Time will Tell | Peter Parker...

By MarvelousPeterParker

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Peter Parker was bitten by a radio active spider. We all know that already. He got powers, and became a super... More

Peter parker pulls a disapearing act... again
Ned blows up a piece of corn (It was an accident)
Peter Goes on a Vacation with Tony Stark
Spider-Man goes Sledding on his Butt
Peter gets told off by a Little Asian Man
Your hotel turns out to be a motel... with a swimming pool
You and Liz go Skydiving in an Elevator
Peter Messed Up
Peter Ditches Homecoming to Fight a Middle-aged Man
Peter Gets Hit by a Plane
May says a cuss word and Your mom says One... or two... or ten
Peter goes to California and Spider-Man disappears. Coincidence?
Peter jumps off the Brooklyn Bridge (he's ok... for now)
You face Planet Titan
You meet the Guardians
You watch the world crumble
Peter suffers a loss, and so does Earth
Ned is almost killed by a slug
You get hit in the head with a Potato
You accidentally spoil the future
Peter messes up his chance
You read a note
You are a thrid wheel on a six wheel... Leo
Peter goes for a swim
Ned REALLY wants to go to the opera
Peter gives up on lemonade
You get hit by a tiny car, then ran over by another car except underwater
Do I know what I'm doing?
Ned steals your gummies
Peter jogs your memory by shoving you down the stairs
End scene
Extra note
You Read an Update

You randomly decide to follow spider man following you

16.8K 519 1.3K
By MarvelousPeterParker

Sum up of your terrible day by yours truly. Your day was terrible because once you get an uncomforting or unfriendly thought in your head (such as realizing you have been friend-zoned) You can't get it out. You kept catching yourself looking for clues, or any hope that he was not trying to, and it was just you overreacting, but you only found more reasons to believe it was true. It wasn't that big of a deal, right? You would move on and forget about ever having had a tiny crush on him in a month or so. 

But really you didn't think it would be so easy. In almost all of your recent predictions, Peter was involved. Maybe your powers were also getting distracted. But seeing as how your day followed through to this unusual amount of visions, you had to accept that you had been twitterpated. And now I didn't know what to do with yourself. 

Career and College readiness? Peter sat next to you! Yay! But so did Ned, and MJ. And they acted completely normal. He had his headphones in as well, which was a sign of (I am working, please don't talk to me) itis. 

Spanish? Your teacher, of course, assigned Partner projects and it was a no brainer that Peter and Ned paired up and you had to wait hopelessly for someone to be willing to speak to you in Spanish. Great. 

Science? You kept seeing him talk to Ned behind your back, and when you joined in the clamped their mouths shut. Maybe... you weren't being friend-zoned but instead friend-kicked-out, something you made up just now. 

Geometry? No hope still. Ned took Algebra and Geometry at the same time (somehow) and Peter was too advanced in math that he was in Algebra two and trigonometry. Or was it Calculus?

What about English? That teacher aways lets students talk, right? You had to test your theories as to what Peter was up to. But he and Ned simply asked you to secretly join their online game on the laptops while the teacher wasn't looking. Good news? They still wanted to be friends. 

But finally, as Lunch rolled around, you were just about done with your mind's way of tormenting you. You kept convincing yourself (which wasn't hard because it was a true statement) that you would rather be friends with Peter, then to date him, break up, and never talk again. Your friendship was too precious to you, that you didn't want to break it. You were ever so thankful that Ned, Peter, and sometimes MJ were willing and accepting friends. 

"Y/N, sit. Staaaaaaaaay... Good Y/N" Ned started to chuckle, throwing you out of your trance. 

"What?" You looked up from your tray of food. 

So my sister is playing "Here comes the Sun" But like... In a very depressing key on her Guitar and it honestly made me want to write something really dramatic here cause it seemed fitting. Lol

"You haven't been talking, so Ned was teaching you Dog tricks," MJ answered from the other side of her table, not even looking up from her sketch pad. 

"Ned!" You widened your eyes. He started to laugh even more.

"What?" He said between chuckles, "You haven't said anything all lunch break!" 

"Sorry I... spaced out." You suspired. "Where's Peter?" You asked, finally noticing the boy was gone. 

"Had to leave on an emergency. Said his cat was dying." Ned shrugged.

"He has a cat?" You asked, raising an eyebrow in dismay.

"Nope." Ned grinned. "He's definitely hiding something, and I'm gonna find out!" He made his voice deeper as if he was trying to sound intense. You giggled at his claim. "He said he wanted to talk to you in private when he gets back though. And since I was busy teaching you to sit and lay down, he told me to tell you."

Your heart started doing jumping jacks... Or maybe bench presses... or maybe started jogging out of your chest. Yeah, your heart started working out at Ned's words. Your hands started to feel tingly as you put a spoonful of macaroni in your mouth casually. 

