The Beginning: Part Two

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The wizard got really tired of Mickey zapping him inside of the staff and outside of the staff. When he was finally outside of the staff, he grabbed his staff away from Mickey and put him and his brothers to sit on top of the table.

Sedrick: If you are, who you say you are. Why do you look just like the Hood Brothers?
White Fang: Sir, we have no idea.
Oswald: Hey Mickey, didn't King Richard III mention the other day that we are descendants of some heroes who are also brothers by hearts that defeated an evil villain, before we moved in?
Mickey: He did, and he also said that my parents found a staff that belongs to my ancestor.
White Fang: (Pulled out a picture of Mickeys parents) Know wonder your parents are holding a staff in this picture.

When the wizard saw the picture of him inside the staff, in Mickeys parents time, he was shock, and wondered how long he was trapped inside the staff.

Sedrick: How long has I been inside the staff?
Mickey: I don't know.

The wizard look outside and saw how everything change from books to technology. The wizard decided to calm down, and to settle things from the beginning.

Sedrick: All right, let me explain from the beginning. I am Sedrick the great and powerful wizard, and I will tel ya'll the story your ancestors, the Hood Brothers. (Waved his staff and showed them of his past.) Long ago, an evil mouse named Sombra terrorized everyplace he go by using his evil magic. He was the one who trapped me into a staff, in the first place. Until then three heroes called the Hood Brothers came to the rescue. I became their guide, and help them defeated Sombra by using three magical amulets. They brought peace into the land and reduce all of Sombra's evil magic, and when the Hood Brothers and I were on a final battle, I was lock in the staff forever.

Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang were very interested in their ancestors history, but then remembered that they have to sale the staff to Mortimer before he tries to buy their house.

Sedrick: Hey, where are ya'll going?
Mickey: We're going to sale the staff, so that Mortimer won't buy the house.
Sedrick: No, you guys can't do that! If you sale the staff, I would be lock forever! And if you don't sale the staff, I'll take you to many places that you've never been before and find treasure.
Mickey: Yah, me and my brothers are not interested in treasure, we are interested in adventures.
Sedrick: All right then, adventure it is. (Waved his staff and teleport them to a forest.) In this adventure, you must find the treasure that is inside of that cave. Good luck.
Oswald: Hey, aren't you coming along with us?
Sedrick: I can't, because some one put a spell in the cave for wizards not to enter.
Oswald: Well, OK. See ya.

So, Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang went inside the cave to find the treasure. Sedrick used his magic to make a chair for him to sit, and wonder if he has to bring back a bag of fur, if the Hood Brothers don't pass the test that he prepared for them in the cave. When Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang were looking for the treasure, they heard someone growling in the shadows and saw that it was a big bad werewolf, who is ready to kill them. Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang ran as fast as they could to get away from the werewolf. Mickey thought that they should split up so the werewolf won't chase them, but it didn't work, the werewolf still keeps chasing them. Then Mickey had another plan.

Mickey: Oswald, ride the werewolf as a horse!
Oswald: You got it, Mickey!

When Oswald got on top of the the werewolf, the werewolf tried his best to get Oswald off of him. But Oswald used his luck to slow him down.

Mickey: White Fang, tell him that his mother smells like a donkey in a wolf language!
White Fang: (Wolf Language) Your mother smells like a donkey!

The werewolf got very angry for what White Fang said to him about his mother, that he started to ran as fast as he could, so he could kill them. Then Mickey pull out a red cape that he found on the floor and throw it to the werewolf's face which made him to lose his balance, but Oswald got off of him in time before the werewolf fell on the floor. Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang were trying to find a way out of the cave, until White Fang saw daylight on top of the cave. So, he threw his brothers to the top of the cave, then jump as high as he could to get out of the cave and he did succeeded. Mickey, Oswald and White Fang were happy that they finally got out of the cave, but were also upset because they didn't found the treasure that Sedrick order them to found.

Sedrick: (Appeared to them) Well done Hoods, I am very proud of ya'll for finding the treasure, and for getting away from the werewolf, whom I hired to chase ya'll.
The Hood Brothers: What!?
The werewolf: (Appeared to them) Thanks Sedrick, for letting me chase the Hood Brothers. I had a lot of fun. (Left)
Mickey: Uh Sedrick, what exactly did you mean by, finding the treasure, and why did you let the werewolf chase me and my brothers?
Sedrick: I have put you three into a test, and the real treasure you three found is teamwork. By working together, ya'll have found away to defeat the werewolf.
Oswald: But, why did you put us into this test?
Sedrick: I needed profs to see if you three really are the rightful chosen ones, to see if you are ready to follow your ancestors foot steps. And I also lied about a magic spell that keeps wizards not to enter the cave. Any way, lets get you Hoods back home.

After Sedrick teleport them back to their house, Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang were happy that they found the real treasure, and saw that time hasn't past buy. Then they saw a glowing light leading them to the basement. When they arrived to the basement, they were amazed of all the treasure, their parents found, and found a portrait of the ancestors, The Hood Brothers, and the outfit that they wore back then, which looked like musketeers outfit and the emeralds that they used to defeat Sombra. Minnie and Alexander went down the  basement to tell Mickey, Oswald and White Fang that Mortimer is about to buy the house and ask the person whom they are with. Mickey explain to them what had happen and Minnie and Alexander believe in him, until Mortimer knocked on their door.

Mortimer: Well, here you go, Mickey. A $10,000,000 check for me to buy the house, and for you and your family to find a new place to live.
Mickey: I'm sorry, Mortimer. (Ripped the check) But me and my family will not sale the house. Besides, its the only place that will make us feel like our parents are still here for us. And there is no way we are wasting it. (Punches Mortimer for the first time) (Closed the door).

After Mickey slam the door, he felt a little pain in his hand, but Minnie kiss it to make him feel better, which made Mickey to blush. Mortimer got so angry, that he wanted to get revenge, until the ring that he is wearing began to glow and started to take him to a secret place in his house. When Mortimer was inside the secret place, he saw a staff, with the head of a mouse, but in an angry way, and its eyes started to glow and started to speak.

Sombra: Greetings, descendant, I am Sombra your ancestor.
Mortimer: Sombra, I heard a lot about you.
Sombra: That's good, because you and I have some unfinished business. And that together, we will defeat the Hood Brothers descendants and bring back evil once again! So, are you in?
Mortimer: If it means getting my revenge on Mickey, from stealing my future wife and dream, then so it be!
Sombra: Excelent, now lets summon a friend! (Summon a friend)

Back at the Hood Brother house, Sedrick notice that Mickey, Oswald, and White Fang are just like their ancestor because of their team work. Then they heard a sound, and an animal started to awaken, and began to fly away with Mickey, stuck on a rope tied to him.

To be continued:

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