How the Heck Did I Land Here...

By animeandmusic

132K 3.6K 2K

There's a new assassin in town. Is she really an assassin though? Guess who stumbles onto her when the time c... More

Chapter 1: Not My Baby!
Chapter 2: Blind Chase
Chapter 3: Prisoner
Chapter 4: Joining Night Raid....My Bum Hurts
Chapter 5: Wisp Is Literal
Make Peace?
Changed Plot Kicks Me Off the Team
Meeting General Dinner and My Boyfriend
Figuring Out Lubba and....Imouto?
Acting the Part
You....Killed....My....Nutella.... DIE!!
Training Gone Wrong
1 Minute to Fight
Confronting Anonymous... I Can't See His Face.... +_+
Impersonating a Princess, Not My Forte
Thanksgiving Special
Debrief Arguments
Murder and Anger
Using Other Anime Advantages
I Hate Kiro
Getting a Boyfriend
Saving My Brotha From Ano- Stop it. Stop it Now Anime. -_-
We All Ship...Da Wubba!!- Anime Haven't We All Told You to Stop? +-+
Infiltration Gone Wrong
Bonus Chapter Part 1
To Destroy A Heart
Destroying the Evil Light Inside
Goodbyes and Guess Who's Back? Back Again?
Fight to the Death
Marry Christmas~
Bonus Chapter Part 2
Book Two
Sequel is Out!!!
Blooper- What I was Gonna Write But- *Author's Note*
Book 2 (Original Idea but SFOL xp)
Goofing off Q & A
Behind the Scenes

Wisp's Past

2.6K 84 64
By animeandmusic

3rd P.O.V

Night Raid, has began their next mission. Assassination of Borick. While everyone is talking about the mission, someone notices a missing person. "Where's Wisp?" Tatsumi questions. "She said, and I quote, 'you wake me up for a mission I already know about and I'll skin you alive, make a outfit from your skin and then sell your meat to cannibals.' Her words, not mine." Lubbock explains.

"She really likes sleep huh?" Tatsumi laughs. "More like she's going through her-." A knife is embedded next to Leone's head. "You wanted to talk about something Leone?" Leone starts to sweat and shakes her head at the angry looking girl at the door. "I see you're finally up Wisp." Najenda comments.

"Not by choice Jen-Chan, not by choice." She replied, stretching her arms above her head and yawning. "I assume you already know the information needed to kill Borick?" Wisp raises an eyebrow, "its that mission? Yeah, I know." She shrugs and sits next to Susanoo. Wisp leans her head on his arm and closes her eyes.

"Ne...wake me up when its over. I have some sleep I need to catch up on." She mumbles tiredly and falls asleep. "How does Wisp know all our missions?" Lubbock asks in curiosity. "Not even I know. For now, let's leave her alone about it. I can tell even if we tried to get the information, she wouldn't give it to us unless it benefits her or is an accident."

Wisp snores lightly, " is.....Nutella....." Everyone sweat-drops at her words, "sometimes I wonder if she's smart....then I hear something like this." Mine states. "Target......Mine......itching powder...." Wisp mumbles next, causing Mine to freeze up.

"I-Itching powder? What does she m-mean by that?" Mine asks nervously, looking around for an answer. No one can, they all look confused too. Mine scratches her neck, "well I don't feel any different so I'll have to be aler-." She starts to twitch and then jumps from her seat. "Itchy, itchy, itchy!" She shouts, scratching everywhere she could reach.

"Wisp!" Mine shouts angrily at the sleeping girl. "Mission.... Accomplished." Wisp mutters with a small smirk in her sleep. "Is she awake or something?" Lubbock asks. "I...don't think so. How did she get the itching powder on Mine though?" All of a sudden, everyone who used the same shower as Mine starts to twitch.

"Th-The shower!" They exclaim. Najenda laughs and leans back in her chair. "Classic Wisp."

Wisp's P.O.V

Throughout the time we've been here, I've been more irritated than usual. Not to mention emotional. "Everyone, I-I think I'm sick." I say, placing a hand on my forehead. "Sick?" Some ask and I shrug. "Well, I'm more irritated by simple things than usual, my stomach hurts a lot, I'm getting more sleep and I feel the need to eat anything and everything sweet."

Its silent.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Leone laughs like a hyena along with Mine and Najenda. "What's so funny?" Lubbock is red, Susanoo has a blank emotion, Akame and Tatsumi are as confused as I am. "You....Wisp....come with me." Leone says, grabbing my wrist, pulling me out the room.

