with us!"  I glared at her.

She just laughed.

I bent down and grabbed my tennis shoes and put those on.  I tucked the laces inside my shoe once they were tied so they wouldn't easily untie.

When I was ready to go, I walked outside and started making my way to the park.  Fez was already outside, but I pretended not to notice him.  Even so, he still followed me all the way there.

David was already there, and so was Heather.  Heather had orange hair that fell halfway between her shoulder and chin that had little wave to it.  She also sometimes wore glasses, but in this case she was wearing contacts.  Heather was great at sports, just like David was.

"Hey Angeh," Heather greeted when I walked up to them.

"Hi Heather," I returned the greeting.

"Are you ready?  I know you are probably going to fall at least once, but try to do your best, okay?"  I raised an eyebrow.  Heather was competitive, but awesome.

"Hey, it's Sasha!" David pointed out.  I looked towards the other side of the park then where I enter from, and sure enough, there was Sasha sprinting as fast as she could to reach us.

She stopped in front of us, completely out of breath.  "H-hey...everyone!  I... am sorry... that I l-late, but my cat was giving me... some trouble,"  Sasha managed to make out as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hi Sasha," we chorused.

I suddenly felt something bump into my left foot.  I looked down and discovered David's black and gold soccer ball.

"Alright," David began.  "It's me and Sasha against Heather and Angie.  Now let's head out into the field!" He kicked the soccer ball away from my feet and sent it far into the field.

"Oh, it's so on," Heather grinned, running out just as David started chasing the run away soccer ball.  Me and Sasha followed, but we never were as good as the others were.  David might have split us up into teams, but it was really just him and Heather.

As the ball kept going back and forth, I found myself stumbling around as I veered in different directions.  This is why I'm bad at sports.

When my energy had reached it's zenith, I jogged over to where Sasha stood, bent over trying to catch her breath from all that running.  Heather and David didn't even notice that we had stopped playing.

"Who do you think is going to win?" I asked Sasha.  Heather had the ball and was rushing over to the goal, but David was catching up to her.  Soon enough, he was able to kick the soccer ball out of her possession and they started kicking at each other as the ball rolled around their feet.

"Honestly,  at this rate they could go for hours,"  Sasha answered, shaking her head in disbelief.

I nodded, then looked down at the ground.  I wish I were good at sports.  Then I'd be able to play just like Heather and David.

"Ahh!" I heard Sasha yell out.  I looked up to see her arms crossed in front of her face and the soccer ball by her feet.

"Sorry!" David apologized as he jogged over, Heather following.

"It's a good thing Sasha blocked it," Heather said when they got here.  "That was one powerful kick."

I looked at Sasha's arms, which were a little red.  These guys are too serious when it comes to sports.  This was supposed to be just a fun game of soccer, but they just had to convert it into a compitition.  Typical.

"Yeah David, think before you act," I agreed with Heather.

"I'm Sorry!  I was only able to think about the game!"  David whined.

Heather looked at her watch.  Her eyes widened.  "Whoops!  I got to go to my cousins house soon.  Bye everyone!"  She waved and ran off.

"Bye Heather!" David yelled as she ran away.  "Oh, and by the way, I definitely won!"

I heard a faint "No you didn't!"

"Well, I'll be getting back now as well," David said, turning to us.  "Unless you two want to play?"  He picked up the soccer ball and held it in his hand.

"I think I'm good."

"No way am I risking falling over any longer."

Sasha and I both answered at the same time.

"'kay, bye then!"  David made his way towards the exit.

"I'm hungry,"  Sasha informed me with a curious expression.

"So am I," I lied.  "Why don't we head down to my house and get something to eat?"


We started walking towards my house, and that's when I remembered Fez.  Where did he go?  I thought, looking around.


"AHH!" I yelled, turning around to see Fez laughing.

"What is it?  What happened?"  Sasha looked worried when she asked me that.

Crap, now how do I explain this?  Come on Angie, think of a good explanation to why I suddenly yelled and turned around.   There has to be some logical reason for someone to do that, right?

Out of time to think, I decided what I should say.  "I was practicing."

Sasha looked at me like I was going insane.  I can't believe that's the best I could think of.

"Right...." Sasha trailed off, but she laughed despite my weirdness.

I smiled and continued to walk, but behind that smile I was plotting ways of getting revenge on Fez.  While I was thinking of revenge on Fez, I actually thought up a good way to mess with Samantha.

When we got to my house, I informed my mom that Sasha was here as well and proceeded into the kitchen.

"What do you want?" I asked Sasha while leaning on the counter.

"Um, let's see.  Nothing to big.  Just a snack,"  Sasha said while slowly walking around our kitchen.

"Alright then."  I reached into a cupboard behind me and pulled out a granola bar for her.  I was going to grab one for myself, but I decided not to.  I'm still not sure what would happen if I ate something, but It won't be long before my mom realizes I'm not eating.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Sasha asked with curiosity in her voice.

"Maybe later,  I decided I'm not hungry anymore."

"I wish I could still eat," Fez moaned.  I looked around, but couldn't find him.  Then I spotted him, sitting on the ceiling.

"What are you looking at?" Sasha had caught me staring at the ceiling.

I looked at her.  "Huh?  Oh sorry, I was thinking about something."

We stood there for a moment in silence, then I remembered something.  "Oh!  Sasha, do you want to see the clay sculpture I made for you so far?"  I got excited.

Her face lit up.  "Yeah!"  She was also excited.

"Be warned, I haven't painted it yet."  I started toward the staircase, Sasha and Fez following.

"I don't mind."

We entered my room.  I walked over to my small table and grabbed the cat to show Sasha.

Sasha's smile got larger when she saw it.  "I love cats!" She exclaimed.

"I know you do, so that is why I made a cat," I told her.

"Thank you so much Angie!"

"No problem."

"Ooo!  Can you paint it to look like my cat, Clementine?"  She asked.

Yes, her cat was named after a fruit.  Sasha had been seven when she got her cat.  The cat was a small orange kitten at the time, so she named it Clementine.  Her ten-year-old brother also has a grey cat named Oliver.

"Of course I can."

"YAY!  Angie, you're the best!"

I set the cat back down on the table.

Me and Sasha hung out for the rest of the day.  I got my clay out and we both had fun making random sculptures; sometimes of things that don't exist or make no sense.  That's art though.  It doesn't have to make sense.  In the end, I ended up with a tile with a flower on it, and Sasha ended up with a deformed cat.

When the day had come to an end, Sasha went home and I was stuck with Fez again.  It had been nice to spend the day with my friends, not worrying about ghosts or anything like that.  Now that was over, and I was alone with him again.  It's not like there was anything to do with him, since he won't even tell me anything about himself.

Speaking of the idiot, Fez was now zooming around my room with no real intentions at all.  Then he flew under my bed and didn't come out.

I ignored him at first, but then he started yelling "AHHH!  THEY'RE ATTACKING ME!  ANGELINA, COME QUICK!"

I groaned, then got off my bed, which I had been laying on, and got onto my knees.  I carefully pulled the blanket off the ground to find Fez laying on my bare floor with... socks.  There were two socks in his hand.

Of course.

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