Peter wanted to talk to YOU. Not only that but he wanted to talk to you ALONE. Maybe you got everything backward, and your mind started racing with possibilities. What if he liked you, but thought you were friend-zoning HIM? What if he was just as twitterpated as you were. Maybe he wanted to tell you about his big secret that you only knew existed because your predictions told you so, but you just didn't know what it was. What if anything really? You tried to see into the future real quick, maybe get answers. You wanted to be ready for whatever it was. 

But your powers decided to go, "Hey, why don't we give her something useless she doesn't need. Maybe she will like that better than knowing what her crush is going to talk to her about?" The images were at complete random and you didn't even know what to think. You saw your backpack, your gym locker, and no gym shorts. 

Great, it looks like you would be borrowing some one's shorts again today. 

"Y/n?" Ned waved his hand in front of your face, snapping you back to reality. 


"Spaced out again." He remarked in a matter a factly way. 

"Sorry." You mumbled in response. "Just... Tired."

You were heading to PE class when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around to see Peter, smiling shyly at you. This was it.

"You keep making a habit of doing this." You smirked. "Ned said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah um... It's embarrassing." His cheeks became a tinted pink color and he looked like he had a frog in his mouth, and was trying not to let it escape. You leaned forward slightly, full of any possible hope.

"It's fine. Trust me." You reassured him. 

"Ok. Um, yeah." He took a deep breath. "I'm pretty sure you already know, but I needed to ask you something. Your a girl and all, you would have more experience or whatever than Ned." He started to go quiet. You stood there, patiently waiting. "I-... There's this girl that I really want to ask to Homecoming but I don't know how because she only sees me as a friend and I don't wanna ruin our friendship if she says no, and I don't know how to know if she even likes me or not." He said super quick and abruptly. He looked like he was holding his breath.

"Well um..." You felt butterflies start to tap dance in your gut, "You have to ask her. Maybe get close enough to her to know if she likes you or not. She might like you already!" I tried to hint but you really had no idea what you were doing. "It depends on who it is though." 

"Oh yeah, it's um... You." It is what you wished he had said but he didn't. 

"It's... Liz. We're not even that good of friends, but I really want to get to know her." He said in reality. Your heart fell dead on its work out mat. 

"Oh..." You said with disappointment. "Yeah, she's a senior. She might not even want to go with a sophomore. Wait! That sounded bad. I don't wanna discourage you or anything! Liz is like, super nice. I bet even if she didn't want to go with you, you two could still be friends."

"Thanks, Y/n," He smiled. "Do you know if she has a date yet?"

"Last I heard? No. She tends to wait till the last second because she can get really shy, you know. And she isn't the type to ask anybody so I would take the chance and ask her if I were you." You sounded disheartened, but Peter didn't take notice. 

"Thanks. And um... sorry about lunch I-"

"No need to apologize Parker. I hope your cat is alright."  You smirked.

"Oh hehe, right. My erm... Cat." He smiled awkwardly. You could tell it was definitely a fake smile because when he really smiled, 1, it looked a whole lot cuter and 2, he has dimples. "We're gonna be late, see ya Y/n!" He said and jogged back down the hall, bearing the goofiest face. 

"See ya..." You frowned as soon as he turned away. You wanted to skip the rest of school, go home, and cry. But you were to rational for that. And you tried to think of yourself as a cool girl, one who didn't cry because her crush liked someone else. You were stronger than that. And you certainly were no Bella Swann. 

You stopped by Star Bucks on your way home. Or at least you would have if it weren't so darn packed. Apparently, there had been a massive car collision that afternoon, causing a huge traffic jam. Seeing as the jam still hadn't been resolved, and people were stuck on the street, Star bucks, Mcdonalds, and that one Vegan place you never bothered to try were completely packed with angry hoards of impatient people who just wanted to get back to work from lunch break. 

You also had heard rumors that Spiderman, that guy from youtube, had been at the collision. According to the News, (which the decathlon team had watched in their spare time), Spiderman had saved at least 5 separate cars, one of which contained a pregnant Lady about to go into labor. Crazy, I know. But Spiderman had successfully taken the woman to a hospital just in time. 

You found the idea both hilarious and horrifying of Spiderman carrying a woman giving birth, flying through the city, and the lady randomly just goes "whoops. There goes my baby" as the baby just literally falls out of her. 

You had no idea why you thought of that. But despite having a peevish attitude about not getting coffee, you managed to cheer yourself up. Today was rough but you survived. And, you got ahead in Geometry, so no Homework tonight!

Ok, that was a lie. Your day was garbage. And you felt like breaking down on the streets and crying. Almost every person who walked past you, you wanted to punch just for looking at you weirdly, or smiling at you because they were having a greater day than yours. 

