You randomly decide to follow spider man following you

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Sum up of your terrible day by yours truly. Your day was terrible because once you get an uncomforting or unfriendly thought in your head (such as realizing you have been friend-zoned) You can't get it out. You kept catching yourself looking for clues, or any hope that he was not trying to, and it was just you overreacting, but you only found more reasons to believe it was true. It wasn't that big of a deal, right? You would move on and forget about ever having had a tiny crush on him in a month or so. 

But really you didn't think it would be so easy. In almost all of your recent predictions, Peter was involved. Maybe your powers were also getting distracted. But seeing as how your day followed through to this unusual amount of visions, you had to accept that you had been twitterpated. And now I didn't know what to do with yourself. 

Career and College readiness? Peter sat next to you! Yay! But so did Ned, and MJ. And they acted completely normal. He had his headphones in as well, which was a sign of (I am working, please don't talk to me) itis. 

Spanish? Your teacher, of course, assigned Partner projects and it was a no brainer that Peter and Ned paired up and you had to wait hopelessly for someone to be willing to speak to you in Spanish. Great. 

Science? You kept seeing him talk to Ned behind your back, and when you joined in the clamped their mouths shut. Maybe... you weren't being friend-zoned but instead friend-kicked-out, something you made up just now. 

Geometry? No hope still. Ned took Algebra and Geometry at the same time (somehow) and Peter was too advanced in math that he was in Algebra two and trigonometry. Or was it Calculus?

What about English? That teacher aways lets students talk, right? You had to test your theories as to what Peter was up to. But he and Ned simply asked you to secretly join their online game on the laptops while the teacher wasn't looking. Good news? They still wanted to be friends. 

But finally, as Lunch rolled around, you were just about done with your mind's way of tormenting you. You kept convincing yourself (which wasn't hard because it was a true statement) that you would rather be friends with Peter, then to date him, break up, and never talk again. Your friendship was too precious to you, that you didn't want to break it. You were ever so thankful that Ned, Peter, and sometimes MJ were willing and accepting friends. 

"Y/N, sit. Staaaaaaaaay... Good Y/N" Ned started to chuckle, throwing you out of your trance. 

"What?" You looked up from your tray of food. 

So my sister is playing "Here comes the Sun" But like... In a very depressing key on her Guitar and it honestly made me want to write something really dramatic here cause it seemed fitting. Lol

"You haven't been talking, so Ned was teaching you Dog tricks," MJ answered from the other side of her table, not even looking up from her sketch pad. 

"Ned!" You widened your eyes. He started to laugh even more.

"What?" He said between chuckles, "You haven't said anything all lunch break!" 

"Sorry I... spaced out." You suspired. "Where's Peter?" You asked, finally noticing the boy was gone. 

"Had to leave on an emergency. Said his cat was dying." Ned shrugged.

"He has a cat?" You asked, raising an eyebrow in dismay.

"Nope." Ned grinned. "He's definitely hiding something, and I'm gonna find out!" He made his voice deeper as if he was trying to sound intense. You giggled at his claim. "He said he wanted to talk to you in private when he gets back though. And since I was busy teaching you to sit and lay down, he told me to tell you."

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