
By Nyt_fury

695 119 35

5 minute bites that will engross you until you reach the end. *o* Do you want a taste of the horrific, mystif... More

Down to death
Missing Keys.
Already dead.
It happened again...
Strange and Cold
Missed Warnings
A stranger from long ago
No time to lose
The Book
Broken Trust
Another Chance...
Dead end
The Return
An eye for an eye - Part 1
An eye for an eye - Part 2
Missing pieces.
Missing pieces - Part 2
Lights out...
One more time...?
Lost Souls
The Lead -part 1
The Lead -part 2

Better to resist

40 4 1
By Nyt_fury

Jaden's life was never the same. He thought it was good to win the dare awards for it brought fame and stuff that one could only imagine. It was a life of luxury. He didn't win it alone though there were four others. People who liked him sent presents and cards and surprises it was enough to give the pleasure of being so daring. It was worth the danger and time. It was all nice for the first few days but later things got more dangerous, everyone wanted what he had. Jaden was surrounded with threats to his life.

His life was never the same after he won the dare awards. People tried to get him, they wanted to kidnap him, hold him for ransom. He was definitely worth a lot. He thought he was safe with the security systems but practicing day to day activities in the same times is not always good. As much as you know your routine enemies will too.

Jaden was ready for his morning walks, he opened the door to be greeted by the morning breeze, cool on his face. Just as he was about to leave the place his leg hit something hard. Jaden looked down to only see a peculiar looking box. It seemed like a present , after all he received plenty of these a day.

Something about the box warned him. It said something to him he couldn't hear. It was wrapped up in Black and neatly tied up with a green ribbon. It had a dark look . He tried to ignore the chills. It was complete black but seemed attractive.

Jaden tried to resist the temptation and go ahead with his walk but things were harder than that. He bent down to open it, after a moments hesitation. The moment his fingers met the box and something like black smoke covered his vision. He coughed and tried to push the smoke away with his hand in vain. It seemed like he forgot how to use his lungs and as he gasped for air it felt like the world was closing in on him. There was a loud thud as his body hit the ground, his vision cloudy and finally black.

Jaden opened his eyes to find himself in a room that was dimly lit, everything about it was uninviting . The smell of rust and dust hung in the air. There was something unsettling about the smell. He allowed his eyes to roam about the room and take in other details. The little furniture were dusty and old, looking as though it would crumble to dust by a single touch.

Jaden got to his feet, walking over to the opposite end of the room. His feet kicked loose bits of wood as the floor kept creaking under his steps. The smell of mold and mildew hit his nose.

"Where am I ?" Jaden asked himself even though he knew he sounded stupid.

"You couldn't do any better?" A voice answered . Jaden jumped not ready for a reply. He threw his fists in front of him in an attempt of defence , "obviously somewhere bad , but how would we know anyways..." the voice continued.

Jaden didn't know if he liked the idea of how he used 'we', if that meant more people in the room with him. He turned around to face a figure that looked human enough coming out of a dark corner. Jaden breathed out a sigh of relief, it was only Ray, another dare award winner.

"Ray, what are you doing here, so if you are here does that mean the we you were referring to is..."

" ohh yeah I was given an  invitation to a party that also included being locked out and oh we also get to be kidnapped and brought right here!" He raised a questing eyebrow at Jaden who realized he had answered his first question.

Other people walked into the space of conversation, and Jaden soon found out that the other dare award winners were here as well.

"Don't mind him he's been here for some time ,the darkness is getting at him." Max said a smirk crawling up his face.

Ken looked around ,another thought racing through his mind, "I think we should be thinking on how to get out." The rest of us nodded.

Jaden looked around expecting some kind of secret hole he could probably squeeze through he didn't like the idea of being in a dark room that smelled like rooting wood. It was useless ,after what seemed like hours of looking around they found out that there was nothing. Whoever the kidnappers were, they had made sure that they left nothing that would provide as an escape no loose stones just nothing.

"We are stuck! Don't you see, it's useless!" It was Kai. Jaden stopped abruptly and turned to face Kai annoyed, he stared at him. Kai stood leaning onto a wall, that was crumbling apart in some places along with stains that appeared darker than the rest which showed that water leaked down here in times of rain, half of his face was brightened by a flickering candle beside him. The look in his eyes told them that there was no arguing.

Jaden sighed and turned away, the light from the candle falling on his face gave him a more menacing look but he seemed so sure. Jaden sat down and thought rubbing his head. Max, Ray, And Ken spoke for a while while Kai stood in his corner , hands in his pocket with his eyes closed. If he was afraid or at least bothered to get back home he showed no sign of it.

They continued there talk in hushed whispers , every plan had a hole and all plans led to failure.

"Do you have anything to say... suggest?" Jaden asked Kai. He stood there and said nothing.
"Do you even smile... ever I mean never mind." Ray looked away clearly annoyed.

Jaden got to his feet, he felt his way across the room running his hand on the rough stone wall. The other side of the room reminded him of rotting wood his foot him something that rolled over he wished that it was only a broken chair or part of a cupboard. He felt nauseated .

A lock turned. Somebody pushed at the door and it came away with a heavy groan. Light poured into the room, Jaden shielded his eyes against the sudden brightness. It took a while for his eyes to adjust. His friends were just as stunned as he was.

A man walked in, he had broad shoulders ,enough to prove him strong and one to be careful with. He was followed by two others all of them were brandishing guns.

" we'll get plenty of money if we hold you for ransom!" The huge man said with a sneer. A boom of laughter followed which resulted in an eerie echo in the room. He walked forward straight towards Jaden who now saw that the man's face was badly bruised. He didn't want to take in any more. He took a step back with every step the man took forward. Jaden wished that he would not trip at this moment it would the worst possible thought.

The huge man held his gun to Jaden's head, he could feel the tension in the room grow. Jaden closed his eyes and held his breath he found it difficult to use his lungs for the last time. There was the sound of a few gunshots. Jaden opened his eyes and searched for the wound on him. The kidnappers, he assumed , were on the ground dead, a pool of red seeping out through there necks.

Jaden turned to look at his friends who were just as shocked as he was , they stared back at him but all of them were safe. Kai held a gun, illuminated by the light ,his eyes had a look of contempt, a smirk was plastered on his face. He had shot them. Relief flooded into Jaden's chest, he let out a breath and the others smiled reassuringly.

They turned to run out of the room, a few other men came into the scene . They probably heard the noise. All them were brandishing guns and none of them were shaken by the sight of the three dead men laying on the ground.

Ps - pls feel free to comment and include your suggestions. Thank you and let me know how you like the book. Thanks again:)

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