Man, you really needed that coffee. 

You spotted a small boy, standing next to his mother just outside a clothing department. His mother was on the phone, not paying him any attention as he gaped up at the sky. He kept poking his mom saying "look, Mom! Look!" But she paid no attention.  You remembered when you were in a situation just like this.

8 years ago, you were on a small porch like thing your apartment at the time had to offer. You were staring at the sky, just a little ways away. The sky was opening like holes in the ground, portals to space or some other world. The snake-like creatures crawled from the sky, entangling in buildings, shooting blasts at New york. Other, much smaller figures accompanied them as well, shooting everything in sight. Some had bridged over to Queens, and others had just barely scratched Brooklyn. You lived in the middle of New York at the time. 

You remembered, seeing hundreds of aliens fly overhead, right above the building you lived in. "MOM! MOM!" You screamed, but she only glared back at you, saying "I just told you to be quiet! I'm making a very important call right now!"

"But Mom!" You wailed. BOOM! The hulk smashed right through your apartment, making the walls crumble around you. That definitely got your mom's attention. She told you to run, just as the Hulk had disappeared through the kitchen wall. It seemed like everything was on fire. 

A small purple glowing gem rested amidst the flames, shining, begging you to go look at it. But you were too scared. The orblike stone caught on fire, just as you had managed to escape. That's when you remembered you had left your doll in your bedroom. You couldn't let her die!

So, in a brave attempt to save miss piggy, the muppet doll in your bedroom, you let go of your mother's hand and ran back inside. An armored alien creature was dying in your living room. By the look of the giant hole in the wall, someone had smashed into the apartment again. It looked up at you with its grotesque eyes, and raised its staff, still laying on its side. The staff lit up on fire, and it touched the tip of the gemstone. 

Everything exploded. Everything except for you. 

You looked up to see what the boy was so eager for his mother to see. It wasn't anything horrific, scary, or in need of rescue. It was spiderman, sitting at the top of a low building. He waved back at the boy in his gloved hand, and the boy waved back with the biggest ear to ear smile. 

"Come on Thomas." His mother pulled him away, finally off her phone. 

"Mom it's a superhero!" He cheered.

"I'm sure it is." She didn't even look up as she continued to walk with her boy down the street. 

You looked back up to Spiderman. You had seen him in person only a few times, but never this close. It almost was like you were a kid again in Disney Land, seeing a character. It felt so real and fake at the same time. The only difference here was that you knew he was real.

You pulled out your phone in hopes to get a picture, but when you looked up again he was gone. The small encounter had been pleasant, but now you felt wishy-washy all over again. You managed to spot him again, not long after. He was dangling from the corner edge of a sandwich shop, running up the wall side and ducking over the roof. Disappearing once again.

Strangely, you felt the need to kept finding him. Like a game of hide and go seek except he didn't know you were there and didn't know you were playing a game. Also, you really wanted a photo.

So you casually speed-walked up to the deli and began to look around. You ran around to the other side and saw a streak of scarlet that had to be him, dash around the top of a building. You wished he would just sit somewhere, and not even know you were taking a picture. This didn't happen to you every day, it was an opportunity. 

So the chase began. Up to Mcdonalds, behind the Levis TM store, around the deli again, past the Vegan shop, across the way from a bakery, down to a mall, and finally to a subway entrance where he casually walked into like he wasn't wearing a ridiculously colored outfit and also named an outlaw by the Dailey Bugle. 

You ran down those steps in a frenzy, only to lose him in a crowd of people. You sighed, slumping your shoulders. You put your phone back in your pocket. You grabbed a ticket and hopped on the train head to your house. There was no place to sit, so you had to stand at one of the railings. 

"Hey." Someone said behind you. Hesitantly, you turned your head around and almost jumped out of your shoes when you saw Spider Man's wide-eyed mask. 

"Gah!" You nearly fell over. His feet were glued to the ceiling, but he managed to catch you, straightening you back up. You started blushing from embarrassment. 

"Were you following me?" He asked rather kindly. You straightened yourself up, taking a deep breath of courage and sweaty subway air.

"Maybe? Were you following me?" You tried to sound sarcastic but your throat was so dry that words were hard. 

"Maybe. How'd you know?" He asked.

"W-wait what? I was joking. You were following me?!" You gasped.

"Perhaps. Why were you following me?" By now a bunch of people were staring at you and him. 

"I wanted a photo?" Your voice was slowly disappearing, and you weren't even sure what was going on anymore.

"You can take a photo with me. Here, get everyone else in it." He looked around at everyone on the train. You handed him your phone, still hanging upside down from the ceiling. Instantly people squirmed in excitement to get in the frame. "Say cheese!" He said took a photo.

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