10 minutes later....

"THIS ISN'T NORMAL!! I'M GONNA DIE!!" I run back into the room, sobbing onto Akame's skirt. "L-Leone said I'm going to bleed to death and not to make it messy!" I cry even more, Akame pats my head. "I did not say that. I said you're bleeding and its normal." I shake my head frantically, "no its not!! I don't have any cuts and I'm bleeding!? I'm going to die!!"

"Wisp....have you had, the talk yet?" Lubbock asks. "The what? I talk to people every day Lubba, you have to be more specific you idiot." I huff, then my eyes get wide. "Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to say that! See, I am sick!!" I cry more, hugging Akame like a teddy. "You're more clingy too." Mine observes.

"You aren't sick Wisp, why didn't your parents explain this to you?" Najenda asks. I tense up and frown, "parents..." Everyone becomes silent. "I don't really know...who or where my parents are." I explain. "What do you mean?" Tatsumi asks and I shrug.

"I don't know if they're dead or alive or their whereabouts." I say simply, not adding detail. "What is your back story Wisp? You never say." Mine states bluntly and I shrug.

"Not much to say. I sort of just exist. No purpose, no importance to anyone. I don't even know where I was born, my early memories is being called names, getting made fun of, excluding me and rejection. I don't know anything about myself. I know about as much as you do honestly." I scratch my head.

"Then how'd you survive this long?" Akame asks. "Learn from my mistakes, listen to what people were saying is bad or good." I answer. "Have you always been blind? Why do you wear those contacts? Could you take them off?" I feel myself shake slightly at the last two questions.

"I wasn't always blind. I wear them because I need to...?" I answer unsurely. "How'd you become blind?" Akame questions next. "Um....I don't.....People would..." I try to explain it myself but it's hard to put into words. "P-People would always tell me I'm different and I didn't belong. So I'd stare in the mirror each day and pick out what was so different to separate me and them."

I play with a piece of my hair. "I had eyes, I had a nose, I had a mouth but I still didn't know what made me outcast. I figured that it was only some people who thought that way and they had their own opinion. Then...I don't know the term but I was pushed down, held underwater, attacked, more and more. I didn't understand it then and I don't think I do now.

"At one point, I figured, 'if there's nothing wrong with them. There's something wrong with me.' I didn't know until I got humiliated in front of everybody. It was bad, I wondered what I did so wrong to deserve something like that and I still do. I had tried to copy someone to see if maybe that's why I was treated different but it wasn't. That's why I was humiliated, I tried to fit in and it didn't work.

"After that happened, I didn't want to look at myself anymore. I didn't want to see the girl staring back at me in the mirror. I didn't want to envy any other girls or boys. I wanted to see nothing, but at the same time everything. I didn't know how or why, I was just tired of it. At first I tied a clothe over my eyes for days at a time.

"Some kids took it off and made me look at them, then at myself and I still couldn't see the differences between all of us. I knew that would keep happening so I snuck into a lab one day and searched the we- well I researched. I found something that said it could temporarily blind you. Surprise, surprise, it was a spell.

"I've never been one for magic but I tried it. I-I messed up something, I still don't know what and then I couldn't fix it. I couldn't see or ask for help. A...act I watched when I was younger showed me someone blind and how she would send pulses through the ground to see. I did the same but I meditated more than anything.

"I enhanced the normal senses a human would have because they all became stronger when I was blind. I asked for help but I was just laughed at and called stupid. So I tried to get smarter by reading books." Someone stops me, "how can you read books if you're blind?" I frown, "easy. You feel the letters with your hands. They have books specially designed for that." I explain.

"I don't even know how it started but I started to fall into...well never mind. Let's just say I met the person in the act. Her name was Toph and she taught me a lot of things on being blind." I smile slightly. "Somehow we got moved apart. Then my life continued from there but I won't explain everything."

"Can you show us your eyes?" I shake my head, "I don't think that's a good idea." Mine whines, "just show us!" I frown deeply at her. "Please show us," Akame requests nicer than Mine had. "....alright but I warned you." I say, taking out my contacts slowly and keeping my eyes closed. "We can't see past your eyelids." I grit my teeth at Mine.

