The Legend of The Hood Brothe...

By hjzuniga4866

310 9 0

This is a retold story of The Legend of The Hood Brothers. When Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang inherits what... More

The Beginning: Part Two
A Mission to Egypt
The Tree of Peace
Lava Party
The New Formling Guards
The Roar Returns
The Lion Chase
Around the World
The Other World
The Rise of Sombra
Return of The Hood Brothers

The Beginning: Part One

74 2 0
By hjzuniga4866

After Mickey and Minnie got married and went to their honeymoon, they decided to live in the forest with Oswald and White Fang, because Goofy's house is filled with spiders. So, Mickey and Minnie had to give him their house.

Mickey: Sorry we had to sale our house to Goofy, Minnie.
Minnie: Oh, its OK, Mickey. I think living in the forest, where you and brothers grew up, is better idea. Besides, I could get a better view up hear.
Mickey: (Smiles) Thanks Minnie.

After they moved in, Mickey decided to break a record of who can fall from the most highest place. But every time he tries to jump from higher places he still didn't break a record, and always gets a lot of injuries that Minnie has to take care of. The next day, Mickey received a letter from King Richard III, saying that before his parents and his brothers parents died, they left them the same inheritance. Mickey was surprise to hear that King Richard III discovered one of his parents and brothers parents unfinished business. So, he went to tell his brother and wife the news.

Mickey: Hey guys, I just received a letter from the king.
Oswald: Really, what does it say?
Mickey: It says, before our parents died, they left us the same inheritance, and here's the address. (Shows the address)
White Fang: Wow, I can't believe it! Each of our parents, left us something, for each of us to share! But does that mean, we have to leave the forest forever?
Mickey: Of course not, we can come and visit the Never Forest anytime we want.
Oswald: Fine with me.
White Fang: I agree with you as well, little brother.
Mickey: What about you Minnie?
Minnie: Well, I would like to live in a place where your parents left for y'all.
Mickey: All right, lets start packing.

When Mickey, Minnie, Oswald, and White Fang arrive to their new house, they saw that they are neighbors to Mortimer Mouse. When Mortimer saw Mickey, he threw a pie at his face and started to laugh.

Mortimer: Well, well, if it isn't my old pal, Mickey Mouse? Nice to know that you missed my pranks. A-cha-cha!
Minnie: (Mad) (Slaps Mortimer) Now listen here Mortimer, you have no rights to make fun of my husband anymore. And if you still think of having me again, well think again, because it will not happen. ( Wipes Mickeys face) Are you alright, Mickey?
Mickey: Yah, come on, lets go meet up with the lady, who will give us our house.

After they found the lady who is the owner of houses were people live, she gave Mickey the key to him, his wife, and brothers house. When they went inside their new house, they saw a lot of artifacts that their parents discovered, and thought that they should do a yard sale. Alexander the Great, the cat sorcerer, came to congratulate Mickey, Minnie, Oswald, and White Fang to their new home and decided to help them with their yard sale. When they were about send posters, they were unhappy to see Mortimer Mouse coming their way.

Mortimer: Well Mickey, this is the new house that you and your family are living now huh?
Mickey: Yes, its not much, but at least its a gift to show that my parents and my brothers parents still trust us!
Oswald: What do you want, Mortimer?
White Fang: You're not here to pick on my brother again, are you?
Mortimer: What, no. I'm here, because I want to buy your house for a million dollar.
Mickey: What!?
Mortimer: That's right, that way I can build my swimming pool right here. But don't you worry, with the check that I will give you, you can buy yourself an even fancier house. So, what do you say?

Mickey didn't want to sale the house that his parents gave him and thought that if he gives Mortimer something valuable, he might leave him and his family alone.

Mickey: Um, give us a moment. (Talks to Alexander) Alexander keep Mortimer busy, while me, Minnie, Oswald, and White Fang Fang find something to sale.
Alexander: OK

When they were looking in the mess, Oswald found a wand with a crystal ball, and has a lock on it. When he showed it to Mickey, Minnie, and White Fang, they were curious of what's inside. So, White Fang used one of his sharp nails to open the lock. When it was open, a big flash of light came and appeared a wizard. Mickey, Minnie, Oswald, and White Fang were shock, but when the wizard held his staff, pointed at them, and said that he is going to destroy them, they got scared.

Sedrick: Any last words, before ya'll leave this world?!
Oswald: How about a last request?
Mickey: Our last meal?
White Fang: I prefer brunch.

When the wizard look at Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang, he thought that they were the Brother Hoods of his time, because they look exactly like them.

White Fang: Hood Brothers, is that really you?
White Fang: Hey how did you know, that we are...
Mickey: (Shots White Fangs mouth) Yep, we're the Hood Brothers.
Oswald: Now if you'll excuse us, we will be leaving you alone now.

When they were about to exit the door, the wizard was curious of why they are wearing different clothes instead of fancy clothes.

Sedrick: Wait a minute, if you really are the Hood Brothers, why are you dressed like wondering people?
White Fang: Actually, our clothes are not the sign of wondering villagers.
Oswald: These clothes are the signs of heroism.
Mickey: Well, goodbye.

When they were about to exit the door, the wizard then realized that they aren't the Hood Brothers of his time and got really angry.

Sedrick: UH-Hu! Ya'll can not full me anymore, because I finally know that ya'll aren't the real Hood Brothers! So, where are the real Hood Brothers?!

Mickey, Minnie, Oswald, and White Fang got really scared, then Mickey told Minnie while he and his brothers distract the wizard, she will exit the room and make sure that Mortimer doesn't try to buy the house. When Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang started to distract the wizard, Minnie was able to exit the door. The wizard couldn't stand of them showing their talent so he zapped them with lightning.

Sedrick: That was just a warning. Now tell me, where are the real Hood Brothers!?
Oswald: We don't know where they are, because we just got here.
White Fang: You see, our parents left this inheritance for us. Now if you excuse us we will be sailing your staff to save our new home.

The wizard got angry at them and was about to hurt them with his magic, but when Mickey pointed the staff at him, the wizard disappeared. When they saw that the wizard is gone, Mickey pointed the staff where the wizard was and the wizard was back again. Then he pointed at him again, then he disappeared. The wizard tried to stop him, by talking to him, but Mickey kept on and he and his brothers were enjoying it. Meanwhile, Minnie and Alexander kept on making sure that Mortimer doesn't try to buy the house. When Mortimer was looking at the artifacts, he found a ring with a purple gemstone. So, he put it on and decided to keep it. Not knowing that the ring belongs to his evil ancestor, Sombra.

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