"Shut up and give me a second." I almost growl at her and she hushes. "Okay," I mumble after a moment. I open my eyes and hear the all gasp, I close my eyes again and stand up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to- I'll leave." Someone grabs my wrist, stopping me. "Why would you leave?" I keep my eyes closed, "because you don't want me around."

I feel someone hit my head, "don't put words in my mouth!" Leone scolds. "Nani?! But you don't want me around anymore!" Another hit on my head. "What'd I just say!?" I frown and hold my head, sitting on the ground. "Your eyes are-." I cut them off, "weird, creepy, hideous and you don't want them in your sight. Understood." I say quickly, trying to avoid hearing them say it. "No, your eyes are beautiful." I open my eyes at Susanoo's words.

"N-Nani?" I stutter and a hand is placed on my head. "Yeah, they're pretty. I wish my eyes were that many colors." I blink rapidly at Leone's words, "huh?" Someone pokes me, Akame. "The boys are blushing." Leone whispers in my ear and I feel more confused, "why?" Akame explains this time. "Because they think you're really pretty."

I push away from them, "okay where'd my contacts go?" I question and hear something being cut where Mine sits. "You won't need these anymore." My eyes widen, "hey!" I shout. "Your not ugly so why would you have to wear them?" Najenda questions and I cover my eyes with my hands. "I need them because my eyes are ugly!" I retort. "Your eyes are unique not ugly." Tatsumi cuts in. "How can you say that these monstrous eyes aren't horrible with honest emotions?"

"He's just saying his opinion. I like your eyes too. They aren't plain." Lubbock adds in and I finally feel myself break. "Stop it! Stop it! You have to be lying! Everyone hates my eyes, I hate my eyes, you should too! They're not pretty or beautiful, they are ugly and I hate them!" I start to cry, collapsing on the floor with my hands balled up into fists, wiping my eyes.

"What makes your eyes seem so horrible to you?" I manage to answer Akame's question, "they're what makes me a freak." I wipe my tears but they don't stop. "You aren't a freak Wisp. You're amazing and awesome, I wish I could do half the things you can do." Lubbock says and I feel his heartbeat get closer.

"I can't do shit!" I almost sob as I sit there. "Hey you can. You can fight, you can cook even though you haven't shown us, you can sing-." I cut him off, "how would you even know if I could sing?!" His emotions are surprised but calm down quickly. "I heard you singing to the emperor." He says quietly and I brush off his words, continuing to cry.

"Hey calm down," I shake my head at his request. "Just go away like the rest of them! You won't ever remember me anyway!" I cry even more, now you can see why I don't say much about myself. "Why would I forget you?" I grip a handful of hair in each of my hands. "No one ever does! No one ever can!"

I feel someone hug me and I gasp in surprise. "I swear I won't." I close my eyes tightly and grab his arm. "How do you know...?" I almost whisper. "Because, I wouldn't be able to even think about anyone else if you were gone." I blush, which probably doesn't help how I look right now.

I bury my face into what feels like his shoulder and soak his jacket with my tears. Somehow I manage to calm down, slowly but I did. I'm left sniffling lightly and I pull away. "Sorry," I mumble and wipe my tears. "You don't have to apologize, its fine." I nod and tilt my head towards the ground, "Lubba.... Did you mean it when you said th-that you wouldn't be able to think about-."

I'm cut off by a laugh, "ah sorry about that. I said what I could to make you feel better." My eyes widen and I feel a lot of pain, just not physical pain. "I see..." I stand up, "Wisp, wha-?" I cut him off, "I need to be alone for awhile. Have fun on your mission." Without another word, I leave the room.

Everyone else had already left but I knew they were eavesdropping outside the door. Not that I cared at the moment. I walked to a cliff and sat at the edge. Sometimes I just....


End of Chapter~

What did you all think?

A.) Lubba is a baka
B.) That was a horrible back story for Wisp
C.) I hated this chapter, the next better be better
D.) I love this chappie! Keep updating
5.) Wisp's background was sad and different.
6.) Some forreal fight scenes later
7.) You can't write fight scenes for your life
8.) Update! Update! Update!
9.) When does her name come in?! {Secwet ;3}

This chapter is dedicated to *drum roll*









??? What was I doing again?

Reaper- *face-wall* dedication.

You mean to Yuki? That's later.

Reaper- *face-palms with brick* idiot. This chapter is dedicated to YukiHime01


Reaper- You took too long and you would have probably said something like Yuki-personamabob.

NO I wouldn-.....maybe I would.




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